11 Jul 2015

The Perfect Storm: Alan Jones Gets It Wrong During Andrew Bolt Climate Change Rant

By Thom Mitchell

Australia’s media watchdog has delivered a stinging rebuke to the nation’s most popular shock jock over false claims he made about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Thom Mitchell reports.

Broadcaster Alan Jones has landed in hot water over comments he made on his 2GB morning radio slot, with the nation’s media watchdog finding Jones not only got his facts wrong on climate science but also bungled a subsequent apology.

The comments were made in in September 2013, during a discussion with fellow right-winger and man-made climate change sceptic Andrew Bolt.

An Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) investigation - delayed by a Federal Court case but publicly determined today - found that Jones’ statements “were specific, unequivocal, capable of independent verification,”… and patently untrue.

In his defence, Jones’ employer – Harbour Radio, the licensee for Radio 2GB - argued that the September 24 report “was based on material from a mainstream media source”, and therefore reasonably supportable as being accurate.

That was their first mistake.

The media outlet Jones relied on was predominately The Australian, which had also got its facts wrong a week earlier, issued a correction three days before Jones’ own erroneous broadcast.

The controversial broadcaster’s factually inaccurate claims had their genesis in a media storm which engulfed the United Nations-backed Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, after a draft was leaked in the lead up to the organisation’s fifth report.

Significantly behind the media pack, weighing in eight days after the Australians’ initial (mis)report, Jones claimed that in their yet to be released paper the IPCC conceded they had “got it wrong by about 100 per cent”.

The content of the IPCC report Jones was pre-empting was complex, and science-based, but ACMA said the gist of his error “centred on the revised figure of global warming and the erroneous comparison of this figure with a rate of global warming from the 2007 report”.

As it turned out, the IPCC had got it almost exactly right, and the 2013 report supported earlier findings from 2007.

ACMA’s investigation into Jones reiterated that contrary to his employers’ submissions, “any assessment of reasonableness [of relying on reports in mainstream media] must also take account of credible material that throws doubt on the accuracy of such a source and whether the source remains relevant”.

Had he also read the Weekend Australian, or perhaps the Daily Telegraph, which also ran the erroneous story about the IPCC’s draft findings, Jones would have known the truth days before he repeated their mistakes.

Instead, he claimed “the IPCC for a week has been denying it’s locked in crisis as they talk to scientists and don’t know what to do about the fact that their former theories of climate change have been disproven”.

A short time later, Jones realised that he’d created a crisis of his own. He apologised roughly an hour and a half after making the false statements, but this he also bungled.

In its report, ACMA said that Jones’ apology was more “confusing” than clarifying.

Chief amongst the issues was an “absence of a clear reference to the incorrect statements and a clear connection between them and the correction”.

“The matter [was] further obscured by the reference in the correction to his earlier comments being based on a report in The Australian, when there was no reference to The Australian in the earlier incorrect statements.”

The most egregious statements Jones made “were neither referred to nor corrected” and “the correction included additional material that is both confusing and undermines the significance of the correction”.

The watchdog’s report into Jones’ errors had been delayed by a Federal Court challenge, brought by Harbour Radio, which sought to challenge ACMA’s right to investigate the matter.  The judgement came down in favour of ACMA. 

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O. Puhleez
Posted Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 23:11

Please give credit where it is due. In my book, Jones and Bolt deserve:

1. Full marks for sincerity, in that they sincerely believe that anthropowhatsit climate change cannot possibly be happening.

2. Full marks for commitment, because they both must have known that if they got caught out on this it would be the start of new career paths for both of them, as perpetual duckers, dodgers, weavers and shamefaced apologisers. With bells on.

3. Full marks for principle: the principle being say always what you think the punters want to hear. And how were they supposed to know that the punters' minds were changing?

4. Full marks for posterior fame - I mean fame in posterity. They will now go down in history along with other great ostriches and denialists, like say the King Canute of legend (note: not of history) and also Ethelred the Unready. That puts them both in royal company. Companions of the Order of the Stuffed Chooks.

5. They need a flag of some sort; a standard to raise in battle. This should feature not something like a lion rampant, but rather a bolting parrot. But a boiled parrot would probably do just as well.

6. Above all they should remember that they either hang together, or they hang separately.

Posted Saturday, July 11, 2015 - 23:12

Two serial liars: one a demonstrable sociopath and the other a sorry, embittered old queen, both embarrasing their country.

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 07:51

What a nonsense story this is no where in the entire article does Thom properly detail how Jones was in error, probably because he was enjoying too much Schardenfrude here, I'm no fan Jones myself but this is a non story about something that happened two years ago that simply does not matter at all. 

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 09:20

Austral-Iain, you would know how to really recogonise a "non story", particularly on climate change.

But what's with the confected inability to comprehend?

I could read the story and glean the reality. Why can't you?

It'll be the blinkers blocking your broader vision.

No fan of Jones. Pah. But an acolyte of Bolt the other living national idiot (like MrAbbott, not yourself - in case you don't understand my message).

Iain, stand up, be a Post Climate Change consensus Renaissance Man......tick, tick, tick.....

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 09:38

Well Iain, you're wrong all the time, so I guess you've convinced yourself that being wrong is no biggie.

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 10:17

Don & Cal

I'm just on my way out the door but watch this space and I will explain how this article could have been so much more efective as a piece of jounalism.

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 10:47

Denialists claim that every one of their latest claims about the science is proof that the whole thing is a vast left wing conspiracy. Scientists and others then look at the new claim and find that it is complete nonsense. 

If there was even a tiny shred of true scepticism amongst the anti-progress crowd then they would have given up on the main talking heads and their many errors. They have not. Even with a proven track record of basic errors and willful misinformation the main voices of 'skepticism' are still supported. Why anyone would still support a person with a regular 100% failure rate in matters of science is anyone's guess. 

Abbott has again gone into bat for his coal mining buddies (and donors) by demanding that the Clean Energy Finance Corporation not invest in proven technology. All his disputes with wind power have been based on misinformation campaigns and their junk science regarding Wind Turbine Syndrome. The misinformation campaigns are being spread by the same groups that reject the science proving it is all political and not based on any verifiable reality. La La Land may be the choice of residence for many in the Coalition but it doesn't count for decisions made about planet earth. 

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 10:57

This group who are dinosaurs in our society believe in the preaching of "consistently wrong means ultimately right".

This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 11:03

The person who should not be named, he who says knows everything about climate change, is wrong on this subject all the time, the article clearly states why Jones was wrong and still got it wrong in his apology, he only sees what he wants to see and nothing else, so fellow commentators, please, oh please do not fall for his sobbing storytelling and failing argument and do not reply to him because that is what he wants, notoriety.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 11:32

RLMFAO when I read about this yesterday.
Outing of those that create their own reality, that suits their totally selfish agendas, is happening all over the fifth estate, where they cant hide.
These parasites are wriggling and squirming on the hook, trying to hide from the light, it would be sad, but I for one, can't feel for idiots, in 'responsible' positions, that do so much damage to inseperable social and environmental concerns.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. RossC
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 13:25

Yes. But hardly surprising. Jones and Bolt are just lost causes.  Criticism from them constitutes the best sort of praise.  With the failure of attempts to keep this quiet, I am expecting their next move is to get their little mate Tony Abbott to declare an edict banning any ACMA findings that go against his anti-global warming meme, or his little mates Alan and Andrew.  After all, just in the last day or so, Abbott's tried to unilaterally ban the Clean Energy Finance Corporation from approving any more wind power:


Didnt even give the Minister for the Environment the courtesy of a heads up on this decision, apparently.

Just nuts.

Its been interesting - to say the least - over the last couple of months to watch Abbott's lurch towards dictatorship - the logical extension of 'captains calls'.

Troubling, but not surprising behaviour from 'the mad monk'.

But what is surprising is how cowed the rest of parliament has been in the face of this aberrent, inept behaviour. What a bunch of gutless wonders we have in the halls of power. Turnbull stands out as one of the few with the guts to push back. But he can't do it alone.

This is how it starts, folks.

What next?

Postponement (=cancellation) of the next federal election for 'national security' reasons?

What a joke.


Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 13:21

Tone is launching a war on error.

Run, Alan, run!

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 14:04

Strangely, Mr Tim not-a-climate-scientist Flannery claimed in 2007 that dams would be empty by 2010 and costal houses would be submerged etc.

for such embarrassingly incorrect claims, no one took him to a tribunal  demanding a a apology from him. Instead, he was promoted to the Climate council.

there are alarmists from both the left and the right. For Mr Jones who is not holding an official position, you don't have to listen to him. But for Mr Flannery who is holding an official position, the matter is more serious.

O. Puhleez
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 14:37


But for Mr Flannery who is holding an official position, the matter is more serious.

Shockingly so. He is falling well behind the rest of the field; hardly even qualifies as a bona fide snout.

Meanwhile, over at the Unions Witch Hunt, lawyers are trousering about $25 million of taxpayer cash for their work there, not including their expenses. All up, Abbott's Witch Hunt  is expected to cost taxpayers $60 million to $80 million to reveal the scandalous truth that Shorten failed to disclose a $40,000 donation used to pay his 2007 election campaign manager.

It would appear that there is just time for a whole lot of legal snouts to lift from the trough, recite in chorus "the age of entitlement is over" and then plunge back in for more.

And that does not mention the former legal firms of Abetz and Brandis, of which those respective MPs may or may not presently be shareholders, and to which a considerable deal of the taxpayer dollars have been passed.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 15:04

"Strangely, Mr Tim not-a-climate-scientist Flannery claimed in 2007 that dams would be empty by 2010 and costal houses would be submerged etc"
1. Where's your link?
2. When you do get a link, explain in 'real' terms what he said, not what your 'Alan Jones style mind' wants to be real.

"For Mr Jones who is not holding an official position".
If he doesn't act in an official capacity, then just like Bolt, why are they allowed to have any sway with the public on these highly technical matters?
Why, because they are precious shrills for big business, who's selfish and myopic interests are not served by supporting what's best for the majority or the planet.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. RossC
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 15:42

Dx2013 - I'm not surprised to find that you can't pick the difference between a prediction based on extrapolation of known trends at that time (Tim Flannery), and a blatant after-the-fact falsification based on being a totally ignorant, opinionated dickhead (Alan Jones).

Seems you are more inclined to favour the latter behaviour.

Live it - Like it, I guess.

Must be a bit embarrassing for you though, in intelligent company at least. Or maybe you can't see it?


O. Puhleez
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 16:14


....a blatant after-the-fact falsification based on being a totally ignorant, opinionated dickhead (Alan Jones).

That was totally uncallled for, and a gratuitous insult to the dickheads of the world.

Dickheads!!! Are you going to take this lying down???

This user is a New Matilda supporter. Dipso Facto
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 16:43

4:36pm, Sunday July 12.

I'm still watching this space.

Iain should be home by now, or will be soon; surely we won't have to wait much longer for his showing us how the article could be so much more effective.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 16:46

If his past article or comments are  anything to go by we can probably just ignore anything he says on climate change.

Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 18:02


like Julia Gillard, Bill Shorten was called to the Royal commission  as a formal union official to give evidence for the allegations of corruption.


These two people were not called in because they were the Labor party leaders. So the claims of political witch hunt is invalid and an distraction.

Besides,this royal commission was not set up to pick on Gillard and Shorten. So far there have been sordid stuff uncovered regarding HSU, CFMEU, TWU and AWU. 


These days trade unions are as big as business corporates running a hundreds of millions finance.  But there is no a body like ASIC to monitor unions's accountability.

Is the money well spent?  Well, You can also ask the same question regarding NSW's ICAC.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 19:02

OP, DX must have a perspective disorder, with more than one symptom,
1. bringing the TURC into this, discussion.
2. the TURC is a 60 million dollar, farcical show, which has had to be so narrow in scope, because it tries to prevent more than a tip of an iceberg to be exposed, below which is an ocean of corporate corruption.

The Age, 20/4/2015-
"The royal commission targets some of the most successful and strongest unions in the country, while blatantly turning a blind eye to some of the most highly publicised acts of corporate neglect, unethical practices and corporate corruption within the construction industry worth billions of dollars," a motion to the meeting said.

The group has called on the royal commission to investigate an alleged breach of privacy at the Wonthaggi Desalination Plant in 2010, in which the personal details of thousands of workers were stolen; corruption claims at Leighton Holdings; and an alleged "correlation" between anti-union building firms and the incidence of workplace deaths.

The group also called for the inquiry to investigate the exploitation of foreign workers by construction firms through the 457 visa scheme at a time of rising youth unemployment, and abuse by so-called "phoenix companies" that repeatedly evade paying workers' wages and entitlements.

A spokesman for the royal commission said it had not yet received the unions' request but said the inquiry was limited by its terms of reference. "The commission's terms of reference do not extend to general allegations of wrongdoing on the part of employers, whether in relation to corruption or safety issues," the spokesman said.

O. Puhleez
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 20:30


A spokesman for the royal commission said it had not yet received the unions' request but said the inquiry was limited by its terms of reference.

He who controls the terms of reference, controls the findings of the Royal Commission. It is a bit of a challenge for the tightrope-walkers of political economy, but there are plenty of them eager none the less to have a go.

Queensland Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen and the Fitzgerald Inquiry provided a spectacular example of the damage such an escaped tiger can do. Poor old Bjelke could not get it back into its cage, nor limit the havoc it created. 

Dr Frankenstein would have understood the situation very well.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Sunday, July 12, 2015 - 20:57

Yes, Blue ties, can't help tell lies, it's in their DNA.

Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 06:55

Dipso Facto

I'm still watching this space.

Iain should be home by now, or will be soon; surely we won't have to wait much longer for his showing us how the article could be so much more effective.

It could have been far more effective had it adequately explained precisely what Jones had said,and precisely why said claim was in error. Instead we have a post that consists almost entirely of Thom gloating about what amounts to a slap on the wrist for Jones for an error he made two years ago! Anyone would think that commentators in the media making errors almost never happens. Heck even this media entity makes mistakes and has to makes corrections. As i have said previously I don't like Jones and I never listen to him. so frankly I don't care about anything he says.

Anyway this story could have been far better as a piece of "journalism" if it did the basics of properly addressing  the What, Why, and Where with proper attribution and proper citations.

From what I can gather (because I should not have needed to "glean" anything") the crux of the matter is Jones making a misreading of a leaked draft of the IPCC report and then engaging in some hyperbole in his usual strident style. Frankly I simply don't see any reason to care one way or the other. As F-Ups go its not a biggie is it? Flannery has certainly made some far bigger F-Ups in his public pronouncements.  


This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 07:06

That was a let diwn.

Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 07:50

Iain, don't forget to gloss over the facts as to why it was over two years ago.

And. Who took it to court?

that'll be because it was so insignificant.

Boy, oh boy.....

Clutching at straws I would say, which if history is any indicator could leave your argument naked.

Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 09:11


Iain, don't forget to gloss over the facts as to why it was over two years ago.

Good point Don but you should be addressing it to the author who fails to make that clear in his article

And. Who took it to court?\

Likewise I don't know because the article is too light on when it comes such basic facts

that'll be because it was so insignificant.

Yes i would really like to know precisely way this even matters 

Boy, oh boy.....

Yes I agree this non article is something rather sad and pointless.

Clutching at straws I would say, which if history is any indicator could leave your argument naked.

Once again I agree that Thom has overreached here because the essence of this article is simple shardenfreude and nothing of more substance. 


Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 09:33

The opinions  (& that is all they are) on climate change from the likes of Bolt & Jones & the so-called "news"-papers that Ruperts' minions publish are quite well know.  (the endless squealing from the NewsCorpse minions over the Popes' views on this matter is a hilarious thing to watch in the conservatives "news"papers of choice!)  

The views are lapped up by the sort of people who would just prefer to believe that business as usual is a viable option for the future & would always prefer - no matter how utterly delusional it is  -  to look at the glass as half-full.   

Many of them will never be able to look at climate science objectively as they have argued against it for so long that they have now just painted themselves into a corner on this issue & cannot get out of it without admitting they may have been wrong.  

For men like Bolt & Jones - with their huge egos - this is impossible so they must continue to attack the messengers.  But just like Phony Tony & his windfarm phobia & his passion for all things coal....these hollow men will all soon be consigned to the dustbin of history.  


Interviewed in 1910 (by Elbert Hubbard) , Thomas Edison remarked ;   

“Some day some fellow will invent a way of concentrating and storing up sunshine to use instead of this old, absurd Prometheus scheme of fire.”

“Sunshine is a form of energy, and the winds and the tides are manifestations of energy."    

"Do we use them?  Oh, no!    We burn up wood and coal , (& now oil)  as renters burn up the front fence for fuel.  

We live like squatters, not as if we owned the property.”    


Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 09:52

 I can actually hear the radio advertisements already Iain.....

"Sad & pointless"  , "light on facts" , containing "nothing of substance".....it's the Alan Jones show....





Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 10:04


 I can actually hear the radio advertisements already Iain.....

"Sad & pointless"  , "light on facts" , containing "nothing of substance".....it's the Alan Jones show....

You actually get no argument from me about Jones i have always detested this man as much as you probably do I just find him to be a repulsive human being but that does not make this article anymore forgivable for its journalistic shortcomings.


O. Puhleez
Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 11:09


...I just find him to be a repulsive human being....

That is an understandable attitude. But I see him a bit differently. He always seems to me to be a bit like a cornered boxer (pugilist or canine, it makes little difference). He comes out fighting hard, almost as if his life depended on it: always understandable in a footballer. This makes him a good verbal pugilist, but not so much a reasoned debater.

His philosophy of life (something one might call instinctive reaction) is one of those which gives him all the answers, and he can be relied on to have an opinion on anything and everything, which helps explain his success as a professional radio controversialist: speak well of my name, speak ill of my name, but speak my name. On the subject of climatology, he has an opinion. On every political issue, he has an opinion; most definitely and definite. I dare say he would offer an opinion against mainstream nuclear physics and quantum mechanics if there were commercial issues involved that were dear to his heart.

So I do not find it surprising that he has an opinion on the issue of coal mining vs agriculture. On this, his opinion happens to coincide with my own, and on this I am quite happy to let him do the spruiking. But not the debating.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 14:19

@ Cracklier re- Thomas Edison said,
"We burn up wood and coal , (& now oil)  as renters burn up the front fence for fuel"
"We live like squatters, not as if we owned the property.”  

So true, if we could only go back to that time and change the course away from fossil fuels and maligned forms of nuclear.

Alan Jones, another arrogant nobody with tickets on himself and he even thinks he can sing.

Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 15:27

That Jones made errors two years ago is not irrelevant. There are people who have repeated those errors without knowing they are errors and will continue to do so.

A Google search for what Tim Flannery said about capial citiesand and lack of water will reveal some sites which criticise Tim because his predictions have not come true. Other sites explain carefully what he actually said and reveal why the critics are wrong.

The main problem with the claims of the critics is a common one. They do not quote completely what Tim has said. This means that very often they omit when these events might occur and under what conditions.

A very common claim is that Tim is a hypocrite because he lives near the coast and if there is going to be a rise in sea level then he is in imminent danger. This seems to suggest that such critics believe that Tim said the Antarctic will soon melt and the coast will be inundated. In fact Tim said no such thing.

Cherry-picking only part of a statement does not lead to the truth of what was said. It leads more towards misinformation and the spreading of falsehoods to be repeated over and over.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 17:25

Cherry-picking only part of a statement does not lead to the truth of what was said. It leads more towards misinformation and the spreading of falsehoods to be repeated over and over.

That's how the sycophants roll.

Andrew Dumas
Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 17:25

"Dickheads!!! Are you going to take this lying down???"

Iain seems to be.

Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 21:32

Alan Jones, another arrogant nobody with tickets on himself and he even thinks he can sing. 

would that be from a Him book?

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 22:44

would that be from a Him book?

I thought AJ was 'Tone' deaf too, but he kisses his arse, on anything to do with the climate and renewables.

This user is a New Matilda supporter. PAW
Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 22:50


If Alan Jones came to a sudden halt, The PM or any front bencher would give him a lovely suprise.

Posted Monday, July 13, 2015 - 23:28

There is only one worse thing than being in the news. And that is NOT being in the news.

Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 06:13

The watchdog’s report into Jones’ errors had been delayed by a Federal Court challenge, brought by Harbour Radio, which sought to challenge ACMA’s right to investigate the matter.  The judgement came down in favour of ACMA. 


"Likewise I don't know because the article is too light on when it comes to such basic facts."

Cleopatra Hall - now we've reached the nadir of denying actual words exist....

Is it that your attention doesn't extend to the final paragraph?

Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 06:46

I see that you still have not worked out how to make proper block quotes here Don If you look to the last symbol on the third line of icons you will see the double inverted comers highlight your quoted text and click that Icon and suddenly your comment will distinguish between that which you are quoting and your own thoughts on the matter.

Just some friendly advice

Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 06:59

Comprehension not your strong point either?

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 10:13

Petty remarks, when all else fails, on supporting contrary argument, you play the man.
You do realise that your being hypocritical again.


Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 11:07

Anyway, while the gullible Left continue to high-five each other over something one person said in 2013, along comes some more "settled science" for the gullible to believe. 


Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 12:27

BB I was genuinely trying to help a fellow NM commenter who seems to he having formatting problems

This user is a New Matilda supporter. boganbludging
Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 13:57

"along comes some more "settled science" for the gullible to believe" 

Duhhhh, we're so dumb, we can't comprehend that short term cycles, exist within long term forecasts.
Can see a trend here though, of continuing myopia for some.

O. Puhleez
Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 15:42


As I said over on the Australia Sobotaging Itself on Climate Action thread:

Stand by for a denialist chorus to the effect that Abbott's attack on wind power and his effort to build a future on coal is a GOOD THING in that it will stop us going into another LITTLE ICE AGE in the 2030s.

Should that event come to pass and push come to shove, Abbott himself would still be OK, because he could use his own head for fuel. That part of it not made of pure wood is made of pure coal. 

Sources inside the COALition say the the more realistic of their MPs (both of them) are in favour of a name-change for the Liberals to the VIP - Vested Interests Party.


Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 17:13

Thom did you say that Andrew Bolt is man-made? You mean he really is a cyborg?

This user is a New Matilda supporter. JohnDFenton
Posted Tuesday, July 14, 2015 - 18:49

I agree with Iain (unusually!) - the details of the transgression were most unclear in this article. There was a good explanation on the Guardian website.

Posted Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 20:36

Instead of  giving "friendly" advice to Don, it's Iain  Hall who needs to brush up on his own literacy "skills". Iain needs to know that there are no inverted comers, but there are double inverted commas:Ian just scored an own gooooooooooooooooooooooooooal! This happens frequently when playing the man instead of the ball! LOL!  Thanks again Iain-you really are a riot! Have a nice day!