This article is based on material taken from the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing prior to 1 November 2008 and incorporated under the "relicensing" terms of the GFDL, version 1.3 or later.
The Motorola 68040 is a microprocessor from Motorola, released in 1990. It is the successor to the 68030 and is followed by the 68060. There was no 68050. In keeping with general Motorola naming, the 68040 is often referred to as simply the '040 (pronounced oh-four-oh or oh-forty).
In Apple Macintosh computers, the 68040 was found mainly in the Macintosh Quadra, which was named for the chip. The fastest 68040 processor was clocked at 40 MHz and it was only used in the Quadra 840AV. The more expensive models in the (short-lived) Macintosh Centris line also used the 68040, while the cheaper Quadra, Centris and Macintosh Performa used the 68LC040. The 68040 was also used in other personal computers, such as the Amiga 4000 and Amiga 4000T, as well as a number of Workstations and later versions of the NeXT computers.
040 BMX Park - Park Etiquette
SE MORRER, NÃO ME CHAME! | Manual de Introdução à Introdução | 040
BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT [040] - Tief unter der Stadt ★ Let's Play Arkam Knight
040 - Let It Be Known
kochikame 040 I Karate a muerte en Kameari
040 Bmx Park Eindhoven Netherlands Roadtrip 2013
FIFA 15 KARRIERE SEASON 3 #040: FC Augsburg vs. Eintracht Frankfurt «» Let's Play FIFA
WITCHER 3 [040] - Du bist schon lange tot, Annabelle! ★ Let's Play The Witcher 3
Vídeo mostra momento em que pneu atinge motociclista na BR-040
Official 040 BMX Park - 1 Year Anniversary Contest
嫁妝 Dowry Ep 040
Dagje 040 bmx park
GameCenter CX 040 - Gargoyles Quest II
040 Emilio Carrillo Practica de la conexion con la divinidad Alcoi Alicante Marzo 2014 parte
040 BMX Park - Park Etiquette
SE MORRER, NÃO ME CHAME! | Manual de Introdução à Introdução | 040
BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT [040] - Tief unter der Stadt ★ Let's Play Arkam Knight
040 - Let It Be Known
kochikame 040 I Karate a muerte en Kameari
040 Bmx Park Eindhoven Netherlands Roadtrip 2013
FIFA 15 KARRIERE SEASON 3 #040: FC Augsburg vs. Eintracht Frankfurt «» Let's Play FIFA
WITCHER 3 [040] - Du bist schon lange tot, Annabelle! ★ Let's Play The Witcher 3
Vídeo mostra momento em que pneu atinge motociclista na BR-040
Official 040 BMX Park - 1 Year Anniversary Contest
嫁妝 Dowry Ep 040
Dagje 040 bmx park
GameCenter CX 040 - Gargoyles Quest II
040 Emilio Carrillo Practica de la conexion con la divinidad Alcoi Alicante Marzo 2014 parte
极品新娘 040
Monstercat Podcast Ep. 040
Cinco mortos em acidente na BR-040
Autopsie MT 040 Tödliche Kundschaft
040 Bmx Park
El Clon 040
Oliver Heldens - Heldeep Radio #040
Dannic presents Front Of House 040
灌篮高手【040】 篮板王樱木花道
Tatort 040 3 0 Für Veigl
040 Miodowe Lata - Piesn Strudzonego Renifera
GTA V - 040 - Salvate il Soldato Michael - Gameplay ITA
Lokatorzy 040- Siła charakteru
040 XY vom 24.9.1971
海贼王:第040话 伟大的战士!激斗香吉士与骗人布
Armada Night Radio 040
Taachan OP 040
Group Therapy 040 with Above & Beyond and Beckwith
Heidi Episode 040 w/ English Subtitiles
みうらじゅん 安齋肇 TR2 040
Víťazstvo lásky 039+040 diel
SkinBox P-040
Ведро Umbra Touch 023269-040
Ведро Umbra Touch 023275-040
Чехол для Acer Aspire Switch 10 NP.BAG1A.040
040 Lineage №40 Подготовка к качу 06 04 14
Уровень KRAFTOOL 34710-040
Уровень KRAFTOOL 34721-040
Панно Umbra Clipline 311035-040
Подставка Umbra Skyline 480520-040
Фоторамка Umbra Motto 311025-040
Ведро Umbra Garbino 082857-040
Ведро Umbra Skinny 082610-040
Ведро Umbra Swingo 086800-040
Уровень ЗУБР ACURATE5 34595-040
Уровень ЗУБР ACURATE5 34595-040-М
Отвертка STAYER 25825-025-040 G
Panzer Corps Wehrmacht on Rommel #040 - US Mid West (2/3)
Уровень ЗУБР УСП-1 34586-040
Мантоварка SCOVO МТ-040
Набор лент ЗУБР 35543-040
Kaiser- Deko- Schwert aus Metall 040
Cristiano Silveira questiona pedágio na BR-040 em Barbacena