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Zelda Majora's Mask 3D : Masque Zora | Ep.10 - Let's Play Memories
Pokémon Saphir Alpha : DERNIER BADGE | Ep.36 - Let's Play Nuzlocke
Minecraft : Across the Time #01
Minecraft : Across the Time #03
Minecraft : Across the Time #04
Objectif Mars : Les Profondeurs #04
Ultra Lucky Défi | Minecraft
Zelda Skyward Sword : Les Fragments de la Clé | Ep.15 - Let's Play
SiphAdventure : L'Hydre #72
Pokémon Saphir Alpha : Maison des Fous | Ep.35 - Let's Play Nuzlocke
Zelda Majora's Mask 3D : Rhork le Furieux | Ep.09 - Let's Play Memories
Objectif Mars : Village Namek #03
Siphano | Déco Défi : 3 Blocks, une Maison !
Zelda Skyward Sword : Les Mogmas | Ep.13 - Let's Play
De retour en vidéo sur The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask plus de 3 ans après pour découvrir la version 3DS ! A travers cette mini série de 2 épisodes par semaine dans laquelle je réaliserais uniquement l'histoire, j'espère pouvoir vous faire remonter les bons moments que nous avons passés ensemble il y a quelques années, et pourquoi pas faire découvrir le jeu aux plus novices d'entres vous ! Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Nouvelle aventure sur Pokémon Saphir Alpha, en nuzlocke challenge ! ♦♦► Les règles du Nuzlocke : Les règles basiques du Nuzlocke Challenge, les premières a avoir été introduites, sont les suivantes : - Un Pokémon qui se retrouve K.O. est considéré comme étant mort, et ne peut plus être utilisé. - Le joueur ne peut capturer que le premier Pokémon sauvage qu'il croise dans chaque zone entière. Si celui-ci est mis K.O. ou si le joueur fuit, il n'y aura pas de seconde chance. - Bien que ce ne soit pas une règle définie au Nuzlocke Challenge, le consensus général est que les joueurs doivent également surnommer tous leurs Pokémon, dans le soucis de former des liens émotionnels plus forts avec eux. ♦♦► Introduction : ♦♦► Vignette : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Lives :
Across the Time est une immense map Minecraft de type RPG dans laquelle nous aurons le choix entre 8 classes telles que le druide, le ninja, le tank, etc. Unsterblicher et Superbrioche m'accompagnerons au cours de ce périple s'annonçant aussi bien épique que difficile ! La Carte ♦♦► Unsterblicher ♦♦► Superbrioche ♦♦► Miniature ♦♦► Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Across the Time est une immense map Minecraft de type RPG dans laquelle nous aurons le choix entre 8 classes telles que le druide, le ninja, le tank, etc. Unsterblicher et Superbrioche m'accompagnerons au cours de ce périple s'annonçant aussi bien épique que difficile ! La Carte ♦♦► Unsterblicher ♦♦► Superbrioche ♦♦► Miniature ♦♦► Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Across the Time est une immense map Minecraft de type RPG dans laquelle nous aurons le choix entre 8 classes telles que le druide, le ninja, le tank, etc. Unsterblicher et Superbrioche m'accompagnerons au cours de ce périple s'annonçant aussi bien épique que difficile ! La Carte ♦♦► Unsterblicher ♦♦► Superbrioche ♦♦► Miniature ♦♦► Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Plus de 2 ans après Objectif Lune, j'ai le grand plaisir de vous retrouver pour la suite : Objectif Mars ! En route pour rentrer chez nous, la fusée s'est crachée cette fois ci sur la planète Mars ! Saurons nous déjouer les mystères de cette planète et les nombreux dangers qui lui sont propres ? Beaucoup d'objectifs sont au programme, que vous pouvez découvrir ci dessous : ♦♦► Objectifs Principaux : - Trouver le monument de la victoire - Trouver les laines dans les donjons et compléter le monument - Trouver le portail de l'end, l'activer et tuer l'enderdragon - Aller dans le nether - Tuer le Wither boss - Faites vous une base vivable grâce aux restes de la fusée - Atteignez le niveau 100 - Re-fabriquez la fusée et crafter un beacon pour s'évader - Trouver un donjon dans le nether ♦♦► Objectifs Secondaires : - Faire une agriculture de melon, carottes et pomme de terre - Creuser une salle à mob - Faire une jungle - Faire un système de redstone simple - Crafter un élément d'armure de chaque matériaux - Pêcher 20 poissons - Crafter une table d'enchantement - Fabriquer une petite musique avec des notes blocs - Crafter un jukebox et ayez 3 disques différents - Créer 2 golems de fer - Crafter une enclume et renommer un objet - Faire mourir Xef par le feu Si l'objectif fou des 100 000 j'aimes est atteint en cours de série, il se pourrait qu'une surprise arrive... :D (un peu comme le million de vues sur Objectif Lune) Remerciements spéciaux à Singa & Arioxel pour la création de la map ♥ Un épisode tous les dimanches ! Je vous attends sur les réseaux sociaux : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Instagram : Retrouvez moi en live :
Si vous souhaitez jouer sur le serveur : Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Salut à tous les amis ! Aujourd'hui je vous retrouve pour LA série que vous attendiez depuis très longtemps : The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword ! Edité et développé par Nintendo, ce nouvel opus de la licence Zelda nous emmène à Celesbourg, ville flottante dans le ciel afin d'échapper aux monstres sommeillant sur terre ! Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
La SiphAdventure est de retour ! Au programme de ce renouveau, beaucoup plus d'explorations, de constructions et de combats ! ♦♦► Mods : - Rei's Minimap - Jammy Furniture - Damage Indicators - Archimed Ships - Balkon Weapons - Battle Towers - Biblio Craft - Bioms O Plenty - Code Chicken Core - Config Mod - Coro Util - Deco Craft - Dungeon Pack - Erebus Dimension - Eternal Frost - Extended Renderer - Legendary Beasts - Galacticraft - Chun Util - Inventory Tweaks - Mic Doodle Core - Mod Build - Nether X - Not Enough Items - Ore Spiders Mod - Orespawn - Portal Gun - Ruins Mod - Shaders Mod Core - Special Mobs - Tropicraft - Twilight Forest - Update Checker Mod - Wailo - Weather Mod ♦♦► Introduction : ♦♦► Vignette : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Lives :
Nouvelle aventure sur Pokémon Saphir Alpha, en nuzlocke challenge ! ♦♦► Les règles du Nuzlocke : Les règles basiques du Nuzlocke Challenge, les premières a avoir été introduites, sont les suivantes : - Un Pokémon qui se retrouve K.O. est considéré comme étant mort, et ne peut plus être utilisé. - Le joueur ne peut capturer que le premier Pokémon sauvage qu'il croise dans chaque zone entière. Si celui-ci est mis K.O. ou si le joueur fuit, il n'y aura pas de seconde chance. - Bien que ce ne soit pas une règle définie au Nuzlocke Challenge, le consensus général est que les joueurs doivent également surnommer tous leurs Pokémon, dans le soucis de former des liens émotionnels plus forts avec eux. ♦♦► Introduction : ♦♦► Vignette : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Lives :
De retour en vidéo sur The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask plus de 3 ans après pour découvrir la version 3DS ! A travers cette mini série de 2 épisodes par semaine dans laquelle je réaliserais uniquement l'histoire, j'espère pouvoir vous faire remonter les bons moments que nous avons passés ensemble il y a quelques années, et pourquoi pas faire découvrir le jeu aux plus novices d'entres vous ! Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Plus de 2 ans après Objectif Lune, j'ai le grand plaisir de vous retrouver pour la suite : Objectif Mars ! En route pour rentrer chez nous, la fusée s'est crachée cette fois ci sur la planète Mars ! Saurons nous déjouer les mystères de cette planète et les nombreux dangers qui lui sont propres ? Beaucoup d'objectifs sont au programme, que vous pouvez découvrir ci dessous : ♦♦► Objectifs Principaux : - Trouver le monument de la victoire - Trouver les laines dans les donjons et compléter le monument - Trouver le portail de l'end, l'activer et tuer l'enderdragon - Aller dans le nether - Tuer le Wither boss - Faites vous une base vivable grâce aux restes de la fusée - Atteignez le niveau 100 - Re-fabriquez la fusée et crafter un beacon pour s'évader - Trouver un donjon dans le nether ♦♦► Objectifs Secondaires : - Faire une agriculture de melon, carottes et pomme de terre - Creuser une salle à mob - Faire une jungle - Faire un système de redstone simple - Crafter un élément d'armure de chaque matériaux - Pêcher 20 poissons - Crafter une table d'enchantement - Fabriquer une petite musique avec des notes blocs - Crafter un jukebox et ayez 3 disques différents - Créer 2 golems de fer - Crafter une enclume et renommer un objet - Faire mourir Xef par le feu Si l'objectif fou des 100 000 j'aimes est atteint en cours de série, il se pourrait qu'une surprise arrive... :D (un peu comme le million de vues sur Objectif Lune) Remerciements spéciaux à Singa & Arioxel pour la création de la map ♥ Un épisode tous les dimanches ! Je vous attends sur les réseaux sociaux : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Instagram : Retrouvez moi en live :
Salut tout le monde ! Aujourd'hui on se retrouve pour une vidéo spéciale : le Déco Défi ! Le but est simple puisqu'il s'agit de construire sa propre maison uniquement avec les blocks que PierreTrot m'a attribué. La map a été crée par Rastamole et le défi par Arm' J'espère que cette vidéo vous plaira ! Nominé par Pierre ♦♦► Je nomine Saradine ♦♦► Musique ♦♦► Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Salut à tous les amis ! Aujourd'hui je vous retrouve pour LA série que vous attendiez depuis très longtemps : The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword ! Edité et développé par Nintendo, ce nouvel opus de la licence Zelda nous emmène à Celesbourg, ville flottante dans le ciel afin d'échapper aux monstres sommeillant sur terre ! Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Plus de 2 ans après Objectif Lune, j'ai le grand plaisir de vous retrouver pour la suite : Objectif Mars ! En route pour rentrer chez nous, la fusée s'est crachée cette fois ci sur la planète Mars ! Saurons nous déjouer les mystères de cette planète et les nombreux dangers qui lui sont propres ? Beaucoup d'objectifs sont au programme, que vous pouvez découvrir ci dessous : ♦♦► Objectifs Principaux : - Trouver le monument de la victoire - Trouver les laines dans les donjons et compléter le monument - Trouver le portail de l'end, l'activer et tuer l'enderdragon - Aller dans le nether - Tuer le Wither boss - Faites vous une base vivable grâce aux restes de la fusée - Atteignez le niveau 100 - Re-fabriquez la fusée et crafter un beacon pour s'évader - Trouver un donjon dans le nether ♦♦► Objectifs Secondaires : - Faire une agriculture de melon, carottes et pomme de terre - Creuser une salle à mob - Faire une jungle - Faire un système de redstone simple - Crafter un élément d'armure de chaque matériaux - Pêcher 20 poissons - Crafter une table d'enchantement - Fabriquer une petite musique avec des notes blocs - Crafter un jukebox et ayez 3 disques différents - Créer 2 golems de fer - Crafter une enclume et renommer un objet - Faire mourir Xef par le feu Si l'objectif fou des 100 000 j'aimes est atteint en cours de série, il se pourrait qu'une surprise arrive... :D (un peu comme le million de vues sur Objectif Lune) Remerciements spéciaux à Singa & Arioxel pour la création de la map ♥ Un épisode tous les dimanches ! Je vous attends sur les réseaux sociaux : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Instagram : Retrouvez moi en live :
On se retrouve aujourd'hui pour une courte vidéo afin de réaliser la map lucky défi sur laquelle Arm' me défi ! Mes nominés sont : Superbrioche, Unsterblicher, Newtiteuf, As2pik et Mrbboy ! Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
De retour en vidéo sur The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask plus de 3 ans après pour découvrir la version 3DS ! A travers cette mini série de 2 épisodes par semaine dans laquelle je réaliserais uniquement l'histoire, j'espère pouvoir vous faire remonter les bons moments que nous avons passés ensemble il y a quelques années, et pourquoi pas faire découvrir le jeu aux plus novices d'entres vous ! Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Troisième saison de Fallen Kingdoms où 3 équipes de 2 joueurs s'affrontent en élimination directe ! ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ■ La map : - Equipe Rouge : ■ Pepper : ■ Poupunou : - Equipe Bleue : ■ Blondie : ■ Siphano : - Equipe Jaune : ■ Freshdazzle et Xef : Les épisodes sont tous tournés avant la diffusion pour éviter le spoil. Ils sont diffusés tous les 2 jours ! Remerciements spéciaux : - Richie : - Superbrioche : - Rasta : - Wuxa : - Zora : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ Condition de Victoire : L'ensemble de l'équipe doit trouver la salle des coffres adverse et la contrôler pendant une minute environ PVP & Assaut disponible dès le début du jeu Coffre Bonus à Stuff échangeable contre l'étoile du nether Brouillard désactivés dans les grottes Luminosité à 100% maximum Attaque par les arbres & collines interdites MAIS espionnage autorisés Attaque par enderpearl interdite La salle des coffres peut être jusqu'à 20 blocs en dessous ou au dessus de la base Obligation de détruire la muraille et les lits avec la TNT ou les creepers Blocs que l'on peut poser : TNT, Torche, Torche de Redstone, Panneaux, Seau d'Eau & de Lave Interdiction de poser Eau & Lave dans la base adverse ═══════════════════════════════════════════ Toute insulte envers l'un des joueurs ou un autre viewer entraînera un ban immédiat.
Nouvelle aventure sur Pokémon Saphir Alpha, en nuzlocke challenge ! ♦♦► Les règles du Nuzlocke : Les règles basiques du Nuzlocke Challenge, les premières a avoir été introduites, sont les suivantes : - Un Pokémon qui se retrouve K.O. est considéré comme étant mort, et ne peut plus être utilisé. - Le joueur ne peut capturer que le premier Pokémon sauvage qu'il croise dans chaque zone entière. Si celui-ci est mis K.O. ou si le joueur fuit, il n'y aura pas de seconde chance. - Bien que ce ne soit pas une règle définie au Nuzlocke Challenge, le consensus général est que les joueurs doivent également surnommer tous leurs Pokémon, dans le soucis de former des liens émotionnels plus forts avec eux. ♦♦► Introduction : ♦♦► Vignette : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Lives :
Troisième saison de Fallen Kingdoms où 3 équipes de 2 joueurs s'affrontent en élimination directe ! ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ■ La map : - Equipe Rouge : ■ Pepper : ■ Poupunou : - Equipe Bleue : ■ Blondie : ■ Siphano : - Equipe Jaune : ■ Freshdazzle et Xef : Les épisodes sont tous tournés avant la diffusion pour éviter le spoil. Ils sont diffusés tous les 2 jours ! Remerciements spéciaux : - Richie : - Superbrioche : - Rasta : - Wuxa : - Zora : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ Condition de Victoire : L'ensemble de l'équipe doit trouver la salle des coffres adverse et la contrôler pendant une minute environ PVP & Assaut disponible dès le début du jeu Coffre Bonus à Stuff échangeable contre l'étoile du nether Brouillard désactivés dans les grottes Luminosité à 100% maximum Attaque par les arbres & collines interdites MAIS espionnage autorisés Attaque par enderpearl interdite La salle des coffres peut être jusqu'à 20 blocs en dessous ou au dessus de la base Obligation de détruire la muraille et les lits avec la TNT ou les creepers Blocs que l'on peut poser : TNT, Torche, Torche de Redstone, Panneaux, Seau d'Eau & de Lave Interdiction de poser Eau & Lave dans la base adverse ═══════════════════════════════════════════ Toute insulte envers l'un des joueurs ou un autre viewer entraînera un ban immédiat.
Petite partie de Building Game que j'ai record durant le live de Poupunou et Pepper, j'espère qu'elle vous plaira ! ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Lives :
Salut à tous les amis ! Aujourd'hui je vous retrouve pour LA série que vous attendiez depuis très longtemps : The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword ! Edité et développé par Nintendo, ce nouvel opus de la licence Zelda nous emmène à Celesbourg, ville flottante dans le ciel afin d'échapper aux monstrers sommeillant sur terre ! Suivez-moi sur : Twitter ♦♦► Facebook ♦♦► GamingRoom ♦♦► Instagram ♦♦►
Troisième saison de Fallen Kingdoms où 3 équipes de 2 joueurs s'affrontent, avant de basculer en 2 équipes de 3 lorsqu'une équipe aura perdu ! ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ■ La map : - Equipe Rouge : ■ Pepper : ■ Poupunou : - Equipe Bleue : ■ Blondie : ■ Siphano : - Equipe Jaune : ■ Freshdazzle et Xef : Les épisodes sont tous tournés avant la diffusion pour éviter le spoil. Ils sont diffusés tous les 2 jours ! Remerciements spéciaux : - Richie : - Superbrioche : - Rasta : - Wuxa : - Zora : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ Condition de Victoire : L'ensemble de l'équipe doit trouver la salle des coffres adverse et la contrôler pendant une minute environ PVP & Assaut disponible dès le début du jeu Coffre Bonus à Stuff échangeable contre l'étoile du nether Brouillard désactivés dans les grottes Luminosité à 100% maximum Attaque par les arbres & collines interdites MAIS espionnage autorisés Attaque par enderpearl interdite La salle des coffres peut être jusqu'à 20 blocs en dessous ou au dessus de la base Obligation de détruire la muraille et les lits avec la TNT ou les creepers Blocs que l'on peut poser : TNT, Torche, Torche de Redstone, Panneaux, Seau d'Eau & de Lave Interdiction de poser Eau & Lave dans la base adverse ═══════════════════════════════════════════ Toute insulte envers l'un des joueurs ou un autre viewer entraînera un ban immédiat.
Rediffusion de deux parties Hunger Games réalisées en live ! ♦♦► Chaîne de Poupunou : ═══════════════════════════════════════════ ♦♦► Facebook : ♦♦► Twitter : ♦♦► Lives :
Uh yeah, Forgive me lord
Uh, Cmon, Yeah, Uh
Listen to me
This is the prayer of a hard weight heavy
I'm in a sea of depression, Please lord, Let my ship stay steady
Cause I ain't ready, To be devoured by the mouth of death
My cup of faith runs full, Now half-ounce's left
So I count my breaths and hold my own
Hopin satan ain't stole my throne
I know, All too well, What it's like to be young and poor
When everyday is as dark as the one before
And I just wanna be like you
Step out onto the surface of this water lord, And then run to shore
Would you meet me at the bank of the sea?
For a hug, Be as anxious as me?
I gotta know, Cause everyday is a fight to win
When you're surrounded by triflin men
Sometimes I feel I'm worth nothin more than just my mic and pen
I need you in my life again
Uh huh, Yeah, Uh
It's, Sometimes it just gets like this, You know
Who's to say what's right or wrong?
Uh, Ah
[Verse 1:]
He walked alone for such a time
No fulfillment in existence, Life was just a grind
So it's hard to stone and the soul's an empty shell
He said, Sevin, I pray for heaven, Why they send me hell?
But what could I say when I myself don't know the truth?
I guess the enviroment we were lyin in had stole our youth
Cause we were hurtin then and in some ways, We tortured still
Dreams depicting screams of victims we were forced to kill
And if they only knew how much this man regrets his past
But he only speaks to me in the reflective glass
Another night alone, Another horrid dream
He empties the bottle, Loads the hollow, Such a morbid scene
As he lifts his gun, I see his crying eyes
And looked a cold stare, He says a prayer, And he finally dies
[Chorus: x2]
Click, Click, Pow!
And away we go
Are you ready?
[Verse 2:]
Uh, Uh, He was a soldier though, Most say his brain was loc
But, All he ever had was a blue rag and pistol smoke
And even though you know I'm clearly from the other side
Every now and then, This cali life, Our worlds collide
I respected he, Because he kept it g
He briefly spoke his men that's when he told me, He respected me
We connected and, It was sorta love
But we were bound by color lines and both were forced to hold a grudge
I used to pray for him in the blackness of the coldest nights
But if you truly reap what you sow, Then he owed his life
He popped some niggaz out, They were from the other side
The federal bureau got involved, so you know, Nowhere to hide
So, Barricaded in a hotel room, He hugged his sis
Wit a .38 to his head, And he calmly said this is quick
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 3:]
We were only kids, We weren't even teens
His parents abused him, I spent the night and heard the screams
He had this girl he deeply loved with all his heart
She was unfaithful, I watched it tear him apart
They said that he was soft, To me, The truth was plain
Lyin in his arms was all he had to soothe the pain
So he tryed to call, See if things would change
She told him he was nothin, Why should she explain?
I wondered if she knew the things she do would make him snap
If she would love him like he loved her and try to take it back
But it's too late, His tears already pourin
With blurry eyes, He pulled his father's pistol out the drawer
And while he had her full attention on the telephone
He said I love you, Put the metal to his dome
[Verse 1:]
Creased up, Beautifully pretty
Platinum flake point on the new infinity
Uh, High tech boost for the mitti's
So I can produce while I move through the city
Fresh T, Jew to the titty
SSB lookin smooth for the fitty
No stress we, Just on route to balissi
Lord bless the g's that you chillin wit me
I bang out, Cruise in the 50
Security encourage wit the uz in the dickie's
Chicks, They take flicks of the dudes in the twistie's
I don't do quickies, I ain't rude, But I'm picky
In the cockpit, Of a hot whip
Wit a drop kit, Hog click, Nigga got it
Lockin the profit, The topic, Of the gossip
Still hot like a hot spliff
[Chorus: x2]
Been the greatest since the 80s
And we can't let haters fade us
We hit the stage in chuck taylors
Still greatest, Change us, Save us
[Verse 2:]
Dip to the place and make weight
And we kick in the gates, And wit a click just as thick as the state
Pan wit a flick, Wit a wristband assistant we sway him
We glistenin, They whisperin, This is amazin
Haters keep hatin, We ain't trippin wit gay men
I spit for the crip and them flamin, Ya listenin, Amen
Rock the show til it pops to the optimo and lock the flow till 6 in the am
I'm sicker than kraven, Meanin he hard
You trip, You get to see the ER
You playin wit the level that really we are
We stay wit the ghetto like a EBT card
One time for the stars and the hood tats
Two time for the ballas and hoodrats
Trae times for the great minds
The 89 behind my state line
Y'all understand that
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 3:]
And i'll be all in the e.y.e.
Wit a chick lookin like Taty Ali
Beat up, Sparred out in the v.i.p.
I'm knockin d.i.g. like the g.i.b.
Boy, Just tell ya niggaz kick back and just parle
I'm enjoyin my voyeur mint after a hard day
Just our way snatchin and stackin bar kay
In sack in back of a corvet all day
Some of these birds as feisty as the colonel
You flossin wit the cheese in the duck like we digiorno
Wishin the night was eternal
The roof ain't on fire, Like the inferno
I'm on rambo, In stance wit my camp, Bro
Do I plan to dance? No
I'm hangin out, Just whippin it up, Sit in the cut
Sippin the cup, Hit 'em up, Like what
And then we swangin out
[Verse 1: Sevin]
22 inch berelli's, My relli's bling bling
On somethin heavy while wreckin the chevy engine
Peanut butter the guts wit jelly trimmin
Remote control activated cut suspension
Equipped wit kits and fix wit inventions
We hit the strip and get the attention
We graduated, Your whip's in detention
It's unfair to compare your whip in contention, No need to mention
I swang wit my brain out the tense of somethin pimped out the game just to get the rims spinnin
What's wit the tension? It ain't my intention to brag on my chips
But niggaz get mad and wanna trip
Cause they figgas is bad wit they grip
And I still got pads on my kicks
And my license plate sags on my whip
Til it drags on the strip for a minute then gradually lifts
Up the frame and hangs like a lynchin
I'm just doin my thang wit my henchmen
While you lookin like the grinch with all that distinction
Stop hatin dawg, Pay attention
[Chorus x2: Sevin]
Don't you think you should step your game up, Maybe?
If you're mad cause I came up, Baby
Your attitude has had a change up lately
Are you mad cause I came up, Baby?
[Verse 2: Tikk Tokk]
Say buddy, Why you hatin on the sideline?
Whoa, Hey, I play by the guideline
Nine times out of ten, I find ways to provide mine
Don't hide mine, I do it wit pride when I ride mine
I wet it down, Wax it up, Shine it about five times
Don't stand there mad, Look at them, Sure digi when mine shine
Wonderin why you can't get wit a girl like mine, Guy
Do you need a jenny jones makeover and I'm fine?
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 3: Sevin]
Why spite the brightly icy wit them pricely sneakers?
You haven't had nikes in 19 ye'ars
Perhaps cause you're trapped in wifey beaters
Wit mr. goodwrench stains, And my white tee's cleaner
Is it possibly due to the light green beamer?
Cause we're the popular crew everytime we linger
You stand there all alone tryin to shine me the finger
I guess if I was you, I wouldn't like me either
Come on, You're supposed to congratulate
The fact I make massive cake shouldn't agitate
You might as well ask if a guy next to ya has a date
Why is that? Well dawg, Only faggots hate
Maybe if ya loosen up a bit, Then we could be chillin
In the villa on the hill wit the see through ceiling
But I get the feelin, That you be a villain
Willin, To creep in my house and start stealin
And that simply is not to be, I
You're the type of kesa I do not wanna be by
I go to the mall wit them chips to buy
And you're the dude in the window lookin all misty guy
Ya see the video and get mystified
Wishin you lived the life, Meet us, And then diss the guy
I got a game you're not too old to play
We'll stand here and you go away
Let the music take your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind, mind
[Intro: Lebo]
Yeah, Ay man, I can remember we was all sittin in front of the homie's apartment
Bangin The Fat Boys, Jail wit no bail, Man
And stick em, Those was some classics, Man
Have our tastes so
[Verse 1: Lebo]
It's the R-A-To the K-I-Am
If I wasn't, Then why would I say I am?
Microphone fiend, Eric B. for prez
I used to slum and blast er till my batteries went dead
All ravishing I impress
See courageous or care less
K for the pegos that I got
That I wear everyday cause why is why not
Slick Rick and Doug E. Fresh
La di da di, That {shit} was the mess
Heels, Tall Bikini's, Small, She says she likes the ocean
I used to reenact that video wit the homeboys, Movin my hands to that particular slogan
I'm bad, Ladies Love Cool James
Run-D.M.C. and Jam Master Jay
That's right, Nigga
Gotta educate these cats, Ya know
Seems like they forgot
It's music 101, Ya know
It's our culture
My nigga just gave you a little bit of hip hop history
I'ma go head and bring it through the vocals next
[Verse 2: Sevin]
Uh, Uh, This is somethin like The Temptations memories
Or Ray Charles blessing us wit visions through his melodies
Stephanie Mills, Part a spurge wit her eternal love
And Keith Sweat taught us what makin it last forever was
The skys are breakin, These times and days
As if we somehow lost that lovin feelin for Issac Hayes
I pray everyday some way we bring it back alive
And maybe get one more chance wit the Jackson 5
Al Green made the people stand up in every club
And what I felt for Sade was no ordinary love
Marvin got us through the inner city blues from dark streets
And you got it crackin on the bad one to the Isleys
Wit so much passion, That you skip Five Heartbeats
Jimi Hendrix was like a trends
And Chaka taught us life's so tense
Bill Whithers bought us through the lonely towns and lonely streets
But Stevie Wonder kept us feelin overjoyes and so at peace
That's right, Sevin
You know that
It's an easy thang
Sho is, My nigga
Driftin down memory lane
We love to sit tight reminiscing
Ah huh
Take 'em back one more time, Lebo
Take 'em back through that hip hop thang
[Verse 3: Lebo]
I had the shelltoes wit no shoestrings
Bang Kurtis Blow's song, It's called survival
Only the strong will survive
That was Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five
Krs and BDP, UTFO, And EPMD
Big Daddy Kane, Flavor Flav, And Chuck D
My uzi weighs a ton, Public Enemy
[Uncredited Singer (Lebo)]
Forever my lady
Back, Back, Forth, Forth (Rest in peace to Aaliyah)
You just a girlfriend (Y'all remember true?)
Seems like yesterday
I can lick you up and down till you say stop
Cmon, West coast baby!
What's the business? Yeah
What's crackin?
Capital city, Boy
Y'all know what I mean?
Everybody stand up, If ya feelin the spot and ya feelin the knot, Let's G-O
Getcha getcha g-getcha getcha hands up
Getcha getcha g-getcha getcha hands up
So what ya body scared of? If ya still in the mood and ya feelin the groove, Let's G-O
Getcha getcha g-getcha getcha hands up
Getcha getcha g-getcha getcha hands up
[Verse 1:]
Sauced out, Bossed out, Dawg, We clutchin the game
We tear the block up for the product, We hustle this, Mane
We pick up and choose different moves, You cuffin a dame
Glistenin jewels, We dip in crews, You stuck in the game
Still meadow, Real ghetto, Ain't nothin for fame
Cali boys, Khakis wit the cuffs and the chucks for the bang
Fresh off the block, Where the pots rock others to slang
And if you trip, Ya get the whole clip stuck to ya brain
Classic whip, Wit the chrome dip huck in the frame
Captivatin strips soon as it touches the lane
Hog mob and i'm in love wit the game
Before I change, I'll put a thang to my jugular frame
[Verse 2:]
I'm flamin steel, Hang wit the crips cause the game is real
And the cutless in the color of the guts is the same as skrill
Believe tuck is the stainless steel
Should've never gave the yankee dude no game to deal
We keep grips on the chip, But we came to chill
If ya trip, We pop somethin, And it ain't a pill
Dawg, I'm seven miles west in the sedan deville
And it's blessed from woodgrain degrill
Where we at homie, It's heartless and bangin steel
And wit the pistons, They get active like Ron Artest and Jermaine O Neal
Even the cops ride and aim to kill
One life, How could I not strive to gain a meal?
Yeah, Sometimes you make those steps
And you never go back
God, I could never let him out the game, Cmon
Six years nigga, Cause I'm a soldier!
I cry out from the heinous slum
In the bowels where the pain is from, Demons sound like
nightowls in my cranium
And yeah it begins wit light showers then the rain'll come
And when it does, I hope the pain'll numb, And I just might forget
where I came in from
And it's likely that I might be slightly sick, But can ya blame ya son?
Dreams get slain here young, Wit the sex, Alcohol, Guns, White,
And meth
It's like we inviting death, Last night nigga, I ain't slept
I scream for ya christ and wept
Cause without ya, God, I flip out in violence, Every breath I breathe
is a lifeless breath
I grieve for ya children despite the press they deceiving the
millions that riders left
Because there ain't enough righteous left
Swing gats and they liars when decisive step, Never know what
you roll til the dice is set
Life's real when all you got is all you got and all you got dawg, You
had to fight to get
So tell em to get the caskets open and the safety's off all .9's
If they want to take us in our prime
What is it gonna take just to make it through y'all mind
That you have now awakened the greatest of all time
Yeah, We back at it again, Homie
G'n up, Chuck soldier, Mama told ya
When you laugh, The whole world laughs wit ya
And when you cry nigga, We cry along also
[Intro: Kokane]
Soldiers mound up
Charge, Nigga we soldiers
Ah huh, Yeah, I been checkin the clock
It's time nigga
Let's kick this revolution off
Uh, Uh, Get em, Yeah, Get em, Yeah
Get em, Yeah, Get em, Yeah
[Verse 1: Sevin]
We spittin fire to regain our stature
That's why I'm sick and tired of these gangsta rappers
Homeboy, It ain't a thang to match ya
With or without bling and nice, Jesus Christ gon remain the master
Believe it or not, We move seeds on the block
And you perpetuate the evil in them singles you drop
[Chorus: Sevin]
I came to bang
And get you fake niggaz outta the game
[Verse 2: Sevin]
No doubt, I'm regulating the booth
These uncle tom niggaz miseducating the youth
So it's war now, God give strength to the troops
To tear it all down dawg and replace it with truth
I ain't came to speak ya name, Keep ya fame
I came to make sure the beats'll slang
In Jesus name
[Chorus: Sevin]
I came to bang
And get these weak niggaz outta the game
[Verse 3: Sevin]
Take a bow gangsta? Naw, Get yourself an applause
Another rapper wit a plaque that ain't helpin the cause
I don't care what label you is
Where the songs that'll help single mothers here raisin they kids?
We got a purpose, Don't let the block mislead you
Whether I'm from the gutter, Jesus walks wit me too
[Chorus: Sevin]
I came to bang
And get y'all fake niggaz outta the game
[Verse 4: Sevin]
I bring the guard like freebase, This how the real sound
For the niggaz spellbound by the fact that they hellbound
I ain't tryin to judge nothin, I just feed the fact the flood's comin
Yeah, Niggaz love stuntin, But they'll drown
You ain't like this, Regardless, We came to be righteous
We martyrs, We ready nigga, Aim ya devices
[Chorus: Sevin]
I came to bang
And get y'all fake niggaz outta the game
[Verse 5: Kokane]
I came to bang
Ain't nothin gonna change
No pain no gain
It's the kokane
I came to bang
Ain't nothin gonna change
I came to rearrange
In Jesus name
Move the kane in the game to spark d-day when we
Flip, I ain't trippin if the dj spin me
Don't get at me with that he say she say envy
Niggaz flows is low budget like a e-bay bentley
Do we care how ya blast for cheddar?
Split somethin that'll last forever
[Chorus: Sevin]
I came to bang
And get you fake niggaz outta the game
[Verse 6: Sevin]
It's a shame what a nigga would do to cop the bling
Deceive a whole generation for a watch and ring
You think i'ma let you stop the dream that transcends
From the essence of the late great Dr. King?
I don't care if you slang caine, Bang, Or extort souls
Just keep my father's name out ya mouth at award shows
[Chorus: Sevin]
I came to bang
And get you fake niggaz outta the game
[Verse 7: Sevin]
Before you ever see this hog jackin a cruise
Each one of my members gon relax in it too
Disregard, I ain't scared of the clap in the room
I'm wit that, Kick back, Get the activist rule
From dave to job to st. paul to elijah
We ridas, All down to die for the messiah
[Chorus: Sevin]
I came to bang
And get you fake niggaz outta the game
I came to bang
Ain't nothin gonna change
No pain no gain
It's the kokane
I came to bang
Ain't nothing gonna change
I came to rearrange
In Jesus name
[Outro: Sevin]
Hog mob, Yeah I'm ridin wit it dawg, I told ya
Through sac-town to the mower
From La, Long beach, Compton, Watts
All up north, West coast yeah, We ridin, We ridin
Who we ride fo? Who we ride fo? Who we ride fo?
Hog mob
[Intro: Sevin]
Yeah, Mm, Mm, Hmm
Feel Me, Uh
[Verse 1: Sevin]
Once again, I make love to my pen hopin to birth a career
Prayin the game don't avoid it cause my purpose is clear
I can't lie, Plenty of nights i hit the curb just to smoke
To hopefully escape the agony where murders provoke
Satan tells me quit rappin, Start servin up coke
Cause the millions fed by the media ain't nourishing hope
I grab my word, Find a place to start reading to cope
It says well's not to worried, But it hurts to be broke
Heavenly father please, I'll scar my knees til ya pardon me
Life is as dark as these nights and it's hard to see
And i don't know why being right is so hard for me
It's like the only thing in the world i like is my artistry
How can i minister life when my own heart don't beat?
What can they offer me lord, When you departed the sea?
And what my people settle for and what we fought to be
Look what they did to Dr. king, I'm knowin they gon martyr me
But since i can't beat death, I just embrace it
Hopin that ya name is on my breath when i face it
I look at your disciples, 1 suffered exile, 11 were killed
When I'm gone, I want the world to know that sevin was real
Cause all i have is this exceptional skill
Tryin to reserve my soul a little peace of heaven to feel
So i bathe from the blood that you bled on that hill
They swore never saw, But you said that i will
[Chorus 1:]
I wonder if I'm wasting time
I feel like I'm wasting mine
Cause it's taking me longer
I wonder if my life is worth
The pain and the stress and the hurt
That's been taking me longer
[Bad Azz: Overlapping chorus]
Holla at us, The truth baby
[Verse 2: Bad Azz]
God help us out here, The whole world needs stitches
Ya need to send a big chariot down here to get us
We been sinnin, We confess, We were wrong, So please forgive us
But it's hard to live in all this evil and stay delivered
We work for blood money then spend it where evil lives
To come home to nothing to sleep through all them killings
If hell was 1,000 miles, I'd be walkin it
Cause speech could feed a billion mouths, I'm talk
I'm only bad as a rapper, I'm a real good man
Had a lotta wrong things, But i had a few good stands
Before i leave here, I just want the world to know
Y'all can bury me anywhere, Because god got my soul
But sometimes
[Chorus 2:]
I wonder if I'm wasting time
I feel like I'm pacing mine
Until this is over
Price, This is what your life is worth
And you don't smile after all this hurt
Until this is over
[Verse 3: Sevin]
Everyday i gotta question the odds
I quit gambling, Start stepping wit god
My job's to ensure that whatever i've confessed is applied
But it's harder than is sounds
I was down to flip pounds and spit rounds
But now the currency's nowhere to be found
I used to think it was nothin major for me to rob wit a .9
I never realized it so tie til i tryed to resign
And the homies understand, I'm just a man, Just as well as before
But a wise man can't conceal what he know
So i feed him as it comes, But we still stuck in these heathenistic slums
Prostitution, Murdering, And curb serving, Evil as a realistic punch
We hopin we don't pass it to our sons
As all this trickles down, I'm starting to wonder if my bloodline has been cursed
Cause the fact that i grew up dyin since birth
Makes it worse, I never seen a limo less it's following a hearse
Another brother layin hollow in the church
The eulogy was nice, But it was fabricated mostly
I knew homie closely, All he ever wanted to be was o.g.
Kept a full 40, Move coke by the o.z.
I tryed to get em holy, He ignored me
He died in a shootout over principle
I wonder how 2 dollars escolated into hollows in his intricles
And now we shed tears cause we don't know the truth
Another one wit so much potential who was robbed for his youth
[Chorus 3:]
I wonder if I'm wasting time
I feel like I'm pacing mine
Cause it's taking me under
I wonder if my life is worth
The pain, The Stress and hurt
Uh, Yeah, Speak for my people
That's the only way i know how
[Verse 1:]
I was born through a cold loc that became hot
I shed tears for my dead peers like rain drops
Same spot invested wit caine rock
So many po-po, I used to think they was usin my block to train cops
Hoppin outta crown victoria's hang glocks
Hounds sniff the dane spot, So many homies became locked
If you got anything less than 10 friends up in the pen, Then we ain't from the same block
Dawg, We can't starve so we can't stop
Can't ball, So we can't cop
Ain't large, So we can't drop
We hang hard in the yard wit cats puffin cigars sippin 'ac wit tats and tank tops
Are we the same? I think not
If you got time to sleep, Then our lives, They ain't linked to the same clock
Cause where I'm from, It's a pain pot
Of slugs'll rip through ya ribs and lungs, Shoot out ya back
Hit somebody's infant son, Then you collapse from the same shot
And after that, Niggaz still ain't shot
Death is the rerun my network televised
They said i have the face of an angel but wit hellish eyes
We seen arms get torn from torsos, Disconnected by gauge slugs
Still are expected to stay thug, Marks keep snitches on the phone stay bugged
First time i made love was wit a tray snub
This heinous livin be paintin visions until insane we driven
To escape to the gate of these mary jane emissions
Now I'm standin over caskets, Dang i miss em
And everytime that I'm rappin, I wonder can he listen?
Cause the fact that I'm dead in my own mind
Got me thinkin of puttin lead in the hands of my own kind
I know i need to make choice, But what's the options?
All i hear is satan's voice and it says pop em
[Chorus: x2]
They wonder, What's the reason for my tears
We dyin when I'm cryin, I'm just grievin for my peers
They ask me, Why so often i cry here
I can't beat the coffin, I do not wanna die here
[Verse 2:]
And i let the tip of my pen bleed, For the children who can't leave
They beat my little homie to death wit a 10 speed
I was just a freshmen wit prostitute peers
My best friend sold rock and got locked up for years
Dawg, We've lost many, But we still feel immortal
6 feet beneath sea level with no snorkel
I'm sittin on the porch puttin a torch to ports
wit a gauge leanin off my cutoff shorts like it's normal
We torn souls, And we don't mourn foes
1 shot can overred and buck ya cornrows
They keep tellin me there's a way out
Yeah, I'm well aware of that, Look, Over there's a cat laid out
He should've duck when the hollow once sprayed out
Buck, Buck, Click clack, Buck, Buck, Buck, It never plays out
It's like somebody looped the gat instrumental
Sometimes it's so bad, I can rap to the tempo
Broken glass, Tear gas through the window
Constantly harassed cause we give out no info
So what you in fo'? Life in the pen, Bro?
Grabbin my pen, Slow writin my kinfolks
Lettin em know that it's hell so don't come
Cause i bail where the killas dwell wit no gun
Cause death's more gruesome here
Get stabbed in the neck wit a toothbrush or through the ear
And revenge keeps me company, They don't really want me free
I'm killing anything for everything that was done to me
Even my mom could get stuck in the gut for what she allowed her baby son to see
Cause i was too young to know that she was ho'ing and sniffin blow, Dawg
I used to think her hair was snowing
She taught me to beg from no one, So i took it
You're right ma, I'm just like pops was, Looking
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 3:]
I roll wit true kings, Who disregarded they hoop dreams
They used to do things, Like shoot niggaz over they shoestrings
Kept a p-90 in the linen of blue jeans
And moved cream to more than a few fiends
Daily grind since 89
Out of state plates wit powder cake and a baby .9
It's killafornia, Bangin since wildin have a child long before a diploma
Ya slip, They trip on ya
Outta town, Ya outta bounds, Get found
Drowned or by the hounds, Either way, You in a gown
Wit the coroners and if it's beef they ain't discreet
They on yo street, Lickin rounds to inform ya
There's no safe haven, Place cravin
The graven from the cracks of the earth like cavemen
Behavin, Like apes and gorillas
Kick in the door of yo villa fo scrilla some cold killas
And don't never cross game on a true one, It's hostile
They'll be waitin outside of the hospital
Wit more than a few guns, Buck on ya new son
Let the mack 11 rounds touch on his new lungs
I spit this cause i've witnessed niggaz get lifted
So don't risk it, The game is a shifty mistress
She vicious, Promises riches, Then switches
And puts you on the tip of the hitlist
Yeah, Yeah, Uh huh
Sometimes I wonder what more do I gotta do
I been pourin out my heart for years, You know
This is my greatest fear
[Verse 1:]
Some say I'm sick, Cause of what my dreams depict in the midst of death
I hear the screams of hollowtips on the pistol's breath
Banana clips and the triple vest
Brethren, I'm lovin the ghetto that's governed by sips of the crystal meth
Niggaz'll put one in ya brain just to get respect
Please believe that where you slain, Is where you gettin left
I seen raindrops drippin from dead carcasses
And straight shots spit and they trippin off who the target is
We ain't grew up like the partridges
I watched my pahtna sniff lines of coke off the shine of 9 cartridges
The only good days are the ones the liquor sedates
I take a sip for my niggaz and pray that they get through the gates
I became popular from them weak niggaz poppin at me
They think I was choppin a key, But naw, I'm just hoppin cd's
I watched Jay get a deal and I feel I'm just as nice
I pray I get a mil before I'm killed, Nigga this is life
They said my day would come, But it's been so long
So many tears to cry, And yet just 1 song
Somebody help me
And if I die today, Would they even care?
If I left this place without a trace, Then I was there
[Verse 2:]
All I got is my heat and my art, My heart, My balls dawg, And my religion
Reality's depressing and got me stressin about my odds of livin
Cause I can see that they slim to none
Nicotine in my lungs, Mixing gin wit rum
Until I vomit up lyrics to wet poor tricks
That can captivate caskets and ressurect corpses
Then maybe I could see my brother again
I'm tryin to be righteous, But they'll only let me bubble in sin
I serve God, But the evil one be governing them
So what's the use of keepin it raw when they in love wit a trend?
They don't feel me, If I catch these years from another case
Which one of y'all gon wipe the tears from my mother's face?
So quit boxing us out dawg, Let us shine
Respect the grind, Maybe you made it, But the rest is dyin
This is for my niggaz that tryed even though they paid the cost
And every rapper that died long before they made the source
[Verse 3:]
I spit on 4 dudes, Then let the pro tools capture the song
Hopefully, The vocals'll last after I'm gone
Will my image diminish before I'm finished at the end of my race?
And they takin the bullets out the antonym to my face
Will you cry cause you neglected this young man an equal chance?
And an opportunity when you could've seen me advance?
Even as I'm writing, I'm enlightened that our hours passed
Damn mane, Most fans just drank from the hour glass
I pray daily they aid me when I'm seekin a deal
And I'm keepin it real when I'm sayin I sleep wit my steel
I write for hours to perfect the technique of my skill
Do I gotta put heat to my grill to show you what's deep what I feel?
Failure's a sea, And I'm stuck in it's wake drowning
Wit the thought I won't make it, Dark satan's my 8th album
Father forgive me, I'm tryin to fulfill purpose
But I'ma feel worthless until my skills surface
[Tommy Redding:]
Guess whose back? (Yeah)
Jay Rich (Oh boy), I brought Sevin in this time
Finally in the building baby
Sacramento's finest
We bout to check this up y'all
[Verse 1: Sevin]
To get them good it's all good in the soft streets
Catchin the autograph they in love with the gloss scene
Whole sale in the club like a boss meet
Holdin enough chicks to keep the govenor off me
Every game I play is that winnable
You change your name you bang my stats in general
What's the hold up?
You just told us you was bold so what up
I'll fold your toy soliders
Win or lose I'm smoother than skin care dude
End up movin thats the move that I'm in playa
With you in this box I know you wish you was in there
But you lack luster, we glissen like lens flares
Trained in the hardest jungles
Have heart in the darkest tunnels
Standin straight in your face y'all
Come to your house in your town and basically disgrace y'all
Play if you want imma go for mine
Hey if you want imma go for mine
So what you want imma go for mine
Imma ball till I fall
Play if you want imma go for mine
Hey if you want imma go for mine
So what you want imma go for mine
Imma ball till I fall
[Verse 2: Sevin]
It's the game of life, it is my passion
Anything near that interferes with my actions
And people get smashed on
I'm just bein honest and real straight
Cuz me and you is a promise I will keep
So lets get it poppin like ????????
Play hard like ?????????
You don't even hold enough weight to defy us
When we're playin in the lair its Gladiators and Giants
I can smell the fear all in your pores
You startin to have doubts
I hear them in your voice
Now you actin all new to the sport
And them dudes are dependin on you for support
Up this early just to hurry
When we make you crack rough and early
By any means we gon' play to win
So go ahead, pick anything
Let the games begin (Yeah!)
Play if you want imma go for mine
Hey if you want imma go for mine
So what you want imma go for mine
Imma ball till I fall
Play if you want imma go for mine
Hey if you want imma go for mine
So what you want imma go for mine
Imma ball till I fall
What you gon' do now?
What you gon' do now?
Let the beat play
What you gon' do now?
What you gon' do now?
Let the beat play
What you gon' do now?
What you gon' do now?
Let the beat play
What you gon' do now?
What you gon' do now?
Let the beat play
I told yall
We hit it hard
We hit it quick
And it's a rap
Let the beat play
Let the beat play
Oooh, ooh yeah hmmm [2X]
I know I give all of my time trying
To keep you here. And I will stay to share this moment no matter the cost baby
Every time I think you're ready to show me your heart. You keep holding it back, keep holding it back. Sometimes your actions have me so confused. But I'll take the risk. All I really wanna hear you say is I love you.
Cause there's no other girl that I would rather be with than you. I need you. I need you. I gotta know, if you want me just like I want you. Please tell me girl, cause' I need you.
Haja ya wewe
You know I'll never leave you baby
Haja ya wewe
You know, you know I'll never go
Haja ya wewe
And I promise to love you forever
Haja ya wewe
Just say that you won't go
Oooh, ooh yeah
Say that you won't go
Verse 2
I feel I'm closer to having your heart but then when I reach for it
You just pull away
I know you've been hurt but I promise to keep your heart safe
Even when you seem so far away I feel you near. So baby let down your guard, show me your heart, show me your heart Right now your action got me so confused so will you take the risk. I just wanna hear you say, you love me.
Cause there's no other girl that I would rather be with than you. I need you. I need you. I gotta know, if you want me just like I want you. Please tell me girl, cause' I need you.
Haja ya wewe
You know I'll never leave you baby
Haja ya wewe
You know, you know I'll never go
Haja ya wewe
And I promise to love you forever
Haja ya wewe
Just say that you won't go
Oooh, ooh yeah
Say that you won't go
Give me all your loving
I will give you all of mine
Please just say I'm your one and only, cause I'll never ever leave you lonely
Baaaaby hey!
I wont let you
Haja ya wewe
You know I'll never leave you baby
Haja ya wewe
You know, you know I'll never go
Haja ya wewe
And I promise to love you forever
Haja ya wewe
Just say that you won't go
Haja ya wewe
Say that you won't go [4x]
Oooh, ooh yeah
Say that you won't go