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Does work-life balance actually matter?


Christine Long

It's the be-all and end-all, according to some. But is it really?

Kate Johns thrives on being busy.

Kate Johns thrives on being busy. Photo: Supplied

Is work-life balance completely overrated? If you're working long hours doing what you love, what does it matter if the scales are out of whack?

Kate Johns wouldn't have it any other way. The director of Sidekick Communications says a business coach she met at a networking function once told her disapprovingly: "Put the cape away. You don't need to be Superwoman."

But Johns says she thrives on pouring herself into her business, often working long hours and putting in time after her children have gone to bed. She loves the people she meets and helping tell their stories. "Every day is different, and the learning and the people make it the best thing I've ever done professionally," she says.

The last thing she wants to do is head into a phone booth and make a change. "Of course, there are times when I'm tired but the thrill of it all absolutely sustains me."

She's not alone in that sentiment. For lots of entrepreneurs who have turned their passion into a business, there's no need to keep work and life in separate boxes. When your passion and your work are in synch, spending your days (and nights) on the job is just how you enjoy spending time.

Laura Downie is discovering that for herself, having recently left the corporate world to start her interior design business, Studio 1 Interiors. "When I worked in the corporate world I would often work extremely long hours, felt burnt out, tired and altogether a bit lost," she says. "I think I was working late to do a good job and be recognised but what I started to realise was that wasn't enough."

She's still putting in the hours in her new venture but her satisfaction levels are through the roof. "The joy of delivering an on-brief-style board which makes my client happy far outweighs the time spent preparing it," she says. "It's simply what I do and I love it."

For devoted business owners who are a tad fed-up with people suggesting they need to get a life, the latest data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics longitudinal survey could provide some valuable ammunition.

It found work actually improves our general health. Plus, it concluded there is "no evidence that long hours of work (51 or more hours a week of paid work and 81 or more hours of total work) are detrimental to health."

Perhaps Rebecca Collett, managing director, Snowed Under Solutions, puts it best when she says: "If you love what you do, the idea of work-life balance disappears and your life just becomes one thing: a great life."

Collett jettisoned a 15-year career in the finance industry when a series of life events prompted a rethink. "There was a lot of long hours, pressure – I loved it – but I realised I needed something more in my life," she says. "My sister was sick – she had breast cancer – and went into remission and it was during that time that I went, 'Hang on, there's more to life'."

She took a year off, worked out what was important to her, and when she launched her business in 2013, it was based on "the lifestyle she wanted and needed to be a healthier and happier person".

In her former career, her working day started at 6.30am. Now she still starts early but it's to go for a walk and do yoga. "I actually have a healthier start to my day as opposed to get out of bed, get into the office, where you sit in traffic for 40-odd minutes and then eat breakfast at your desk." She's also got the flexibility that was missing from her previous working life. "There's some times when there's so much going on in your business that you're just flat out and you'll be working all hours and you'll work weekends but then you have Tuesday out of the office to do something different and it's amazing how you decompress and the new ideas start flowing and you get completely revitalised."

It's the great life she was aspiring to when she made the change and she's about to add another strand to her business to help others achieve the same combination of business idea, passion and lifestyle. As she says: "Working on and in my business motivates me, provides a sense of accomplishment and expands my knowledge and interests, and time away from the office spurs new ideas and revitalises me." You can't ask for better balance than that.


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