Ovulation Calculator

Increase your chances of getting pregnant by determining when you are most fertile with Essential Baby's Ovulation Calculator.

Tell us three parameters of your cycle

Please select a day and month.

Get a more accurate result

Our Ovulation Calculator provides approximate dates for predicting ovulation as there are several variables that can cause cycle irregularities.

To get a more accurate result, use the Ovulation Calculator in conjunction with Essential Baby's Basal Temperature Charts to calculate your luteal phase.

What is ovulation? What is my luteal phase?

Or, would you like to know your estimated due date? Click here for Essential Baby's Due Date Calculator.

The challenges of holidaying with a big family

A new holiday accommodation website gives mum, dad and kids some much-needed extra room to breathe.

Lactation cookies: what you need to know

Many mums turn to lactation cookies when they feel their milk supply is a little low. You can buy them pre-made or make them yourself.

Boy disabled by meningitis after being sent home from hospital twice

William Burton's parents trusted the young doctors who claimed their son's sickness was not serious.

The miracle mum who lost nine litres of blood during childbirth

A mother who almost died during the traumatic premature birth of her fifth child has been reunited with her baby girl just weeks after doctors feared she would not survive.

How a kind stranger made a tired mum's day

In what can only be described as a random act of BPAY, an anonymous woman has done her bit to restore a community's faith in humanity.

Why I hired a 'hot nanny'

I thought that if a man could cheat on Sienna Miller with the nanny, what chance did I have? But now I've changed my mind.

Stop blaming domestic violence victims: Rosie Batty's plea

Anti-family violence advocate Rosie Batty has made an impassioned plea for people to stop blaming victims of domestic violence.

Couple behind viral pregnancy announcement video share miscarriage heartbreak

A couple have revealed their pain over losing their unborn baby, just days after their pregnancy reveal video went viral.

Family faces $15,000 Facebook defamation bill

Sydney couple left with $15,000 legal bill after their comments about a neighbour's dogs on Facebook saw them sued for defamation.

5 things this famous nanny learnt after she became a mum

More than a few parents looked at me askance when informed of my childless state. Some even asked, "How can you really know all of this if you're not a parent?"

Is it time to admit my baby days are over?

I am one of those women who believes I was put on earth to have children, and the baby stage for me was the easiest stage.

Getting lost in motherhood

For someone so used to getting lost, it took me a really long time to realise that I had lost myself in motherhood.

Why I'm not a fan of the new modest swimwear for mums

What do you wear to the beach? Are you comfortable wearing a bikini, or do you prefer a less revealing one-piece?

Woman overwhelmed by stranger's gift for her cancer-stricken mum

If you need a little reminder that there really is some good in the world, look no further.

Mum gives adopted daughter 20-year-old letter on her wedding day

It may have taken two decades to deliver, but this mother wanted to be sure her daughter got this heartfelt letter at the right time.

Paid Parental Leave scheme: changes could hit mothers' purses hard

Parents in low or average-paid jobs will be financially penalised by the Commonwealth's proposed Paid Parental Leave scheme changes.

The more we talk about miscarriage, the better off we'll all be

There is no other life event that affects you so deeply that we, as a culture, keep so hidden.

Families not turning on heaters due to cost

Half of NSW households are not turning on their heaters this winter "even though I'm cold" because of high electricity prices, a tribunal looking at electricity prices has heard.

Cop pulls over heavily pregnant woman - and lends a helping hand

She thought the cop who pulled her over would issue a fine, but instead he helped a mum out.

Bonds recalls onesies after needle discovery

Bonds has recalled thousands of newborn onesies after a mother found a sewing machine needle sewn into the arm of her daughter's suit.

Why these five people are having a baby together

The idea of a "nuclear family" has changed in recent years. Now another lesser known family structure that has emerged is that of multi-parenting

VIDEO: Internet baby takes selfie moments after birth

Take a look at this tongue-in-cheek peek into what the delivery rooms of the future could look like.

Parenting in the Facebook age: should we rethink how we share?

When our children one day learn of the personal stories we've shared, will we find ourselves asking them for forgiveness?

Breastfeeding: making it work when you return to work

While more and more women are making breastfeeding work as they return to paid employment, for many the decision is fraught with worry about how they'll manage.

Toddler drowns while sharing bath with brother

It was a normal afternoon in the Warner-Simpson home as mum Zoe gave her sons Oliver, 4 and, Edward, 2, a bath on April 13.

Teen boy learns when not to joke with a woman

A teenage Coles checkout operator is now well aware that the moment a woman is purchasing sanitary products is not the best time for humour.

Mums unite to get birth photographer's Instagram account reinstated

A photographer whose unique images capture the beauty of childbirth and breastfeeding has had her Instagram account disabled after complaints about her pictures.

The 'no vax, no visit' post: how parents are helping keep babies safe

Social media updates from new parents were once loving, smitten posts. Yet it seems now they can be quite the opposite.

Get your FREE Baby & Toddler Show ticket!

Get your free ticket to the Sydney Essential Baby & Toddler Show for September 25-27 - register online now.

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What's hot on EB

Baby born at New York's World Trade Centre

The first baby born at the new World Trade Centre was delivered yesterday on a concourse inside the $3.9 billion transportation hub.

The Shnuggle bath: comfort for bub, reassurance for parents

I think everyone would agree that bath time is one of the most precious moments between a baby and their parents.

All volunteer work should qualify parents for childcare payments, providers say

Volunteering for activities such Meals on Wheels and at school tuck shops should count as "work" that will qualify parents for childcare payments, major childcare providers say.

Abbott's childcare changes will 'reduce access and add complexity'

The government's childcare assistance package threatens to confuse and intimidate many parents, experts say.

Be careful what you wish for

Remember that chubby little baby who rocked on all fours? Remember how you wished he would start to crawl? Then remember how you felt once he did?

William Tyrrell's parents plead for information as anniversary looms

As the one-year anniversary of William Tyrrell's disappearance draws near, the missing four-year-old's parents have again pleaded with the public for information that could help bring their son home.

Worth the wait: our miracle baby via embryo adoption

After 10 years of trying for a baby, Cara and her husband John tried an alternative route to parenthood.

Health watchdog puts new mums on a diet

Under a new scheme, new mums will be assessed by their GPs during their six-week check, and women who are overweight will be told to go on a diet with weekly targets.

More children's pain medicines recalled

More generic pain relievers for young children have been recalled because the plastic bottle lids can splinter when opened

Mum accused of kidnapping child to avoid vaccination jailed

A Florida woman who disappeared with her two-year-old daughter in May 2014, reportedly to avoid having the girl vaccinated, was caught Monday and arrested on a federal parental kidnapping charge, authorities said Monday afternoon.


First aid courses nearly sold out

A limited number of first aid training sessions are available at The Essential Baby & Toddler Show (Sept 25-27). Don't miss out, book your spot now!