Contemporary Lighting in Today’s Architectural Design

Contemporary lighting is a trendy set of lighting arrangements with innovative quality, which turns the environment more comfortable and relaxing. The modern day architecture is complimentary to this kind of creative approach in lighting homes and other places and people adore the atmosphere for the attraction of the venue. You will find eminent suppliers with high quality craftsmanship in lighting of this particular variety, which is durable as well.

Companies that manufacture contemporary lighting devices closely work with designers, architects, professionals and lighting technicians, who understand the value of visual effect and elegance in lighting. Different kinds of colors are used in separate locations to bring the best effect to create the right kind of mood.

This particular specialty is in demand among the people who value aesthetics and want to enjoy the lights with architectural designs. You will definitely get an extensive choice of contemporary lighting for your homes both for individual use and commercial purpose. You will love the atmosphere of a Murano glass chandelier both in your home and in your office hall provided the building supports the wonderful object in display and manner.

The trendy customer today is in favor of homes which have architectural touch and use the contemporary lighting to match the environment perfectly. The lighting is important whether it is the bedroom, living room or bathroom. The modern bathrooms are fitted with spa, whirlpools, shower stalls, saunas and many more fascinating accessories to make it a complete place of enjoyment and luxury.

The lighting of the particular place should match possessions and enhance the owner’s comfort. Likewise, the living rooms and bedrooms can also be made to appear fascinating with perfect contemporary lighting to turn them highly satisfying.

The modern day interior design consists of clean-cut lines in the construction of the building with traditional furnishings, which remarkably compliment the structure of the room. It also has a sense of artistic approach in the arrangement of fixtures and furniture with solid colors or simple white backdrop of the wall.

The lighting arrangement is made to highlight the environment so that it becomes inviting. There are other varieties also which require somber lighting with simple lines with contemporary furniture. The main issue is not the presence of fixtures or furniture in the room, but it is the contemporary lighting style that makes the whole atmosphere enjoyable. The architectural design of a home in the modern time suits the trendy lighting of today.

Architecture: Current Trends in Architectural Design

Like any other form of art, whether it is painting, music or fashion design, architecture is dependent on current trends. People want their structures to incorporate the latest and greatest advances in architectural design, but maintain a classic sense that will ensure the look is in, no matter what year it is.

As technology and mindsets have advanced, so has architecture. Here are some of the current, more popular trends in architectural design:


We live in a world that is more environmentally conscious than ever. This urge to protect Mother Nature extends to architecture, and more architects are trying incorporate eco-friendly items into their designs, including selecting materials that don’t leave much of a carbon footprint. These items include:

  • Efficient use of land and energy
  • Storm water filtration
  • Waste-product reduction
  • Native landscape use
  • Minimal disruption of the habitat

With these healthier designs, architects can help make those occupying the structure more comfortable and healthier by indoor air quality enhancements, increased connections to the outside environment, improved acoustics and introducing more sources to daylight.


Maybe it’s a reaction to the Great Recession, but homeowners are looking to simplify their lives, including their homes. While glitz and glamour used to be very popular architectural features, more are opting for a more honest form of architecture, and having interior designs that focus on clean lines, little to no embellishments and natural finishes.

This “architectural honesty” extends to the size of the home. With the bloat of large-scale homes, more buyers are choosing something a little smaller, and medium-sized houses have become less popular among prospective homeowners.


Modern architecture isn’t just about how good the final result looks; it’s about presenting new ways of thinking. Architects are able to accomplish this by applying scientific and analytical methods while making the buildings. In doing so, they should be able to reflect complex technical problems in 20th Century house designs. It’s about presenting something that is not only beautiful, but natural in every aspect of construction.

Whatever you want from your new home, remember that while it should incorporate modern design elements, but it also needs to be timeless. You want this structure to be long-lasting, so don’t just opt for the “latest and greatest” trends. This will be the home where you possibly raise your family, so make sure it’s something that can be enjoyed by everyone living there and that you choose the architect who can do the job you want.

Architectural Design And Designing Beachfront Properties

When it comes to designing a beachfront property you need to be fully prepared for what you are getting involved with. Architectural design is a highly specialised industry and you need to work with the best professionals to have your home designed perfectly. Whether you plan on building a holiday home or a permanent abode for your family, the architectural blueprints set the foundation for moving forward. From the structure and support of your new home to the unique layout and design that can set your home apart from the rest, you have plenty of things to consider. Designing beachfront homes is not a simple task and you need to ensure that you work with the best.

The most important element of architectural design for beachfront properties is the structure of the home. Building beachfront properties requires the consideration of different weather elements and landscape features compared to inland country homes for example. The right materials need to be used when the home is built on or near the sand because of the nature of this ground cover. While building in the hard dirt might be simple in regard to structure, building on sand or other soft ground requires special tools and materials to get the job done right.

Architectural design of a beachfront property will cover everything from the structure to the actual home design, including the number of rooms, the layout and how to best maximise the views of the ocean. Understanding what you want or have in mind will make it easier for you to find the right architect to help you design your beachfront home. When researching design professionals, look at their style and design capabilities so that you can compare what they offer to what you have in mind for your beachfront property.

Designing a beach house is no easy task. With no shortage of beachfront real estate available in New Zealand you owe it to yourself to find architectural design professionals who will be able to help you in your quest for the seaside home of your dreams. From open floor plans with stunning views to structurally sound homes that are secure and safe, there are many considerations and elements to sort through in building and designing beachfront properties. Make sure that you take the time to research your options and find the professionals who can give you the best home design possible.

Architecture Designs

Architecture design is a scientific and artistic concept of building structures and understanding various building materials and forms. Generally the architect works in coordination with the internal and external environment of the structure, but when designs go against human tastes and cultural preferences the result is disastrous. An example of this are the drab and indistinguishable cities lined with uniform box structures – such as identical houses, office complexes and high rises.

Design in architectural language means the sum total of plan of building, the elevation, section, figure, proportion, ground, scale, ratio to external unit measure and grids. Even though we regard architecture as an art form, an indispensable principal in architectural design is a keen mathematical and analytical understanding of forms. Without mathematical hypothesis to guide us, we would have skewed designs and patterns.

Beginning with Romanesque architecture, design was defined in strong, simple, massive forms graduating into the ribs and piers of the 11th century and on to the perfect form of 13th-century Gothic architecture. With each century the concepts and designs changed, ranging from Baroque (17th century), Georgian (18th century), Classical and Gothic revival (19th century) to expressions of technology and modernistic art (20th century), giving credence to Victor Hugo’s prophecy of doom that ‘the word will kill stone’.

The reason for these strong words was that before the popularity of visual media it was art and architecture that gave expression to our creative sensibilities. The history of a city or country could be gleamed from the structures and buildings. With World War II the ground rules were being regulated by omnipresent media, mobility and economic wealth, making us witness architecture designs ranging from burlesque to grandiose to just plain simple. The environmental degradation of natural resources turned our focus to environmentally-sensitive or sustainable designs even as architects turned towards eco-friendly material. Architecture designs became case-sensitive – appealing to nature as a metaphor for cities, buildings or residential complexes.

4 Trends in Architectural Design

When it comes to architectural design, it pays to know what people are currently after. There are a lot of new trends taking place and you can encompass them within your own designs. Finding an architect that is familiar with these trends and that have embraced them in their own designs can help you dramatically to ensure you are satisfied with the ultimate design created for you.

Large Open Spaces

When you are looking at a new design, you want to take into consideration the amount of space that you have in a room or lobby. Large open spaces are highly desirable because it allows people to sit back and relax. Whether you are designing a home and you wish for a large living room or you are designing a business with a large lobby, consider the space that you can create both vertically and horizontally. Vaulted ceilings and rooms with a higher square footage can be achieved through your architectural designs.

Easy Access

The days of putting 42 inch upper cabinets in the kitchen are over. People want to obtain easier access to the things that are in their home and in their business. This is a trend that has become very popular and is seen around the globe. While some European companies have focused on easy access for years, many Americans are just realizing the importance of such designs – and they are being seen in more design magazines than ever before.

Convertible Space

It is impossible to know what you will need down the road. When you create an architectural design for yourself, think about how you can convert the space into another room down the line. For example, you may be able to create a unique design that allows you to split the space in half, creating two rooms if you need to do so at some point in the future.

Many hotels are using convertible space within their hotel rooms. This allows people in business to convert the hotel into more of a bedroom/office space when they are going to be spending more than a few days in town. Regardless of what your design is going to be used for, you can talk to an architect about having some kind of convertible space in place.

Eco-Friendly Materials

One architectural design trend that has been in place for several years now is the use of eco-friendly materials. This is a trend that is not likely to go anywhere because people are becoming more aware of the environment and how they can make an impact. Sustainable and biodegradable materials can be used within your design, reducing the number of natural resources used.

Steel can be incorporated within the design, allowing you to use one of the most recycled products on the planet. You can also use a variety of other products that will last for decades, ensuring that you do not have to replace them frequently.

When you know the trends in architectural design, you can be sure your building is stunning and highly desirable by consumers and those who are looking to buy it in the future.

Architectural Design Drawings – Powerful Means in Architecture

Architecture is a famous business sector nowadays. It requires powerful and effective means to deliver decent building architectural outputs. Architectural design drawings are widely used in Architecture industry for various reasons. They are the first choice of any professional that is related with Building Architecture.

Architectural design drawings are specially made for understanding various building design specifications. They are technical drawings of any building structure and are prepared as per International Guidelines of Building Architecture. Architectural design drawings are helpful to architects and builders for different purposes such as i) to prepare building design ii) to convey design ideas and technical concepts iii) to easily explain what you want to design.

Architectural- design drawings can be defined as building drawings that follow set of conventions, which include particular views (floor plan, section etc.), sheet sizes, units of measurement and scales, annotation and cross referencing. These factors are very important as far as understanding of building design and dimension specifications are concerned. According to these, one can easily develop building construction strategy and can definitely get desired building structure.

Architecture design – drawings have their own area of importance; some of them are as follow:
o Interior Design Drawings
o Building architecture drawings
o Architectural drawings drafting
o Architectural perspective drawings
o Landscape design – drawings
o Three dimensional drawings
o Architectural CAD drawings
o Technical drawings design

Ease in creation and comfort in implementation – makes these architectural design – drawings much better and powerful option in Architecture Industry. Proper utilization of such can be vital in any architecture business.

Architectural Designers – How to Choose the Right One

When hiring architectural designers there are a lot of different elements that you have to think about. With so many different professionals out there to choose from it can seem nearly impossible to find the best ones. However, if you take the time to explore your options and know what you are looking for it can be easy to find the architectural designers that suit your needs. Here are some things to keep in mind to help you make the best decision for your needs.

– Never choose the first designer that you find without doing a little research. Even if they are the best designers in the country, you need to find that out for yourself. It helps to know what you are getting into when it comes to design.

– Think about your budget and how much you want to spend on a designer. While this shouldn’t be a primary concern in your decision, it is going to be an element to consider. You have to find a designer that is good at what they do and that you can afford.

– Make sure that you look at previous work. Check out the style of work that they have done and be sure that it suits your desires. If you find a great designer, it doesn’t matter much unless they have the same style that you are searching for.

– Look at designers that are in your area. While a great designer from another area might seem like a great idea, having someone close by might prove to be a better experience. This is up to you, but it’s definitely something to consider.

Architectural designers come in all shapes and sizes. By taking the time to check out all of the different designers that are available, you will be better able to see what your options are and find the ideal person for the job.

Remember to look at reputation, costs, design styles, and all of the different elements involved in your search so that you can get the most from your search. It isn’t difficult, as long as you know what you’re looking for. These tips should help you get the most out of your decision when you’re shopping for an architectural designer to build or design your next home. By taking the time to explore your options, it’s easier to get exactly what you need when you are searching for someone to design your home.

Tips to Hire an Architectural Designer

  • Know what you want– Before you hire an architect it is essential that you have your thought and ideas arranged about what you want. Decide whether you will be doing some portion of the work or assign the architect for doing everything. If you will be doing some part, then decide how much of the work you will be doing and to what extent you desire the architect’s involvement. Making lists of what you want, your priorities, and pulling out images of what you like and dislike will be incredibly helpful for you and the designer.
  • Ask for recommendations– Ask friends and relatives who have hired architects in the past whether they were satisfied with his/ her work. Ask for candid feedback. You can visit the project site and see the finished product for yourself. Also ask whether any problem had arisen during the project and how that was handled.
  • Check online– You can also search online for architects. Check out the websites of the architectural firm. See if they have displayed photos of their previous finished project. Make a list and narrow it down to a few who impress you.
  • Visit the architects– Prepare some questions when you go to an architect. Some questions you can ask are: what’s his working method? How he/ she will establish his priorities and make decisions? Will he be amenable to your thoughts and instructions? If any problems arise how is it going to be handled? The answers should satisfy your queries. If you don’t understand something, ask for explanations.
  • Check the architect’s experience– Consider the architect’s experience, how long he has been working in the field. Consider your project type and complexity and ask whether the architect is compatible with it.
  • Verify document– Verify the architect’s licensing, insurance and other credentials. If you are not very confident verifying them, hire professionals to check them on your behalf.
  • Make your budget known– Sometimes the fee of the architect is based on a percentage of your budget. It can be fixed flat fee, hourly, or can be based on the final construction cost. Be transparent to the architect about your budget. Sometimes the architect’s fee includes additional charges for 3D models, travel, overtime, materials, and changes in the original design. The architect may also charge a retainer (similar to a down payment) at the beginning of the project. Ask every detail beforehand so that they do not later surprise you.

Most architects today use 3D visualization in their projects. With 3D visualization, the architect can show the exact image of the finished product to you. You can see your final project from every angle and corner. If there is something which you find displeasing or flawed, you can ask the architect to modify them.

Let’s Bring Past Period Futurist Architecture Designs To Life In Holograms and In 3-D Models

There is a famous quote that goes something like this; “the future isn’t what it used to be,” and although that is a very funny statement, it’s also quite true. You see, not more than 10 years ago I was able to purchase several decades of Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazines at a garage sale no doubt. As I went through each one of them, it was interesting as to what the artist’s conceptions had predicted and considered our future might look like today. Of course, it doesn’t look anything like that, but it could.

Perhaps the future with new materials it might as cars, boats, trucks, and motorcycles could all be flying vehicles instead – stronger than steel and 50 times lighter. It wouldn’t take much power to get them airborne, or keep them that way. Buildings could be built higher with less cost, less steel and concrete, and much safer easily able to comply with earthquake building codes out here in California, or the very difficult building codes in New York City for instance.

Many of those pictures and stories are still in my mind from perusing all of those old magazines. In fact, this article couldn’t possibly do that justice, but I wish I could download my mind so you could see what I’ve seen, to see those images, and how my mind has built upon them. Maybe you can look at some of those old magazine articles in 2-D online somewhere, I think there is a website that has some of those old pictures and stories. But better yet wouldn’t be great if we could bring it all to life in 3-D hologram models for all to see?

There is an interesting YouTube Video Titled; “Architecture & Design, pt.4 – Antonio Sant’Elia,” which depicts this famous architect’s drawings and work prior to his death. He was amongst the first and one of the most well-known “Futurist Style” architects of Italy during his day.

This might give you some idea what I’m talking about, and with new materials we could bring many of these things to life not only in 3-D holograms, but also in real buildings, inhabited by real people, or with real businesses inside. Yes, “the future isn’t what it used to be,” but that doesn’t mean in the future it couldn’t be? Perhaps we just need to dream bigger, consider the ideas and concepts which have come before us, and then take them all to the next level. That’s all I’m saying here, and I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Detailed Analysis on How to Express Your Architectural Design by Colors

To understand the strength of the colors and their effects on the design is very vital to know how to present your architectural design by colors. But the process of understanding is not that easy to grasp as it takes time. Let us see ahead how to do it.

You might have wonderful colors chosen for your design already. All the colors represent a re impressive and correlating your architectural design but still you are left out with the greatest difficulty of which color should go on which specific assembly or column or pillar or whatsoever without affecting the value of the design as a whole when you have completed the color combination

Somebody who is a professional well trained design engineer or architect can alone know the right combination as he had already dealt with so many similar cases. He could tell you faster and minimize your time spent.

According to reports even after years of service in the same arena people find it extremely cumbersome as long as the coloring part comes into picture. How to present your architectural design by colors is not a question which is to be answered in short. It cannot be taught all in moments. Enough preparation as well as the aid of machine is a must.

Even when your design is of no worth sometimes the color combination alone gets you the nice feel and makes it to win appreciation from the visitors. The vice versa is also true.

There is lot of instances to quote where normally in dense towns and cities where appreciation and attention is given altogether mainly for the color combination alone forgetting about the design. The converse happens in art galleries.

Coloring should be done and done at a lighter vein where you want to display your creativity in your design. You should not allow the color attractions to dominate over the appreciation for the design from the viewers. To put it short and sweet color knowledge is inevitable for an architect.