A Heart That Survived, My Personal Trial

Posted: under Health.

A Heart That Survived, My Personal Trial For me, it all started a year ago in May. May 16, 2003 to be exact. The thread mill was rolling, and I was feeling fine. Then my Doctor asked,"how do you feel Mr. Williams"? I'm fine Doc, I answered. Little did I know that this would be a life changing exprience for me and my family. Fifteen minuets later after a little more speed, and elevation on the thread mill. I was now begining to feel the effects of the increased speed. "How you feeling now ...
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Aug 12 2015

Nursing shortage

Posted: under Health.

Nursing shortage has been an issue for sometime now in the country. The causes are varied and have been discussed in many articles in the recent past. The purpose of this article is to explore the strategies US Hospitals are employing to overcome the nurse shortage. The remedy of a problem is dependent on its cause. This is no different here. Since the causes of shortage of nurses are varied the possible solutions proposed are many too. Nurse shortage stems from lesser number of students ...
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Aug 11 2015

rX My Heart and Hope to Die

Posted: under Health.

This must be a mistake! How could his drug costs rise from $150 a month to $1101 in just three weeks? My hands shook while I read the pharmacy bill. There was no mistake. The bill I held recorded the drugs ordered by my fathers Alzheimers' care unit. In only three weeks at this eldercare facility, his drug expenses had soared an incredible 734%. Ironically, his quality of life had plunged about the same percent. Walking and talking when he entered, he now spent his days confined to a ...
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Aug 10 2015

What Went Wrong? Proving Medical Malpractice

Posted: under Health.

Medical malpractice, though usually defined rather broadly in the court of public opinion, is often difficult to prove in a court of law. Extensive criteria must be met for malpractice to be found by a court of law, and fully two-thirds of all medical malpractice cases are won by the defendant. Yet, in order to understand the concept of malpractice and how it affects the doctor/patient relationship, you first must understand the popular connotation of the term. When it comes to public opinion, ...
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Aug 09 2015

Buying Drugs From Canada

Posted: under Health.

Americans are embracing the modem and abandoning the motor vehicle in search of cheaper drug prices and Canadian pharmacies are the destination. The neighbor to the north has become the savior of the health-plan meek, and the cash mild, by filling their prescriptions for savings of up to 80%. Yet, while the willing Canadians share their good fortune of lower-priced drugs, unfriendly forces plot their demise. Doctors associations, pharma giants, and government agencies are doing their best to ...
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Aug 07 2015

Argue with Yourself and Improve Your Health

Posted: under Health.

Even as a child, James was described by teachers and his parents as a happy optimist. As the story goes, one day his parents decided to play a joke on him and test his attitude by requiring him to spend an afternoon cleaning deserted stables at what had been a local racetrack. Returning after two hours, James’ parents observed him singing while happily shoveling manure. Astounded, they walked closer, only to hear him saying to himself over and over, ―There has to be a pony in here ...
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Aug 06 2015

Medical Hair Restoration - Getting Your Hair Back Permanently

Posted: under Health.

Balding is something that happens to most men and some women. While many men adapt to the fact that they are losing their hair, others seek remedies and treatments to help prevent the hair loss and even to replacement procedures. Medical hair restoration is one method of obtaining a permanent solution to hairloss. This is suitable for both men and women and produces a very natural looking head of hair. Medical hair restoration is also called hair transplants and if this is something that ...
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Aug 04 2015

Stride for Better Health

Posted: under Health.

Title: Stride for Better Health Author: Patricia Wagner Format: Word wrapped at 60 characters per line Article Word Count: 656 Contact Author: mailto:wagner.art@verizon.net Date of Copyright: copyright © 2004 by Patricia Wagner Author Photo: http://www.a-to-z-wellness.com/Images/PWagner.jpg Receive new articles: http://www.a-to-z-wellness.com/article-updates.htm Other Available Articles by Patricia Wagner http://www.a-to-z-wellness.com/wagner-articles.htm Publishing Guidelines: Feel free to ...
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Aug 01 2015

What's the truth about cell phones and your health?

Posted: under Health.

eems that with every new advance in technology a question arises about its long term health effects. The cellular phone has not escaped the question. Indeed there are those that firmly believe that using cellular phones causes brain damage. Linking cell phones with cancer has been a hot topic for some time, said Rob Denell, director of Kansas State University's Terry C. Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research. "This has been a very controversial area for some years now and a number of ...
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Jul 31 2015

Three Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals

Posted: under Health.

We all have aspects of health we want to improve. It could be as simple as increasing your stretching, or as great as starting an exercise program. Regardless of its scope, there is a reason you’re not doing it. Although the focus of this article is on health goals, these steps can also be applied to any aspect of your life, personal or professional. I will walk you through 3 steps that are guaranteed to help you achieve a health goal To begin, write down a list of all your health goals. ...
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Jul 30 2015