The Day I Decided To Stop Gambling With Gamblers Anonymous

Everything was going perfect for me in life. Good job, good home, good life and good friends. Until one day some friends asked if I wanted to go to the casino. By the time I realized it, three years of my life were gone and I was in debt. It was time to quit.

The day I decided to stop gambling I was depressed and relieved at the same time. I couldn’t go on any longer. I thought all my hopes and dreams were shattered. I couldn’t tell anybody what I was going through. I was afraid that they would be disappointed in me. I remember the first day. I was nervous and anxious. I had a hard time focusing at work. This was not my first time trying to quit. I was sure I really wanted to quit, but wasn’t sure if I could quit.

The day I decided to quit I had no where to turn. I found it was difficult to talk to my family and friends about my problem. I began to do research and found Gamblers Anonymous. I wanted to give Gamblers Anonymous a try. I happened to have met a lot of nice people there. They welcomed me into the group and made me feel comfortable. I had tears coming down my face and my anxiety kicked in. I was very quiet buy my emotions were running wild inside. I made it through my first meeting and was somewhat looking forward to the next one. As each week passed new members would join and others would disappear. This became a weekly event. Who was going to come back and who was going to stay?

I continued to go to my Gamblers Anonymous meeting on a weekly basis. I was always afraid some one would recognize me. The turn over was extraordinary. Each week as I entered the meeting my heart began to race until I was sure I didn’t know any of the new members. It was the tenth week and an old co-worker of mine walked through the doors. We hadn’t worked together for over ten years. I thought about leaving but I decided to stay and try and work it out. Unfortunately he did not keep the Gamblers Anonymous code. He had told a friend who told another friend until it got back to me. It was unfortunate, but I dealt with it and moved on.

I and others unfortunately had other situations occur that were not very positive for us at Gamblers Anonymous. I still thank them for putting me on the road to recovery. From the first time I entered Gamblers Anonymous and followed up with the website I Stopped Gambling So Can You

I believe I am on the road to recovery. I take one day at a time and allow myself the option to gamble or not to gamble. This helped me to take control of my life. By allowing myself to make the choice the amount of stress on me has been significantly reduced.

A month after I stopped going to Gamblers Anonymous meetings, I ran into one of the members. He was curious at how I was doing and asked me if I would be there next week? I told him I would try and make the meeting. I popped in a few times more to tell them how I was doing. They were all glad to see me, but I wasn’t in compliance with the rules of Gamblers Anonymous, so I decided not to go back. In this particular group I attended, they have rules that do not allow a member to comment during therapy if they did not attend four consecutive weekly meetings. I respected their rules but realized it was time to move on. I told the group and thanked them very much for putting me in the right direction and left.

Compulsive Gambler Shares His Recovery Story About Gamblers Anonymous Now That He Stopped

A compulsive gambler who participated in Gamblers Anonymous program shared his recovery in hopes to help others affected by this addiction.
Sean was an above average student in high school. He played sports, volunteered at the local soup kitchen on holidays and had a high school sweetheart that he married soon after graduating. He went onto college and received his degree. Five years after graduating college he already had two kids and a beautiful home. He was living the American dream. Everything was going perfect in life. Then one day the local news broad cast the grand opening of a gambling establishment. The news reporter hailed it as a big boost for the local economy. Little did Sean know that this new place was going to cost him his life savings and more.

The local excitement generated by the opening stimulated the public’s curiosity. Most people have never really been exposed to gambling and the affects it can have on you. The local news stated that there were going to be just as many stars at the opening as there were at the Academy Awards. Everyone wanted to go and check it out. Besides gambling they have various types of entertainment, unique shopping, first class accommodations and top quality food. Sean called his friends to go and everyone said yes.
Sean had the time of his life. He was one of the lucky ones he won $500.00 and everyone else either broke even or lost their money. They all agreed they had a fantastic night and could not wait to do it again. They all decided that they should go every Friday night. It was time for them to get out of the house and take a break from the kids. Everyone found a babysitter and off they went.

For the next six months Sean, his wife and friends spent Friday nights dancing, eating and gambling. Everyone thought this was the life. They all had good jobs and no financial problems. Sean was on a hot streak. His first game of choice was poker. His wife really did not like to gamble but she like the shops and entertainment. While Sean gambled his wife went to the shows and shopped till she dropped. She thought everything was fine. Sean would hand her $200.00 he said he just won and told her to treat herself to something special at the stores. Little did everyone know that Sean’s $500.00 gambling limit was up to $1,500.00 a week. His friends also did not realize that he was losing. He would run to the cash machine at the end of the night and made people to believe he either won or broke even. He was always an honest guy, there was no reason anyone would suspect that he was lying.

A year had passed and Sean had lost over $15,000.00. The wife had no idea, but Sean was beginning to have doubts about the gambling establishment, but could not stop. He remembers one day he called in sick from work and decided to spend the day gambling. He was sure he could win back all the money he lost. He took $5000.00 out of the bank and lost it all that same day. He was upset with no where to turn.

Another year past and he lost even more money. All of sudden his world was crumbling with no where to turn. He thought about committing suicide by making it look like an accident so his life insurance would take care of his family. He was in so much pain and no one knew. He wanted this madness to stop. He knew his wife knew nothing about his addiction, but knew she was going to find out shortly since he maxed out the credit cards and gambled his mortgage payment.

Sean’s job began to suffer because he was always preoccupied with placing his next bet. He began to isolate himself. He stopped going to lunch with his co-workers. No one questioned why or I should say no one took the time to find out why.

His wife was called by their mortgage company telling her that they did not get their March payment. She called Sean at work and he old her the check must have gotten lost in the mail. He began to panic, became very resourceful and found a way to cover the mortgage. Another two months went by and he finally had to tell his wife. She was stunned in disbelief. She basically told him to get help or get out.

Sean had already known about Gamblers Anonymous but was afraid to go and was scared people would find out. He finally decided to call Gamblers Anonymous and check it out.

Sean found out that Gamblers Anonymous has helped thousands of individuals beat their compulsive gambling addiction. He was smart individual. He realized the expectations that are placed on Gamblers Anonymous are excessive due to the volume of gamblers seeking help with a very unique program. He attended his first meeting and realized he was not alone and help was available if he wanted it.

Gamblers Anonymous has a twelve step program geared towards helping individuals with their gambling addiction.

The twelve steps are as follows:

1. We admitted we were powerless over gambling – that our lives had become unmanageable.

2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to a normal way of thinking and living.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of this Power of our own understanding.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral and financial inventory of ourselves.

5. Admitted to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

6. Were entirely ready to have these defects of character removed.

7. Humbly asked God (of our understanding) to remove our shortcomings.

8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.

9. Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.

11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

12. Having made an effort to practice these principles in all our affairs, we tried to carry this message to other compulsive gamblers.

Understanding the Gamblers Anonymous program allowed Sean to decide if this was the right program for him. He was able to relate to all the people at the meeting but felt his situation was different. He saw the pros and cons of this program.

For three months he attended Gamblers Anonymous, his life began to get better until he slipped up and placed a few bets. He was so ashamed that he gambled he didn’t know what to do. He missed the next meeting but decided to go again the following week. He told the group what had happened and they unfortunately change his date that he placed his last bet. This totally discouraged him and reduced his self esteem to the lowest in his life. He still continued to go but his heart was no longer into Gamblers Anonymous. He felt degraded. His sponsor there tried to help him work through it. The next meeting he attended a person walked into the room that he recognized. He began to panic and asked to talk to the chair person. The chair person tried to calm him down, by telling him that everything that happens in this room stays in this room. The person you know is here to get help too.

What Sean didn’t know was this person he recognized had already been in the program for two years and successfully stopped gambling. This person was open about her addiction.

The next week Sean’s wife received a call from one of her friends asking her if Sean had a gambling addiction. She told her friend yes he does and he is getting help. Her friend told her there was a rumor going around about Sean.

The Past, The Present, And The Future, A Compulsive Gambler’s Thoughts Through Poetry

The Past, The Present And The Future, A Compulsive Gambler’s Thoughts Part 4 is a collection of poems that express what I was going through during the last ten years of my life. Through this experience I was able to better understand what I was going through before, during and after with my compulsive gambling addiction. You learn an awful lot about your self when you are able to put it into words. In part 4 there are two more poems New Beginning and You Are Not Worth It. New Beginning See it now, see it wow See it then, see it when Let it out, let it shout Let it in, let it sin People will see people will be People will know, people will grow They will care, they will stare They will show, they will glow Trust in me, trust in thee Trust in love, trust in above A lot in now, a lot in wow A lot in please, a lot in tease Short time stay, short time play Short time near, short time fear More time ever more time never Love is you, love is true Love is there, love is care Life is we, life is me Life is now, life is wow Treasure you know, treasure you grow Treasure you are, treasure you star Moment you be, moment you see Moment you lust, moment you trust. You Are Not Worth It You’re alone because you choose to be Playing games with me you will never see I no longer care I will not let you be there Cruelty seems to be your professional specialty But with me not there You can not hurt me You may think you are sincere But reality speaks you really don’t care You say you do Actions speak the most Self centered always wanting to be the host My heart tells me to say good bye It’s time for me to fly Games, lies or maybe deceptions I have closed the door For ever more You are not worth it Beauty comes from with in Shallow surface can never win Life’s painful lessons for you Will always be true You are not worth it
Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that they are unable to reach.

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The Dangers Of Gambling Abuse And Addiction

So, how do you know if you or someone you love have a gambling problem?

First of all it’s important to note that compulsive gambling is a psychological condition that makes people unable to control their desire to gamble. Many crave the feeling they have when they gamble and seek this experience on a daily basis, no matter whether they’re on a winning or losing streak.

Compulsive gamblers may start betting small amounts, but sooner or later start to wager higher bets in order to get the same feelings of excitement they had when they first started playing. Compulsive gamblers often feel agitated and restless if they are unable to gamble and can feel a strong desire to gamble when other aspects of their lives are weighing them down. Compulsive gamblers may also believe that gambling is the only way to pay off debts and keep believing that it’s only a matter of time before they hit the elusive jackpot. Some compulsive gamblers may find themselves lying to friends and families and in some cases stealing money or goods to pay for their gambling habit.

Not all compulsive gamblers will exhibit each of these qualities, but if you recognise just a few of these in yourself or someone close to you then it could be time to seek help.

Compulsive gambling is treatable and there are a number of wonderful organisations set up to deal specifically with this problem.

Gamblers Anonymous is probably the most well-known and widespread and is based on a 12-step program similar to that of Alcoholics Anonymous. Members meet on a regular basis to share experiences and listen to each others stories and you will find that there are literally hundreds of Gamblers Anonymous groups situated all over the world. Go to the Gamblers Anonymous website for more information   or check your local newspaper.

Gam-Anon is another well-respected self-help organization whose motto is “serenity, courage, wisdom. “Their website provides a solid resource into the issues surrounding compulsive gambling and meetings are held regularly.

The National Council on Problem Gambling is a government sponsored organization with branches across the USA. The website also has a lot of information which you may find useful.  .

Other countries will also have their own groups and organizations which may be publicly or privately run. Again check your local newspaper or phone book for more information.

Remember, compulsive gambling is a mental health issue for which there is help and support. If you feel that gambling is dominating your life in a way that is harmful or unhealthy, then perhaps its time to talk to someone about it.

For parents sleep , How to find the best mattress for your bunk bed

For older people can sleep sweet dreams or nightmares . There are several important things to remember when it comes to having one at home . We will discuss some of their safety concerns are mainly focused on safety issues futon bunk beds . It is ignoring a lot of times , but choosing the best mattress bunk beds can lead a healthy life in all areas .

A bunk bed can be one of the best tools , toys , objects , furniture … etc. whatever you want to call it , that we can have in the lives of our children . The kids love this . Why ? That is a good question . Probably the endless possibilities that the kids can make when having a bunk bed mattress is not the place of the usual old . They can be dangerous though . Jumping and rolling of the rolling is the key to prevention must be considered as a parent . Futon bunk beds are just as important though . Mainly , because healthy sleep . Just like our adult children are not immune to a comfortable sleeping space . Can and will have long term affects on children . One for a child’s mattress can cause back pain , neck pain , sleep deprivation , night walking , sleep onset association , separation issues , refusing to sleep , fall asleep in school , parasomnias , neurocognitive ability , physical activity and poor academic performance . Easy to physical exhaustion , and lack of enthusiasm for mental work .

I believe the key to communication with a child or children on how they want to sleep and what they prefer to sleep . Another thing to consider is their behavior . If they are sleeping in schools , or always tired . If they are moody and short tempered this all due to the lack of quality sleep . Do they have a bad dream ? Does this come from ?

Making small experiences like this to be a fun adventure to add a ton of value to family life , the life , the lives of our children and their friends as well . It is not a big thing that we do in life is important . This is how we do all things big or small . It starts here .

Starting with a task as rough as mattress shopping for bunk beds . To make it fun , adventure and watch the value and joy in your family and your own life skyrocket .

5 Reasons Why People do not Use Mind Mapping

Are you looking for a better way to organise your thoughts and ideas? Are you having difficulties in remembering concepts and plans? If your answer to these questions is yes then you better start mind mapping.


For many years now, the mind map is proven as an efficient medium by which concepts and ideas are conveyed. Such maps enable the human mind to think in the manner it is supposed to – using associations and links. However, in spite of its effectiveness and proven benefits, it still is an unpopular choice for the many. Only a few prefer using it for projects and communication purposes.


Below are five reasons why mind mapping has not been fully embraced by people:


  1. Not everyone is aware of it – Despite having the concept of mind maps as early as the third century, not everyone thought it would be worthy of being shared. Moreover, only a few people might have realised its efficiency and further benefits.
  2. Individuals have accustomed themselves mostly to take in textual-based information – reading has always been the principal medium for learning in most of the subjects offered in school, for instance. We have been trained to read and gather information through reading even as early as childhood.
  3. People misjudge mind maps as complex diagrams – Other people tend to become pessimistic when seeing mind maps. They are often preoccupied with the mind-set that such maps are complicated, when in fact they are not. However, when viewers learn the process of understanding it – by focusing on the main point first then slowly associating the details that follow – they would realise how straightforward mind maps are.
  4. People think they need special training or undergo special supervision before they can do their own mind maps – Making your own mind maps does not necessitate specialisation. Doing it just needs creativity. Just think of a focal point and then expound on that by associating related concepts. Then, you sort out the best fitting arrangement that will suit your concept.
  5. People do not want to try it for fear of getting ridiculed – this is perhaps one of the most irrational reasons why mind mapping has not become the best preferred method in sharing information. What people need to have is the open-mindedness to try out new things. Once people get to learn how such technique actually works; once they realize how beneficial it is, they will surely cling to it.


If you have at least one assumption about mind mapping that has been stated earlier, then you should scrap them off your mind now. Clearly, all these preconceived notions are biased. We often resort to writing when conveying our ideas simply because it is the norm. However, if you desire to become more efficient in arranging your ideas and relating them to your viewers, start opting for mind maps.


You can always seek help from pros whenever you are having a difficulty in creating your own. You can also seek help from the internet and look for sites that give out tips in making such maps. Check out online samples where you can extract ideas from. Moreover, you may also opt to try out some software applications which automatically does the job for you based on your preferences. Mind mapping is a great tool that can definitely work wonders for those who are willing to try creating them.