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Keeping the Northwest wild

Some of Conservation Northwest's and our membership's many achievements keeping the Northwest wild since 1989.

Creative and effective, for over 25 years Conservation Northwest has protected hundreds of thousands of acres of wildlands and wildlife habitat, and touched thousands of lives throughout the greater Northwest. We're your voice for conserving wildlands and amazing wildlife.Grizz2014

Our M.O. is simple: connect the big landscapes, protect the most vulnerable wildlife, and conserve our natural heritage for future generations.

Our Mission

Using creative conservation since our founding in 1989, we work to "Keep the Northwest wild" -- protecting, connecting and restoring old-growth forests and other wild areas from the Washington Coast to the B.C. Rockies: places vital to a healthy future for us, our children, and wildlife.

We also champion rare and recovering wildlife in our region, from gray wolves, wolverines, lynx and grizzly bears, to marbled murrelets, mountain caribou and pacific fishers. Our wildlife advocacy, annual Wild Links Conference and Citizen Wildlife Monitoring programs are at the core of our work for a wilder Northwest. 

We work hard to protect wildlife and habitat because what is good for wildlife is good for people, too. Clean air and water, protected forests, mountains, and other wildlands, healthy and connected natural ecosystems—it all adds up to a better quality of life in our region.

Read about our success in 2014

Learn more about our staffboards and conservation coalitions.

Or learn more about our history in our milestones timeline, "Then, and Now" and "25 Years of Success"

    Our Work

    View a timeline of our work keeping the Northwest wild and read more about our successes over the last 25 years. Or check out a Google Earth map of our work.

    Some of our members and supporters
    Some of our members and supporters

    Our work in review

    Our achievements include

    • In 2008, our wildlife monitoring cameras documented the first wolf pack to return to Washington in 70 years. In 2011, volunteers did it again, providing the first record of the Teanaway Pack, as well as the recovery of wolverines south of Stevens Pass.
    • We led, and won, protection for Canada lynx under the Endangered Species Act.
    • We helped gain a recovery plan for Washington's wolves and are finding solutions to improve the outlook for wolves and ranchers and others.
    • We protected 25,000 acres of the Loomis State Forest in north-central Washington, essential habitat for lynx.
    • We helped reintroduce the Pacific fisher to the Olympic Peninsula; next step is recovery of this native forest mammal to the Cascades.
    • We achieved, with Canadian conservation groups, a major commitment from the BC government to protect habitat for the endangered mountain caribou
    • Over the years we've spearheaded a number of successful partnerships and coalitions, including The Cascades Conservation Partnership in 2000, and the Coast to Cascades Grizzly Bear Initiative in 2013.
    • In northeastern Washington's Columbia Highlands we are keeping wilderness alive, connecting wildlife habitat, protecting forests, and improving local jobs.

    Learn more about our coalition work or read testimonials about Conservation Northwest!

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