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Huffington Post | 2015-07-17

Wave Of Suicide Bombings In Nigeria Leaves Over 60 Dead

DAMATURU, Nigeria (AP) -- Suicide bombs have killed at least 64 people in multiple blasts in the northeastern towns of Gombe and Damaturu, officials said...

Tampa Bay Online | 2015-07-17

Japan to start from scratch on Tokyo Olympic stadium plan

TOKYO (AP) — Japan scrapped the design of the Olympic stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Games because of soaring costs Friday and said it will reopen bidding for a new...

Engadget | 2015-07-17

Et tu, Watson? IBM's supercomputer can critique your writing

It's bad enough that robots are writing professionally (albeit badly), but now they're criticizing, too? IBM has unveiled the Watson Tone Analyzer, the latest...

The Washington Post | 2015-07-17

Look at that, LeBron James is now shooting his free throws backwards

Perhaps LeBron James is bored of continually proving his mastery of conventional basketball skills. Perhaps he’s tired of Steph Curry getting all the...

Open Minds Worldwide

CounterPunch | 2015-07-17

Greek Lessons for Americans

The Debacle The Greek government’s capitulation to its predator-creditors, coming less than a week...

CounterPunch | 2015-07-17

Mr. President, You Don’t Have to Make a Mistake to Go to Jail

President Obama is to be commended for tackling the country’s satanic criminal justice system, but...

CounterPunch | 2015-07-17

Greece, Neoliberalism and Politics by Other Means

Politics by Other Means One of the challenges in writing about politics is that economics, as Marx...

CounterPunch | 2015-07-17

When Republicans Rebel Against the Supreme Court

Although social conservatives are licking their wounds after the , the loss of “traditional...

CounterPunch | 2015-07-17

Was Netanyahu Iran’s Nuclear Dupe?

What if the whole drama was only an exercise of deception? What if the wily Persians did not even...