Training programs

The Library offers a number of programs throughout the year to assist students in developing research skills and to use the full range of information resources available at Victoria University Library. The programs range from one-hour information sessions to two-hours hands-on workshops.

View all Library training programs for the current month:

On this page

Researcher training

Endnote: Beginners

An introductory session for those who need to organise and manage information using bibliographic software. Covers the basics of building an Endnote library and creating bibliographies.

When & where: Sessions are available from 27 May - 27 August at City Flinders, Footscray Park, Footscray Nicholson, Werribee & St Albans campus Libraries.

Register to attend Endnote: Beginners.

Data Management Essentials: for all stages of a research project

For research students and staff working on a research project or applying for funding and grants. Librarian Jessica Cork will discuss:

  • benefits of effective data management
  • saving time
  • avoiding data loss by using secure storage systems
  • facilitating sharing
  • complying with funder mandates
  • setting up your data management plan
  • sharing your data
  • finding the data of others
  • citing data.

When & where: Monday 31 August, 2pm-3pm, Footscray Park Library

Register to attend Data Management Essentials.

Turbo-charge your research career using Scopus

This session will cover key Scopus & SciMago features that enable researchers to:

  • ensure your publications are being captured by cleaning up your Scopus ID
  • identify journals with high citation potential in which to publish
  • set alerts for when you or your friends/competitors are cited
  • identify leaders in your field, monitor trends and track hot topics
  • identify potential collaborators in your field, in Australia and overseas.

Presenter: Steven Riddell, PhD – Customer Consultant, Research Intelligence, Elsevier (Aust/NZ)

When and where: Wednesday 26 August, 2.00pm – 3.30pm, Footscray Park Library, Training Room P213

Register to attend Turbo-charge your career using Scopus

eBooks: an introduction

This information session will cover:

  • finding eBooks through the search box on the Library home page
  • borrowing, downloading and printing eBooks
  • where to find help.

When & where: Sessions are available from 27 July - 20 August at City Flinders, Footscray Nicholson, Footscray Park, St Albans and Werribee campus libraries.

Register to attend eBooks an introduction 

Law Student Essentials

On campus and online sessions from July to September for Law students:

  • Secondary sources: finding books and journal articles, and using legal dictionaries and encyclopaedias.
  • Case law:case citations, case citators, case digests.
  • Legislation: types of legislation – lifecycles, second reading speeches, explanatory memoranda, etc.
  • AGLC referencing: avoiding plagiarism and creating footnotes and bibliographies that are right first time.

See training calendar to book sessions.

College-specific support

Drop-in sessions for Arts students

A librarian will be available at Footscray Nicholson Library, every Tuesday, to help students of the College of Arts with:

  • Referencing – any queries about using the correct referencing style for assignments
  • Finding and evaluating library resources for your assignment
  • Using: Library Search & Databases
  • Help with exam preparation.

For: All Arts students – VE/FE students, undergraduate students, postgraduate students

When: Every Tuesday, 12pm-2pm. No need to book – just drop in anytime between 12pm and 2pm.
Where: Footscray Nicholson Library. Ask for the drop-in session at the library desk.

Pop-up Library and The Business of Learning

A Librarian and a Lecturer from Academic Support & Development are available to assist all students in the College of Business with:

  • finding resources using the Library catalogue and databases
  • evaluating the information you find
  • planning a business essay, report or assignment
  • referencing and avoiding plagiarism
  • building your academic language skills
  • managing your study time at university
  • reading business texts
  • giving spoken presentations.

No appointment needed; simply drop in as often as you need.

When: Every Wednesday, during semester, 12pm-2pm
Where: Footscray Park Campus, Building G, Room 316

When: Every Thursday, during semester, 12pm-2pm
Where: City Flinders Campus, Level 9

Engineering and science drop-in sessions

Engineering & Science Librarians and Academic Support & Development Lecturers will be available to help engineering and science students with:

  • unpacking your engineering, science or IT assignment
  • finding and evaluating library resources for your assignment
  • using Library Search, referencing guides and databases
  • planning and structuring your report or essay
  • paraphrasing, referencing and writing
  • giving an oral presentation
  • understanding maths and physics concepts and theories
  • solving maths and physics problems.

When: Every Monday (starting Monday 3 August), 10am-12pm. Appointments are not needed, just drop in.
Where: Footscray Park Campus, Building D, Room D316

Librarian help available at Werribee Library

As from Thursday 16 July and every Thursday during semester, a librarian from one of the following Colleges will be available at Werribee Library to assist students with finding information:

  • College of Education
  • College of Engineering & Science
  • College of Health & Biomedicine

The librarians will provide assistance with:

  • database searching
  • accessing articles
  • referencing
  • any other information research skills.

When: Every Thursday during semester, 9.30am-1pm & 2pm-4.30pm
Where: Werribee Library service desk or by phone +61 3 9919 8250