Staff email & social media

As a staff member at Victoria University, you can stay connected via email, social media and a number of other online networking channels.

On this page

Staff email

Staff can access their VU email account at any time, on or off campus, by logging into University webmail.

Login to webmail

For assistance and support, please contact the IT Service Desk on +61 3 9919 2777 or email at

Some notes about the email system:

  • Messages older than 60 days will be deleted from the Inbox only. This task occurs every Saturday morning.
  • Messages older than 45 days will have the attachment and graphics 'shortcutted' into the central archive. This rule applies to all folders.

You can also configure your mobile devices to be able to check email when off campus. Refer to the ITS support page on setting up your mobile for mail.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Foursquare & Yammer

VU maintains a number of 'official' channels on social media services. A selection of the most popular and active are:

The Conversation

The Conversation is a website that publishes news, commentary and analysis from university and research sectors. The site is accessed by hundreds of thousands of visitors every month from around the globe.

See the contributions by our academics, researchers and experts on the Victoria University channel of the Conversation.