The fine art of anonymous media

The following was written by the now deceased <predator> back in 2001. Most of the URLs are now broken and the technology referred to may seem old and out of date but the issues he describes and solutions proposed are still worth considering today, now more than ever.



Veteran campaigner half way to homeless friendly precincts

By Louise Tan - 15.7.2015 - The homeless are increasing according to every homeless advocacy organisation. All these organisations whether the Salvation Army, Mission Australia and the Council of Social Services are stating It is getting harder to provide for them. They do not have enough to go around. Australia is in the grip of increasing hardships. The poor are getting poorer. The homeless have no chance. But I have been heartened by a campaign by that veteran social justice fighter, Gerry Georgatos – a campaign for homeless friendly precincts.



Pro-Palestinian activists shut down Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems, on anniversary of Israel’s ‘Protective Edge’ assault on GAZA

At 8am members of the Melbourne Palestine Action Coalition (MPAC) shut down the headquarters of Israeli arms manufacturer, ELBIT SYSTEMS, at 235 Ingles St Port Melbourne to mark the first anniversary of the 2014 Israeli ‘Protective Edge’ assault on Gaza. The group have blockaded access to the building and currently have two people locked on to the entrance gate, who state that they are prepared to remain there as long as possible.


WARNING: Re government's establishment of First Nations Assembly at Native Title Conference

MEDIA RELEASE 17 June 2015


Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Convenor of the Sovereign Union, co-founder of the Aboriginal Embassy and Head of State of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic said today from Geneva, where he is attending the 1979 and 1981 UN First Delegates Symposium, with topics including 'Decolonisation' and 'Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources':



Re government's establishment of First Nations Assembly at Native Title Conference



Queen Elizabeth to be quizzed by Berlin demonstrators about Aborigines

The (German) Society for Threatened Peoples is planning an event in Berlin to support Australian Aborigines. We want to take Queen Elizabeth’s visit to our capital from 23 to 26 June as an opportunity to address her, the head of the Commonwealth, with an appeal to support the rights of Australian Aborigines. At the moment we are collecting statements of the Queen about this topic and are hoping for your support.


80,000 Australian mothers have been double crossed

Delivering the “Mother of All Insults” on Mother’s Day Treasurer Joe Hockey and Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced they would take up to $11,500 from nearly 80,000 Australian families.

Nearly 80,000 new mothers will be prevented from taking the $11,500 available under the current Paid Parental Leave Scheme because they work for employers with existing schemes.This is nearly half of all currently eligible women (47%).


Pro-Aboriginal activists seek contacts for Aboriginal prison art exhibition

An activist Dutch-Aboriginal couple are looking for help in Europe and Australia to put on an exhibition of art made by Aboriginal prisoners in Australian jails. “If you could help to organise venues, maybe museums, that would be great,” writes Dutchman Jack van den Berg, husband of Perth Aboriginal Elder and activist, Professor Rosemary van den Berg.



24 year old Saeed’s hunger strike should have stirred the nation, but barely a whisper

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - April 2nd, 2015 - Barely a whisper about 24 year old Saeed Hassanloo’s 40 days of hunger striking – willing death rather than spending more time in Australia’s dirty detention system. Mr Hassanloo has been held in detention since he was 19 years old – the bloom of his young adult life bled in Australia’s catastrophic human rights abuse – immigration detention. The young man is near death at Royal Perth Hospital.


Opinion Piece is BACK with a stellar all-female panel discussing ‪#‎Treaty‬.


Important  viewing if you can spare one hour tomorrow night, Friday March 27th-NITV [Ch 34]  .
You will note the First Nation's Aboriginal women on the panel and includes an important  video message by the  late Malcolm Fraser (of 2011) .
Hope you have time to view it. Please circulate widely

 NITV   Friday 27th March 7.30pm


Opinion Piece | Friday (March 27) | Ch 34


Save our oceans

When seasoned sailor Ivan Macfadyen returned from his last Pacific crossing he raised an ominous alarm:

"I'm used to seeing turtles, dolphins, sharks and big flurries of feeding birds. But this time, for 3000 nautical miles there was nothing alive to be seen.”

This once vibrant expanse of sea was hauntingly quiet, and covered with trash.
