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Why study a Foundation Degree?
Foundation degree in Policing
Foundation Degree in Policing
Foundation Degree Information Communication Technology
Foundation Degree in Fine Art - Petroc College
Foundation Degree Salon Management
Foundation Degree in Health & Social Care
UHOVI Foundation Degree in Learning Support
Foundation Degree Performing Arts
Foundation Degree IT Security
The Open University Foundation Degree in Counselling: your questions answered
Craven College Foundation Degree Garden Design
UHOVI Foundation Degree in Creative Industries Photography
Motorsport Engineering at Brooklands College - Foundation Degree
Hear from some of the students studying a Foundation Degree with the University of Bath about the realities of student life.
This video gives you an insight into what it's like to be a Foundation degree Policing student, what you'll learn on the course and how you're taught. The fo...
This full-time, two-year course has been developed in conjunction with Thames Valley Police. The foundation degree offers academic study in the history of po...
Find out what the tutor and students say about the Foundation Degree ICT at Coleg y Cymoedd Nantgarw Campus. To find out more about this course, visit http:/...
This course develops skills and ideas within fine art. Briefs given or devised by you, encourage you to look at many ways of working, together with developin...
Find out what the tutor and students say about the Foundation Degree Salon Management at Coleg y Cymoedd Nantgarw Campus. If you're interested in finding out...
An exciting opportunity to study current issues related to the expanding sector of health and social care. This is the largest employment field in the South ...
We talk to Bethan and Angharad about their experiences of studying the Foundation Degree in Learning Support at Coleg y Cymoedd, Ystrad Mynach campus with UHOVI.
Former Extended Diploma in Performing Arts student Mike Vella is back at Coleg Gwent studying our Higher Education Foundation Degree in Performing Arts. The Foundation Degree Performing Arts provides you with an opportunity to explore drama, dance and music – from an interdisciplinary perspective – whilst developing your creative processes and practice. You’ll make use of technology in performance, gaining an understanding of digital projection and computer composition plus sound design. With strong links to employers in the creative industries, the course aims to provide you with an understanding and experience of work in the field of Performing Arts. At the end of the course, you could go on to further study or move directly into a job in which you can use your performance and creative skills. For more information please visit: Song: "Elevator" by Jahzzar (
Clare Johnson, tutor, and Rebecca Stopgate, a student on FD IT Security, talk about the course and career opportunities. To find out more about this course v...
We answer some questions about the Foundation Degree that CPCAB has developed with the Open University. Find out the steps involved, entry requirements, how ...
Students on the Craven College Foundation Degree in Garden Design talk about their experiences of life on the course. Filmed at RHS Harlow Carr, Harrogate, N...
We spoke to student Glenn and tutor Kath about studying the Foundation Degree in Creative Industries Photography at The College Merthyr Tydfil.
Get qualified in the exhilarating industry of motorsport engineering for a life in the fast lane!
Peter Corvi (Course Director) introduces you to the Foundation Year, a brand new course for 2015, preparing you for degree-level study at WBS. Our Foundation Year combines traditional academic study with creativity and innovation to give you the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to progress to degree-level study. Find out more about the course:
The course offers a comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of children's development and the provision of innovative practice to support their teaching and learning. There are no examinations but essays, presentations, case studies and reports contribute to the module grades.
Find out more about The University of Northampton at
Much of modern computing is about distributed computer applications i.e. software, hardware, the web, databases, networks. Modules cover the underlying theory and look at how to configure, interconnect and program computers to perform business tasks.
An exciting opportunity to study events management. The course focuses on the skills required to be a dynamic events manager and explores many supervisory and management functions such as financial planning, client care and legal aspects.
The course will develop your practical skills and knowledge as a musician. You will be taught to enhance and support these skills in a broader context such as organising, managing, recording, presenting your own music and marketing it using varied methods.
This course develops skills and ideas within illustration. Within art and design, illustration is a visually dynamic means of communication and is wide and v...
This course develops skills and ideas within ceramics. The course encourages students to respond to the unique environment and ceramic traditions of North De...
Two of our Higher Education students talk about their experience of our Foundation Degree in Business Management. For more information about our Degree level courses visit
We spoke to student Samantha and tutor Nicola about studying the Foundation Degree in Care Studies at The College Merthyr Tydfil.
The Foundation Degree (FD) is a vocational qualification introduced by the government of the United Kingdom in September 2001, which is available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is similar in level to the associate's degree awarded in the United States, and in the United Kingdom sits on the same level as the Higher National Diploma (HND) and Certificate but below the Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws level of education. Courses are typically two years full time study or 3 to 4 years part time study and are offered both by universities and colleges of higher education.
Foundation degrees are intended to give a basic knowledge in a subject to enable the holder to go on to employment or further study in that field. They were designed in partnership with employers and further education colleges (FECs).[citation needed]
One of a number of important differences between the Foundation Degree and the Higher National Diploma is that it stands as a degree, and as such has a common value of 240 Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS) points in the UK Higher Education System, or 120 ECTS-credits in the European Credit Transfer System. By contrast, the HND can be recognised for entry to a degree course at as little as no credits, and as much as 240 credits, depending on the receiving institution and relevance to the subject.[citation needed]