- published: 18 Feb 2015
- views: 246
A social fund (sometimes also called Social Investment Fund, Social Fund for Development, Social Action Fund, National Solidarity Fund or Social Development Agency) is an institution, typically in a developing country, that provides financing (usually grants) for small-scale public investments targeted at meeting the needs of poor and vulnerable communities. Social Funds also aim at contributing to social capital and development at the local level. In many cases they serve as innovators and demonstrators of new methods of decentralized participatory decision-making, management, and accountability that may be adopted for broader application by public sector organizations.
In 2007 Social Funds existed in more than 45 countries, predominantly in poorer and smaller developing countries that receive significant official development assistance. However, a Social Fund also exists in Romania, a country that has recently joined the EU, as well as in many other Eastern European countries. Probably the largest Social Fund is the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) with a resource base of US$ 500 million. Social Funds have channeled close to US$ 5 billion of World Bank funding in Africa alone between 1999 and 2005 and have channeled more than ten billion dollars from all donors and governments' own resources over the past 20 years.
European Social Fund and The Skills Show 2014
Opportunities for young people- The European Social Fund
EU Commissioner László Andor on the European Social Fund
European Social Fund: Starting a business is child's play for Anna
European Social Fund: Learning for a new life
European Social Fund: Ace skateboarder mixes work and play
Thomas Bender on the European Social Fund
European Social Fund: A great start - in later life
The European Social Fund Gibraltar
On the brink... (European Social Fund)
Since 2007, the European Social Fund (ESF) has been investing around £2.5billion in jobs and skills in England and has helped over 430,000 young people into learning and jobs. The ESF worked with The Skills Show to deliver a unique experience to visitors as well as supporting learning and development through the volunteer programme. The Skills Show is the UKs largest skills and careers event and took place 13-15 November 2014. Visit www.theskillsshow.com to register for 19-21 November 2015!
http://ec.europa.eu/esf/home.jsp Given the scale of the challenge presented by youth unemployment across the EU, it is clear that young people will remain at the top of Europe's priorities over the coming years. The European Social Fund (ESF) finances many thousands of projects to help young people get the training and opportunities they need in order to find work.
European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs László Andor speaks exclusively to ESF-Works.
25-year-old Anna from Lublin, Poland is a lawyer by training but tough employment conditions made her think about a different career path. Now she is running her own kindergarten thanks in part to a project for budding women entrepreneurs that is backed by the European Social Fund. Read more here: http://ec.europa.eu/esf/main.jsp?catId=564&langId;=en&portraitId;=253
Nauras and Ebi have had a lot to contend with in their young lives as their families fled difficulties in the Middle East to start again in Germany. Both are now focused on the future after learning cooking and life skills through a course backed by the European Social Fund. Read more here: http://ec.europa.eu/esf/main.jsp?catId=564&langId;=en&portraitId;=258
James, 23, is from the seaside town of Newquay in the UK and loves skateboarding. He has been able to take his passion and turn it into work as well as play thanks to a project backed by the European Social Fund. Read more here: http://ec.europa.eu/esf/main.jsp?catId=564&langId;=en&portraitId;=256
Short interview about the European Social Fund with Thomas Bender, Director, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities at the European Commission. Conducted at EIPA - EPSA seminar on ESF support to administrative capacity building in the European Union.
After many different jobs and time raising children, Brigitte decided she wanted to train as a healthcare assistant, despite being almost into her sixties. Her dream was realised thanks to a programme backed by the European Social Fund which aims to get people of all ages back into work. Read more here: http://ec.europa.eu/esf/main.jsp?catId=564&langId;=en&portraitId;=254
If you would like any further information about the ESF in Gibraltar please contact: The European Union Programmes Secretariat Telephone: 20076348 Fax: 20071406 Email: dtiadvice@gibtelecom.net
Leta 2000 je EU sprejela Lizbonsko strategijo, ki naj bi do leta 2010 iz EU naredila najbolj napredno na znanju temelječe gospodarstvo na svetu. Eden od ciljev je bil tudi, da se doseže 70-odstotna stopnja splošne zaposlenosti v EU ter preseže 60-odstotna zaposlenost žensk. Posledično je bil dodan še en cilj: do leta 2010 dvigniti stopnjo zaposlenosti starejših delavcev na 50 %. ESS je v podporo Lizbonski strategiji za obdobje 2000−2006 sprejel naslednje prednostne naloge: aktivne politike trga dela za boj proti brezposelnosti in njeno preprečevanje; enake možnosti za vse, ki stopajo na trg dela; izboljšanje usposabljanja in izobraževanja kot del politike vseživljenjskega učenja, da bi izboljšali dostop do trga dela, ohranili zaposljivost in spodbujali poklicno mobilnost; kvalificirana, us...
Brexit - What it Means for Ireland - Economic Collapse - Europe 2016 - Britain vs EU https://youtu.be/VICzLuwb_sQ I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2797468?hl=en Origins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-e0GEonJfc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpI2RsQV34U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_D26fshQeo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-ZkM3l1WDw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5widtRIIGw Author: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxVKCX36rGPO4YXBWDrW6gg On 23 June 2016, the UK electorate will answer the question: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the ...
EN ES - 4th Annual Convention of the European Platform Against Poverty and Social Exclusion - Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (20th November 1989) - Opening by Martin SCHULZ, President of the EP, and Marianne THYSSEN, Member of the EC in charge of Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, after an introduction by 2 children, Dominic, who is disabled, and Natalia from Spain - 20.11.2014 - Brussels. Martin Schulz (extracts): "At a time when finances are stretched, I urge all member states to make full use of the European Social Fund. I also urge them to ensure that the newly created Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived is well tapped. With a few weeks before winter I want to also highlight the Food D...
ESF-Works' Policy Editor John Bell was interviewed by Talk Radio Europe in June 2012. Speaking in a personal capacity, John talked to TRE's Kenny Jones about Europe's current circumstances, where growth and jobs might be found, and the need for policy to move closer to the people affected. In a wide ranging interview, the discussion touches on the future for the Euro, the importance of avoiding protectionism, and the need for investment in the future. The European Social Fund is cited as an important source of ideas and support for growth.
Minister for Employment and Learning, Stephen Farry, discussed the impact of the closure of the school of modern languages at Ulster University during today’s Question Time. The Minister explained that the closure of the school was the result of budget cuts imposed on the Department. In making the decision on which courses to cut the University considered a number of factors including student demand, attrition rates, student satisfaction, employment statistics and research performance. The Minister revealed that the demand for the course is low while acknowledging the concerns among business and other stakeholders. The Minister did however discuss the potential for the Department to give consideration to the provision of a business language academy through the Assured Skills programme alth...
Vocational Education and Training, the cornerstone for the European Youth Policies. Stanislav Ranguelov. Team leader coordinator of employment and European Social Fund.
Per accendere i riflettori sull’Europa e sulle politiche cofinanziate dal Fondo Sociale Europeo, la Regione Umbria ha ideato una iniziativa assolutamente innovative, composta da una campagna informativa e un evento finale, indirizzata agli allievio delle scuole superiori umbre. Due concorsi scolastici sono stati progettati in stretta connessione con il focus della campagna di comunicazione. Sono stati incentrati sulle aspettative e proiezioni dei giovani partecipanti, prevedendo una loro presenza da protagonisti in tutte le fasi della campagna e dell’evento. Il video descrive i momenti più importanti dello show finale che ha avuto luogo il 18 ottobre 2014nel prestigioso Teatro Morlacchi, il salotto buono della città di Perugia, costruito nel 1780. Il collante che legava le varie scene di c...
The extension of markets always requires the development of social and infrastructure policies both to remedy the damage that markets do and to provide supports, which markets themselves need but cannot provide. The extension of Europe-wide markets that is fundamental to the European Union project therefore also requires a growth of European social policy. Current trends on both the political left and right to consider that Europe is about markets and national politics about social and other policy fields are therefore disastrous, as they would separate these intrinsically linked issues. A brief review of the history of European integration demonstrates both the reality and the weakness of the relationship between these fields. "Can the European Union Abandon Social Policy?" - Prof Colin ...
Presentation of Cristina Miliacca, from Tecnopras s.a.s., on Equality and Employment in Italy, during the workshop "Europe: Equality and Employment", organised by the Provincial Council of Guadalajara in Guadalajara (Spain) in May, 7th, 2013. Motivation of the workshop was celebrating the day of Europe, through the Project DipuEmplea co-funded by the European Social Fund. In the workshop participated political representatives from the Province of Guadalajara and European speakers.