The Syriac alphabet is a writing system primarily used to write the Syriac language from around the 2nd century BC.[citation needed] It is one of the Semitic abjads directly descending from the Aramaic alphabet and shares similarities with the Phoenician, Hebrew, Arabic, and the traditional Mongolian alphabets.
Syriac is written from right to left. It is a cursive script where some, but not all, letters connect within a word. The alphabet consists of 22 letters, all of which are consonants. The vowel sounds are supplied by the reader's memory or by pointing (a system of diacritical marks to indicate the correct reading).
In fact, three letters act as matres lectionis: rather than being a consonant, they indicate a vowel. ’Ālaph (ܐ), the first letter, represents a glottal stop, but it can also indicate a vowel at the beginning or the end of a word. The letter Waw (ܘ) is the consonant w, but can also represent the vowels o and u. Likewise, the letter Yōdh (ܝ) represents the consonant y, but it also stands for the vowels i and e.
Sebastian Paul Brock (born 1938, London) is generally acknowledged as the foremost and most influential academic in the field of Syriac language today. He is a former Reader in Syriac Studies at the University of Oxford's Oriental Institute and currently a Professorial Fellow at Wolfson College. He is a Fellow of the British Academy.
Sebastian Brock completed his BA degree at the University of Cambridge, and a DPhil at Oxford. He is the recipient of a number of honorary doctorates and has been awarded the Medal of Saint Ephrem the Syrian by the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch and the Leverhulme prize and medal of the British Academy. He is a widely published author on Syriac topics. His best selling books are The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World Vision of Saint Ephrem the Syrian (Kalamazoo: Cistercian. ISBN 0-87907-524-4) and The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life (Kalamazoo: Cistercian. ISBN 0-87907-601-1).
He is married to Helen Hughes-Brock, an archaeologist specialising in Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece.
Aramaic script (Syriac Estrangelo)
serto syriac alphabet
Aramaic alphabet ܐܬܘܬܐ ܐܪܡܝܐ الابجدية الارامية
Assyrian alphabet, Aramaic language, Syriac script - assyrien, araméen, langue syriaque
Learn to Write Aramaic - the cursive Estrangela alphabet (cursive script 1 of 5)
the Nestorian Syriac script
Alphabet In Syriac Abgad b'Suryoyo
Syriac School ..Learn Syriac language online..Assyrian..Aramaic..المدرسة السريانية
Syriac Serto script
Assyrian Alphabet Lesson
Aramaic alphabet, Arameisk alfabet (Suryoyo)
The Lord's Prayer in Syriac (version 2)
Syriac Aramaic step 2 Lord's Prayer. Aboon dBashmayo (Western spelling)
Aramaic Interview with Fr Brutos Bethlehem, Syrian Orthodox Church Virgin Mary
Aramaic script (Syriac Estrangelo)
serto syriac alphabet
Aramaic alphabet ܐܬܘܬܐ ܐܪܡܝܐ الابجدية الارامية
Assyrian alphabet, Aramaic language, Syriac script - assyrien, araméen, langue syriaque
Learn to Write Aramaic - the cursive Estrangela alphabet (cursive script 1 of 5)
the Nestorian Syriac script
Alphabet In Syriac Abgad b'Suryoyo
Syriac School ..Learn Syriac language online..Assyrian..Aramaic..المدرسة السريانية
Syriac Serto script
Assyrian Alphabet Lesson
Aramaic alphabet, Arameisk alfabet (Suryoyo)
The Lord's Prayer in Syriac (version 2)
Syriac Aramaic step 2 Lord's Prayer. Aboon dBashmayo (Western spelling)
Aramaic Interview with Fr Brutos Bethlehem, Syrian Orthodox Church Virgin Mary
Learn to Write Aramaic - ligatures in the cursive Estrangela script (cursive script 2 of 5)
how to download the new assyrian chaldean language alphabet
Danza arabe
Religion, Science and Superstition: Medicine and Magic in a West Syriac Milieu
Syriac aramaic, the most beautifull language in the world...
Sebastian Brock on the Syriac tradition in Christianity
سلسلة تعليم اللغة السريانية الدرس الاول. Syriac Aramaic language -1
سلسلة تعليم اللغة السريانية الجزء الثاني: الاحرف. Syriac Aramaic language -2
سلسلة تعليم اللغة السريانية الدرس الرابع: الأحرف. Syriac Aramaic language -4