Image via HubSpot
HubSpot co-founders Dharmesh Shah and Brian Halligan.

Less than 24 hours after the Cambridge marketing firm HubSpot dropped a cryptic press release announcing that they had fired an executive for ethics lapses, HubSpot chief executive Brian Halligan said that the chief marketing officer in question, Mike Volpe, had engaged in “some really aggressive tactics” to try to get a copy of the manuscript to a forthcoming book by a former HubSpot employee. But Halligan wouldn’t reveal much more, saying that company attorneys had advised him not to describe what exactly those tactics were — even to the company’s employees, whom he addressed in an 11 a.m. meeting on Thursday.More →

Brian Halligan, CEO and Co-Founder and
Dharmesh Shah, CTO and Co-Founder of Hubspot ring the Opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange on October 9, 2014 in New York City. Former CMO Mike Volpe has his fist next to the top of the S in the picture.

Boston’s most transparent tech company went all opaque on us yesterday.

HubSpot, the publicly-traded maker of sales and marking software, tossed out a press release at 4:45 p.m. Wednesday announcing a new chief marketing officer, Kipp Bodnar. Oh and by the way, the release added, HubSpot has fired its prior CMO, Mike Volpe, for trying to obtain a copy of a not-yet-published book about the company. And the board had “sanctioned” HubSpot’s CEO and co-founder for not telling the board quickly enough what he knew about Volpe’s efforts to procure this unpublished manuscript.More →