Next Sydsol Meeting

Please come along to our next meeting on Saturday 19 September at 3pm to help organise the next Sydney Solidarity action. It will be in Camperdown Rest Memorial Park near The Courthouse Hotel. In the event of bad weather we will be meeting at The Courthouse Hotel. All welcome.

The Next Sydney Solidarity Network Meeting

Hi All,

The next Sydsol meeting will be held at The Courthouse Hotel in Newtown at 1pm on Saturday 22nd August. Among other things, we will be discussing next steps in the campaign to recover Yoon’s stolen wages. We hope to see you there.

Yoon’s Statement of her experience at Duffy’s Supermarket

My name is Miy Yoon. I live in the City of Sydney.

In September 2014, I told my friend Arif that I was looking for a job. Arif said to me that I should go to Duffy’s supermarket in Darlinghurst. He told me that the owner’s name is Nick. Arif told me he is friends with Nick. Arif has an alterations business, fixing clothes, behind the supermarket. Arif said that I should ask for a job from Nick at the supermarket.

I went to Duffy’s supermarket on Friday afternoon [5 September 2015]. On that day I talked to Nick. I met him near the entrance to the shop. I said I wanted a job. He said to me that I should come back on Monday. There would be 3 days of training, and then I would get a job. He asked me if I could do training in the morning. He told me to come on Monday morning at 7:00 am. I said yes.

On Monday I arrived at 7:00am. Nick introduced me to the training person, who had already been working there for a long time. She was an Asian woman, with long hair. I can’t remember her name. For the whole day I followed her and did what she told me to do.

The first thing I had to do was wash all the fruit. I had to wash grapes, and some other fruit. Then she showed me how to peel the skin of other fruit, including oranges and pineapples and a white melon. Then she showed me how to cut the fruit into similar sizes and clean up the fruit – for example, taking out the seeds. After I cleaned and cut the fruit, I gave it to her and she packed it into a round plastic container. She mixed different fruit together and put a sticker on the top. We did this for several hours. There was a lot of packing to be done. I remember being surprised that we were not wearing gloves or hair nets. It did not seem very hygienic.

After some time we changed to packing bananas. She showed me how to pack bananas. We packed them into square white plastic containers. We would put the old bananas on the bottom and the fresh ones on top. They were still in their skins. She showed me how to put the plastic wrap over the bananas in the containers. About 7 bananas fitted in each container. I also remember that if there was a bruise showing on the skin on the top, we would use a sticker to cover that up, so people couldn’t see that it wasn’t fresh. We did the bananas for a long time, maybe two hours, packing making twenty or thirty containers.

We also packed herbs, such as mint. We would clean them up and put them in plastic, using the same plastic wrap.

We also put all the packaged containers in a trolley and then took them into the shop. She did the arranging, showing me, how the packages should be arranged.

I got one break for half an hour. I had some tea and ate some food, which I had brought. It was a sandwich.

In the afternoon she checked which fruit and vegetables and packages had sold, and we made some more. We also arranged the loose fruit and vegetables very nicely.

We cleaned up the dirt which had fallen off the potatoes. I also cleaned up the leftover mess from the onions.

I also packed some other vegetables and foods. There were products which were delivered from outside such as some biscuits. They looked Italian. I packed them in small, round, plastic containers.

Later in the day I had to clean up. I cleaned the leftover skins and other mess. I used a brush, and cleaned the sink. I also mopped the floor. I also followed her to the freezer room, near Nick’s office – just behind. The training woman checked which fruit and vegetables were fresh, and which needed to be sold quickly. She checked everything and selected things we had to bring out into the shop. She peeled some carrots and cut them and packed them.

After cleaning she showed me the garbage bin. There were many boxes left over. She showed me how to crush them in the machine. I crushed boxes to make them flat.

I also did a bit of butcher work. I packed some meat. I think the butcher had not finished his job, so we needed to do some packing of meat. It was interesting actually. It was the first time I had seen a butchers machine. She knew how to use the machines. I helped.

I finished at about 5:00pm. When I finished I signed a book, which all the employees sign. I wrote down my start and finish times. After finishing I went to my friend Arif’s shop, and then I went home.

The next day I arrived and left at the same times and I did similar work, although not the butcher’s work.

On the third day I also did similar work. On that day Nick came to our working area, and asked the woman who was training me “How was she?” (meaning me). The woman who was training me said I was very fast and learning quickly. I asked if I should come in again. Nick said he would call me. He asked for my number. I wrote it down in a book for him. The book had other employees’ names and numbers in it.

On the days I worked, there were a number of other staff present, including the woman who I think is the manager. She is a European woman with brown hair. I think her name is Vinka. (When I returned with Sydney Solidarity Network, she remembered me.)

The next day, which would have been Thursday, he didn’t call me in the morning, so I went in in the afternoon to ask if I could work. He said he would call me.

I waited until the next week. On the Monday I went in in the afternoon and spoke to Nick. I asked for a job again. He said that it wasn’t busy and he said he would call me. I went again later in the week – I think it was Wednesday. He said the same thing. So I gave up on the idea of a job. Instead I asked him to pay me for the three days I had worked. He said that it was training and so he didn’t have to pay me. He offered to pay me for one day, but I said no, he should pay for all three days. He said he wasn’t going to pay anything.

I went back again the next day and also the week after and asked him to pay me for the three days and he refused. I went back once more, some months later. That time he said to me “If you come back to my shop one more time I’m going to call the police.” He also yelled at me and said that he had plenty of money and had a solicitor. He said that I should just get a solicitor if I could afford it.

So I didn’t go back again until I went with the Sydney Solidarity Network.

Victory at cafe in Redfern!

Perfect Cup Victory

Sydsol wins again! After three actions at the Perfect Cup cafe in Redfern, Josie has been paid her superannuation. This was only $365 which was a tiny proportion of the profits the boss would have gained from her labour.

Josie had worked at Perfect Cup for three months but had not been paid any superannuation. All employees earning over $450 in a month are entitled to 9.25% superannuation on top of wages earned, but despite multiple requests, Perfect Cup refused to pay up. So SydSol took action.

Josie writes: “The last visit was a memorable experience. Fifteen of us walked with the Sydsol banner from Regent street along Redfern Street, settled ourselves outside the cafe, and handed out flyers to passers by while we chanted ‘Pay Josie her super!’ and ‘The people united will never be defeated!’ The boss was visibly rattled and tried all manner of things to get rid of us – statements, pleas, lies, insults, bargaining, empty threats of calling the police and finally a promise to pay me on Monday etc. He thought he may prompt us to leave by stating: ‘You are affecting my business’, but of course that didn’t work, as the answer was: ‘Good. That’s what we are here for’.”

“We stood fast for at least our planned time which was half an hour. The public walking by were also very interested and supportive except for a couple who seemed to have been invited by the boss to provoke a stoush which very nearly happened.  It was so good to see the boss for once beholden to the workers instead of the other way around. I felt so empowered when I confronted him and said, ‘You are a liar. I don’t trust you. I don’t believe a word you are saying. Only when I see the money transferred will I believe you. We are going to keep coming back here until you pay up.’ Even after this experience he thought he could get away with not paying me. I had to remind him again via text and it took him three weeks after the latest action to finally pay up.”

“However, I was determined not to give up so I knew, no matter how long it took, I was going to win. Nevertheless, I could not have done it without the help of everyone who organised, advertised and turned up. Viva SydSol!!”

Quick win in Marrickville wage-theft fight

In late May over 25 members and supporters of the Sydney Solidarity Network turned out to support Josie, a worker in Marrickville, as she demanded backpay from her former employer.

Josie had worked for SaveMore, a company which owns a grocery store and a pharmacy in Marrickville. She worked a ‘trial shift’ and then a second shift there in January and February this year, but was not paid for either shift. Despite Josie repeatedly requesting payment, via letters, phone calls and enquiries through her job provider, SaveMore refused to pay for either shift.

So, after months of being ignored, Josie decided enough was enough. With the support of dozens of SydSol members and supporters, Josie confronted SaveMore’s owner, My Trang Nguyen, and presented a letter demanding what was legally hers – wages for the hours that she had worked. If SaveMore did not pay up within two weeks, we promised to return to leaflet passers-by and potential customers to let them know about SaveMore’s shady employment practices.

For several days afterwards SaveMore lied that Josie had never worked for them. Then they agreed that she had, but tried to talk her into accepting less than the minimum wage. Then, when it was clear that Josie wasn’t backing down, they paid up at the minimum wage for a casual pharmacy assistant of $22.48 per hour for four of the seven hours Josie had worked. Although not the full amount, it’s close enough that we’re satisfied and consider it a victory!

Illegal practices like wage-theft and below minimum wage payment are unfortunately very common in the inner-west. However, SydSol has shown that with a bit of organisation it’s possible to get what you’re owed! If you’re being ripped off, contact us today and let’s fight to win.



In November 2013, SydSol was contacted by a restaurant worker who had been seriously underpaid. Haruki* was an international student who had worked at one branch of a large restaurant chain* for nine months, and for the entire length of his employment was paid well below the minimum wage.

Under the Restaurant Industry Award, which sets the minimum wages for the industry, a casual cook such as Haruki should have been earning at least $21.86 per hour – his payslips, however, showed rates of $16 per hour. On Saturdays, the minimum rises to $26.24 per hour, but Haruki’s pay was only $17 per hour. And on Sundays he was paid at $18 per hour, a whopping $12.61 per hour below the minimum rate. All told, Haruki was cheated out of almost $4,500.

After discussing the matter with Haruki, SydSol agreed to support him in taking action to try to reclaim his lost wages. On 16 November, eight members and supporters of SydSol marched into the restaurant where he had worked. We presented a letter to the restaurant’s manager stating that unless full backpay was provided to their former staff member within 14 days, we would commence escalating protest action.

Less than two weeks later, Haruki was contacted by the managing director of the entire chain (not just the offending outlet). A meeting was organised at which Haruki and the managing director negotiated an outcome that was satisfactory to both.

* Names have been changed for privacy reasons

Victory! SydSol forces Contact Centres to pay up



With less than 48 hours to go before their two-week deadline expired, Contact Centres Australia have caved in to our demands and paid Chris in full for the seven-hour training shift he undertook whilst employed there.

Chris took a second job at Contact Centres for several weeks in April this year. Whilst he received wages for almost all the hours he worked there, after quitting he was never paid for a full-day training shift he undertook. The law requires all employers to pay staff for all time spent working, including training shifts, but despite this Contact Centres simply refused to pay up.

For months Chris sent email after email asking why he had not been paid for all the hours he put in at CCA, but was completely ignored and never received a reply. Chris then turned up with 15 other members of SydSol, confronted management in their offices with a letter demanding payment, and threatened to organise protests outside their offices if payment was not received within 14 days – and then, after months of silence, Contact Centres rushed to pay up in a matter of days.

The message for any other employees anywhere else is clear: bosses – even massive employers such as Contact Centres with overseas offices and over 500 staff – are vulnerable to our actions and, with a bit of organisation, we can force them to give in to our demands. If you’re getting ripped off by your employer, contact SydSol, get organised and let’s fight to win!

SydSol launches!


Welcome to Sydney Solidarity Network! We are a new, all-volunteer group of workers, students and unemployed who want to come together to defend our rights through collective action.

We believe it is up to us to make our own solutions. We are launching this network because we know that thousands of us face unfair job conditions, and we believe that as community members we can successfully stand up together to powerful bosses when they treat us unjustly. As isolated individuals we have no power, but if we organise and stick together we can be a force to be reckoned with.

We are inspired by similar groups overseas and in Australia, who have used direct action tactics such as pickets, workplace organising and phone blasts to win specific demands and redress the wrongs inflicted upon us by employers, and we want to be able to do the same in Sydney. For an idea of the sort of victories that we want to win, have a look at his video below from  the Seattle Solidarity Network below, or these two stories (1, 2) from UNITE, a small union for retail and hospitality workers in Melbourne.

We are only in our early stages, but if you’re experiencing problems at work contact us and let’s fight to win!


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