
10 tenets for temping

Some rules of temp work according to an ungrateful worker.

An open letter to other white working people

A polemic against and history of white racism in the US written in the run up to the 2008 presidential election.

Young Patriots and Panthers: A story of white anti-racism

William 'Preacherman' Fesperman, Young Patriots leader.

A brief history of the collaboration between the Black Panthers and its white counterpart Young Patriot Organisation in Chicago.

Anti-worker's Inquiry

Open the door, turn on the light, heat up the water, check the refrigerators, lay out the chairs, clean the tables, light the candles, put out the ashtrays, check the register, count the change, cut the limes, put on music, wash the glasses, turn on the fan, pour the beer, mix the drinks, serve the customers, listen to their stories, comfort their loneliness, make the ice, clean the counter, tell a joke, take the money. The floor is wet, pool table scratched, darts bent, ash on the couch, smoke in the air, glasses broken, wallets stolen, clothing torn. The night is long and full of terrors.

Black Lives Matter (at work)

A couple members of the Twin Cities Industrial Workers of the World talk about the conversations that have been happening at work about the Black Lives Matter movement.

The CIO (1935-1955) - Robert H. Zieger

A comprehensive, if institutional, history of the CIO, an American federation of industrial unions that organized many of the mass industries in the United States during the 1930s-1950s.

Light, water, telephone, class struggle in installments: social reproduction and labor struggles in the neighborhoods of Athens

Analysis by a participant on the struggles of the neighbourhood assemblies in Athens since 2008 in combating the immediate consequences of the crisis and economic restructuring.

Prilog kritici političke ekonomije

Serbocroatian translation of "A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy" written by Karl Marx and translated by Moša Pijade.

Preveo Moša Pijade.

Filozofija i revolucija

Scan of the book written by Gajo Petrović, "Philosophy and Revolution", (ed. Naprijed, 1983), in Serbocroatian.
Skenirana kopija knjige Gaje Petrovića "Filozofija i revolucija" (izdavač Naprijed, 1983), na srpskohrvatskom jeziku.