
Comments Policy

I publish this blog in my private capacity, in my own time, and at my own expense. There is no automatic right to comment here[1]. I reserve the right to publish, refuse to publish, or modify any content submitted to this website.


I write in order to further my own understanding. I invite comradely criticism of everything I write. Critique and discussion are the process by which ideas are developed and advanced. I have a reasonably thick skin, and I like to think I have something approaching a sense of ‘humour’. However I do not feel compelled to host personal attacks, racism, sexism, or other bullsh-t that just puts me in a bad mood. As such, if you decide to respond to a post I ask that you respect the following:

  • ASSUME GOOD FAITH. It’s the basis for constructive discussion [2].
  • BIGOTS F-CK OFF. Racism, sexism, and queer hating or trans-phobic bullsh-t will just get an IP added to the disallow list. The same goes for anything that even looks like bullying, harassment, intimidation, threats and so on.
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  • EMAIL. Use a valid email address. This is a conversation, you have the ability to email me, I might want to email you. If you’re not comfortable with this, please don’t post.
  • INSULTS. Engage ideas, not people. The odd friendly insult is acceptable, but be aware that sarcasm doesn’t convey that well in text. Swearing is fine, but please replace vowels with a dash or asterix, it helps avoid school and workplace internet filters. I often forget this one, feel free to pick me up on it.
  • LANGUAGE. Unfortunately I only speak English. I welcome responses in any language supported by Google Translate. I especially welcome comments in Bahasa Indonesia[3]. If you’re bilingual and you have the time, why not post your comment in multiple languages?[4]



This wordpress install is currently set to:

  • hold all comments for moderation; AND
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Last Updated 21 November 2012.

[1] h/t John Quiggin.
[2] Wikipedia’s Assume Good Faith should be required reading for all internet users.
[3]. I am trying to correct my monolingual deficiency. Saya bisa berbicara Bahasa Indonesia sedikit sedikit… is about as much Bahasa Indonesia as I can string together at this point.
[4] Ok, that’s a big ask, but it expands the potential audience for a discussion.


  1. Abdul RahmanAugust 10, 2012 at 3:09 am

    Whence (dari mana) the interest in Bahasa Indonesia pak Keiran?

  2. Monolingualism is a distinct disadvantage!

    Indonesia is a fascinating place, I had the oppurtunity to explore some parts of Nusa Tenggara when I was much younger.

    It’s also fascinating as a social anarchist. There is a small anarchist current emerging in Indonesia that I would love to be able to engage with.

    • Abdul RahmanAugust 10, 2012 at 7:26 pm

      I’m interested in finding them too. The punk movement is massive here compared to anything I ever saw in Australia, and although a lot of it is largely ‘apolitical’ middle class lifestyle consumption. I am sure there must be some seriously turned on activists here with the massive inequality and political corruption that exists. Many street kids are heavily into punk and although they don’t appear to know anything about anarchism, their lifestyle choice is seriously political here.

      • I’ve seen the odd interesting snippet appear online.

        There was this in last years Blacklight #0, Anarchism in Indonesia.

        This report on Infoshop of a 2008 Mayday action, Mayday in Jakarta. There is a Komunitas Bendera Hitam facebook page with some 10 000 likes.

        There is apparently an anarchist social centre in Jakarta, Institut A.

        Hidup Biasa carries the occasional report of Anarchist activity in Indonesia. Unfortunately it seems some have embraced insurrectionist tactics. Insurrectionists elsewhere have undertaken a variety of solidarity actions, see Indonesian Intifada for more.

        And there is Jurnal Kontinum, which was described in anarchist news blotters as an anti-authoritarian journal, but I am yet to take the time to examine their politics in any detail.

        It’s hard to assess the nature or extent of Indonesia’s anarchist current from what little can be seen as an English speaker online.

        I’m yet to see much evidence of the class struggle tradition of anarchism.

        I wonder what impacts Indonesia’s legal position on communism and atheism has on any anarchist current.

  3. Jonathan RutherfordMarch 25, 2013 at 12:18 am

    Hi Kieran,

    We meet at camp anarchy. I am the (so-called) ‘lifestyle’ anarchist you critiqued in your post on camp anarchy. I don’t have time to write a response at the moment, but will do so soon. We need more debate/discussion, so I am glad to find others who take a serious revolutionary anarchist position but also seem open-minded. I just wanted to let you know that I too am planning to head to Marxism 2013. I look forward to seeing you take on the Marxists (was very impressed by your summary of the basic anarchist political vision, so I am sure you will be a good rep for our cause). If you want to meet up, feel free to contact me.



    • I look forward to catching you at Marxism, I know a few people who were at Camp Anarchy intend to attend, for various purposes. I think N.C was planning on offering a bit of push back in their sessions on anarchism.

      • eggomaniakkMay 25, 2013 at 4:45 pm

        Dear Kieran,

        You might be interested to know that in Perth members of the amalgamation of the Revolutionary Socialist Party with Socialist Alternative – these would be urban guerillas fancying themselves – are now called ‘SARSParillas’.


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