A supreme court is the highest court within the hierarchy of many legal jurisdictions. Other descriptions for such courts include court of last resort, instance court, judgment court, apex court, and highest court of appeal. Broadly speaking, the decisions of a supreme court are not subject to further review by any other court.
In a few places, the court named the "Supreme Court" is not in fact the highest court; examples include the Supreme Court of the State of New York and the former Supreme Court of Judicature of England and Wales. Conversely, the highest court in some jurisdictions is not named the "Supreme Court"; for example, the High Court of Australia.
Supreme courts typically function primarily as appellate courts, hearing appeals from decisions of lower trial courts, or from intermediate-level appellate courts.
Some countries have multiple "supreme courts" whose respective jurisdictions have different geographical extents, or which are restricted to particular areas of law. In particular, countries with a federal system of government typically have both a federal supreme court (such as the Supreme Court of the United States), and supreme courts for each member state (such as the Supreme Court of Nevada), with the former having jurisdiction over the latter only to the extent that the federal constitution extends federal law over state law; the US states of Texas and Oklahoma also split the functions of a supreme court between separate courts for criminal and civil cases. Jurisdictions with a civil law system often have a hierarchy of administrative courts separate from the ordinary courts, headed by a supreme administrative court. A number of jurisdictions also follow the "Austrian" model of a separate constitutional court (first developed in the Czechoslovak Constitution of 1920).
Michael Dale "Mike" Huckabee (born August 24, 1955) is an American politician who served as the 44th Governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007. He was a candidate in the 2008 United States Republican presidential primaries, finishing second in delegate count and third in both popular vote and number of states won (behind both John McCain and Mitt Romney). He won the Iowa Republican caucuses. Huckabee exited the race as McCain became the presumptive Republican nominee after winning the delegate-rich winner-take-all states of Florida, California, and New York.
Huckabee is the author of several best selling books, an ordained Southern Baptistminister, musician and a public speaker. He is also an ABC Radio political commentator. He and his wife, Janet, have been married for over 37 years and have three grown children: John Mark, David, and Sarah. Janet Huckabee was an unsuccessful candidate for Arkansas Secretary of State in 2002.
Huckabee currently hosts the Fox News Channel talk show Huckabee. Starting April 2, 2012 he will host The Mike Huckabee Show from noon until 3 pm weekdays for Cumulus Media Networks.
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The President Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Decision on Marriage Equality
Bishop TD Jakes Comments on Supreme Court Same Sex Marriage Ruling (NM)
The moment after US Supreme court same-sex marriage decision - BBC News
The President Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Affordable Care Act
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Jewish Tyranny At Supreme Court
Obama and Supreme Court Seizing Total Control
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US Supreme Court Legalize Gay Marriage! THE END IS NEAR! TURN TO GOD NOW!
Supreme Court Votes In Favor Of Abortion In Texas
Shields and Gerson on Supreme Court’s gay marriage, Obamacare decisions
The President Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Decision on Marriage Equality
Bishop TD Jakes Comments on Supreme Court Same Sex Marriage Ruling (NM)
The moment after US Supreme court same-sex marriage decision - BBC News
The President Speaks on the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the Affordable Care Act
OK Supreme Court: 10 Commandments Must be Removed from State Capitol Property
Perry Stone on Recent Gay Marriage Supreme Court Decision - PREVIEW
Jewish Tyranny At Supreme Court
Obama and Supreme Court Seizing Total Control
Supreme Court EPA Ruling Is A Big Polluted Kiss To Conservatives
UK Supreme Court: The Highest Court in the Land - Documentary
Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling Unleashes Jezebel spirit - Recognize it
US Supreme Court Legalize Gay Marriage! THE END IS NEAR! TURN TO GOD NOW!
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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Supreme Court (HBO)
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The Supreme Court rules
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Demonic Supreme Court Decisions
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Carpio Morales v. CA Oral Arguments
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The supreme court makes me barf
The supreme court makes me puke
It's the one thing in the world
That I want to nuke
No freedom of speech