The word pastor usually refers to an ordained leader of a Christian congregation. When used as an ecclesiastical styling or title, this role may be abbreviated to "Pr" or often "Ps."
In some countries the term is used in relation to Protestant churches. It can also be used in reference to priests and bishops within the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches. The word itself is derived from the Latin word pastor which means "shepherd". The term "pastor" is also related to the role of elder within the New Testament, but is not synonymous with the biblical understanding of minister.
Present-day usage of the word is rooted in the Bible. The Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) uses the Hebrew word רעה (roʿeh). It is mentioned 173 times and describes the feeding of sheep, as in Genesis 29:7, or the spiritual feeding of human beings, as in Jeremiah 3:15, "Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding" (NASB).
In the New Testament, the Greek noun ποιμήν (poimēn) and verb ποιμαίνω (poimaino) are usually translated shepherd or to shepherd. The two words are used a total of 29 times in the New Testament, most frequently referring to Jesus. For example, Jesus called himself the "Good Shepherd" in John 10:11. The same words are used in familiar Christmas story (Luke 2) referring to literal shepherds.
Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American young earth creationist. Hovind has spoken on creation science and has aimed to convince listeners to reject theories of evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of the Genesis creation narrative from the Bible. Hovind's views are contradicted by scientific evidence and some of his ideas have also been criticized by young earth creationist organizations such as Answers in Genesis.
Hovind established the Creation Science Evangelism ministry in 1989, and frequently spoke on young Earth creationism at seminars at private schools and churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. Since January 2007, Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. He is incarcerated at the FPC Satellite Camp of the ADX Florence prison in Florence, Colorado.
On February 9, 1969, at the age of 16, Hovind became a born again Christian. In 1971, he graduated from East Peoria Community High School. He holds three degrees in Christian education (1974, 1988, 1991) from unaccredited institutions. He is married and has three adult children and five grandchildren. One of his sons, Eric Hovind, travels doing creationist presentations and debates using many of his father's arguments.
Dicas para quem quer casar/Pastor Claudio Duarte
Pastor Cláudio Duarte - Para Jovens- MUITO ENGRAÇADO!
Pastor Cláudio Duarte Vencendo as Diferenças no Casamento' Completo
Pastor Claudio Duarte Palestras para casais "muito forte" nova 2015
Pastor Kent Hovind Calls Us In Freedom For The First Time In NINE YEARS! (7-8-15)
Cuida Como Oyes y Como Hablas - Pastor Cash Luna (Ensancha 2013)
Pastor Kent Hovind Is Free From His Bonds & Headed Home! Praise God Almighty! (7-8-15)
Pastor Adelio Transforma Vinho em Água
Mix Pastor Lopez 30 Pegaditas De Oro 1 - Howard Ventas
Response to Pastor Stephen R Nichols' False Accusations
Pastor en plena predica es agredido por sacerdote católico
Conexão Repórter (03/05/15) - O Pastor
Pastor Claudio Duarte 2013 nova Posicione se
When Music Producer Sistine Angelo discovers that his estranged father, accomplished Jazz pianist, Winston Jones has died before they were able to reconcile. He begins to struggle with his inner turmoil, that is only heighten when given a box left behind by his Dad for him that contains items & information that could help resolve his battle. Amongst the items are two tickets to Europe purchased by his father who had planned on taking him there on 'Father's Day' hoping it would of been the perfect place & time for them to mend their issues. Winston's love of art, especially the works of MICHELANGELO whom he named his only son after plays a major part in unraveling this mystery. Alone in every aspect, yet his ex-wife still offers support but the selfishness his dad wanted him to out grow never materialized. A physical confrontation with his cousin over his father's death leads Sistine to board a flight to Paris & London in search of the answers he now believes can only come from visiting this foreign land. It is there in Paris and in the world famous Louvre museum that he finally understands on FATHER'S DAY - Sometimes the best gift, is often forgiveness.
Photographer Paul Sanders has a passion for beauty - especially beautiful women. But in his spiritual blindness, he admires only the creation and not the creator. When Paul becomes physically blinded in a freak accident, he is forced to reconsider what true beauty means - and where it comes from. With the help of Abigail, a recovering alcoholic and down-on-her-luck singer, Paul realizes the meaning of love and the power of the Gospel to change people's lives. Although he can no longer see, for the first time in his life, his eyes are open. A film of faith and forgiveness, "Open My Eyes" proves that even the hardest hearts can be turned and that broken lives can be healed if only we are willing to believe.
Not every wedding ends in a bouquet toss...
Everyone remembers the first moment they met their life partner. However, Omar Abu Al-Naga, a veteran pilot of Saudi Air forces who is married for 61 years, and many other older couples just remember meeting their wives for the first time on their wedding night. A Night to Remember is a 30-minutes documentary focus on old tradition and customs of marriage and weddings in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, a country where geographical distance generates great variation even in the smallest wedding details. Some of these traditions have long disappeared, other traditions survived time and the rapid socio-economic changes the world has been experiencing. The film tells a story of a marriage ritual in the region of Mecca through the eyes of 2 characters who has been married for over 40 years. The characters narrates their experience through each stage starting from proposal, throughout courtship, preparation, wedding night and ending with their life today. The film combines two forms of storytelling, formal interviews as well as re-enactments which showcases the traditional costumes, clothing, dancing, music and food in city of Mecca.
Everyone remembers the first moment they met their life partner, especially when the first time they met is in the bedroom, after there wedding ceremony.
Joe (Alex Campbell) and his siblings have a couple of problems. First off, their stepparents are despicably evil. Secondly, they seemed to have killed them. Now this mixed up mess of half-sisters and step-brothers have to figure out how to dispose of the bodies, cover up the murders, collect their grandfather's inheritance and somehow stick together as a family -- all without getting caught. Not to mention Joe's incessant need to keep tabs on his promiscuous sister, an eye on the precocious little ones and a lustful watch on the girl next-door. Growing up has its complications. Murder's just one of them.
Keywords: alcoholic-father, black-comedy, blended-family, blood, brake-failure, brother-sister-relationship, dead-body, dead-body-in-car, death-of-father, death-of-mother
A young woman named Mabel discovers that after the death of her parents, her family has lost all of its money. With no help from her brothers, Mabel is left to fend for herself. Only after meeting Jack Ferguson, a local doctor, does she finally regain a sense of self-worth. The Horse Dealer's Daughter is a tale of love and turmoil, based on the short story by D.H. Lawrence.
Keywords: based-on-short-story
Prince Leo, last in the line of rulers of a long-deposed monarchy on continental Europe and jaded with the frenetic search for kicks with the European jet-set, returns to his father's London town house for rest. With him are social-climber Margaret, to whom he is engaged, and Laszlo, who is planning a counter revolution which will restore Leo to the kingship of the monarchy. Leo is shocked to discover the one exclusive neighborhood has degenerated into a ghetto inhabited mainly by poor blacks on the brink of desperation. His nearest neighbors are the Mardi family and their beautiful daughter, Salambo, who catches his eye as does her boy friend the procurer Roscoe. Using the excuse of watching birds he watches them closely through field glasses with the coolness and detachment of a scientist watching insects under a magnifying glass. When Salambo is forced to become a whore in order to keep her family together, Leo, despite the pleadings of Margaret and Laszlo who has just about finished the steps toward the restoration, does something of which he always though himself incapable.
Keywords: based-on-play, binoculars, bird, bird-watching, black-people, color, female-nudity, fire, male-nudity, neighbor
Imagine being the last of anything.
Dicas para quem quer casar/Pastor Claudio Duarte
Pastor Cláudio Duarte - Para Jovens- MUITO ENGRAÇADO!
Pastor Cláudio Duarte Vencendo as Diferenças no Casamento' Completo
Pastor Claudio Duarte Palestras para casais "muito forte" nova 2015
Pastor Kent Hovind Calls Us In Freedom For The First Time In NINE YEARS! (7-8-15)
Cuida Como Oyes y Como Hablas - Pastor Cash Luna (Ensancha 2013)
Pastor Kent Hovind Is Free From His Bonds & Headed Home! Praise God Almighty! (7-8-15)
Pastor Adelio Transforma Vinho em Água
Mix Pastor Lopez 30 Pegaditas De Oro 1 - Howard Ventas
Response to Pastor Stephen R Nichols' False Accusations
Pastor en plena predica es agredido por sacerdote católico
Conexão Repórter (03/05/15) - O Pastor
Pastor Claudio Duarte 2013 nova Posicione se
Pastor E A Adeboye Sermon: Fulfilling Destiny at April 2015 RCCG Holy Ghost Service
Pastor Claudio Duarte Quem é Você quando ninguém vê
Pastor Caio Fabio: Entrevista sem cortes
Pr. Claudio Duarte- Quando as coisas vão mau 26/02/2015
Influenciado por el Espíritu (prédica) - Pastor Ricardo Rodríguez
Pastor MARCO FELICIANO - "Intimos de Deus" - Pregações Impactantes
Pastor Alejandro Bullón - ¿Por qué tus decisiones no te salen bien?
Pastor Mike Online 6-9-15
Pastor Mike Online 6-11-15
Super pop 15/06/15 Pastor feliciano Rebate acusações de transexual crucificada na Parada Gay
Pastor Cláudio Duarte - Promessas e beneficios para o lar - Pregação Evangélica Completa
Pastor Lopez Vs. Rodolfo Aicardi ¨Mano a Mano¨ (FULL AUDIO)
Pastor Alejandro Bullón - ¿Por qué nuestro corazón resiste a amar a Jesús?
Debate Ahmed Deedat VS Pastor Stanley Sjoberg Is Bible God's Word FULL
Pastor E.A.Adeboye-RCCG May 2015 Holy Ghost Service
"Down Is The Way Up" - Pastor Touré Roberts
Pastor Lucinho Barreto - Pregação: O Espírito Santo e a Oração (12/04/2014)
Un Amor Incondicional - Pastor Eleuterio Cabrera
The Time Of The End [Hot] ★Receiving Kingdom Increase Part 2 ★ Pastor Mark and Kim Thomas
Pacientemente esperé a Jehová. Pastor Pedro Ramirez de la Iglesia Bethel de Lima - Perú.
El Padre Debe Instruir A Su Hijo - Pastor Eleuterio Cabrera
JULY 12, 2015 WRFC MESSAGE by Pastor Paul Varghese
Pastor William Nuñez. Predica segunda parte
Pastor Jose Francisco Velasquez - El Cumplimiento Profetico
Pastor Clarence Powell - teaching the Kingdom of God 1
Pastor Clarence Powell - teaching the Kingdom of God 2
Pastor Caroyle Powell - teaching the Kingdom of God
Pastor Caroyle Powell - teaching the Kingdom of God 2
On Earth As It Is In Heaven by Pastor Derrick Ross
New Dangers by Pastor Bill Oudemolen
Mis Beliefs - Prosperity Gospel pt 1 by Pastor Shannon Souther
"Treasures of Darkness" By Pastor Michael Porzio 07-12-15
Pastor Jones: Sisters in Spirit 2 Full Movie
Hesperia First Assembly of God- Pastor Paul Rose
Pastor Wade Sams @ MMBC(3)
How to Survive in Babylon- Pastor Blake H. Dodd
Of decerned lip
Disease into perfection
Spoiling human stomach
Vomit onto life, vomit onto her
Vomit to a point of my jaw unhinging.
"Collapse your simple neck."
Her body grows infection
"Please, don't let me go..."
The limbs would politely whimper, vomit onto her
Snapping the ribs
Headbutt the forehead limp
She sings in whispers 2x
Left behind is evidence of where she came
Please dont thank me father.
The movements are just to quick
No thought just reation
I violently spoil you of vomit
For your strapped down open pussy...
Strapped down open mouth-
They called her
hamcock whore
pick your pleasure
why she hangs,
"Disease ridden fucking whore!"
the children wail,
Sex with your arches
Tying up your hands
Throatfucking your mouth of tears
"Please dont ask me questions
I can, I will..."
Violently shake the body
"Here by the ledge! Your gift by the gargoyles head!"
One more step to her paradise
Lubricated razors
Caress your philopean tube
As we tickle your insides
With the brittle breaking of wood-
I'll rip your eye out
Using that stringy shit behind it
and tie it to the end of my dick
Until the organ is turned purple
And you must depress your enhinging jaws
while i have my guy cut your cheeks
with a fucken bolt cutter for ample vision
Thats my idea of a traditional face fuck
Tu sabes bien by PozterTu Sabes bien No quiero verte as
Tus lagrimas, Yo limpar por ti
Aqu estare, A tu lado amor
Y te amare (Oooh)
Si te inhunda la soledad, y el dolor no te deja hablar
Tal vez solo te sientas mal, no lo se pero aqu estare
Esque duele solo el verte asi, solo quiero verte sonreir
Dime que es lo que puedo hacer
Para que vuelvas a ser feliz
Tu Sabes bien, No quiero verte asi
Tus lgrimas, Yo limpar por ti
Aqu estar, A tu lado amor
Y te amar, Con todo el corazn
Fue tu sonrisa la que cautivo
Mis emociones y mi corazon
Me contagiaste de tu alegre calor
Con tu ternura me llenaste de amor
Esque duele solo el verte asi, solo quiero verte sonreir
Dame que es lo que puedo hacer
Para que vuelvas a ser feliz
Tu Sabes bien, No quiero verte as
Tus lgrimas, Yo limpar por ti
Aqu estar, A tu lado amor
Y te amar, Con todo el corazn
Toma mi mano amor, Ven yo te abrazare
Recuerda porfavor, que siemrpe aqu estar
No importa la distancia, Tampoco la razon
En cada circunstancia, tienes mi corazon
Esque duele solo el verte asi, solo quiero verte sonreir
Dime que es lo que puedo hacer
Para que vuelvas a ser feliz
Tu Sabes bien, No quiero verte as
Tus lgrimas, Yo limpar por ti
Aqu estar, A tu lado amor
Y te amar, Y te amar
Toma mi mano amor, Ven yo te abrazare
Recuerda porfavor, que siemrpe aqu estar
No importa la distancia, Tampoco la razn
En cada circunstancia, tienes mi corazn
Tu sabes bien, ooh
Aqu estare, a tu lado amor
Abrazame fuerte by PozterEs aquí, entre tus brazos donde quiero perderme y olvidar
Todo el dolor, con una caricia todo pasará
Es aquí entre tus brazos donde todo es perfecto y al estar
Unido a ti
En cada palpitar una historia contar
Abrázame fuerte que quiero sentir
De nuevo el cariño que encuentro en ti
Y estando en silencio poder revivir
Todo lo que contigo aprendí
Extiende tus brazos y acercate a mi
De nuevo regálame un poco de ti
De este refugio no quiero salir
Abrázame amor abrazame hoy
Es aquí, entre tus brazos donde quiero perderme y descansar
Dejarme llevar por mis sueños volar y los cielos cruzar
Abrázame fuerte que quiero sentir
De nuevo el cariño que encuentro en ti
Y estando en silencio poder revivir
Todo lo que contigo aprendí
Extiende tus brazos y acercate a mi
De nuevo regálame un poco de ti
De este refugio no quiero salir
Abrázame amor abrazame hoy
Y en el silencio
Escucharte decir
Lo que sin palabras se puede sentir
Con una mirada poder describir
Cada minuto junto a ti
Abrázame fuerte que quiero sentir
De nuevo el cariño que encuentro en ti
Y estando en silencio poder revivir
Todo lo que contigo aprendí
Extiende tus brazos y acercate a mi
De nuevo regálame un poco de ti
De este refugio no quiero salir