The 1973 oil crisis started in October 1973, when the members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries or the OAPEC (consisting of the Arab members of OPEC, plus Egypt, Syria and Tunisia) proclaimed an oil embargo. This was "in response to the U.S. decision to re-supply the Israeli military" during the Yom Kippur war. It lasted until March 1974. With the U.S. actions seen as initiating the oil embargo and the long term possibility of high oil prices, disrupted supply and recession, a strong rift was created within NATO. Additionally, some European nations and Japan sought to disassociate themselves from the U.S. Middle East policy. Arab oil producers had also linked the end of the embargo with successful U.S. efforts to create peace in the Middle East, which complicated the situation. To address these developments, the Nixon Administration began parallel negotiations with both Arab oil producers to end the embargo, and with Egypt, Syria, and Israel to arrange an Israeli pull back from the Sinai and the Golan Heights after the fighting stopped. By January 18, 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had negotiated an Israeli troop withdrawal from parts of the Sinai. The promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria was sufficient to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March 1974. By May, Israel agreed to withdraw from some parts of the Golan Heights.
Oil crisis may refer to:
A Wake Up Call: The Arab Oil Embargo and the 1973 Oil Crisis
1973 Oil Crisis
Oil crisis 1973
oil crisis 1973
Oil Crisis 1973
1973 oil crisis
National Geographic | The End of Cheap Oil [Full Documentary] - History Channel
J Oil Crisis 1973 edited version
The 1973 Oil Crisis
1973 OPEC Oil Embargo (Documentary)
The Oil Embargo Crisis of 1973
Historian Daniel Yergin on the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo
OPEC and the 1973 Oil Crisis project, 2009
A Wake Up Call: The Arab Oil Embargo and the 1973 Oil Crisis
1973 Oil Crisis
Oil crisis 1973
oil crisis 1973
Oil Crisis 1973
1973 oil crisis
National Geographic | The End of Cheap Oil [Full Documentary] - History Channel
J Oil Crisis 1973 edited version
The 1973 Oil Crisis
1973 OPEC Oil Embargo (Documentary)
The Oil Embargo Crisis of 1973
Historian Daniel Yergin on the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo
OPEC and the 1973 Oil Crisis project, 2009
Lessons from 1973 oil crisis
Oil Crisis of 1973
Oil Embargo 1973
Oil Crisis 1973 - first
All About - 1973 oil crisis
Investment Book Summary: The Oil Crisis of 1973-1974: A Brief History with Documents (Bedford Ser...
BP's chief economist on the 1973 oil embargo
Speed Limit 55 1973 Oil Crisis
ICFRC Tyler Priest 1973 Oil Embargo
National Geographic | The End of Cheap Oil [Full Documentary] - History Channel
Nippon BBC documentary 1980s Oil shock part 1
America's Energy Crisis: When the Circuit Breaks 1975 US Department of Energy
Saudi Arabia King Faisal documentary
ECUSADIVULGA@NY con Emilio Méndez
The Frozen Frontier Pipeline System - The Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline Documentary - World Documentary
The Energy Crisis - Running Out of Oil - Economic Effects 1970s -
Confronting America's First Energy Crisis
Inside the Crisis That Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF (2001)
Alex Prud'homme: Hydrofracking: Risks and Rewards
Sascha Pohflepp "What if the oil..." (Lift Asia09 EN) HIST212: "The 1970s An Age of Crisis"
Ursula Huws -- Labour and Class in the Internet Age
Alaskan Pipeline
Richard Nixon in the Middle East - Jordan, Egypt - 1970s Footage (1974)
MegaFactories | Lamborghini Aventador - National Geographic HD
Six Day War - Israeli victory - Documentary
The Geopolitics of World War III- List of the Main Reasons ($ Currency, Oil, Gold...)
Great Decisions: "Energy Geopolitics" by Colonel Thomas J. Sexton
Sören Hermansen on The 'Energy Positive' Island
Bilderberg Created the 1973 Oil Crisis - #Bilderberg2015
Did You Know Bilderberg Created the 1973 Oil Crisis?
Did You Know Bilderberg Created the 1973 Oil Crisis?
Bilderberg Group The Secret Rulers of the World
America's Energy Crisis: When the Circuit Breaks 1975 US Department of Energy
OIL Crisis 1973
1973 interview with Ted Heath discussing Middle East crisis
Histrivia #13-Oil Embargo of 1973
1973 OPEC Oil Embargo Documentary
ICFRC Tyler Priest 1973 Oil Embargo
A Wake Up Call The Arab Oil Embargo and the 1973 Oil Crisis
Oil Embargo and Energy Crisis of 1973/1974
German Economic Miracle / German Wirtschaftswunder (1948-1973)
Crisis del Petroleo 1973
Carpooling: "No Fuelin', We're Poolin'" circa 1978 US Department of Energy
Analysis of the 1973 Oil Embargo