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Jim Loewen

Sociologist James W. Loewen is the author of Lies My Teacher Told Me.

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  • What Do You Do When a Review Is Dishonest?

    by James W Loewen

    "Lies My Teacher Told Me" has received thousands of reviews, but the #2 editorial review at Amazon is blatantly wrong. And there's no recourse even though the editor of the magazine that published it admits the review is flawed.

  • Wrong and Racist at Duke

    by James W Loewen

    Political Science Professor Jerry Hough should leave Duke, on grounds of incompetence. He knows nothing about the history of race relations, yet opines on it anyway.

  • The Vietnam War Revisioned by Those Who Opposed It

    by James W Loewen

    "There are reasons why peace movement alumni find it harder to congratulate themselves, compared to Civil Rights Movement alumni. Our society has formed a consensus that it is wrong to deny people citizenship, voting rights, jury duty, the use of hospitals and restaurants, etc., based on race. We have not formed a consensus that it is wrong to invade other countries thousands of miles away that pose no threat to our existence. On the contrary, we do it all the time."

  • Then Verne Gagne Moved!

    by James W Loewen

    The story of the fake wrestler who started out as a real one -- and the lesson historians should draw from this.

  • How 20th Century: Going to the Library to Get a Book

    by James W Loewen

    "Our grandchildren, having grown used to nature-deficit-disorder, having adjusted to a society without civic acts, having abandoned face-to-face interaction even when face to face, won't even know what this essay is about."

  • Let Our Seniors Go

    by James W Loewen

    Our prisons bulge with too many old people, mostly black, put there with too long prison terms, for violent crimes like murder and rape.

  • The CIA Has a Museum?

    by James W Loewen

    The CIA never tells about it, but one of their own confirmed it. It's a mystery worthy of the agency.

  • Scalping Columbus

    by James W Loewen

    "Some of my stories are total fabrications disguised as the truth."--Fortunate Eagle
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