Anna Hegedüs

Thoughts, Projects, Tutorials, and Other Junk.

Oh wow what happened?

This is my website, and as such, you may have noticed that I only added certain things to it. Mostly it was projects, tutorials, and various other pieces of electronics and programming work. This was good up to a point, yet, I yearn for a bit...more. So with that in mind, I decided to dump it and start fresh. Instead of it being a general site, I hope to make this more of a standard personal blog. It will obviously contain a lot of the same information as before, but it will hopefully be updated more often and have a much more personal charm to it. The upside is that I also got to dump Joomla for Wordpress, which I should have done long ago. Sadly, I don't think that Joomla is the same CMS, in terms of potential, flexibility, or even support, as it was years ago. Because of that, well, so long!

I was probably inspired by a couple of things. First, my friend James, who recently set up shop in Japan as an English teacher. You can visit his blog,, or take a look at his more musically-related endeavor, The Lost Turntable. The template for Mostly-Retro was done by me, and I believe it looks absolutely smashing. Read the full post... about Oh wow what happened?


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