Liberals all too often get in their own way

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Wed, Oct 31, 2007, 6:19 am  //  Tip Johnson

I prefer to "label" myself radical, as compared with liberal. I struck upon the notion lobbying in Washington, D.C.

There, I painfully learned that liberals don't understand the basics of business: customer service, or in the vernacular, constituency services.

In Democratic offices I often felt my presence an annoyance to their busy schedule - whether or not I had an appointment. In Republican offices, I was usually welcomed with an offer of coffee, a place to sit down and the assurance that I would be seen as soon as possible - even when they already knew me!.

I wished that my likely allies would operate with more open minds than my presumed foes. I've seen the same, with less intensity, at the local level. Once only Doug Erickson bothered to reply to a request - and then followed up with actual help. I was shocked. He made an effort because the project made sense, locally and globally, regardless of ideology. Liberals all too often get in their own way.

This campaign season set a new low for quality of dialog. I wonder if the issues would have been better with a conservative in the race. It's too bad when a liberal paints another as a conservative or worse. It's worst when they stoop to innuendo, rumor or falsehoods. Having two reasonably like-minded candidates should afford a rare opportunity to take the adventure of ideas to another level - to steer the darn ship! They ought to be out there advancing their ideas.

I've chosen Pike because he comported his campaign in dignity, has demonstrated a sound understanding of the issues I feel are most important to our city's future, and because I have always seen him treat others' ideas with respect. And that's the best I can hope for mine.

Perhaps that's why the Building Industry Association supported Pike even after he declined their endorsement. It's all about respect.

Liberals all too often get in their own way

Wed, Oct 31, 2007, 6:19 am  //  Tip Johnson

I prefer to "label" myself radical, as compared with liberal. I struck upon the notion lobbying in Washington, D.C.

There, I painfully learned that liberals don't understand the basics…


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Ballots with incorrect bar codes

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Forcing Elections Supervisor to protect voter identity

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Olympia urges Auditor to rethink counting process

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9 pm…


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My Vote; Bellingham Weekly

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I have issues

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Today he announced.

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Mayoral candidate forum

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Candidates and candidon’ts

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Candidate forum this evening

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Agendums, City Council and personal

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Neighborhood planning process

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Lois Garlick

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Joint City-County Lake Whatcom Advisory Committee

Tue, Oct 09, 2007, 6:45 pm  //  Tip Johnson

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Town Hall meeting with Governor Gregoire

Mon, Oct 08, 2007, 6:54 pm  //  John Servais

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Neighborhoods and the dysfunctional Bellingham planning process

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Park announcement overturns my vote for Dan McShane

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Thu, Oct 04, 2007, 9:45 pm  //  John Servais

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Candidate forum on Btv10

Wed, Oct 03, 2007, 9:51 pm  //  John Servais

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Are all qualifying Herald letters printed?

Mon, Oct 01, 2007, 9:57 pm  //  John Servais

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