How to not COMPLETELY SUCK on bass guitar.
How to not COMPLETELY SUCK on bass guitar.
How to not COMPLETELY SUCK on bass guitar.
The viewers asked for it, so here it is! A basic primer on not being utterly useless on bass guitar.
How to Play Bass Guitar - Rhythm 101 - Bass Guitar Lessons for Beginners - Jump Start
How to Play Bass Guitar - Rhythm 101 - Bass Guitar Lessons for Beginners - Jump Start
How to Play Bass Guitar - Rhythm 101 - Bass Guitar Lessons for Beginners - Jump Start
FULL COURSE, TAB & JAMS: http://truefire.at/JumpStartBass MORE BASS GUITAR LESSONS: http://bit.ly/TrueFire.
Amazing Bass Guitar Player! Gustavo Dal Farra
Amazing Bass Guitar Player! Gustavo Dal Farra
Amazing Bass Guitar Player! Gustavo Dal Farra
Amazing bass player!
How To Play Bass Guitar: Beginner Lesson Number 1 - Absolute Basics
How To Play Bass Guitar: Beginner Lesson Number 1 - Absolute Basics
How To Play Bass Guitar: Beginner Lesson Number 1 - Absolute Basics
Full course and step-by-step workbook are available at http://www.talkingbass.net
Visit http://www.talkingbass.net and sign up for free to gain access to loads of exclusive content including the courses page, forum, practice room and library.
This lesson is an introduction to bass guitar for complete beginners and deals with the absolute basics of holding the bass, tuning the bass and playing notes on the fretboard.
These Free Online Bass Lessons are released weekly so subscribe for updates and visit http://www.talkingbass.net for a complete lesson map and all the downloadable lesson material.
100 Bass Riffs: A Brief History of Groove on Bass and Drums
100 Bass Riffs: A Brief History of Groove on Bass and Drums
100 Bass Riffs: A Brief History of Groove on Bass and Drums
100 Bass Riffs is a brief history of groove performed on bass guitar and drums. Marc Najjar of CME and Nate Bauman of Reverb.com put together this incredible followup to Chicago Music Exchange's viral video sensation "100 Riffs", with a compilation of killer bass riffs performed in one continuous take. To view the gear used in this video go to http://www.100bassriffs.com
Marc and Nate make up two-thirds of the Chicago band Royale http://royaletheband.com (Joel of CME is the third member).
Here is the list of bass riffs in order. Enjoy!
1) Fats Domino - Ain’t That a Shame - 0:00
2) Charles Mingus - Haitian Fight Song - 0:14
3) Henry Mancin
Bass Guitar Montage 2014
Bass Guitar Montage 2014
Bass Guitar Montage 2014
Here's a mix of my 2014 Bass Guitar Videos! Which are your favorites? Let me know in the comments! :D
Thank you all for this awesome year, and for your amazing support! :)
2014 Videos Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-k0k_f4UoinTsinz54irCTxVHcQ81qpE
Don't forget to leave a comment to let me know if you enjoyed this video, it's important for me! :)
Here's my ALBUM:
Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/69HT8JtROJtsksWkZvLRNQ
iTunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=838253586
If you want to be always updated about my channel, SUBSCRIBE! and JOIN THE FUNK! :D
I've also a Facebook page: http:
Best Jam Session | Bass Guitar & Drum Duet
Best Jam Session | Bass Guitar & Drum Duet
Best Jam Session | Bass Guitar & Drum Duet
Best Jam Session | Bass Guitar & Drum Duet. This amazing jam session duet between bass guitar and drum player is awesome.
11 ways to hold a bass guitar (for beginners)
11 ways to hold a bass guitar (for beginners)
11 ways to hold a bass guitar (for beginners)
A light hearted PARODY for all you bass players.
Amazing bass guitar solo by Aram Bedrosian
Amazing bass guitar solo by Aram Bedrosian
Amazing bass guitar solo by Aram Bedrosian
Best bass guitar solo by Aram Bedrosian! More Aram's videos are here: http://www.youtube.com/user/arambedrosian.
Titio Bass - homemade custom bass guitar
Titio Bass - homemade custom bass guitar
Titio Bass - homemade custom bass guitar
The Creation of a BASS...
Fantastic bass guitar busker on Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne
Fantastic bass guitar busker on Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne
Fantastic bass guitar busker on Northumberland Street, Newcastle upon Tyne
This is Ojay. I've been enjoying this guy for years and finally got a film... I've another clip too on my channel.
Easy Bass Guitar Chords for Beginners (L#86)
Easy Bass Guitar Chords for Beginners (L#86)
Easy Bass Guitar Chords for Beginners (L#86)
Lesson Material available here: http://www.talkingbass.net/an-introduction-to-bass-chords/
Visit www.talkingbass.net for more free online bass lessons, articles and downloads and subscribe to receive the free Scale Reference Manual.
This lesson covers some easy chord voicings for getting started with chords on bass guitar. There are loads of different shapes for every different chord type but this lesson covers just two patterns for the Major, Minor, Major 7, Minor 7 and Dominant 7 chords.
These Free Online Bass Lessons are released weekly so subscribe for updates and visit www.talkingbass.net for a complete lesson map and all the downloa
Bass Guitar: C Major Pentatonic Scale w/ David Keif
Bass Guitar: C Major Pentatonic Scale w/ David Keif
Bass Guitar: C Major Pentatonic Scale w/ David Keif
JamPlay introduces David Keif, a very methodical and easy to understand Bass Instructor. His new series is a full in depth look at all of the positions of th...
Custom Painting an Electric Bass Guitar
Custom Painting an Electric Bass Guitar
Custom Painting an Electric Bass Guitar
Like my Facebook!: https://www.facebook.com/millscustomguitars www.dragonfireguitars.com All the songs in this video are my own original songs that I wrote a...
How To Learn Notes On The Bass Guitar 1/3 (L#28)
How To Learn Notes On The Bass Guitar 1/3 (L#28)
How To Learn Notes On The Bass Guitar 1/3 (L#28)
This is the first of three video lessons dedicated to learning all the notes on the bass fingerboard. It's especially useful for bass players that have been playing for a while and who want to develop more of an overall knowledge of the instrument.
PDF of lesson material available here: http://www.talkingbass.net/learn-notes-bass-fingerboard-3-parts/
Beginner Bass Lesson 04 - Technique Plucking
Beginner Bass Lesson 04 - Technique Plucking
Beginner Bass Lesson 04 - Technique Plucking
Lesson 4
An introduction to Technique focusing on the Plucking Hand.
How To Setup Your Bass Guitar Again The Movie
How To Setup Your Bass Guitar Again The Movie
How To Setup Your Bass Guitar Again The Movie
How To Setup Your Bass Guitar Again The Movie.
Three Finger Picking for Bass Guitar - Billy Sheehan, Metallica, Iron Maiden lines (L#45)
Three Finger Picking for Bass Guitar - Billy Sheehan, Metallica, Iron Maiden lines (L#45)
Three Finger Picking for Bass Guitar - Billy Sheehan, Metallica, Iron Maiden lines (L#45)
Another free bass lesson from Mark J Smith for www.talkingbass.net
This lesson gives an introduction to using 3 fingers for playing very fast rock and metal basslines. The Billy Sheehan style technique is discussed and riffs from the following songs are used as examples:
1) Elephant Gun - David Lee Roth (Billy Sheehan)
2) The Trooper - Iron Maiden (Steve Harris)
3) Disposable Heroes - Metallica (Cliff Burton)
Backing tracks and the PDF for this lesson can be downloaded from website here:
The PDF of lesson material will be uploaded shortly
Jamiroquai - Time Won't Wait [Bass Cover]
Jamiroquai - Time Won't Wait [Bass Cover]
Jamiroquai - Time Won't Wait [Bass Cover]
Another (awesome) song by Jamiroquai! This is a bass cover of Time Won't Wait. Big thanks to all the people who have commented, liked or shared my videos, an...
Guitar Center Sessions: Billy Sheehan - Become a Better Bass Player
Guitar Center Sessions: Billy Sheehan - Become a Better Bass Player
Guitar Center Sessions: Billy Sheehan - Become a Better Bass Player
Bassist Billy Sheehan is known around the world for his prodigious technique and mind-boggling chops. He has toured and recorded with artists like David Lee ...
SLAP BATTLE! Guitar vs Bass
SLAP BATTLE! Guitar vs Bass
SLAP BATTLE! Guitar vs Bass
Guitar Slap or Bass Slap? Here's a Funky Slap Battle Jam, which parts are your favorites? Let me know in the comments! :D
Hope you'll enjoy it :)
Don't forget to leave a comment to let me know if you enjoyed this video, it's important for me! :)
I'm playing a Fender Jazz Bass made in Mexico and a Gretsch acoustic guitar!
If you want to be always updated about my channel, SUBSCRIBE! and JOIN THE FUNK! :D
I've also a Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Davie504 join! :)
Twitter page : https://twitter.com/Davie504bass
Here's my NEW ALBUM:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id980654041
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3N6SOfZ
Amazing Tap Bass Guitar Solo Player
Amazing Tap Bass Guitar Solo Player
Amazing Tap Bass Guitar Solo Player
The amazing slap & tap bass guitar solo player is http://bit.ly/grant-stinnett-facebook You can download Grant's amazing bass solo music for free: http://grantstinnett.com This amazing slap & tap bass guitar song is called "Born of Fire and Light".
Grant Stinnett
How to restring your bass guitar with John Carruthers
How to restring your bass guitar with John Carruthers
How to restring your bass guitar with John Carruthers
And easy to follow How to restring your bass guitar.