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Rome Total War The Siege of Constantinople-Bulgaria vs The Arabs 717 AD
Emmy Eats United Arab Emirates - tasting Emirati Sweets
Arabic radio in Sofia, Bulgaria E-skip, Sporadic E 09.06.2012
България Bulgaria
فتاه جميلة تسحر الجميع بجمال صوتها وإحساسها الرائع The X Factor Bulgaria
Khan Tervel of Bulgaria against Arabians and saving of Constantinople and Christian Europe
Rally in support of Syrian Arab Army in Bulgaria- March 15, 2014
Best Oriental & Arabic House Mix - 'Maktub' by Sommerlath
Event of Forum for Arab Culture and Bulgarian-Arabic business club
Ukip Nigel Farage Bulgaria
💋 Beauty of Kuwaiti women & Kuwaiti men - royal hot Arabs ;)
Who Saved Europe From Islam...
X-Factor Ukraine Suzanna Abdulla -- Halo (Beyonce)
RTW mods;=e3a2d5c70c62e1d6cde3b9581372d2ea LIVE BATTLE The Bulgar...
21 INTERESTING FACTS : 1.Bulgaria is one of the oldest European countries and is the only one that hasn't changed its namе ever since it was founded. 2.Accor...
My first taste of Emirati sweets including camel's milk chocolates on this episode of Emmy Eats United Arab Emirates on Emmymade in Japan. A big thank you to Little Miss M for sending me these sweets and for making this episode possible. :) New videos every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday! Join the Emmy League of Adventuresome Eaters & find me here: Subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Emmy Eats Persia More Japanese KitKats part 4 Al Nassma chocolates - hazelnut, coffee, pistachio Mani pistachio chocolates covered dates milk hard candies chocolate coins Walking in the Garden music courtesy of and royalty-free Sprightly from iMovie. UAE flag can be found here and is considered public domain. Did you know saffron has been traded and used for over four thousand years? Comment "Whoa." below. :)
Arabic radios in Sofia, Bulgaria E-skip, Sporadic E 09.06.2012 88.6 MHz 88.7 MHz 89.3 MHz 91.5 MHz.
The First Bulgarian Empire Main article: First Bulgarian Empire In 632 the Bulgars, originally from Central Asia, formed under the leadership of Khan Kubrat ...
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Khan Tervel was true Christian hero for the European people in the Medieval. They called him "Protector of Europe". Battle of Constantinople.
15.03.2014 Rally in support of the Syrian Arab Army in Sofia, Bulgaria in front of the embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic.
Set Mix made with a blend of Oriental & Arabic House Music, also containing music from various regions and Eastern Europe - Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, etc ...
/watch?v=ie2_38M3QFM ] tom31fc said: "Arab Confesses - The Arabs Benefit From Threatening Israel! Listen carefully to his words. Arab confesses benefit threatening Israel ] ANSWER ] The Sharia Ummah is a satanic collective symbiotic organism, therefore, there is no, REALLY, identity, IN MUSLIMS PEOPLE, that's why there are no Palestinians! this is the demonic infestation of a dogmatic religion, without the scientific method, and not a critical historical, then, become serial killers, extermination Scientific of all dhimmi! all under the aegis of the UN, OIC, ARAB LEAGUE, USA Pharisees Illuminati, IMF SPA, the synagogue of Satan, which soon will kill Israel in Shoah2. This means to be "religious maniacs!" and everyone will recognize, among them, because they do not have the freedom to religion, and therefore can not be a lay people state, which is quite the opposite of a secular state! Boko Haram, Nigeria: esplosione in bordello, 10 morti. è furbo, Abd Allah dell'Arabia Saudita, lui ha il bordello, pedofilo privato, di poligamia, lui sapeva bene, di non colpire nessun musulmano! Benjamin Netanyahu -- se, io impedirò a Rothschild FMI-NWO, i farisei del talmud, di poter fare, la sua guerra mondiale nucleare, insieme, alla sua galassia jihadista OCI ONU, per annientare Israele? poi, lui sarà costretto, a sterminare la LEGA ARABA! satanisti e massoni non possono mantenere, troppo a lungo, tutte le loro bolle finanziarie, senza uccidere, almeno, un qualche miliardo di persone! John Kerry 322 con Anton Lavey, 666, fondatore della chiesa di Satana./uploads/2014/03/john-kerry-anton-lavey1.jpg ] [ i topi più intelligenti, sono i primi, che, abbandonano la nave, i topi stupidi moriranno: affogati, per Rothschild e la sua usurocrazia, di una sovranità monetaria e costituzionale stuprate! e questo sistema massonico Bildenberg, è vicino al suo apogeo: il satanismo 322 Kerry ! ] Gb vicino a uscita da Europa, stampa. Dopo fallimento premier Cameron di bloccare nomina Juncker. 28 giugno 2014 All'indomani della nomina di Jean-Claude Juncker a presidente della commissione Ue, contro il quale il premier britannico David Cameron si è opposto fino all'ultimo, la stampa inglese è unanime: la Gran Bretagna e' più vicina all'uscita dall'Ue e alcuni quotidiani attaccano il premier. 'Un passo avanti verso l'uscita dall'Eu', è il titolo del Daily Mail. 'Una sconfitta, un disastro' è il titolo dell'Independent, mentre il Guardian pure punta a un "Regno Unito vicino all'uscita da Ue".LOS ANGELES, 28 GIUgno, [ è veramente triste, vivere in questo mondo di massoni e farisei Illuminati satanisti, anticristo! ][ Il Golden Gate Bridge di San Francisco sarà presto dotato di barriere di sicurezza per impedire i suicidi. Merkel, Renzi premier di grande successo! [ ma, senza sovranità monetaria, POTRà ESSERE al MASSIMO, UN ALTRO SUCCESSO, PER IL SOLO ROTHSCHILD, E IL VOSTRO SISTEMA MASSONICO USUROCRATICO, MA QUANTI IMPRENDITORI SUICIDATI, VOI AVETE DECISO DI COLLEZIONARE?! Merkel Troika Satana -- come mai, la Comunità internazionale, ha stabilito: i diritti umani, e poi, successivamente, ha deciso, stabilito, ed ha detto, che, i musulmani OCI ONU, dovevano diventare dei nazisti della sharia, assassini seriali, e maniaci religiosi, e che, quindi, loro non dovevano rispettare i diritti umani e la libertà di religione? ] [ C. S. P. B. Crux Sancti Patris Benedecti. Croce del Santo Padre Benedetto. C. S. S. M. L. Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux. Croce sacra sii la mia Luce. N. D. S. M. D. Non draco sit mihi dux Che il dragone non sia il mio duce. V. R. S. Vadre Retro satana. Allontanati satana! N. S. M. V. Non Suade Mihi Vana Non mi persuaderai di cose vane S. M. Q. L. Sunt Mala Quae Libas Ciò che mi offri è cattivo. I.V. B. Ipsa Venena Bibas Bevi tu stesso i tuoi veleni what does that mean? I also am, an agnostic too! but, if you give a boost to most, of the people on the planet? they descend into hell, and do not go up more! Why, there is not a problem on knowledge: "In fact, everyone knows the truth!" but, there is a problem on love: "just love, be worthy to love!" but, people no, won't love! That's why Jesus said to Padre Pio: "no one will be lost without knowing it!" then, as, you know what you know? which and how many, of your sins, are in the 10 commandments? really? Eih, dirty, "what sin, that, you are trying to hide?" not by the impression of having never read the Bible, where it says of Gehenna, then, in Revelation talking about the "lake of fire", but Jesus said to Sister Maria Faustina Kowalska, that, all those who, do not believe in hell, you certainly will go! Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites cross sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him, the child of hell, than more yourselves. Atheist College Professor dies sees hell and demons /watch?v=s8v0Ho-mp3g
لعشاق الجمال الكويتي صور مشاهير كويتيات اشخاص من الكويت فنانات و مذيعين عارضين ازياء من الكويت فقط ! تابعنا في الانستقرام Plz Follow My group on instgram : h...
On this link you can watch the same video but with the real soundtrack: (the real song of this video was stopped from youtube)... Sabrina and Suzanna found his father
It's a battle of strength between Mark Henry and Rusev in an International Arm Wrestling Contest.
This is the first part of a serie of clips that present battles and countries that saved Europe.In this clip - Bulgarian Khanate and Byzantine Empire are vic...
As you stand, ready to perform in-front of the judges, pressure mounts. Some people can cope, others fail. Here's a taster of the biggest Got Talent fails of...
Vanaf 11 oktober is Belgium's Got Talent er weer elke vrijdagavond bij VTM! Bekijk hier hoe de 4-jarige Tristan de jury én het publiek totaal verrast.
I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light. Acts 26:17-18 Youtube - They Sold Their Souls For Music JESUS SAVES FROM HE... Abkhazia Angola Argentine Australia Azerbaijan Bahamas Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Bolivia Botswana Brazil Bosnia C...
More on this programme: Testing the speed of the super luxurious Rolls-Royce Ghost and Mercedes S65 AMG, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May decide to rob a bank. But with the Albanian police hot on their heels can the team escape to the ferry in time?
The Battle of Ongal took place in the summer of 680 in the Ongal area, an unspecified location in around the Danube delta near the Peuce Island. This battle ...
First, we dance yemeni to some faisal alowie & then precede to our own dabka dance we made up lol! shaibi yemen funniest crazy arab dance Ahmad El...
this is one of my videos about the bulgarian people, before forming of Old Great Bulgaria Tags: bulgaria europe aryan old bulgarians before christ india iran...
EXCLUSIVE: VICE News Meets Barack Obama: The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph. The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state. Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged. VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings. Click to watch "Ghosts of Aleppo (Part 1)" - Check out the VICE News beta for more: Follow VICE News here: Facebook: Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram:
Paul Wesley talks about his family, vampires, his role in The Vampire Diaries and where he was born. Some polish speaking involved.
CONAN highlight: Nina Dobrev gets all footsy with Conan while demonstrating her yoga.
Nina Dobrev speaking bulgarian at BloodyNightCon2 05.05.2012 My Bulgarian and English page of Nina on facebook:
Nina Dobrev makes a sexy vampire face! Conan... not so much.
During the interview for Boom & Bust in Bulgaria. We talked about the forex market in general, the new strategy I introduced at the Forex Conference in Sofia...
Gordon shares his favorite scrambled egg recipe and attempts to show Jimmy how to make it. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: Watch the latest Mean Tweets: Connect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online: Visit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: Like Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: Follow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: About Jimmy Kimmel Live: Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy nominated "Jimmy Kimmel Live," ABC's late-night talk show. "Jimmy Kimmel Live" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 1.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like "I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo. Now in its eleventh season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon. Gordon Ramsay Makes Scrambled Eggs
At the 2011 teen Choice Awards, Ian, Nina and Paul presented an award in a funny, sexy way, which is only fitting for the Vampire Diaries cast!! Hihi. I OWN NOTHING!
On April 28, 2006, in Sofia, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ivaylo Kalfin and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice signed a Defense Cooperation Agreement (DC...
James Bond is back!!! After Casino royale and Quantum of solace, Daniel Craig is back! SUBSCRIBE!
Translators who have aided the U.S. Military in Afghanistan and Iraq are in great danger in their home countries, but red tape is making it impossible for many of them to leave. John Oliver interviews Mohammad, one translator who made it out. For more info on efforts to assist U.S.-affiliated refugees in Iraq and Afghanistan see , and . Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find Last Week Tonight on Facebook like your mom would: Follow us on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news: Visit our official site for all that other stuff at once:
Visit us at: / / Twitter: / / مقابلة برين سآت (فاطمة أو فاطمة جول) في برنامج "القاه...
Cardiologist Mahmoud Traina serves the working poor at a county hospital outside Los Angeles, but he also found time to take medical supplies to Libyans duri...
Interview with the Party Man - a person full of energy and would love to visit Bulgaria again with his friends for more parties. in the interview is Karim fr...
Video Interview - Marieta Hristova - Work and Travel USA 2014 - J1 visa student from Bulgaria.
Nina Dobrev says "Здрасти Калина, как си?" which means "Hi Kalina, how are you?" She say it so sweet =) btw I'm Bulgarian too ;d.
1994 Световно първенство по футбол в САЩ. Екиминации България - Германия
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Facebook: Music & Arrangement by : Alfred Sula Lyrics by: 2 Step Production by: AS Recording Studio https://www.facebook....
Amal Clooney accuses Turkey of hypocrisy on freedom of speech in Armenian genocide trial. Amal Clooney, the human rights barrister, has accused Turkey of double standards on freedom of expression for defending a Turkish Leftist who described the Armenian genocide an "international lie". Mrs Clooney, who is representing Armenia on behalf of Doughty Street Chambers along with Geoffrey Robertson QC, said Turkey's stance was hypocritical "because of its disgraceful record on freedom of expression”, including prosecutions of Turkish-Armenians who campaign for the1915 massacres to be called a genocide. She took on the case against Doğu Perinçek, chairman of the Turkish Workers' Party and an MP, who was found guilty of genocide denial and racial discrimination in Switzerland in 2007, but had his conviction overturned by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) after being defended by Turkey's government. READ MORE:
Arabs in Bulgaria are the people from Arab countries, particularly Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, and Iraq, who emigrated from their native nations and currently reside in Bulgaria. Most Arab Bulgarians are of Lebanese or Syrian origin. In the forty year history of this community, 10,000 Arabs have migrated to Bulgaria. According to other data from two teams of anthropologists and sociologists, the number of Arabs in Bulgaria who are legal residents and officially have work permits was 17,000 people in 2004. Approximately the same number of Arabs reside in Bulgaria without official status.
Coordinates: 42°45′N 25°30′E / 42.75°N 25.5°E / 42.75; 25.5
Bulgaria i/bʌlˈɡɛəriə/ (Bulgarian: България, IPA: [bɤ̞ɫˈɡarijɐ]), is a country located in Southeastern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and the Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south and the Black Sea to the east. With a territory of 110,994 square kilometres (42,855 sq mi), Bulgaria is Europe's 14th-largest country. Its location has made it a historical crossroad for various civilisations and as such it is the home of some of the earliest metalworking, religious and other cultural artifacts in the world.
Prehistoric cultures began developing on Bulgarian lands during the Neolithic period. Its ancient history was marked by the presence of the Thracians, and later by the Greeks and Romans. The emergence of a unified Bulgarian ethnicity and state dates back to the First Bulgarian Empire, which dominated most of the Balkans and functioned as a cultural hub for Slavic peoples during the Middle Ages. With the downfall of the Second Bulgarian Empire in 1396, its territories came under Ottoman rule for nearly five hundred years. The Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 resulted in the Third Bulgarian State, recognised in 1908. The following years saw several conflicts with its neighbours, which prompted Bulgaria to align with Germany in both World Wars. In 1946 it became a Communist republic with a single-party system until 1989, when the Communist Party allowed multi-party elections. After 1990 Bulgaria transitioned to democracy and a market-based economy.
Khan Tervel (Bulgarian: Тервел) also called Tarvel, or Terval, or Terbelis in some Byzantine sources, was the Emperor of the Bulgarians at the beginning of the 8th century. In 705 he received the title Caesar which was a precedent in history. He was probably a Christian like his grandfather Khan Kubrat. After the Bulgarian army crushed the Arabs during the siege of Constantinople (718) Tervel was called by contemporaries the Saviour of Europe.
The Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans states that Tervel belonged to the Dulo clan and reigned for 21 years. According to the chronology developed by Moskov, Tervel would have reigned 695–715. Other chronologies place his reign in 701–718 or 700–721, but cannot be reconciled with the testimony of the Imennik. The testimony of the source and some later traditions allow identifying Tervel as the son and heir of his predecessor Asparukh, who had perhaps died in battle against the Khazars.
Tervel is first mentioned in the Byzantine sources in 704, when he was approached by the deposed and exiled Byzantine emperor Justinian II. Justinian acquired Tervel's support for an attempted restoration to the Byzantine throne in exchange for friendship, gifts, and his daughter in marriage. With an army of 15,000 horsemen provided by Tervel, Justinian suddenly advanced on Constantinople and managed to gain entrance into the city in 705. The restored emperor executed his supplanters, the emperors Leontius and Tiberius III, alongside many of their supporters. Justinian awarded Tervel with many gifts, the title of kaisar (Caesar), which made him second only to the emperor and the first foreign ruler in Byzantine history to receive such a title, and a territorial concession in northeastern Thrace, a region called Zagora. Whether Justinian's daughter Anastasia was married to Tervel as had been arranged is unknown.