Showing posts with label Venigmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venigmas. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Venigmas - Strangelove

Another donation from Bruce Rhodes. This is Venigmas second single, and I agree with Bruce the b-side 'Soul On Fire' is the better track. The a-side 'Strangelove is little too poppy (Bruce compared it with the Haircut 100 sound - I know don't go there). Venigmas are definitely more of the new wave/power pop sound.

I Don't know anything about Venigmas other than that they are Scottish.

Does anyone else know anything?

Where does that name come from? What does it mean?

Hopefully someone out there will be in the know (maybe Steve from 45 Revs - I'm gonna have to buy that book - visit the 45 Revs site (see link in side bar) to see the bible of punk, new wave, etc singles).

Band: Venigmas
Label: Biba Music
Year: 1979? (we are guessing on the year)
1. Strangelove
2. Soul on Fire

Ripped from glorious scratched vinyl:

Not sure if they are the same band, but there are two Venigmas tracks on itunes, 'Turn the Light Out' and 'Revenge'

Can Anyone Help? - The Glasgow Music Scene From 1979 Onwards

I recently received the following email, and as I always like to help people out whenever I can, I'm hoping some of you in blog land will feel the same:

Hello Gary

I have enjoyed reading your blog. It was actually the post on the Venigmas record, Strangeglove, from last March that initially grabbed my attention.

I am researching Glasgow's music scene from 1979 until the present day (in an effort to gain a PhD) hence my interest in the Venigmas.

At the moment I am focusing on what Glasgow was like in 1979 and uploaded a survey to this

I would be really grateful if you could mention this on your blog. I have been impressed by the number of responses you receive - again, particularly with the Venigmas post.
I would be grateful for any help you can provide to promote my survey. Thanks (in anticipation) Bob Anderson

So if anyone was around the Glasgow music scene in 1979, please have a go at the survey.