Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Yeah Yeah Noh - Live at the ICA Oct. 1984 Part 3

As promised the 'Yeah Yeah Noh' live tracks. Apart from being disappointed that there's only four tracks, you can cheer up by the fact that at least all four are outstanding classic songs. I think I've said everything else I want to say about 'Yeah Yeah Noh' in previous posts, so just enjoy.

Band: Yeah Yeah Noh
Year: 1984
1. Beware The Weakling Line
2. There's Another Side To Mrs Quill
3. Cottage Industry
4. Jigsaw

Ripped from FM radio and then ripped on to glorious hissing tape

I've said it before but if you like this then buy this, here:
Leicester Square: the Best of Yeah Yeah Noh


Longy said...

Thanks Gary. Looks like you've been very busy today. Nice one mate.

ljgavemelice said...

"There's Another Side to Mrs Quill" is great. Thanks.

garychching said...

Hi Longy no problem, yep this little lot kept me busy for a while.

Hi ljgavemelice, thanks for leaving the comment, and you right Mrs Quill is a classic.