Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Sore Throat - I Dunno

Sore Throat were a decent live band, who released three good singles, and one album, and then appeared to disappear. This is their debut single, of which "Complex" the b-side is the best track, I love the lyrics (eight years later, I'm a pervert maybe now they'll see), my only complaint would be that it is a little too long (5 mins+). Each of their singles are very different, I will post some more later.

This is definitely new wave, so if you looking for some Punk don't bother with this one. As usual with New Wave bands they tended to be more musically accomplished and Sore Throat met that criteria.

Also in-line with this period you will see bands trying to be witty or humorous on the covers or labels. This one was released on "Hub Cap Records" as "Spin 1".

Band: Sore Throat
Label: Hubcap Records
Year: 1978
1. I Dunno
2. Complex

Ripped from glorious scratched vinyl


Anonymous said...

Now this is really excellent! Thanks for that. An amazing rarity. Great sax work and clever lyrics.

One vote here for more obscure New Wave!

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