Monday, 4 August 2014

Disturbed - I Don't Believe 7"

You must be getting used to Bruce Rhodes and his little gems by now, but it still brings a smile to my face every time one arrives.

This one is from a band called "Disturbed", if you follow the Messthetic collections you will already recognise the b-side and my personal favourite "Betrayed". The a-side "I Don't Believe" took a couple of plays to grow on me, after a minute you think its going to jump into life and then it returns to the same beat, so its a little unexpected when it really kicks in after two minutes (try it and you're see what I mean). Bruce said "they sort of remind me of the Passion's circa Michael and Miranda LP" but as I'm not familiar with this I can't comment, but I can say I like this.

Released on the Parole label in 1979 which gained infamy for releasing Raped's debut "Pretty Pedophile EP".

Bruce did a little research but couldn't find anything, does anyone else know anymore about them?

So leave a comment and don't forget to thank Bruce for sharing this.

Ripped from Bruce's glorious scratched vinyl (see comment for link):

Band: Disturbed
Label: Parole Records
Year: 1979
1. I Don't Believe
2. Betrayed


roberto said...

thanks Gary & Bruce,cheers

Longy said...

Nice one Gary and Bruce. Another great gem.

Viacomclosedmedown on youtube said...

Wonder if this is the same Disturbed that MetallicBill on youtube has been posting prior to the 90's one I mean??

garychching said...

To Roberto and Longy, thanks for the thanks

Hi Viacom, I haven't seen that, I'll have to check it out.

Bruce said...

Hey Viacom,

The answer's .... Nope.

Anonymous said...

All I know is the singer was the girlfriend of Dave Vanian and later Sean Purcell of Cuddly Toys/Raped..

garychching said...

Hi anon, now that is some real trivia trivia, but I love it all the same. Thanks

Antonia said...

Yey! What and awesome 7". I absolutely love it. Cheers Bruce and Gary. uhm, I can totally identify with the lyrics... moha, or I mean, I have to get a job soon... but first tour with A Smile and A Ribbon.

garychching said...

Hi Ant, thanks for the enthusiastic comment.

Have you changed bands?


Antonia said...

:) well i've changed city but am trying to keep Taggarna Ut going but its a bit difficult to find time to go see them. I started playing bas with ASAAR a year ago (and we are off to the states on thursday and I'm terribly exited about that). and now I've started a new band, if I get to decide we will be called Leather Brackets.
Too bad for us followers of ASFM that you are closing it down, but all the best with your business startup.
Cheers from Sweden,