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Editor's choice

We're in the middle of cold and flu season and many of us are willing to do almost anything to boost our immune system. So is there anything you can take that will be boost your immune system or are you just peeing your money down the toilet? - iStockPhoto

How do I boost my immune system?

We're in the middle of cold and flu season and many of us are willing to do almost anything to boost our immune system. So is there anything you can take that will be boost your immune system or are you just peeing your money down the toilet?

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  • You have your mum's eyes and your dad's sense of humour. But when it comes to health, some of their concerns could become yours if you don't watch for the warning signs. So how do you flip the red flags? - iStockPhoto

    Relative risk: when parents pass on more than looks and charm

    You have your mum's eyes and your dad's sense of humour. But when it comes to health, some of their concerns could become yours if you don't watch for the warning signs. So how do you flip the red flags?

  • Whether it's losing weight, giving up smoking or planning a holiday, setting goals - and achieving them - is essential for our health and happiness. So why do some of us dislike them so much? - iStockPhoto

    Goal is not a four letter word

    Whether it's losing weight, giving up smoking or planning a holiday, setting goals - and achieving them - is essential for our health and happiness. So why do some of us dislike them so much?

  • Small collection of pills - stock.xchng

    Prescription medication

    On this episode of the Health Quarter, prescription drugs labelled Australia's hidden epidemic.

Health Tip

Daily meditation - practising being alert and aware yet free of active thoughts - not only helps fight stress, it may help train mental sharpness too.

Meditation makes you smarter

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Family's battle with ice (ABC Local - North Coast NSW)

Family's battle with ice

Julie and her husband put their lives on hold when they discovered their son had an ice addition.