New Internationalist

Migrant dreams clash with European reality

Migrant dreams clash with European reality

Those risking their lives migrating to Europe should know what life there is like, Mamadou Dia tells David Hewitt.
The ‘world’s pharmacy’ is failing its own

The ‘world’s pharmacy’ is failing its own

Why is India undermining its reputation by providing shoddy drugs to its Indians? Mari Marcel Thekaekara asks.
Why are NGOs so reluctant to help Greece?

Why are NGOs so reluctant to help Greece?

As the island of Lesvos is overwhelmed with immigrants, the world of aid looks on. Beulah Devaney reports.
Citizen-led initiatives support earthquake survivors

Citizen-led initiatives support earthquake survivors

Though no longer in the headlines, Nepal still needs help, writes Iris Gonzales.
Don’t ‘beautify’ Nairobi just for Barack!

Don’t ‘beautify’ Nairobi just for Barack!

In the run-up to Obama’s visit, is Kenya sweeping its poverty under the carpet? Moses Wasamu reports.
The failed politics of appeasing China

The failed politics of appeasing China

Nithin Coca warns against offering the country a second chance at the Olympics.

Top stories

Migrant dreams clash with European reality

Those risking their lives migrating to Europe should know what life there is like, Mamadou Dia tells David Hewitt.

Why are NGOs so reluctant to help Greece?

As the island of Lesvos is overwhelmed with immigrants, the world of aid looks on. Beulah Devaney reports.

Empowering Kurdistan

What made a Kurdish victory possible in Turkey’s recent elections – and what does the future hold? asks Naila Bozo.

20 years after Srebrenica

Twenty years after the Srebrenica massacre, the old wounds are still not healed. Fergus Simpson reports.

Capitalism’s stormy sea

Richard Swift begins his journey through political alternatives to capitalism by looking at the nature of the beast they seek to oppose.

Prevent or pursuit? The government’s new deradicalization strategy

Michaela Whitton analyses the implications of an aggressive anti-terrorism programme.

Egypt’s war on terror

Following a spate of attacks, the government’s crackdown on terrorism seems more destabilizing than ever, reports Chalaine Chang.


The ‘world’s pharmacy’ is failing its own

Why is India undermining its reputation by providing shoddy drugs to Indians? asks Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

Citizen-led initiatives support earthquake survivors

Though no longer in the headlines, Nepal still needs help, writes Iris Gonzales.

Don’t ‘beautify’ Nairobi just for Barack!

In the run-up to Obama’s visit, is Kenya sweeping its poverty under the carpet? Moses Wasamu reports.

Greece and European unity

This month the Tax Justice Network looks at how Greece ended up with more austerity despite a popular ‘No’ vote against it.

The failed politics of appeasing China

Nithin Coca warns against offering the country a second chance at the Olympics.

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day

Independent Living carries a legacy worth defending, argues Andy Greene.

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