• American Exceptionalism and American Torture

    In 1964, the Brazilian military, in a US-designed coup, overthrew a liberal (not more to the left than that) government and proceeded to rule with an iron fist for the next 21 years. In 1979 the military regime passed an amnesty law blocking the prosecution of its members for torture and other crimes. The amnesty still holds. That’s how they […]

    American Exceptionalism and American Torture
  • The Expensive Consequences of Cheap Food: An Interview with Raj Patel

    By Milenko Srećković Raj Patel is the author of the bestseller “Stuffed and Starved – The Hidden Battle for the World Food System” and the most recent book “The Value of Nothing” – named after famous Oscar Wilde’s aphorism ‘Nowadays, people know price of everything and the value of nothing’. In his book he criticizes a dominant attitude towards food […]

    The Expensive Consequences of Cheap Food: An Interview with Raj Patel
  • 100 Years since the ”Shot Heard Round the World”

    By Milenko Srećković Although whole epoch in the eve of the First World War was filled with many similar political assassinations, Gavrilo Princip`s shooting of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand – that took place on this day exactly one hundred years ago – is best remembered because it was a pretext for the attack on Serbia that eventually led to the […]

    100 Years since the ”Shot Heard Round the World”
  • In memoriam – Bratislav Srećković (1948-2014)

    On Thursday, May 22nd, died Bratislav Srećković, our long-year associate and translator. He indebted our organization with his contributions to all our more significant publications: from Z magazine (2007-2009), books “Land and Freedom” (2011), “Deindustrialization and Workers Resistance” (2011) and “Struggle for the Future” (2013), to our magazine in English Freedom Fight Info. We are forever thankful for all his […]

    In memoriam – Bratislav Srećković (1948-2014)
  • Resistance to the NATO Aggression against Serbia – one of the Battles in the Global War

    By Milenko Srećković At the beginning of the NATO aggression in 1999 the Cuban leader Fidel Castro expressed belief that Serbian guerrilla skills, acquired and developed throughout history, will provide dignified resistance to air strikes and a potential ground invasion of the biggest military alliance in the world, behind which stood nineteen world’s most powerful country. On the other side, […]

    Resistance to the NATO Aggression against Serbia – one of the Battles in the Global War
  • Unlearned Lesson of War in Bosnia

    By Milenko Srećković Military interventions of international forces, which opt for one of the parties in religious-sectarian conflicts, only stir up already started wars and increase the number of their victims. For many, that interventionism began during the war in Bosnia. Mick Hume, editor of the British magazine “LM”, who criticized media reporting on events of those years and opposed […]

    Unlearned Lesson of War in Bosnia
  • Crisis is Paid by the Most Vulnerable – Interview with the ATTAC activist

    Interview with Lisa Mittendrein, member of the board of ATTAC Austria By Pavle Antonović and Vladimir Bogićević In the article ”Disarming the markets” published in the Le Mond Diplomatique, its editor-in-chief Ignatzio Ramonet proposed founding of the organization that would pursue adopting of Financial Transactions Tax (Tobin tax). The organization was named ATTAC (Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions […]

    Crisis is Paid by the Most Vulnerable – Interview with the ATTAC activist
  • In Memoriam: Aleksandar Aco Todorović (1955-2014), the Leader of ”The Erased”

    Our comrade and associate Aleksandar Aco Todorović (1955-2014), the leader of  ‘’The Erased’’ from Slovenia, is found dead in Ptuj, Slovenia. Todorović, together with his friends, managed, after two decades of struggle, to force republic of Slovenia to acknowledge administrative ethnic cleansing of the Slovenian citizens with non-Slovenian or mixed origin (mostly Serbs, Croats, Bosnians and Roma) during the Slovenian […]

    In Memoriam: Aleksandar Aco Todorović (1955-2014), the Leader of ”The Erased”
  • Imagination – the Solution for Society’s Problems – interview with David Graeber

    By Milenko Srećković According to the testimony of his older colleagues, David Graeber is ”one of the best anthropologists of his generation”. By political conviction, he is an anarchist that advocates real, direct democracy, and is widely regarded for his contribution to the Occupy Wall Street movement especially in the early days of its creation when the organizational structure was […]

    Imagination – the Solution for Society’s Problems – interview with David Graeber
  • Social resistance to neo-liberal policies in Serbia – report from the debate in Paris

    Social resistance to neo-liberal policies in Serbia with Milenko Srećković from the organization “Pokret za Slobodu” Minutes of the meeting Association pour l’Autogestion, ATTAC and the Assemblée Européenne des citoyens February 3rd, 2014, CICP offices, Paris By Kassia Aleksić Translation from French to English by Dorothée Genovese During the first International Gathering of “The Workers’Economy” (January 31st – February 1st, […]

    Social resistance to neo-liberal policies in Serbia – report from the debate in Paris
  • We Opposed the Demonization of Serbs – Interview about the Freedom of Speech

    Interview with Mick Hume, British author and editor By Milenko Srećković In 1997 British magazine “LM” published a translation of the article “The picture that fooled the world” by German journalist Thomas Deichmann, where the way in which big media corporation ITN reported on war in Bosnia in 1992 was called into question. In his article Deichmann concluded that ITN’s […]

    We Opposed the Demonization of Serbs – Interview about the Freedom of Speech
  • African Anti-land Grabbing Struggle

    Interview with Henry Machina and Ibrahima Coulibaly All across the world small farmers point to the negative consequences of increasingly widespread global phenomenon of ’land grabbing’, which leads to concentration of agricultural land and natural resources ownership in the hands of big investors and international corporations. This process, in addition to seizure of farmland, is very often accompanied by eviction […]

    Henry Machina, Zambia Land Alliance
  • A true Left is against imperialistic wars and neo-liberalism

    Interview: Kate Hudson, representative of the British party Left Unity In March last year, a group of British leftists supported by famous director Ken Loach issued a public call for creation of new left-wing party, while the initiative was realized at the founding conference at the end of November. A party by the name of Left Unity was formed with […]

    A true Left is against imperialistic wars and neo-liberalism
  • POKRET ZA SLOBODU removed Privatization Agency plaque…

    By taking off and destroying the Privatization Agency plaque we want symbolically to start the process of abolition of the institutions which have been acting against the interests and the existence of the majority of Serbian citizens since its creation. It is just another step of our organization in fighting the capitalist actions against workers and peasants. We also want […]

    POKRET ZA SLOBODU removed Privatization Agency plaque…
  • The Unacceptable Easiness of Killing – on Western Terrorism

    By Milenko Srećković Often repeated statement about the greatest crime on European territory after WWII being committed in Srebrenica seems like being designed to hide the fact that the greatest crimes after Hitler were committed precisely by European states and countries of European descent, such as United States of America. Such crimes, of much greater proportions than the one in […]

    The Unacceptable Easiness of Killing – on Western Terrorism

Interviews »

The Expensive Consequences of Cheap Food: An Interview with Raj Patel

The Expensive Consequences of Cheap Food: An Interview with Raj Patel

August 15, 2014 at 10:03 AM

By Milenko Srećković Raj Patel is the author of the bestseller “Stuffed and Starved – The Hidden Battle for the World Food System” and the most recent...

Politics »

Unlearned Lesson of War in Bosnia

Unlearned Lesson of War in Bosnia

March 9, 2014 at 7:04 AM

By Milenko Srećković Military interventions of international forces, which opt for one of the parties in religious-sectarian conflicts, only stir up already started wars...

Society »

People, environment and democracy before profit and corporate rights – Joint statement of European Civil Society groups working against the TTIP threat, March 2014

People, environment and democracy before profit and corporate rights – Joint statement of European Civil Society groups working against the TTIP threat, March 2014

March 27, 2014 at 6:26 PM

1. Who are we? We are an EU-wide coalition of civil society organisations who share a deep concern about the various threats posed by the Transatlantic Trade and Investment...

Opinions »

American Exceptionalism and American Torture

American Exceptionalism and American Torture

December 20, 2014 at 11:44 PM

William Blum In 1964, the Brazilian military, in a US-designed coup, overthrew a liberal (not more to the left than that) government and proceeded to rule with an iron fist for...

Movies, Documentaries, Videos… »

Manufacturing Consent – Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)

Manufacturing Consent – Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)

September 5, 2013 at 5:55 PM

If you’ve spent time on a college campus, you’ll have heard the name Noam Chomsky uttered in reverent tones. “It gets embarrassing,” said the man himself. “I can’t...

Book Reviews »

The Unacceptable Easiness of Killing – on Western Terrorism

The Unacceptable Easiness of Killing – on Western Terrorism

December 22, 2013 at 5:55 PM

By Milenko Srećković PlutoPress (www.plutobooks.com), 2013 Often repeated statement about the greatest crime on European territory after WWII being committed in Srebrenica...

Fun »

Chomsky: The Internet is full of people who can’t read and want to talk about sandwiches

Chomsky: The Internet is full of people who can’t read and want to talk about sandwiches

October 24, 2013 at 2:27 PM

In an interview uploaded to YouTube, Noam Chomsky answers the question “[d]oes the generative potential of the internet help to form new kinds of social or cultural associations”...

News »

Palestine Supports Serbia on Kosovo

Palestine Supports Serbia on Kosovo

June 12, 2015 at 10:02 PM

Photo: Tanjug BELGRADE, June 10, 2015 – Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic stated on June 10, after a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that Palestine...

Other News

Palestine Supports Serbia on Kosovo

Palestine Supports Serbia on Kosovo

BELGRADE, June 10, 2015 – Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic stated on June 10, after a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, that Palestine was decisively against the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Abbas stated that Palestine appreciated the support of Serbia during the vote on Palestine’s observer status in the United Nations, stressing the “historically friendly relations which bind the two […]

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Jewish MP in Britain Speaks Out on War Crimes in Gaza – Speech by Gerald Kaufmann to the British Parliament

Jewish MP in Britain Speaks Out on War Crimes in Gaza – Speech by Gerald Kaufmann to the British Parliament

(video link and transcription of major excerpts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5UeZlTywxs   I was brought up as a Jew and a Zionist. On the shelf in our kitchen there is a tin box in which we put money for the Jewish National Fund to help the pioneers in Palestine. . . .   I first went to Israel in 1961 and have been […]

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Tony Blair Bears ‘Total Responsibility’ For Isis, Says Academic Who Advised Him On Iraq

Tony Blair Bears ‘Total Responsibility’ For Isis, Says Academic Who Advised Him On Iraq

There is “absolutely” a link between the invasion of Iraq and the rise of terror group Isis, for which Tony Blair bears “total responsibility”, says a leading academic who advised the then prime minister in the run-up to the war. Speaking exclusively to The Huffington Post UK, Professor George Joffe of Cambridge University said Tony Blair had a “shallow mind” […]

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Why Noam Chomsky Is One of America’s Great Public Intellectuals

Why Noam Chomsky Is One of America’s Great Public Intellectuals

Chomsky appears to be an exile in his own country by virtue of his political interventions and his displays of fierce courage. By Henry A. Giroux / TruthOut.org Noam Chomsky is a world renowned academic best known not only for his pioneering work in linguistics but also for his ongoing work as a public intellectual in which he has addressed a […]

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Syria refugee scheme “disgracefully insufficient”, say campaigners

Syria refugee scheme “disgracefully insufficient”, say campaigners

The government is refusing to say how many Syrian refugees it has relocated to Britain in a move campaigners say may mean the number is “embarrassingly low”. Great Britain – The Home Office has refused a Freedom of Information request to disclose the number of Syrian refugees brought to Britain under its Vulnerable Person Relocation programme. Luke Cooper, of the […]

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