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ABC Stories

Hand-picked features and articles from across the ABC of interest to parents and families.

New research to end pre-term births

29 July 2015
Research teams in Western Australia think they have six interventions that could end the tragedy of pre-term births.

Epidurals: could they prevent post natal depression?

21 July 2015
A Chinese Professor of anaesthesiology has found that mothers who used epidurals had a lower incidence of post natal depression than mothers who did not.

Anxiety in children

14 July 2015
Just as we watch our children grow their strengths it can be concerning for many parents to watch some other traits creep into their children's behaviour.

Happier than before?

25 June 2015
Is it possible to be a happier parent? Is happiness something you can work on? Will habits make me a better parent?

Aged care facility bringing toddlers and the elderly together

24 June 2015
If you have an elderly relative, you will likely have noticed how their eyes light up when a child comes to visit.

Mum's high-fibre diet may protect child against asthma

24 June 2015
ating a high-fibre diet during pregnancy changes a mother's gut bacteria, which in turn may help protect her unborn child from developing asthma.

Will I ever have sex again?

23 June 2015
Sex is the topic that few of us are talking about particularly after the birth of a baby, but maybe we should. How soon?

Grandparents (how to be a good one)

12 June 2015
How do you become a good grandparent? The answer is probably quite similar to the other almost endless question, 'how do I become a good parent'.

Myths of perinatal depression exposed

11 June 2015
The saying goes forewarned is forearmed, and that certainly applies to the some startling new research into one of the factors leading to perinatal depression amongst women.

Eating placenta after birth carries no health benefits

8 June 2015
Eating a baby's placenta after birth does not stop depression or increase energy levels of new mothers, a US study has found.

What you need to know about your thyroid!

3 June 2015
Did you know it's one of the most important glands for the development of your tiny baby's brain in the very first weeks of pregnancy?

Breastfeeding linked to lower risk of leukaemia

2 June 2015
Breastfeeding a baby for at least six months may be linked to a lower risk of childhood leukaemia, according to a review of previously published research.

A warning to have babies before 30

1 June 2015
A top fertility expert has suggested that women should be told to start having children before the age of 30, or risk never having them at all.

A Long Journey to Motherhood

28 May 2015
Every woman takes a journey to become a mother. Luckily for most of us it's a lovely experience, but for many this is not quite the case.

Mother Guilt

21 May 2015
Is it possible to 'Have It All' if you are a mother? Do all mothers feel this guilty or is it just me?

Bullied kids have higher risk of adult obesity and heart disease

20 May 2015
People who have been bullied as children are more likely to be overweight or obese as adults and have a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other illnesses.

Nature or nuture? Twins hold the answer

19 May 2015
The degree to which we are a product of our genes or the environment has been calculated by an analysis of 50 years of twin studies.

Planning for a family when you have endometriosis

14 May 2015
Women! What is that pain in your gut? It can wake you up at night, it can make you double-over in the morning and no hot water bottle can make you feel any better.


14 May 2015
Pre-eclampsia is potentially the most dangerous condition you might develop during pregnancy. Essentially it's caused when the mother's body starts reacting adversely to the placenta.

Tasmanian Mothers to be given whooping cough vaccinations in third trimester of pregnancy

10 May 2015
Pregnant Tasmanian women will be entitled to a free whooping cough vaccination from next month.