Environment: Content from Across the ABC

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Background Briefing 23 Jul 2015

The burning of native forest wood waste can earn clean energy credits, but there's dispute about whether burning native forest waste for energy is 'carbon neutral'. Background Briefing reports. More

Background Briefing 20 Jul 2015
Background Briefing 19 Jul 2015
Science Online 22 Jul 2015
Sara Phillips 18 May 2015

A new vision for the future has been released by some of the world's leading environmental thinkers. But many of its suggestions are likely to be confronting for today's environmentalists. More

"Kudos to @abcenvironment publishing wide views across the environmental space - even if we sometimes don't agree with them." - Ecoscore
News Online 21 Jul 2015

Three-time world surfing champion Mick Fanning says he is thankful to be "here to tell the story" after surviving a shark attack in South Africa. More

News Online 21 Jul 2015

Three-time world surfing champion Mick Fanning says he is thankful to be "here to tell the story" after surviving a shark attack in South Africa. More

Landline 19 Jul 2015

This tree of life is lifting some of the world's poorest communities out of poverty. More

Landline 19 Jul 2015

The Australian prawn farming industry says relaxing complex environmental regulations will unlock millions of dollars of investment and create hundreds of jobs. More

Lateline 17 Jul 2015

Marjan Minnesma led a legal challenge against the Dutch Government, saying they weren't taking enough action against climate change. Emma Alberici speaks with Marjan about the ways citizens can hold governments accountable fo… More

On the Wider Web

Using data from WRI’s CAIT Climate Data Explorer, this dynamic graph below allows you to explore emissions data for 2012.

Running out of time

(external link)
Three runners attempt to run 160km through remote wilderness to raise money for climate change.
The North Queensland Conservation Council gambles on a gambolling kitten to get the message across.


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Multiculturalism in Australia

Multiculturalism in Australia (RN - Big Ideas)

Overall, Australia is a multicultural success story but, as recent rallies show, there is some resistance.