Should you try an elimination diet?

Should you try an elimination diet?

Photography by Rob Palmer

Salmon & avocado salad with cucumber & chickpeas

In this month's issue magazine cover - December 2013 Eat in, eat out, eat well. Look for the taste liftout on Tuesdays in the Herald Sun, Courier Mail and Daily Telegraph, on Wednesdays in the Adelaide Advertiser, and in Perth’s Sunday Times.

What is it and will it help your symptoms?

Allergies can be diagnosed by a blood test and usually appear in childhood. Common allergies to the proteins in milk or eggs usually disappear by the age of 4 or 5, although allergies to peanuts, sesame and some seafood may persist for life.

Food intolerances are more difficult to detect. They can also arise (and disappear) at any age and can include a reaction to natural components of foods or to particular food additives. Common symptoms are hives or skin rashes, migraine and tummy problems. Occasionally, sinus problems or behavioural problems in children may also be due to some component of foods. However, each of these problems may have causes that are unrelated to food, so proper diagnosis is important.

Food intolerances are usually diagnosed using an Elimination Diet.

Some points to note about using an Elimination diet

• An Elimination diet is intended only for diagnostic purposes. The diet is not nutritionally balanced and should only be used for a few weeks. If symptoms improve, particular foods are re-introduced in a systematic way to determine if they are the culprits or not.

• Common natural components in foods that may be involved include salicylates (found in many fruits, vegetables and honey) and amines (present in a wide range of foods). Additives such as some colourings and preservatives and flavour enhancers such as MSG are also suspects.

• Some people may have symptoms from several natural or added chemicals in food, so simply eliminating one particular food may be totally ineffective for diagnosis.

• An accredited practising dietitian is the best person to assist with an Elimination Diet. Find one near you here.

• Once any offending components of foods have been identified, a dietitian can advise on suitable replacement foods.

• An Elimination Diet is totally unsuitable for weight loss.

Source - December 2013


Dr Rosemary Stanton, nutritionist

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becstarboo added this comment at 07:53pm Wed 5th November, 2014
Interesting read. Thanks!

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