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It's scary just how much David Cameron doesn't seem to understand extremism
The Independent | 2015-07-20
Open Minds Worldwide
Gawker Media’s employees dispute Nick Denton’s record
Gawker Media’s employees dispute Nick Denton’s record
In a meeting today at the offices of Gawker Media, founder and CEO Nick Denton stood before...
Sarah Palin cites ‘media driven wedge’ between Trump, McCain
Sarah Palin cites ‘media driven wedge’ between Trump, McCain
Via CNN’s Jake Tapper comes word from former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah...
In implosion, Gawker obviates media reporters
In implosion, Gawker obviates media reporters
The Gawker ethos requires the placement of dirty laundry on well-trafficked URLs. In what this blog...
Mekons Tour Diary, Episode 2, Beached in Rehoboth
Mekons Tour Diary, Episode 2, Beached in Rehoboth
After 9 surprisingly well-attended and efficient shows, we are rewarded with a day off at the beach...
Trump cites work of Sharyl Attkisson in defending McCain comments
Trump cites work of Sharyl Attkisson in defending McCain comments
In an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show this morning, Republican presidential...
Donald Trump exposes anonymous-sourcing culture
Donald Trump exposes anonymous-sourcing culture
If ever there was a topic on which everyone can go on record, it is Donald Trump — the guy who...
Go Set the Record Straight: Harper Lee’s New Novel, Cui Bono?
Go Set the Record Straight: Harper Lee’s New Novel, Cui Bono?
I have not read Harper Lee’s and will not be reviewing it in my Friday book column. There are simply...