Career is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a person's "course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)".
It can also pertain to an occupation or a profession that usually involves special training or formal education, and is considered to be a person’s lifework.
The etymology of the term comes from the m. French word carriere (16 c.) ("road, racecourse") which, in turn, comes from the Latin word "(via) cararia" (track for wheeled vehicles) which originated from the Latin word carrus" which means "wagon".
By the late 20th century, a wide range of choices (especially in the range of potential professions) and more widespread education had allowed it to become possible to plan (or design) a career: in this respect the careers of the career counselor and of the career advisor have grown up. It is also not uncommon for adults in the late 20th/early 21st centuries to have dual or multiple careers, either sequentially or concurrently. Thus, professional identities have become hyphenated or hybridized to reflect this shift in work ethic. Economist Richard Florida notes this trend generally and more specifically among the "creative class".
How to find and do work you love | Scott Dinsmore | TEDxGoldenGatePark (2D)
BizKids 1.19 A Closer Look at Careers
Career Paths
Curious Kids -- Careers
5 Unique Careers You Won’t Believe Exist | What the Stuff?!
10 Fun Careers That Don't Feel Like Work
Austin and Ally Full Episode S02E32 Couples & Careers
Donald Trumps Advice on Choosing a Career
Madden 15 Connected Careers Gameplay - The Creation of Patriots HB Drew Payne Episode 1 Speed HB
Am I Too Old To Change Careers? Career Change At 30 & Career Change At 40
Top 10 Career Ruining Movies
"Career Day" by The Bazillions
Madden 15 Career Mode | The Creation Of Sir Senior Stink Booty III (Madden 15 Connected Career)
How to find and do work you love | Scott Dinsmore | TEDxGoldenGatePark (2D)
BizKids 1.19 A Closer Look at Careers
Career Paths
Curious Kids -- Careers
5 Unique Careers You Won’t Believe Exist | What the Stuff?!
10 Fun Careers That Don't Feel Like Work
Austin and Ally Full Episode S02E32 Couples & Careers
Donald Trumps Advice on Choosing a Career
Madden 15 Connected Careers Gameplay - The Creation of Patriots HB Drew Payne Episode 1 Speed HB
Am I Too Old To Change Careers? Career Change At 30 & Career Change At 40
Top 10 Career Ruining Movies
"Career Day" by The Bazillions
Madden 15 Career Mode | The Creation Of Sir Senior Stink Booty III (Madden 15 Connected Career)
Madden 15 Career Mode | The Creation of SUPER STRONG 99 HIT POWER FS! (Madden 15 Connected Careers)
How to Change Careers: 5 Tips from a Career Advisor
Chris Rock Stand Up "Job v. Career"
How To Change Careers - Dealing With The Fear & Transitioning Smart
Cubicles & Careers Episode 1: Orc
Changing Careers To Become a Nurse???
INFP: Identifying Careers and Passions
Some Food for Thought About Careers
Careers in IT and Technology
Beverly "Careers" [Official Album Stream]
Madden 15 Career Mode | The BEST Superstar Nobodies Ever Heard Of! (Madden 15 gameplay) (madden 15)
Lesson 26: Careers in Financial Planning
Careers in Healthcare Administration Career Chat Ep. #6
Careers in the Geosciences
Careers in International Development
Technology for the Greater Good: Careers in Data Science
Careers in Public Administration
Why choose a career in accounting?
Madden 15 Career Mode | Dirty Tackle ENDS MY CAREER..... (Madden 15 Connected Careers)
Exploring Careers in Clinical and Counselling Psychology - Feb 4, 2013
#ASKPSS Episode 3 - Anesthesiology, Holy Grail Items, Alternative Careers!
Career Conversations: Discovering Careers in Project Management and Consulting
Madden 15 Connected Careers | The Creation Of 7 Foot, 99 Speed QB!
Careers in Finance
Madden 15 Ultimate Team #2 | Cam Newton LEAVES THE TEAM! (Madden 15 Connected Careers)
Serving the World - Careers at the United Nations
(LONGEST RUN EVER!) Johnny Manziel 1st Game Winner! Connected Careers w/ Madden 25
Talent Management & Sustainable Careers: Stephen McGlynn
Solihull School Careers Convention
TATA MOTORS – Recruitment Notifications, Automobile Jobs, Career, Oppurtunities
Find out how to use the GCU careers vacancy service
SONY– Recruitment Notifications, IT Jobs, Career, Oppurtunities, Campus placements
Cognolink Careers for Graduates
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20 Stars Whose Careers Are Fading Away
Electro Velvet (United Kingdom): 'Biggest event of our careers'
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Full Show - Careers and Courses March 2015
Full Show - Courses and Careers Show March 2015
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Careers In Helping People - Start Changing Lives
Acquire Reinvent Your Career Expo Brisbane 2015 - The Careers Event for Adults
Careers in Management @ BIBS
Download So you want to be a brain surgeon Medical Careers Guides PDF
Careers Project
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Mass Comms Video Project - Careers in Video Gaming by Cody Blum
Shock Players Fight For Their Careers
Me preguntaron de la tierra en que naci
-Soy de Guerrero-, con orgullo respondi
se oyo un -Que miedo, ese ha de ser maton!-
por lo que supe que hay una equivocacion.
Guerrero es un beso de la sierra con el mar
cantar de un cenzontle y rugido de un jaguar
es una guitarra entonando una chilena
y es una morena zapateando sin igual.
Es Guerrero un campesino que trabaja
por su tierra, su familia y no se raja
es un nin~o y con un suen~o va a la escuela
es bandera tricolor que ondea en Iguala.
Es un paraiso si quieres vacacionar
es luna de miel, es un nidito para amar
la mejor ventana para admirar las estrellas
y tiene en sus playas mil bellezas sin igual.
Es novela magistral de Altamirano
y aquel bravo Nicolas es mi paisano
y aunque ha sido y sera gran insurgente
Guerrero tambien es paz para mi gente.
Me preguntaron de la tierra en que naci
--Soy de Juliantla-- con orgullo respondi
se oyo un --Que miedo, ese ha de ser maton!--
por lo que se hizo necesaria esta cancion.
Guerrero es cajita pintada en Olinala
es luna de plata que colgada en Taxco esta
valiente ranchero capoteando un toro bravo
todavia no acabo, siga escuchando y sabra.
Ahi Cuauhtemoc tiene su eterna morada
es mi tierra la madre mas abnegada
es un nin~o y con un suen~o va a la escuela
es bandera tricolor que ondea en Iguala.
Es un paraiso...(se repite)
I would like to say that i, i never ment to make you cry I think about you
Everyday no matter what your friends might say. everybody knows my name even
Though im still the same. I just would like to say that i, i never ever ment to
Make you cry.
I would like to know why there are clouds in the sky every time i fall inlove
An i would like to know why im sittin here on my own. I would like to know why
When i find a nice guy someone i can lean upon, i mess it all up an then i
Wonder why im all alone.
Tell me if you think that i, im talkin way to much an tell me if you'd like to
Stay in touch.
Sittin on the sofa lettin life go by, thinkin bout the early days thinkin bout
The time that i hurt you with my crazy ways all i wanna do is look around for
You yeah drive until the break of dawn track ya down call an pleadin till ya
Comin home.
Tell me if you think that i, ive bin a bit too much an tell me if you'd like to
Stay in touch
Didn't mean to be so cruel
Didn't mean to let you down
Im so sorry for the rain on your parade and all the pain you must of gained
Because of me
I wanted to rock them three stripes, Timbs, and Nikes
Momma told me when I'm older I'll experience life
But now it's all grey hairs
Thought I was old enough then to know wrong from right
Momma told me when I'm older that I might see the light
But now it's all grey hairs
I pop bottles and read the good book
Cuz soon they'll be hollering
We made travels like Gulliver
Used to be kings like Solomon
Then became slaves like Tubman and then
Government wanna us see us running like Harriet
To avoid the establishment
Of prison cell blocks
Little shorties come out of the womb, ready to sell rocks
Rock charms, Jesus Christ pendant covered in ice
I guess my only advice
Is watch jewels, gems, come with a price
It's such an identity crisis
How we can cop new bank gear
Not care what the price is
Jesus hang from a cross and now he hang from your neck
Still no respect, dont' know who Christ is
We are living in times of the most critical kind
Grey hairs got visible lines
Can you sense it that hopes is missing
That the focus isn't there any longer children
Being raised by a new age
They listen to the beat and nod
Disregard thoughts written
They walking dead around us pimping
And our mission is no longer to reach within 'em
Our mission should be now to decrease the tension
But instead we just give in to nature
Label hate us cuz we don't let the radios make us different
Getting grey hairs from all of that anger building
I'd be lying if I said I ain't aging and sensing
A bit of change in my ageless wisdom
What are we to do now
For the patient victims
Who just wish music would return to its senses
That we at some point would respect our mission
And give back to rap, the greatest invention
Hip-hop influences raised me
Say, for instance, Jay-Z said the streets is watching
So I kept on driving, head bobbing crazy
Though the couple in the next car upset
They couldn't make me
Turn the volume down, my volume up
And I'm a ride 'round town
Blast that volume, WHAT?!
But these days, these kids really don't give fuck
Listening to Dip Set, now they sticking you up
Take every rhyme literal, YEP!
They more criminal, PLUS
It's more reality to kill for a buck
When it's a part of the beautiful music I love
They iPods full of G-Unit, the best thugs
Next club, everybody in the cipher rhyming
Out to get rich and die trying
Dark clouds keep us out of the grey
No one escaped easy left
No one is losing sleeping
A love across the seat
Someone escaped getting a bus
Getting the truth flat leaving a "noches" hard as can be
Love, love is here
Love, love in a desert lives
Taking a right, blessing the fog
One, two things I want to know about you
Ease, peace, raiding high
Going offside, somersaulting like I'm...
Well, used to it.
Love, love is or was
Love, love is or was
Backing vocals:
You get it, you get it, you get it, you get it