Identify the 100 elements of Anzac 100

There are 100 distinct visual references to WWI in the Anzac 100 artwork. Can you spot them all? Here are 10 to set you searching: Simpson and his donkey, The Red Baron, a Zeppelin airship, a British tank, Lone Pine, a Digger with periscope rifle, a messenger pigeon, the Cooee recruitment poster, the Turkish flag, poppies. 

Identify the 100 elements of Anzac 100

Australia & British Empire identities

1. General Henry Chauvel (Australia)

2. General John Monash (Australia)

3. General Horatio Kitchener (Britain)

4. Field Marshal Douglas Haig (Britain)

5. General William Birdwood (Britain)

6. General Edmund Allenby (Britain)

7. Major Harry Murray VC (Australia)

8. Charles Bean (Australian war correspondent)

9. General Ian Hamilton (commander British Empire forces at Gallipoli)

10. John Simpson Kirkpatrick and donkey (Australia & Britain)

11. TE Lawrence of Arabia – British Leader of Arab Revolt

12. Lieutenant-Commander Henry Stoker, capt of AE2 submarine

French identities

13. Marshal Ferdinand Foch

14. Marshal Josef Joffre

15. Marshal Philippe Petain

German identities

16. Kaiser Wilhelm II – German emperor

17. General Erich von Ludendorff

18. General Paul von Hindenburg

19. General August von Mackensen

20. General Otto Liman von Sanders (German leader at Gallipoli)

21. Manfred von Richthofen (The Red Baron)

Ottoman Turkey identities

22. Vizier Enver Pasha

23. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Non-Specific People

24. Iconic Australian Digger

25. Aboriginal Digger

26. Australian nurses

27. German cavalryman with gas mask

28. Digger with gas mask

29. Diggers in trench

30. Diggers going ‘over the top’

31. Digger firing Vickers machine gun

32. German machine gunners

33. German soldier

34. French soldiers

35. Turkish soldiers

36. British naval diver

Sea Warfare

37. SS Lusitania sunk by U- Boat

38. Ship guns

German Aircraft

39. Zeppelin airship

40. Albatros D.Va fighter

41. Fokker VII fighter

42. Fokker Tri-plane fighter

43. Fokker Eindecker fighter

British Aircraft

44. Sopwith Camel fighter

45. SE5a fighter

46. Bristol F2B fighter

47. Bristol D1 scout

48. Observation balloon

French Aircraft

49. Nieuport 27 (shot down by Fokker Eindecker)


50. British Mark IV tank

51. British Rolls Royce armoured car

52. French Renault FT17 light tank

53. German A7V ‘Mephisto’ tank

Cannons & Howitzers

54. Australian field gun

55. British howitzers

56. British rail gun

57. German howitzer

58. French fort gun


59. ANZAC Diggers landing by boats towed by steam pinnace

60. Lone Pine

61. Donkey being unloaded from ship

62. SS Clyde River disembarking soldiers

63. Turkish field gun and Turkish gunners

64. HMS Queen Elizabeth, battleship at Gallipoli

65. Sea mines responsible for sinking several British ships

66. British destroyer at Gallipoli

67. Digger with periscope rifle developed at Gallipoli

Middle East

68. Australian Light Horse (Battle of Beersheba)

69. Australian Camel Corps

Places & Structures

70. Sphinx and Giza pyramids, Egypt

71. Leaning Madonna, Notre Dame de Brebieres, Albert, France

72. Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, Belgium

73. Menin Lion, Ypres, Belgium

74. Battle-scarred mosque in a Palestinian village

War Animals

75. Messenger pigeon

76. Interceptor hawk


77. Australian ‘Cooee’ recruitment poster

78. Australian ‘Boys come over here’ recruitment poster

79. Great War Oxo advertising poster

80. Pre-War Kodak advertising poster


81. Australian

82. British

83. French

84. German

85. Turkish


86. Victoria Cross

87. Gas attack warning bell (spent artillery shell case)

88. Ship’s life belt (Lusitania)

89. Australian ‘Roo de Kanga’ sign erected at Peronne, France

90. Stacks of spent shell cases

91. Australian post box

92. Australian gas light

93. Early gramophone

94. Floating ship’s life belts

Flora & Fauna

95. Poppies

96. Sprig of rosemary

97. Trench rat

98. Raven

99. Seagulls

100. Champagne region grapes

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