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Frequently Asked Questions


So that you can find the information you need as quickly as possible, this page includes answers to the most common questions about announcements.

We recommend that you check the following links for help before contacting While our customer service team responds to emails very quickly (typically within one business day), you may find your answer even faster by checking below.

How do I place an announcement?

Online-Only: Announcements submitted via this form will appear online at Online-Only announcements will not appear in the print edition of the The Border Mail.

Celebrations announcements typically include text and a photo, plus these additional online features:
  • A Photo Album where you can share up to 100 of your favorite photos
  • An online Guest Book so friends and family can offer congratulations from near or far
  • Gift Registry information so everyone will know where to go for that perfect gift
  • And Additional Text so you can tell your story – how you first met, where you got engaged, your child’s birth, and more (see example)

How do I view my announcement?

When your announcement is posted online, you will receive an email that includes a link to view your announcement. You can also access your announcement on the Celebrations home page. Search by name, keyword, date and/or category to locate an announcement, or click the "Enhance Your Existing Announcement" link to log in to your announcement.

How do I log in to edit or add to my announcement?

Follow this link to Enhance Your Existing Announcement, then enter your email address and password. When logged in, you can enhance your announcement with additional text, add to your Photo Album (or change the order of the photos), update your Gift Registry, manage Guest Book messages and more.

I do not have a password. How can I get one?

When your announcement becomes available online, we will send your password in an email to the address associated with your announcement. If your announcement is already online and you haven’t received an email from us, please check your spam or junk mail folder. You can also request to have your password resent.

Please note: We are only able to create passwords for announcements with an email address on file. If you placed your announcement with the newspaper and did not provide an email address, or believe the wrong email address may have been included with your announcement, please contact the newspaper directly to have your email address associated with your announcement.

I need to make a correction to my announcement. Whom do I contact?

Online: To make a correction to your online announcement text or main photo, please contact
Print: For changes to the print version of your announcement, please contact the newspaper directly.

How do I upload photos to my announcement?

To add photos to your announcement’s Photo Album, first log in to your announcement. Click "Browse & Upload" to select a photo from your computer. Add a caption if you wish, then click "Save & Post" to complete the upload. You can add up to 100 photos to your Album. To update a photo or caption, or change a photo’s position in the Album, click "Edit & Rearrange".

Can I change the order of the photos in the album?

Yes, you can put the photos in any order you like. First, log in to your announcement. Click "Edit & Rearrange" in the photo section. Drag and drop the photos in the order you'd like them to appear, then click "Save & Post."

How will I know when there are new messages in the Guest Book?

We will send you an email when a new message has been posted to your online Guest Book. All messages submitted to the Guest Book are reviewed by prior to posting. Most messages appear online within 24 hours of being submitted.

How do I sign the Guest Book?

To sign a Celebrations Guest Book, first locate the announcement on the Celebrations home page. If a Guest Book is included with the announcement, you will see a link to "View the Guest Book." Clicking this link will take you to a page where you can enter a message. Click "Next" to preview your message as it will appear online, then click "Submit" to complete your entry.

When will my Guest Book message appear online?

All messages submitted to the Guest Book are reviewed by prior to posting. Most messages appear online within 24 hours of being submitted.

What if I have another question?

If you have a question that is not addressed on this page, please contact us. Our staff will be happy to assist you. We respond to all inquiries in the order in which they are received. We typically respond within one business day. However, in some cases there may be a delay. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

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Place an Announcement