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greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war Wednesday July 22, 2015 01:42 by International Secretary – Black Rose Anarchist Federation
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Bombing in Suruç

At noon, in the border town of Suruç in Turkish Kurdistan, a bomb ripped through the bodies of communists, socialists, and anarchists who were on their way to assist in the rebuilding of Kobanê. Tens of people were killed, many more injured. One Black Rose member was present assisting in preparations for a campaign to support the rebuilding of Kobanê and Rojava, but was uninjured in the blast.

This demonstrates the attitude of the state and is indicative of a sad reality: Turkey is continuing its murderous policy towards the Kurds and this attack can be seen as a fulfillment of Erdogan’s promise to stop Rojava by any means necessary. In the coming months, Black Rose will continue to broaden the scope in organizing committees and networks in solidarity with Rojava. We hope for your support.

[Castellano] [ Português] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano]

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grèce / turquie / chypre / divers Wednesday July 08, 2015 16:47 by Alternative Libertaire
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Rassemblement à l’appel de Rocinante, devant le siège du patronat grec

Avec les anarcho-syndicalistes grecs, Alternative libertaire appelle à « transformer la défaite du capital en une victoire réelle de la classe ouvrière ». Il faut socialiser les banques, confisquer les entreprises qui ont fait du chantage au salaire et procédé à des lock-out déguisés, et les placer sous le contrôle des travailleuses et des travailleurs. Rompre avec le capitalisme est la seule façon de sortir de la crise.

Lire aussi:

Yannis Androulidakis (anarcho-syndicaliste grec): «La politique ne change pas par les gouvernements» Alternative Libertaire

Greece: Creditors and States are nothing... Dmitri - MACG

OXI - No al colpo di stato economico in Grecia Alternativa Libertaria / FdCA

international / history Saturday June 27, 2015 16:10 by Wayne Price
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It is now 70 years since the end of the Second World War (1939—1945). It is often referred to as the “Good War” or even the “Last Good War.” The U.S. soldiers who fought it have been called the “Greatest Generation.” Since wars are best seen as evils unless proven otherwise, it is worth asking why World War II has such a good reputation, and whether it deserves it. After all, approximately 60 million people died around the world from that war.

The aftereffects of the Second World War are still being felt. While very popular, it was an inter-imperialist war, a struggle for world domination. But it also included popular struggles against fascism, for national independence, democratic rights, and the possibility of socialist revolution. At their best, anarchists and other revolutionary socialists looked for ways to be part of this working class and people’s war.” Analyzing the war, and thinking through its issues, may help to prepare revolutionary anarchists for future upheavals.

internacional / história do anarquismo Monday June 01, 2015 17:49 by Felipe Corrêa e Rafael Viana da Silva
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No sentido horário, a partir de cima, à esquerda.: Bakunin, Malatesta, Arshinov, Makhno

Nesse artigo, os autores realizam uma discussão da organização política anarquista. Partem das contribuições relativas ao tema de Mikhail Bakunin e Errico Malatesta mostrando que há similaridades entre elas e a da Plataforma Organizacional da União Geral dos Anarquistas. Conforme apontam, Bakunin constitui a base teórica da Plataforma e Malatesta possui posições que alguma vezes aproximam-se dela e outras da Síntese Anarquista.

Consideram, assim, que nenhuma das posições em questão pode ser coerentemente inscrita no campo do marxismo/bolchevismo ou de um suposto “anarcobolchevismo”. Os autores analisam o debate entre Malatesta e Nestor Makhno sobre a Plataforma mostrando onde, realmente, estão as divergências entre ambos. Por meio de uma reflexão histórica do impacto da Plataforma, demonstram como as críticas estabelecidas nos anos 1920, em grande medida realizadas por leituras ideologizadas, somadas a duas experiências práticas dos anos 1950 e a hegemonia francesa na discussão do tema, vêm pautando erroneamente o debate.

north america / mexico / community struggles Friday May 08, 2015 01:15 by Romina Akemi
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In the last couple of weeks, the Black community in Baltimore has mobilized protests in response to the brutal murder of Freddie Gray by the Baltimore Police Department (BPD).

The news footage of Baltimore’s Black youth resisting riot cops is reminiscent of images from the Ferguson protests last summer. Yet, they are also reminiscent of the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising, as well as the many eruptions of popular unrest across the U.S. in 1968 against racist police violence. And we can go farther and farther back into history. The stories are many. The death toll to racist state violence is vast. And many are wondering: Is this our moment to bring down the racist capitalist system?



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E' uscito Alternativa Libertaria, giugno 2015

Fri 31 Jul, 17:41

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