
Front cover of issue 1 of The Platform

Issue 1 of The Platform will be launched in Melbourne on 19 March.

The Platform is a new quarterly publication by Anarchist Affinity.

The Platform is both an online publication and is available in printed form.


Your subscription helps us plan for and print future issues. Your contribution is used to spread anarchist ideas and propaganda to people who would not otherwise receive it.

Basic Subscription – $20 a year
Four issues of The Platform. Each issue mailed to you on the day of release. Don’t sit around waiting for two weeks until we put the articles online, read it now! Your subscription covers the cost of printing and postage.

Supporter Subscription – $40 a year
Four issues of The Platform, mailed out before public release! Read it first! Other goodies included in each mail out! Your extra contribution helps us cover the costs of the free prisoners subscription.

Solidarity Subscription – Free
Four issues of The Platform, free for anyone presently incarcerated in the penal system or in immigration detention. Includes whatever extra goodies we think will get past censorship.

To subscribe, contact us by email and we’ll send you details on how to forward payment.

subscribe at anarchistaffinity dot org

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