Call for Actions in Solidarity with Fugitive Comrade Felicity Ryder

New York City Anarchist Black Cross: We recently received this from comrades in Mexico City Anarchist Black Cross.

A call for two weeks in solidarity (February 21st- March 7th) with Felicity Ann Ryder, an anarchist comrade on the run.

Greetings in Solidarity to all anti-authoritarian hearts who read this wherever they may be. To everyone who, with conviction and strength, combat, in whatever manner they see fit, every institution and symbol of the apparatus of capitalist patriarchy, oppression, domestication and the farce of power.

Comrades, we put this call out from inside of the beast to howl our solidarity with our sister and comrade Felicity Ann Ryder, who remains fugitive from the claws of the state after more than 7 months.

In the early hours of June 27th, 2012 an unfortunate event occurred: an explosive device detonated leaving our comrade Mario “Tripa” López injured (and behind bars for 6 months). Mario is now “free” on Conditional Release and has an ongoing case against him. After police and government forces found Felicity’s passport, and facing the risk of also being put in jail, our comrade began life as a fugitive. Continue reading

Nauru: escape, hunger strike

20 February: On Monday, three people escaped from the detention centre on Nauru. They were were later found by police and returned to detention.

Refugee advocates say four detainees at the Nauru detention centre have resorted to stitching their lips together in protest. The Refugee Action Coalition says more than a dozen detainees have joined a hunger strike, with four asylum seekers stitching their lips together.

The escapees and those on hunger strike are from among the most recent group of arrivals on Nauru, from Iran.

Refugee Action Coalition spokesperson, Nick Reimer, says people are feeling increasingly desperate about their plight. Continue reading

Aotearoa/NZ: Rangi Kemara free on 4 March

18 January, Indymedia: Parole was granted today for Rangi Kemara who has been serving 2.5 years for convictions on firearms charges.

The Parole Board said it was satisfied Kemara no longer posed a risk to the community.

The full decision and the board’s conditions have not yet been released. He will be released on March 4.

‘We are thrilled that Rangi will be free and our solidarity and love goes out to him and his whanau.’ – October 15th Solidarity

The appeal to the Supreme Court has not yet been granted leave, but a decision is expected within the next couple of weeks. Following that, lawyers will make formal submissions prior to a hearing in Wellington.

(His co-defendent, Taame Iti was a few days ago granted parole to take effect on 27 February)

Sydney: Redfern sculpture reappropriated in memory of TJ hickey




Reappropriation of the Redfern Bower

To be constantly reminded of a death, of a riot, an injustice and a communities suffering has initiated the reappropriation of this public artwork using local resources and traditional and non-traditional techniques that reflect its heritage.

This work serves as a reminder of the 14th of February 2004, the day of the passing of TJ Hickey who was killed at the hands of the local command. TJ was rammed whilst on his bike by a police vehicle and impaled onto a fence within a two minute walk from here. Continue reading

Aotearoa/NZ: Taame Iti granted bail

Indymedia: Taame Iti has been granted parole to take effect on 27 February. Co-defendant Rangi Kemera is set to have his parole hearing next week.

Taame has been in prison since 24 May last year when he was convicted and sentenced to 2.5 years for possession of firearms. Taame has been doing time in Waikeria prison in Te Awamutu—one of the country’s oldest prisons and described to Indymedia as a ‘shithole.’ He has been using his time to create a new series of paintings which he plans to exhibit upon release. Taame has also been working with other prisoners, doing the mental health work he was contracted by corrections to do before he was sent inside.

Taame will have some conditions imposed as part of his release. Travel restrictions may be in place for some time following his release.

Rangi Kemara’s parole hearing is on 18 February. The only reasonable and just outcome of that hearing is the same as Taame’s: freedom.

A letter from Jock Palfreeman – Australian anti-fascist prisoner on hunger strike

Indymedia: Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, is on hungerstrike from 13th January 2013 because the Director of the Central Sofia Prison has ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association.

Due to this punishment Jock is now not allowed to finish his studies which is very important to him.

Jock’s health is rapidly worsening as he continues his hunger strike and he is not even allowed to see a doctor as yet another repressive measure by the prison authorities.

He asks for solidarity from all of you by sending a letter to the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice. Please start putting pressure now before it’s too late. Jock needs our support!

website of Bulgarian Prisoners Association Continue reading

Indonesia: Final statement of ex-Negasi comrades about the trial of the killer of Ryo

325: (This statement was read out two days ago while a meeting was held, this is a final statement from ex-members/comrades of Negasi and affinities, after a long and tired debate among the solidarians in last two months about the case of Ryo.)

Good evening,

For all who always rise their hand and never bow their head in front of injustice, society and all the enemies. Respect for those who showed their direct solidarity as a language of resistance.

First, we want to confirm our position in the middle of this gathering and among people who self-proclaimed as also involved in bringing ‘justice’ to Ryo’s family. Our confirmation is based on our values, as a friends, as comrades who lost a brother and comrade. We are beyond the normality and outside of values of morality. We speak as individuals and not a group or collective or any terms of organization.

Some of us were ‘blessed’ to have a brother and friend: Ryo. A brave one and a comrade for us. That’s why we never want to deny his contribution in our history as individuals and as a group. By claiming his participation, we show our respect. To remember his dignity and hard work to keep learning and always questioning all normality and social peace. We want to show how his life was a journey to find out that all the social peace and normal life is just a big lie! That everyone lives in a prison. Stuck in the comfort zone behind the bars which is imprisoning us from total freedom. How he choose to ride his desire and put himself beyond the limits of understanding in society: Your society and not his. We are proud of it and always kept it in our memories to honour Ryo: our loved one. Continue reading

Manado Bay, Indonesia: fisherfolks are in rebellion against the mega-development project

325: Here are some photos of the action during last week done by fisherfolks in Sario-Tumpaan, against the coastal reclamation mega projects across Manado bay.

The corporations behind the project work together with local Politicians and local government to destroy the beach. Some anarchists joined horizontally with the fisherfolks to sabotage and blockades to interrupt the reclamation activity and as a form of solidarity.

Long live autonomous and horizontal struggle!

Anti-Authoritarian Fraction

Melbourne: Solidarity Action For Egyptian Anarchists

Solidarity with Egyptian Anarchists banner

On the 6th of February in Melbourne, Australia, a small group of anarchists gathered outside the Egyptian Consulate building on Market St, CBD in response to an international call-out for solidarity actions in support of Egyptian anarchists.

On the 25th of January during protests to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the Egyptian Uprising and the protests that continued in the days that followed; Egyptian anarchists took to the streets in large numbers and for the first time formed Black Blocs in Cairo and other major cities actively confronting the security forces and physically protecting other protesters who were coming under heavy attack by security forces & plain-clothed pro-regime elements.

Using rocks and molotov cocktails they bravely resisted the brutality of the security forces, inspiring not only there fellow revolutionaries but also inspiring anarchists and insurrectionists throughout the entire world. Continue reading