Jesus ( /ˈdʒiːzəs/; Greek: Ἰησοῦς; 7–2 BC/BCE to 30–36 AD/CE), also referred to as Jesus Christ or simply Christ, is the central figure of Christianity and most Christian denominations venerate him as God the Son incarnated. In Islam, Jesus (in Arabic: عيسى in Islamic usage, commonly transliterated as Isa) is considered one of God's important prophets.
Most modern historians agree that Jesus existed and was a Jewish teacher from Galilee in Roman Judaea, who was baptized by John the Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of the Roman Prefect, Pontius Pilate. Scholars have offered competing descriptions and portraits of Jesus, which at times share a number of overlapping attributes, such as a rabbi, a charismatic healer, the leader of an apocalyptic movement, a self-described Messiah, a sage and philosopher, or a social reformer who preached of the "Kingdom of God" as a means for personal and egalitarian social transformation. Scholars have correlated the New Testament accounts with non-Christian historical records to arrive at an estimated chronology of Jesus' life.
The Life Of Jesus Christ - LDS - Full Movie - Best Quality...
The teachings of Jesus Christ
Documentary | Frontline From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians (Part 1)
The Jesus Film - Tagalog Language
The Visual Bible - The Gospel of Our Lord God Jesus Christ according to John
Life Of Jesus Christ New Full Movie 2013
Jesus Christ Kid (Vine Compilation)
✥ "La Vie de Jésus" Film HQ en français sur le Christ, le Fils de Dieu ✥
Jesus Christ The Scourging
Jesus Christ Kid - HD VINE
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
Must Watch! Jesus Christ Warning His Bride His Coming SOON Urgency
Jesus Christ Is Real! ~ Non-biblical Evidence Of His Existence
A small apartment in Los Angeles, two lovers MICHAEL and ISABEL discuss the crazy day they met. Their recollection of specific events surrounding that day create distance in their otherwise seemingly loving relationship. Michael fixes restaurant computers as his day job but yearns for his passion - to secure a venue to exhibit his art. Visually, Michael's inner sub-conscious begins to be presented with an in-between dreaming and waking state described clinically as 'sleep paralysis' - an actual real-time traumatic experience wherein Michael is plagued by real and/or imagined stimuli in the present, which could be originated from past trauma. The true journey begins when Michael receives a call, from his boss, to fix computers at Jim Donovan's restaurant Graziano's (located near China Lake - a Naval base in the Mojave desert). Michael is familiar with the area as his estranged father (a Naval Officer) had been stationed at China Lake. There he meets Isabel, a mysterious but ordinary girl, working the front desk at the China Lake Country Inn - who triggers the dark side of Michael's psyche and his imagination. Characters begin to appear that propel him to identify with the root of his inspiration. What is real from that fateful day?
Are you a SLAVE or CREATOR? Are you aware of what goes on in CHINA LAKE?
Esperanza and Tristeza both have to get to Cuenca. However, by an unlucky turn of events, the bus they are on gets delayed due to a worker strike. Taking their journey into their own hands, they decide to hitchhike to Cuenca. Along the way they meet interesting characters who help them re-evaluate the purpose of their journey.
Keywords: andes-mountains, beach, bus, ecuador, funerary-urn, hitchhiking, journalist, motor-bike, mountain, road-movie
Gene Snitsky: [backstage after the first match] I like your poetry.::Jon Heidenreich: I like what you do to babies.
Willa wants to make it on her own. Her mom's a drunk, her husband has abandoned her, and she has 2 kids. She waitresses during the day and loads produce at night in exchange for truck-driving lessons. She is determined to become a truck driver, and will let no obstacles block her path.
Keywords: 18-wheeler, character-name-in-title, eighteen-wheeler, lingerie-slip, truck-driver, trucking, waitress
The Life Of Jesus Christ - LDS - Full Movie - Best Quality...
The teachings of Jesus Christ
Documentary | Frontline From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians (Part 1)
The Jesus Film - Tagalog Language
The Visual Bible - The Gospel of Our Lord God Jesus Christ according to John
Life Of Jesus Christ New Full Movie 2013
Jesus Christ Kid (Vine Compilation)
✥ "La Vie de Jésus" Film HQ en français sur le Christ, le Fils de Dieu ✥
Jesus Christ The Scourging
Jesus Christ Kid - HD VINE
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!
Must Watch! Jesus Christ Warning His Bride His Coming SOON Urgency
Jesus Christ Is Real! ~ Non-biblical Evidence Of His Existence
Signs and Warning of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The Tomb Of Jesus Christ Discovery: New Evidence??? You Tube.flv
What's Going To Happen When Jesus Christ Returns To Earth ?
Jesus Christ Reigns Supreme! Christian Animated Anime Cartoon Movie
Encounters with Jesus Christ, Uniqueness and Prophetic Vision - Larry Randolph with Sid Roth
Jesus Christ - Brand New
The Story of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of st. John
Biblical Prophecy is Happening NOW 2014 2015 Jesus Christ Is Coming Again Very Soon.
John Hagee | "Prophecy for Tomorrow: The Church of Jesus Christ has been Raptured"
Jesus Of Nazareth (Full Movie)1977
Gospel of John - THE LIFE OF JESUS - full movie
JESUS (English)
Ayer Te Vi... Fue más claro que la luna - DVD Completo - Jesús Adrián Romero
The Day Jesus Returns
Porque jesus no se caso? | @PiterAlbeiro
J.E.S.u.S. (Jackmaster, Eats Everything, Skream & Seth Troxler) Boiler Room Ibiza DJ Set
JESUS Tagalog
Revealing Jesus 3 ( Darlene Zschech ) Full VIdeo, 1080p HD
El aire de tu casa - DVD Completo - Jesús Adrián Romero
1 hora de música con Jesús Adrián Romero — Adoración Vol.1 [AudioHD]
Muslim Man Encountered with Jesus and Saw Jesus in the Throne of Heaven - Kamran
Jesus.Film (French)
Why Jesus? - Nabeel Qureshi at Cornell University
Kristene DiMarco - I Will Follow You (Live) - Jesus Culture Music
[Canal Livre] Jesus realmente existiu?
Amar como Jesus amou Padre Zezinho
The Jesus Movie 1979 Full
Tu Estas Aqui - Jesus Adrian Romero feat. Marcela Gandara
David Fitzgerald Skepticon 3 "Examining the Existence of a Historical Jesus"
13. The Historical Jesus
The Historical Jesus - 19
J.D. Crossan 2000 UNI lecture on the historical Jesus
In Search of the Historical Jesus
The Historical Jesus: Four Views
The Historical Jesus - Yusha Evans
The Historical Jesus - By Khalid Yasin
The Historical Jesus - John Dominic Crossan
The Historical Jesus - John Dominic Crossan
Philosophical Failures of Christian Apologetics, Part 8: Historical Jesus
William Lane Craig on the Historical Jesus - Interview 2001
The Historical Jesus: William Lane Craig vs Reza Aslan
Did the historical Jesus exist -Bart Ehrman
Does the New Testament Present a Realiable Portrait of the Historical Jesus? C. Evans vs. B. Ehrman
The Real Jesus: Paul Maier presents new evidence from history and archeology at Iowa State
Who was Jesus, Really? Searching for the Historical Jesus (William Lane Craig)
Bart D Ehrman about the historical Jesus
Why I Think Jesus Didn't Exist: A Historian Explains the Evidence That Changed His Mind
Amazing documentary - the missing history of Jesus
The Historical Jesus - Ben Witherington
Khalid Yasin - The Historical Jesus (Part 1 of 3) | HD
The Quest of the Historical Jesus Part 1, Audiobook, by Albert Schweitzer, Christ, Christian
The JESUS Film (full english version)
Jesus in films - Movies about Jesus (1903-2014)
JESUS Film German- Die Gnade des Herrn Jesus Christus sei mit allen Heiligen! (Revelation 22:21)
The Gospel of John (2003 Full Movie) [HD]
The Jesus Film (English Version)
Iisus Din Nazaret-Jesus of Nazareth(1977)-Tot Filmul subtitrat in limba Romana
Der Jesus Film (mit Untertiteln) / (German Version with Subs)
JESUS Film Zulu- Umusa weNkosi yethu uJesu Kristu mawube nani nonke. Amen.(Revelation 22:21)
Jesus Film complete (English) HD
JESUS Film Hindi- प्रभु यीशु का अनुग्रह पवित्र लोगों के साथ रहे। आमीन॥ (Revelation 22:21)
Jesus Film - Children Edition - In English
The Gospel According to Luke KJV from the JESUS Film Project
The Jesus Film [11/13]
The Gospel according to Luke (KJV) Full Film (480p)
The Jesus Film (Urdu Version)
ኢየሱስ ፊልም በአማርኛ | The Jesus Film in Amharic
Chioma Okwuoha 1A- Igbo gospel praise
Chioma Okwuoha 1B- Igbo gospel praise
Chioma Okwuoha 2A-Igbo gospel praise
Chioma Okwuoha 2B-Igbo gospel praise
Chioma Okwuoha 2C-Igbo gospel praise
Amaka Okwuoha - Next Level 1
Amaka Okwuoha - Next Level 2
Jesus: The Afterlife Interview by Medium: Jesus's Voice Caught on Tape
20111012 Interview With Jesus & Mary - Introduction To Jesus & Mary S1
JESUS ON ACID ! ( Interview )
Why Everything You Think You Know about Jesus is Wrong | Interview with Author Reza Aslan
Best Interview Ever - Man Thinks He's Jesus
Jesus Culture Interview
Jesus Culture Interview
Jesus and Mary Chain Belgian interview 1986
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Interview + Live London 1985
Bono: Who Is Jesus?
Interview with Jesus [George Carlin]
2013 Oprah interview to JESUS (Diogo Morgado)
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Interview + 'Never Understand' performance
Stupidest Interview Ever by Fox News - anchor to REZA ASLAN - But you're a Muslim, right?
Zola Jesus im Interview ///
Fox News Host Attacks Muslim Scholar Who Wrote About Jesus
George Carlin - Interview with Jesus pl.avi
Ellen DeGeneres Today Show Interview (Ellen talks about humor, happiness & Jesus).
Haaz Sleiman, Muslim Star of "Killing Jesus" - The Interview
Did Jesus Exist? Interview by Guy Raz
Interview with 'Jesus' played by Diogo Morgado for The Bible miniseries
Pastor Mark Driscoll Interviews the Seattle Seahawks - "Jesus is better than the Super Bowl"
Manny Pacquiao Interview with Matt Crouch (Full Version)
Pr. Lucinho Barreto - Não seja Normal, Seja Louco por Jesus (30/05/2015)
Vision of Coming Jesus (Rapture) from 18 Different People
Jorge Jesus Reportagem Sporting TV [Completa] 04.07.2015 HD
Pré-aula_Lição 12: A morte de Jesus
Pré aula_Lição 13: A ressurreição de Jesus (sem edição)
Soplando Vida Live - Jesus Adrian Romero - DVD Completo
Diante do Trono - Marcha Pra Jesus 2015
Secret Lives Of Jesus - Documentary
11 Month Guitar: Jesus Loves Me (Original Song)
Gloria Jesus Full Movie
Jesus Jesus Adrian Romero y Marcos Vidal
20150614 Quien es Jesus La Autoridad Jesus
Homilia 2015-06-12 Mons. Munilla Solemnidad del CORAZON DE JESUS
Jesus Messiah
ven a Jesus, Torre fuerte, cover
Jesus Cristo
Kenya Moore "Fix It Jesus" Real Housewives of Atlanta
Rymir Satterthwaite - truth with Jesus
Download Fist Of Jesus v1.4.1 Mod APK (Full Free Download)
PARABLE of the SOWER - Pt. 2 (Jesus said most people would not understand).
Jesus Christ: Our Hope for Eternity (R$E)
Jesus Freaks Last Game
T D Jakes | 'Purpose In Motion Sit On Me Jesus' | Potter's Touch
Jesus Christ Superstar | Full Movie | 1973 | Online Film
Reviving Jesus.
Jesus Choosing Judas John 6:66-71 - Jon Courson
Why did God want Jesus to be sacrificed - Atheist Experience
America for Jesus P3, Anne Gimenez, John Blanchard
America for Jesus P1, Anne Gimenez
America for Jesus P2, Anne Gimenez
Rich Mullins, Mitch McVicker, and Dana Waddel
They say You walked upon the water once
When you lived as all men do
Please teach me how to walk the way You did
Because I want to walk with You
They say you taught a lame man how to dance
When he had never stood without a crutch
Well, here am I Lord, holding out my withered hands
And I'm just waiting to be touched
Write me into Your story
Whisper it to me
And let me know I'm Yours
They say You spoke and calmed an angry wave
That was tossed across a stormy sea
Please teach me how to listen, how to obey
'Cause there's a storm inside of me
Write me into Your story
Whisper it to me
And let me know I'm Yours
They drove the cold nails through Your tired hands
And rolled a stone to seal Your grave
Feels like the devil's rolled a stone onto my heart
They say You walked upon the water once
When you lived as all men do
Please teach me how to walk the way You did
Because I want to walk with You
They say you taught a lame man how to dance
When he had never stood without a crutch
Well, here am I Lord, holding out my withered hands
And I'm just waiting to be touched
Write me into Your story
Whisper it to me
And let me know I'm Yours
They say You spoke and calmed an angry wave
That was tossed across a stormy sea
Please teach me how to listen, how to obey
'Cause there's a storm inside of me
Write me into Your story
Whisper it to me
And let me know I'm Yours
They drove the cold nails through Your tired hands
And rolled a stone to seal Your grave
Feels like the devil's rolled a stone onto my heart
And then I saw him in the crowd
A lot of people had gathered round him
The beggers shouted and the lepers called him
The old man said nothing
He just stared about him
All going down to see the lord jesus
All going down to see the lord jesus
All going down
Then came a man before his feet he fell
Unclean said the leper and rang his bell
Felt the palm of a hand touch his head
Go now go now you're a new man instead
All going down to see the lord jesus
All going down to see the lord jesus
All going down
It all began with the three wise men
Followed a star took them to bethelehem
And made it heard throughout the land
Born was the leader of man
All going down to see the lord jesus
All going down to see the lord jesus
All going down
It all began with the three wise men
Followed a star took them to bethelehem
And made it heard throughout the land
Born was the leader of man
All going down to see the lord jesus
All going down to see the lord jesus
Something in the way she moves
makes me think of all the things I missed
and something in the way she looks at me
makes me wonna lay down, open my mouth and get kissed..
And she looks like I think Jesus would have looked
And she looks like I think Jesus would have looked
Now I know why Merry and the boys got (x3) hooked.
Something in the way that she walks
makes me wonna change the way I think
and something in the way she talks to me
makes me order up another drink so she can get in my ping
And she looks like I think Jesus would have looked
And she looks like I think Jesus would have looked
Now I know why Merry and the boys got (x3) hooked.
Touch me (x7) like noother
Hold me (x7) like noother
Love me (x7) like noother... like noother...
Something in the way she just is
makes me wonder who the hell I've been
and something in the way we are
makes me wanna dive down into a brand new sin
And she looks like I think Jesus would have looked
And she looks like I think Jesus would have looked
Now I know why Merry and the boys got (x3) hooked.
They used to call him Jesus
long time ago
hey´re still calling him Jesus
Don´t you know
They crossed the wood and hanged him
A long time ago
They still misu´nderstand him
Those who don´t know
And in theevening his love will lead the blind
In every secret corner there in your mind
They called him Gautama Buddha
Oh long time ago
He turned the world to order
Don´t you know
He used to sit knowingOh long time ago
Where you and me were going
Do you hear there's something in the distance
That is rumbling
I wonder could it be the sound
Of prison walls as they are crumbling
In case you hadn't noticed
Dead hearts locked up tight as graves are opening
It's not political
Not economical
Not theological
Oh, it is spiritual, spiritual, spiritual
It is Jesus
One faith
One hope
One love
One Lord
I wanna make it clear
the Spirit in me moved me to redemption
I wanna make it known that anyone
Can feel this revelation
This is radical
Don't call it magical
But it's a miracle
The way this love
Flows and flows and flows and flows
It is Jesus
One faith
One hope
One love
One Lord
One way
One truth
One life
One Lord
It is Jesus
One faith
One hope
One love
One Lord
One way
One truth
One life
One Lord
Jesus, help me find my proper place
Jesus, help me find my proper place
Help me in my weakness
cause I'm falling out of grace.
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, help me find my proper place
Jesus, help me find my proper place
Help me in my weakness
cause I'm falling out of grace
Jesus, Jesus,
Oh, how I love to call Your name, hallelujah.
Jesus, I am no longer the same...
Since You came into my life Jesus,
Since You came into my life Jesus,
SinceYyou came into my life Jesus,
Everything has changed, changed.
[Vamp 1:]
You changed me,
You made the difference in me.
[Vamp 2:]
Jesus, Jesus.
Since You came into my life Jesus,
schenk mir dein Leben
Ich geb dir meines dafür
Ich werd nie aufgeben
Bis an die Himmelstür
Spende mir Blut
Bevor dir Sonne mich tötet
Spende mir Blut
Bevor der Tag Beginnt
Bevor der Tag Beginnt
Bitte lass mich ein
In dein Himmelsreich
Ich vergehe
Mit ein bisschen Glück
Werden wir verrückt
Mit ein bisschen Glück
Wir sind die Helden
Es geht, du musst es nur wollen
Sei nicht so feige
Wir werden's der Welt schon zeigen
Wir werden's der Welt schon beweisen
Bitte lass mich ein
In dein Himmelsreich
Ich vergehe
Mit ein bisschen Glück
Werden wir verrückt
Mit ein bisschen Glück
Wir sind die Helden
Es geht, du musst es nur wollen
Sei nicht so feige
Wir werden's der Welt schon zeigen
Wir werden's der Welt schon beweisen
Wir werden's der Welt schon beweisen
Wir werden's der Welt schon beweisen
Now you say you're confused
you're looking to find
the right direction maybe
there's more to see in this life
You feel all alone it's hard
to keep on holdin on
give the lord a chance
to make it all right
He gave his life for our sins
for all of time lose or win
now and forever
jesus always will love me
he'll always stay by my side
jesus always will love me
and the truth i cannot deny
You pray for some hope
you're wondering why
sometimes it seems so crazy
have faith and you'll be all right
you're never alone you'll find
the strenght to carry on
through the darkest times
he'll show you the light
And if a time will come that i should fall
i know that he will keep me standin tall
until my dyin day
i'll dedicate my life to jesus
jesus always will love me
he'll always stay by my side
jesus always will love me
and the truth i cannot deny
And if a time will come that i should fall
i know that he will keep me standin tall
until my dyin day
i'll dedicate my life to jesus
And if a time will come that i should fall
i know that he will keep me standin tall
until my dyin day
i'll dedicate my life to jesus
jesus always will love me
he'll always stay by my side
jesus always will love me
I'm blown away
This life of faith
Is filled with endless blessing
And yet sometimes I wake to find
I'm facing trials and testing
Even in the moments when I'm falling to my knees
I find that help is waiting for me
Any desperate day
One word I can pray
All I know to say
Screaming from my soul
I'm giving up control
The only hope I know
All my concerns
My deepest hurt
My Saviour's been where I am
Life comes undone
And there's noone
Who understands like he can
So even when I stumble and my world is torn apart
There is one whose holding my heart
My God hears
And He comes near
Well I ain't nothin' nothin' but a sinner saved by grace
Cause Jesus loved me so very much that he took my place
(He's so good) well it should have been me up on that cross
(He's so good) and it should have been me who paid the cost
When I think of what he's done for me it makes me want to shout
(Come on Christ Church Choir tell them who I'm talking about)
(Jesus) he is the King of Kings he is the Lord of Lords
(Jesus) his words are sharper than a double-edged sword
(Jesus) he's the Messiah He's the hope of Israel
(Jesus) he is more wonderful than the human tongue can tell
(Jesus) the blind were made to see and the multitudes were fed
(Jesus) he forgave the woman raised ol' Lazarus from the dead
(Jesus) he's knocking on your door oh won't you let him in
(Jesus) when you drink His water you ain't ever gonna thirst again
You'd better listen to what the Spirit has to say
Cause when that final trumpet sounds it's gonna be too late
(Beneath the blood) is the everlasting light
(Beneath the blood) we are worthy in his sight
He's the lily of the valley he's the bright and morning star
Don't try to clean your act up you come just the way you are
(Jesus) He keeps His promises He'll never let you down
(Jesus) he'll stand beside you when the tempter comes around
(Jesus) he shed his precious blood to graft us on the vine
(Jesus) he healed the leper turned the water into wine
(Jesus) walked on the water and rebuked the stormy wind
(Jesus) told Nicodemus said you must be born again
(Jesus) his yoke is easy and his words are always true
(Jesus) gave me a brand new heart he'll do the same for you
(Talkin' bout Jesus)
He is my healer he is my comforter he is my Saviour he is my friend
He will guide me he will protect me all the way up to the end
(Talkin' bout Jesus)
God loved this world so very much he gave his only son for us
He is my rock I know he'll never change
I ride the highway with Jesus
He drives the bus when I sleep
We're taking two of His creatures
And dropping them off down the street
I think we're lost Mr. Jesus
I think we're lost without a trace
He said, "Don't worry, little lady
My old man helped build this place"
My mum and dad love You Jesus
My mum and dad say You're dead
They say they'll love You forever
They've got You tattooed to their heads
Jesus, schenk' mir Dein Leben -
ich geb' Dir meines dafür!
Jesus, ich werd' nie aufgeben
bis an die Himmelstür.
Jesus, spende mir Blut
bevor die Sonne mich tötet!
Jesus, spende mir Blut
bevor der Tag beginnt,
bevor der Tag beginnt!
Bitte laß' mich rein
in Dein Himmelreich,
Ich vergehe!
Mit ein bißchen Glück
werden wir verrückt,
mit ein bißchen Glück!
Jesus, wir sind die Helden -
es geht, Du mußt es nur wollen.
Jesus, sei nicht so feige,
wir werden's der Welt schon zeigen,
wir werden's der Welt beweisen!
Bitte laß' mich rein
in Dein Himmelreich,
Ich vergehe!
Mit ein bißchen Glück
werden wir verrückt,
mit ein bißchen Glück!
Jesus, wir sind die Helden -
es geht, Du mußt es nur wollen.
Jesus, sei nicht so feige,
wir werden's der Welt schon zeigen,
wir werden's der Welt beweisen!
Wir werden's der Welt beweisen!
Wir werden's der Welt beweisen!
Wir werden's der Welt beweisen!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah
Wir werdn's der Welt beweisen!
For the sunlight on my face
For giving me another day, oh, to breathe
For sending down the rain
To remind me of the ways I need You
There are no words to say thank You
For all You've done
Son of God who walked the earth
To feel my pain and give me worth
I praise You
Holy One who took my sin
Who shed His blood and rose again
I love You
For Your mercy in my life
When I deserve to die
You took my place
For cleansing every part
Of the places in my heart
Where there was shame
There are no words to say thank You
For all You've done
Son of God who walked the earth
To feel my pain and give me worth
I praise You
Holy One who took my sin
Who shed His blood and rose again
I love You
One day I'll look into your eyes
And I will behold You
The moment I've waited for all my life
When I finally embrace You
My Jesus
Son of god who walked the earth
To feel my pain and give me worth
I praise You
Holy One who took my sin
Who shed His blood and rose again
I love You
Son of God who walked the earth
To feel our pain and give us worth
We praise You
Holy One who took our sin
Who shed His blood and rose again
We love You
Come on
Come on
Break it down now
Mr. DJ
Would you play
Ah, yo, yo, yo
Hey yo, mr dj would you please flip the beat on
I got so much to say i need two mics to speak on
You been pre warned that if the path that ya be on
Is leading you to hell then i tell ya to be reborn by...
The only name that i speak on
He's the only way i claim that i keep on
It's a shame that you state that i be wrong
But wait one day we gonna find who's gonna be wrong
The only strength that i lean on
He'll come back fast snatch us up and well be gone
Catch us up to the clouds and just beyond
Resting my feet on golden streets through the eons
With every mic that i breathe on
Shine brighter then five million light bulbs in neon
I'm the rhyme writer God provided to be on
The track so the fact is that i gotta put the heat on cuz
Jesus (and all i got is just)
Jesus (and all i drop is just)
Jesus (cuz all i rock is just)
Try knocking us but you can't be stopping us
Jesus (and all i got is just)
Jesus (and all i drop is just)
Jesus (cuz all i rock is just)
Try knocking us but you can't be stopping us
Skip the cris i'd rather sip the living agua
Cuz ever since i tasted it there was no need to bother
So the father sent his son to the slaughter
And he's the lion king but his name aint mufassa its
The great physcian he's my doctor
The great commission is reason why i gots ta
Keep slinging it out like Peter Parker
And keep holding the mic up to my mouth like Bob Barker
I don't even try to hide it
See why fight it see he's the reason i'm excited
But why is the body of Christ chopped and divided
Man if you like beef go peep the atkins diet
Every person is invited
All the way from the best to the worst one it's provided
That God will turn a messed up life around like mine did
Open your eyelids it's time that you recognized that its
Jesus (and all i got is just)
Jesus (and all i drop is just)
Jesus (cuz all i rock is just)
Try knocking us but you can't be stopping us
Jesus (and all i got is just)
Jesus (and all i drop is just)
Jesus (cuz all i rock is just)
Try knocking us but you can't be stopping us
What i speak well you can choose to listen
But first go to the tomb tell me just who is risen
Cuz all i know is just know is whose body is missing
That's why i make a passion for Christ like Mel Gibson
I don't keep nothing hidden
Don't confuse what i speak as nothing more than religion
Religion got nothing to do with Jesus's mission
Religion's why they kill innocent men women and children
See he is really quite different
And every time i'm speaking i'm really quite specific
And he's the reason why the rhymes i write different
And the only thing i'm getting high is hands that i've lifted
One day he'll pay a last visit
So fast that when it happens if ya blink ya might miss it
And that's when those who was dissing would be wishing
They would've listened cuz they missed it the clock's ticking now
Jesus (and all i got is just)
Jesus (and all i drop is just)
Jesus (cuz all i rock is just)
Try knocking us but you can't be stopping us
Jesus (and all i got is just)
Jesus (and all i drop is just)
Jesus (cuz all i rock is just)
i call on Jesus
just to mention your name
Jesus every knee shall bow
Jesus let the tears fall down
as we blessed your holy name
without your love i see
there is no me
withour your grace i see
there is no love
without your mercies Lord
there is no us
without your grace on me
there is no life,no love,
no me no you
Oh! Father
without your love i see
there is no me(oooooooohhhhh)
without your grace i know
there is no love
without your mercies Lord
there is no us
without your grace on me
there is no life,no love,
no me no you
Oh! Father
Vamp (4X)
So let the tears fall down
(tears fall down)
As we bless your holy name
(bless your holy name)
just to mention your name
(mention your name)
every knee shall bow to jesus
(knee bow down)
Bow Down (4X)
I don't like you kakageta urei
was in deep grief bakageta himei
boku no kami sama nante inai sa
I don't like you kagayaku toki
was in deep grief haba geku toki boku shidaisa
Naze boku wa anata ni omoi wo yosete
hidoku uragirareru genjitsu
ha ga yusa bakari ga nokoru omoi nara
subete hukidashite sugu Flying soul
Jesus kowareta anata wa atarashii tsubasa to
My love & My hate hirogesaseta
Jesus todokanu nageki wa atarashii chikarasa
My love & My hate boku wa ton da
Jesus korogaru kono omoi wa haruka naru MERODII
kikasete kakebi daseba ii Just all alone
Itsu kara ka anata ga mienakunatte
hikari saegirareru shinjitsu
ima wada ka mari ga haretsushi sou nara
Good news, there was no room in hell.
So though you did not keep your promises,
neither did anyone else.
From the first catch of your eyes,
there was little or nothing implied.
Sorry you mistook...what we're all learning.
It used to break my heart but it doesn't anymore.
It used to break my heart but it doesn't anymore.
I won't hold my breath, I won't hold my breath while you
settle the score.
Every man for himself and everyones the same.
Staring off into space and caring less if you came.
I want to slow down.
I want to slow down.
It used to break my heart but it doesn't anymore.
It used to break my heart but it doesn't anymore.
I won't hold my breath anymore.
Jesus, Jesus,
oh, how I love to call Your name, hallelujah.
Jesus, I am no longer the same...
Since You came into my life Jesus,
since You came into my life Jesus,
sinceYyou came into my life Jesus,
everything has changed, changed.
Vamp 1:
You changed me,
You made the difference in me.
Vamp 2:
Jesus, Jesus.
Since You came into my life Jesus,
I will sing a song to you
And you will shake the ground for me
And the birds and bees and old fruit trees
Will spit out songs like gushing streams
And Jesus will come through the ground so dirty
With worms in his hair and a hand so sturdy
To call us his magic we call him worthy
Jesus came up through the ground do dirty
I will sing a song for to you
And you will stomp your feet for me
And the bears and bees and banana trees
Will play kazoos and tambourines
And Jesus will dance while we drink his wine
With soldiers and thieves and a sword in his side
And we will be joy and we will be right
Jesus will dance while we drink his wine
Jesus will come through the ground so dirty
With worms in his hair and a hand so sturdy
To call us his magic we call him worthy
Jesus came up through the ground so dirty
Jesus came up through the ground so dirty
Jesus came up through the ground so dirty
I turn to Jesus when I've lost of my friends
& the good times all ended with my money I standed
I gave you my love but you tore me to peices
Have mercy please, Jesus
Have mercy please, Jesus
on me
This is my connection to second resserection
Of person conspection
I lost my direction
I gave you true love but you told me to face it
Have mercy please, Jesus
I'm begging you, Jesus
In a world full of strangers
I've been looking for a friend
I see people get things even
I see loneliness and pain
I've been dying, I've been crying
Lord you know I've been trying
But it's all wrong
Jesus, come back here
Jesus, come back here
Jesus, come back here
Jesus, come back here
My head is strange and messy
My spirit's cold and dark
I feel just like an outlaw
I've been burning out my star
I've been dying, I've been crying
Lord you know I've been trying
And it's all wrong
Ooh, superstar
Never drove around in a fancy car
Kids looked at me funny, momma she had no money
But she always told me, "Baby, know who you are?
I say ooh, don't you know
It was hard always wearing my cousin's clothes
Can you hand me down a dream
With those hand-me-down jeans?
Thought I'd never make it but I made it y'all
'Cause I had Jesus when I had nothing
Had to struggle, and was up to no good
Jesus, the reason I'm still breathing is 'cause
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Is crazy how you love me
Even when I don't love you like I should
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Ooh, look at me
I know I'm now all I'm supposed to be
I'm gonna get it right, didn't get here overnight
So while you're waiting please wait patiently
I say ooh, it's so sweet
To know that You were always in love with me
Thought my game was clever
But no one can play me better than You
You know You always win
?Cause You're Jesus, when I had nothing
Had to struggle, and was up to no good
Jesus, the reason I'm still breathing is 'cause
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Is crazy how You love me
Even when I don't love You like I should
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Ooh, when I think about Your name I go
Ooh, how You took away my pain I go
Ooh, every night at the club, ain't no wife at the club
That Jesus He be showing me love
It's only by His grace I can say look at me now
Hey Mr. DJ, hey Mr. DJ
Can you play my favorite song? Will you play my favorite?
I heard it say it's gonna get better
We gon? make it out the hood someday
Hey Mr. DJ, hey Mr. DJ
I wanna hear that song about Jesus
I heard my mama crying, I gotta let her know
He's gonna wipe her tears away
Jesus, when I had nothing
Had to struggle, and was up to no good
Jesus, the reason I'm still breathing is 'cause
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Is crazy how You love me
Even when I don't love You like I should
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, hey Mr. DJ, hey Mr. DJ
Jesus, Jesus, hey Mr. DJ
Jesus, Jesus, hey Mr. DJ, hey Mr. DJ
Jesus war ein guter Mann der hatte einen Umhang an
Jesus war ein flotter Typ den haten alle Leute lieb
Jesus hatte langes Haar und braune Augen wunderbar
Jesus hatte Latschen an wie kein andrer Mann
Jesus du warst echt O.K.
Jesus everytime fair play!
Jesus war ein Wandersmann am liebsten auf'm Ozean
und seine Zaubershow hatte wirklich Weltniveau
aus Wasser machte er Wein wer will da nicht sein Kumpel sein?
Aus einem Brötchen wurden zwei Mensch
komm doch mal vorbei!
Jesus du warst echt O.K.
When we love the least
When we love the weak
When we love these
We love Jesus
Jesus brings a meal for tips
Jesus trying hard to quit
Jesus raising two alone
Jesus drives a heavy load
When we love the least
When we love the weak
When we love these
We love Jesus
Jesus with worn wrinkled hands
Jesus sows a patch of land
Jesus hides a tattooed arm
Jesus keeping dinner warm
Jesus waves a foreign flag
Jesus wrings a washing rag
Jesus leans on prison bars
Jesus swinging in my yard
Story Behind The Song:
They call me lyrical... Jesus
They call me lyrical... Jesus
I'm only second to... Jesus
I'm only lyrical... Jesus
Now as I'm peeling myself down off of the crucifix
Smiling like Jesus in the den of thieves tempting bitches
Like the serpent tempted Eve
Making it rain for seven days and seven nights
Had several beats and several careers and several fights
My lyrical rites make your spine hottest
My rhymes stand out like a white boy on the Globetrotters
Only child stuck up, selfish
Buy my records and shine my shoes, treat a nigga like Elvis
Ancient, melodic, mystic messiah
Make MC's heads bob like Muhammad Ali's from Parkinson's disease
Flows you get lost in
Louder than Michael Irvin when he's snortin'
Taking a time machien to talk my mommy into giving an abortion
I don't want to hear you wack motherfuckers hating me
Niggas is Australian they're so far beneath me
Ever since Pac dissed me, Jersey tried to front on me
Now I'm so vain/vein you could probably draw blood from me
So why you doubtin?
I'm embezzling more money than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's accountant
And spitting blood like Gene Simmons but that's irrelevant
This industry prays I go away like Arrested Development
Smilin(?) in a tenement
Now they got me on rewind to dig up a piece of my mind
But if y'all dig any deeper you might not like what you find
Pac died and I cried but I'mma represent it
When it comes to dissing my shit make Makaveli sound like Macarena
Jesus Christ superstar immunity
Got you apologizing like Marlon Brando did the whole Jewish community
Hiding like Anne Frank, your mind is stomped like I wrote Mein Kampf
Changing stone rhymes to bread with one wave of my hands
Son of God, defy me better have a whole army
Or make plans to leave America using the maps of Marcus Garvey
Back up off me, nah nigga it ain't all good
My name is offa more blocks than Lexuses is Puerto Rican neighborhoods
Make you shut the fuck up, like wifey when the fight's on
Lyrical Jesus, I got Satan sleeping with the lights on
I have existed before man and will exist after man
I am an everyman yet I am no man therefore I am a God
Sounds odd
But my talent is priceless
So I rise on the wicked and the good
And rain on the righteous and the unrighteous
They call me lyrical... Jesus
I'm a spiritual... Jesus
I'm only second to... Jesus
Straigt up, yo Kurt drop some old school shit
Drop an old beat so we can reminsce on something check it
Rappers stepping to me... they wanna get some
But I'm XL so yo, you know the outcome
Another victory, keep that gun in your holster
My rhymes is off the wall like my Big Daddy Kane poster
I gets a lot of love the beat searchers hate it man
Come as recycled bullshit but you're leaving as a Chino fan
That's how I know I'm God; nobody believes in me
I make you wait while I stand in handicapped parking legally
Erik Estrada making chips
Handling fists to get rich
I'm going overboard like strong-willed Africans off of ships
Illest lyrics ever invented, said it, meant it
You're hearing more claps than inside a Vietnam V.D. clinic, get it?
Listen inattentive and get no wins
Don't make me get beside myself like identical twins
My cynical friends still quoting my old rhymes, my mind is a gold mine
The shit is bugged like Martin Luther King's phone lines
Closed minds mass phenomenon, starving like Ramadan
If lines was episodes of Star Trek you niggas couldn't Kling-on
Bugged out metaphor
Got east coast bitches saying "No he didn't"
While down south bitches be like "Oh no, hell no"
I made a man blind
So he didn't have to witness the wickedness of world gone cold
Falling off on stages like Bob Dole
Trying to keep my balance
Cause good and evil are having a custody battle over my soul
Like Macaulay Culkin's parents
My hair's like lamb's wool, so fuck what your friends say
You don't want to get off on the wrong foot like Kunta Kente
So now it's going down, ta-dow
Niggas better learn how to rhyme
Before they tell the lyrical Jesus he should bow down
Love your enemies, even in the lion's den
Turn them to a pillar of salt, forgive them Father they know not why they sin
Niggas coming sideways, and I've been that in the past
But now I'm half past giving a shit
And at a quarter 'til I'mma bust your fucking ass!
Just chill
They call me lyrical... Jesus
They call me lyrical... Jesus
I'm only second to... Jesus
They call me lyrical... Jesus
I'm sending rappers to...
i was walking down the road following
Jesus Christ he looked at me and told
me child don't cry i'll be with you all
your life so child please don't cry!
i'll be with you when u ask i will
be there for you when you need me
i have been here from the beginning
and i will be here for the last!
Standing by the wayside
Listening from the shore
Come the poor and dying
Ever wanting more
See the wretched blind man
Falling at His feet
Wanting just to touch Him
Wanting just to meet Him
Just to see this Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Through and through He sees us!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Sleeping on the sidewalks
Crowding city streets
Dancing to the rhythm
Every person beats
Hearts that beat in anger
Beating in despair
Hearts that need an answer
Needing one to care like
Just to see this Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Through and through He sees us!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Surely now He's walking
Right across the waves
Calling to the dying
Look to Him! He saves!
Taking what was broken
Used and cast aside
Raising up to newness
Bury what has died
Just to see this Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
Through and through He sees us!
Oh, Jesus!
Oh, Jesus!
When we love the least
When we love the weak
When we love these
We love Jesus
Jesus brings a meal for tips
Jesus trying hard to quit
Jesus raising two alone
Jesus drives a heavy load
When we love the least
When we love the weak
When we love these
We love Jesus
Jesus with worn wrinkled hands
Jesus sows a patch of land
Jesus hides a tattooed arm
Jesus keeping dinner warm
Jesus waves a foreign flag
Jesus wrings a washing rag
Jesus leans on prison bars
Jesus swinging in my yard
Story Behind The Song:
(John 3:16)
People come and go, but one thing I know
Jesus never leaves you
He's with you every day, just a prayer away
He'll always see you through
You've heard the stories,
You've heard the lies
That Jesus died but He did not rise
I tell you man that He's alive and well
Not a story sittin' on a shelf
So take your money from the wishin' well
And put your faith in Him
J.E.S.U.S. means forgiveness
All you've got to do is call on...
J.E.S.U.S. and He'll be there, there for you
So if your down hearted,
And you need your motor started
Jesus is the fuel
If your runnin' on empty, I'm tellin' it simply
His love will keep you full
And then I saw Him in the crowd
A lot of people had gathered round Him, the beggars shouted the lepers called him
The old man said nothing, he just stared about him
All going down to see the Lord Jesus, all going down to see the Lord Jesus
All going down
Then came a man before His feet he fell, unclean said the leper and rang his bell
Felt the palm of a hand touch his head, go now go now you're a new man instead
All going down to see the Lord Jesus, all going down to see the Lord Jesus
All going down
It all began with the three wise men, followed a star took them to Bethlehem
And made it heard throughout the land, born was a leader of man
All going down to see the Lord Jesus, all going down to see the Lord Jesus
All going down
It all began with the three wise men, followed a star took them to Bethlehem
And made it heard throughout the land, born was a leader of man
All going down to see the Lord Jesus, all going down to see the Lord Jesus
All going down
Jesus take me in your arms
Jesus where do I belong?
Jesus forgive for I have sinned
Jesus I believe born still again
My whole life, life was kind of boring
Where were you my kind of glory?
Jesus take me in your arms
Jesus where do I belong?
Jesus if you're content she's growing thin
Jesus I'd rather suffer than pretend
My whole life, life was kind of boring
Where were you my kind of glory?
My whole life, life was kind of boring
Where were you my kind of glory?
Amen, amen
Jesus where do I belong?
Jesus where do I belong?
Jesus where do I belong?
Oh jesus christ
Jesus where do I belong?
Jesus the man without sin.
Sent to die for the wrong of mankind.
How sad His Father must have been,
To send His one and only Son to die for the lives of you and I,
Now let me tell you why, Jesus Christ died for us.
A necessary sacrifice to save the world from being lost.
But He did so all of us could find salvation forgiveness through Him.
The King of Kings and two petty thieves.
Left to suffer on Calvary.
Is this what it takes to make them believe?
Calvary. Is this what it takes to make them believe?
He rose in three days.
The stone angelically removed from the grave much to the murderers surprise.
The chains of death could not ensnare, this blameless man's perfect soul.
The Lord wished it known.
He came with love from resurrection,
Not with revenge but redemption.
Indignation set aside from those who left Him on the cross to die.
The chosen one, His blood washed me clean.
To live is Christ to die is gain.
Perpetual love.
Perpetual life.
I fear no man.
I'm born again,
I'll take up my cross.
That's the story of the man without sin.
He has given me a seat at His throne, a sanctuary from my foes.
He has shown me what is good and how to live day by day.
In a perfect sort of way. I can't repay.
But I'll try to live for you it seems impossible to do.
But I can do all things through you,
So near to me I can feel Your touch So close by me a whisper is enough Love and kindness overflow my soul New songs expressing Your love Amazing love
Cuando brilla el sol
Cuando sopla el viento
Quiero que estes presente, quiero darte mi atencion
Y al anochecer
Hasta en el silencio
Quiero estar atento y escuchar asi tu voz
Quiero que en mi viaje seas tu el camino,
Seas el destino y el paisaje alrededor (a mi alrededor)
Jesus, eres todo para mi no falta nada
Tu presencia es mi morada
Jesus, puedo disfrutar en ti cada momento
Jesus, mi complemento
Quiero despertar, ver un mundo nuevo
Y en cada momento la jornada disfrutar
Quiero caminar, perder el aliento
viendo la belleza de las cosas que me das
Quiero que en mi viaje seas tu el camino,
seas el destino y el paisaje alrededor (a mi alrededor)
Quiero en ti confiar y en tus caminos siempre andar
poniendo siempre la mirada en ti, Jesus, cada mañana;
para jamas volver atras
The wonder of Your Name
The greatness of Your Name
The splendour of Your Name
The glory of Your Name
The power of Your Name
The splendour of Your Name
The nations cry Holy
Angels cry Holy
We all cry Holy is the Lord
The bright and morning star
The great I am you are
Jesus, Jesus
The King above all kings
Creator of all things
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus is worthy
Worthy of all of our praise
He is worthy
Worthy of all of our praise
Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face
The kind you'd find on someone that could save
If they don't put me away
Well, it'll be a miracle
Do you believe you're missing out?
That everything good is happening somewhere else
But with nobody in your bed
The night's hard to get through
And I will die all alone
And when I arrive I won't know anyone
Jesus Christ, I'm alone again
So what did you do those three days you were dead?
'Cause this problem is gonna last
More than the weekend
Well, Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die
I'm a little bit scared of what comes after
Do I get the gold chariot?
Do I float through the ceiling?
Or do I divide and pull apart?
'Cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark
And this ship went down in sight of land
And at the gates does Thomas ask to see my hands?
I know you're coming in the night like a thief
But I've had some time alone to hone my lying technique
I know you think that I'm someone you can trust
But I'm scared I'll get scared and I swear I'll try to nail you back up (Everyone now)
So do you think that we could work out a sign
So I'll know it's you and that it's over so I won't even try
I know you're coming for the people like me
But we all got wood and nails
We turn, turn out hate in factories
Yeah, we all got wood and nails
We turn, turn out hate in factories
Yeah, we all got wood and nails
I don't think they ready for this one, Eric
Tell him
(Shed your blood) *in background*
Cause Jesus was the light of my life
God saves
Cause Jesus shed his blood
Don't Jesus make you feel good
Through the stormy breeze
And my children play as the day goes
How I feel like
Through the stormy breeze
And my children play as the day goes
How I feel like goin' on...goin' on...I'm goin' on
Cause Jesus makes me feel good
Don't Jesus make you feel good
Son make sure you always take care of family
And when I'm gone I'm free
But if you need me
Remember to close your eyes
And look to the stars up in the sky son
That's where I'll be
Screamin' seven
Heaven's been waiting for me
Cause Jesus make you feel good
Don't Jesus make you feel good
I like to look out my bedroom window
And watch all the children play play play
Just watch them play
But where will they go when the games are over
I hope they got a place to stay
Please do stay
Oh it's a sad situation
Though my heart just keeps on racin'
And one thing that I must know
Tell me
Don't Jesus make you feel good
We are blessed in the spirit
(Shed your blood)
En duo avec Laurent Voulzy
M?me sourire d'enfant
M?me air qu'on respire
En m?me temps,
M?me c?ur battant,
M?me air qu'on entend
En m?me temps.
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Pourtant seuls,
Seuls sur terre
Ils vont sans maison
Sans raison
Sans amour
Comme ?a et le froid
Sur leurs mains.
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Ces filles et ces gar?ons
Ne sont-ils pas
Assez pr?cieux?
Du haut de tes cieux
Roi du ciel
Nos ?mes volent
Avec leurs ailes,
Toi tu choisis lesquelles?
M?me d?sir d'amour,
Les m?mes
"Je t'aime toujours",
M?me navire pourtant,
M?me vague et M?me vague
Et m?me vent
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Pourtant rien,
Rien ? faire
A c?t?
A c?t? du chemin,
Ils vont sans rien,
Sans espoir, le matin
Le soir,
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Oh Oh Ouh Oh
Mm Mm Mm
Ces dames et ces messieurs
Pieds nus.
Ne sont-ils pas assez
Trop bas
Pour tes yeux d?licats,
Roi du vent
Nos ?mes volent
Toi tu choisis
M?me vie devant,
Et tant de destins
Pour l'un facile,
Pour l'autre
Un chemin difficile...
Pour l'un facile,
Pour l'autre un chemin difficile,
Como explicar lo que hizo en mi
No importo como era yo
... en la cruz su vida dio
Sin su amor en mi nacion
Y mi vida transformo
Jesus, hombre sin igual
Jesus, de mi corazon te canto esta cancion
Jesus, Jesus!
Todo lo... para ti
Sera, sera, sera para ti
Mi vida entera entregare
..fue produccion sublime
Lo que hiciste tu en mi
Por ser mi mas preciado amor!
Jesus, hombre sin igual
Jesus, de mi corazon te canto esta cancion
Jesus, Jesus!
Jesus, la lengua confiesa que eres el gran
Yo soy Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, hombre sin igual
Jesus, de mi corazon te canto esta cancion
Jesus and his demons
ate the sun today,
he took my son away.
Eternally he cursed us
to open our wounds,
the blackest of all black 18,
Jesus, help me find my proper place
Jesus, help me find my proper place
Help me in my weakness
'Cos I'm falling out of grace
Featuring: James Gadson
Oh Jesus can you help me now, (Jesus can help me now)
Oh Jesus can you help me now, (Jesus can help me now)
Oh Jesus can you help me now, (uhhh)
No I never felt so alone, (uhhh).
I?m a little wild and freak, ohh wild and freak,
Ohhh so wild and freak,
I was a little wild and freak
But my heart ..through.
Well another word has jaded ..
Corrupted and defeated me
Oh no I never felt too hated..
But I?ve never felt so alone.
So Jesus can you help me now, (Jesus can help me now)
Oh Jesus can you help me now, (Jesus can help me now)
Oh Jesus can you help me now, (uhhh)
No I never felt so alone, (uhhh).
So alone.
So alone, so alone,
So alone, so alone.
Now Jesus can you help me now, (Jesus can help me now)
Oh Jesus can you help me now, (Jesus can help me now)
Oh Jesus can you help me now, (uhhh)
Leader of obedient lambs
Lover of anal games
Leader of viced bastards
Jesus equal whore
Drink infernal sperm
Suck hellish balls
Kiss red fucking cocks
Jesus equal whore
His lambs - his servants
They are full of lust
Their pussies are wet
Jesus equal whore
Lambs is like sluts
With big red cocks
In deep red cracks
Jesus equal whore
Trust your body, girl
Give it to your jesus
He loves tits and holes
When ears open up wide
When blinders fall from eyes to the floor
When everyone will be down on bended knee before the Lord
All will know then
But we pray right now
A mighty revelation
Coming to the nations
Like never before
The salvation of the
Holy, holy........ holy, holy, holy, holy Lord
When stars fall from the sky
When figs fall from the cry of the wind
When leaders hide in caves
Fearful of the great wrath of Him
All will know then
But we pray right now
A mighty revelation
Coming to the nations
Like never before
The salvation of the
Ich konnt nicht schlafen
musste raus
Es war bitter kalt und goss
wie sau
Ich sah dich stehn im
Du warst sehr schön
sahst mich an
Ich hab' geliebt
ich hab'
Ich hab' geliebt
ich hab'
Im Kopf
die Liebe kam
sahst aus wie sie
vergangenes Glück
Ich hab' geliebt
ich hab'
Ich hab' geliebt
ich hab'
Die Illusion
lässt dich im Grabe
Die Illusion
lässt dich Unmögliches
Die Illusion
packt dich in gläsernes
Die Illusion
lässt dich das Paradies
Die Illusion
Die Illusion
Dein Zimmer
Ich wusste
dass du mich
nicht brauchst
Genommen dich
an sie
Ich habe ihr niemals
Ich hab' geliebt
ich hab'
Ich hab' geliebt
ich hab'
Die Illusion
lässt dich im Grabe
Die Illusion
lässt dich Unmögliches
Die Illusion
packt dich in gläsernes
Die Illusion
lässt dich das Paradies
Die Illusion
Die Illusion
I'm so glad
You died for me
I'm so glad
You shed your blood for me
I'm so glad
You rose for me
Sweet Jesus--Jesus
Sweet Jesus--Jesus
I'm so glad
You died for me
So glad
You shed your blood just for me
So glad
You rose for me
Sweet Jesus--Jesus
Sweet Jesus--Jesus
Lead (Choir just repeats Jesus)
Help me say
Sweet Jesus
The precious name
of Jesus
The powerful name
of Jesus
How he loved me
I wont' ever know
How he cared for me yeah
The precious name of
How he loved me in spite of me
The name, the name Jesus
It's so sweet I know, I know, I know
Oh I love the name
What you did for me on Calvary
No man would have done
But you loved me in spite of me yeah
You loved me just as much
To be hung there and died
You were thinking just of me
What a God, what a God
Budda couldn't do it for you
Confucius couldn't do it either
God is
He's God all by himself
The name, the name, the name of
The precious name
How I love the name, I love the name of
When I think of his goodness & all he's done for me
I can't help but give him glory
He is God all by himself
Come on give him glory
At the name of Jesus demons must flee
That's the kind of power he's given us
We can speak to that sickness and it will leave
That's what he said in his word yeah
He said I've come to give you life more abundantly
That's what he did at the cross for you & me (REPEAT 3Xs)
But I'm so glad he rose on the third day
With all power in his hand
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
The powerful name of
The precious name, glorious name
The name of Jesus yes it is
No other name I know
I'm talking about Jesus
How he loved me I'll never know, I'll never know
Yes he did
He loved me in spite of me
Cause he knew I wasn't fit to die
He died just for me
He said I can handle it daughter
I took care of it on the cross for you
I took care of it, bore it on the cross for you
Nobody but Jesus
Come on give him glory
The name of jesus
Come on give him glory
The name of Jesus
Come on give him glory
The name of Jesus
The precious name
The precious name of Jesus
No other name I know
No other name I know
I can't help but worship
The music don't even have to play
For me to give him worship
The music don't even have to play
For me to give him worship
How I love him oh yeah
How I love him, oh yeah
How I love him, I love him, I love him, I love him
how I love him, I love him
How I love him, I love him, I love him
See I don't need a dance partner cause I've got Jesus
When I think of his goodness & what he's done
When I think of his goodness & what he's done
I've gotta give him glory
Glory hallelujah
You’re the rock of my salvation
My savior and my friend
The hope of every nation
The one that never ends
Your cross is my redemption
Forever you will reign
Your strength is our foundation
As one we lift your name
Jesus The love of my life
Jesus My savior divine
Jesus My one true desire
Jesus Jesus
Repeat Verse
Repeat Chorus
I will sing to you
Sing a song of praise
I will worship you
And praise your name
I will lift my hands
I will lift my heart
I will lift my voice
All for
Jesus The love of my life
Jesus My savior divine
Jesus My one true desire
Jesus Jesus
Jesus The love of my life
Jesus My savior divine
Jesus My one true desire