A pulley is a wheel on an axle that is designed to support movement of a cable or belt along its circumference. Pulleys are used in a variety of ways to lift loads, apply forces, and to transmit power.
A pulley is also called a sheave or drum and may have a groove between two flanges around its circumference. The drive element of a pulley system can be a rope, cable, belt, or chain that runs over the pulley inside the groove.
Hero of Alexandria identified the pulley as one of six simple machines used to lift weights. Pulleys are assembled to form a block and tackle in order to provide mechanical advantage to apply large forces. Pulleys are also assembled as part of belt and chain drives in order to transmit power from one rotating shaft to another.
A set of pulleys assembled so they rotate independently on the same axle form a block. Two blocks with a rope attached to one of the blocks and threaded through the two sets of pulleys form a block and tackle.
A block and tackle is assembled so one block is attached to fixed mounting point and the other is attached to the moving load. The mechanical advantage of the block and tackle is equal to the number of parts of the rope that support the moving block.
A simple machine is a mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force. In general, they can be defined as the simplest mechanisms that provide mechanical advantage (also called leverage).
Usually the term refers to the six classical simple machines which were defined by Renaissance scientists:
A simple machine is an elementary device that has a specific movement (often called a mechanism), which can be combined with other devices and movements to form a machine. Thus simple machines are considered to be the "building blocks" of more complicated machines. This analytical view of machines as decomposable into simple machines first arose in the Renaissance as a neoclassical amplification of ancient Greek texts on technology, and is still a central part of engineering in today's age of applied science. For example, wheels, levers, and pulleys are all used in the mechanism of a bicycle. Between the simple machines and complex assemblies, several intermediate classes can be defined, which may be termed "compound machines" or "machine elements". The mechanical advantage of a compound machine is simply the product of the mechanical advantages of the simple machines of which it is composed.
Pulley - @#!* (1999)
Pulley - Matters (2004)
Pulleys - simple machines
Pulley - Esteem Driven Engine (FULL ALBUM)
What is a Pulley? - Simple Machines | Mocomi Kids
Pulley - Gone
Rope and Pulley Systems-segment 1 - Pulley Basics & the Pulley Principle.pds.m2ts
Power Steering Pump Pulley Removal and Installation ACDelco
MACHINE SHOP TIPS #65 Lathe Project Pulley Part 1 of 3 tubalcain
Pulley - "Bad Reputation" Epitaph Records
How to Construct a Backdrop Pulley System (for under $35)
How to calculate tension in a multiple pulley system
MINI Cooper S supercharger pulley mod - 2002-06 R53 - New Version
Análise de Exercício #28 - Tríceps Pulley
The only thing tougher than being partners... was being father and son.
The body of a sexy aerobics instructor is invaded by the evil spirit of a dying ninja. At first, changes in her behavior is limited to having strange interactions with an arcade game, doing sexy things with V8 juice, and being attracted to an unusually hairy police officer. But soon enough, she's systematically killing, ninja-style, the officers responsible for the ninja's death, and can only be stopped by another ninja!
Keywords: b-movie, blood, blood-spatter, bo-staff, brawl, chase, chop-socky, cult-film, curse, death
He's the ultimate killer, she's the perfect weapon.
Christie: If you're gonna book me then book me. Otherwise just let me out.::Secord: I'm not gonna book you. I wanna take you to my old neighborhood. There's a guy there I want you to beat up for me.
Miyashima: There is one thing.::Secord: What?::Miyashima: In the Iga region in Japan, there is one power that can destroy him.::Secord: Japan?::Miyashima: Only a ninja... can destroy a ninja.
Secord: You know? I am sick and tired about hearing how you don't like cops, cause I'm gonna tell you something Ms. Independence. I like being a cop. And if you don't want to go out with me just because I'm a cop, then the hell with you lady!
Black Ninja: You fool! You can not stop me! I am the ninja! No one, nothing can stop me!
Stacy: [Stacy, Patty and Jiminez look at Christie in her bathing suit] What the hell kind of place is this?::Patty: [while Jiminez is mesmerized by Christie's looks, she slowly enters the spa] Beat it, bitch!
Christie: For your information Billy, I don't believe in demons, ghosts, spirits, or any of that kind of stuff.::Secord: Well neither do I, but when you black out we don't know what you believe in do we?
Doctor: Medically, you're a very fit young woman. No evidence of any abnormality in the brain, no tumor, you have a strong heart, your diet is better than average. You are under severe stress, of course, but otherwise doctor Bowen, the psychiatrist you saw, says there's nothing out of the ordinary. Aside from your exceptional extrasensory perception and your preoccupation with Japanese culture. No harm in that!
Pulley - @#!* (1999)
Pulley - Matters (2004)
Pulleys - simple machines
Pulley - Esteem Driven Engine (FULL ALBUM)
What is a Pulley? - Simple Machines | Mocomi Kids
Pulley - Gone
Rope and Pulley Systems-segment 1 - Pulley Basics & the Pulley Principle.pds.m2ts
Power Steering Pump Pulley Removal and Installation ACDelco
MACHINE SHOP TIPS #65 Lathe Project Pulley Part 1 of 3 tubalcain
Pulley - "Bad Reputation" Epitaph Records
How to Construct a Backdrop Pulley System (for under $35)
How to calculate tension in a multiple pulley system
MINI Cooper S supercharger pulley mod - 2002-06 R53 - New Version
Análise de Exercício #28 - Tríceps Pulley
How To Remove Power Steering Pump Pulley
Pulley Systems Rules | Knots & Pulleys in Rope Rigging Systems Vol. 1 Segment 6 - Rigging Lab
Pulley (Tutorial ed Esecuzione)
Grade 4 - Pulleys and Gears Part 1
Build a Vintage Block & Tackle Pulley
2014 Shelby GT500 • JMS 2.4" +3psi Supercharger Pulley Install & Dyno Test • +49rwhp +73ft-lbs
GrimmSpeed Subaru Lightweight Crank Pulley Install Video
wanted excuses, they gave you excuses.
the pressure got stronger,
inside you grew warmer,
the calender boiled, time just ticked away for you.
now you're on your own,
another day gone by, i see it in your eyes.
trying so hard just to please,
did you stop to think seein' things different in time,
we'll soon tell the apples have ripened.
the bottle is empty, the barrel is dry,
money standing in our way,
where can we turn now?
i've walked out on my way,
knowing things won't change.
what you're doing's not ok,
will it comfort you?
seein' different, seein' different,
and i've said my piece/peace,
you turned your back on me,
great aspirations often fall too short to fly.
life alone can take us on its twisted path
as we wander down this road not all sure where to go.
sometimes the scenery can just bore you to death.
as i sit down to write, another day has passed me by,
they all seem the same anymore with so little time to live,
and so much time to kill, how's it
that i still find so much time to be bored?
am i wasting time, is my purpose being served,
am i part of a bigger master plan?
today is all i have, can't change yesterday.
strolling down this road again,
life has made me cynical, it's taught me about its pain.
is the little blue man using me for him?
i guess i know the answer already,
so does he, but when he goes he'll know if his sin was sin.
i guess for now the only answers
that i'll get will be the ones i can figure out myself.
listen closely friends we're coming to this story's end,
what the fuck is really going on with me?
i'm not a creature in a circus freak show.
really like to be.
don't feel sorry but there's always pity here.
don't feel sorry for you,
not asking myself to do anything, anything for me.
going places where i always dream to do,
waste my time with that. brighten up
this picture one day,
make me laugh. trying something
that has not been done before,
nothing left to do, not asking myself to do anything.
what if once i started building something up
just to watch it fall,
pick up again.
see the pieces right in front of me.
pick it up again. i'm on my way.
full of anger still out of control walking on these eggshells the peace my inner soul lying on the doorstep where i used to rest my head found another fortune back where i began i don't know if i'll be there for you anymore don't feel so lucky know that i am proud not giving you excuses not looking for going back to days of old in search for something new seeing through the eyes you give me all that we go through fit the pieces to this puzzle i've outgrown i don't know what you feel sorry for i see you on the back page secrets that you keep for you i find out on my own see you from the last page
forget the tears running down my face
everything so unimportant and you say
when we understand all our problems will
go away and i'm just trying to keep things
simple know what's it going to take for me
to say a few more hours i think we need a
change get back to all the reasons when
we've tried to turn the other way response
triggers an image i'm just trying to keep
it all together now what's it going to take
for me to say i built these walls around
my world so no one could get in selfish
that's the way i want to be sharing not
my thing and definitely won't give
i'm keeping all that's left it's just for me.
Listen too, what we did in 82
Come along way so have you
Often think about, all the things that we have shared
The ups and downs
So thanks to all our friends,
Without you we'd be at home again
Goodbye its not the end,
Hope that we'll see you when we're here again
Goodbye to all our friends, goodbye.
Long, long time ago I saw this dick outside a punk rock show
He sized me up from head to toe
I think he wants to kill me
His girlfriend looked like some big piece of shit and started drooling
I think she wants to do me
So if at first you don't succeed you try and try again
I told her you're not my type
I'm just here to slam
I've seen Agression
Ill Repute just started playing the last song that they're playing
Cherokee people Cherokee nation
What comes around will go around
What they said to me will the good times be all you forget
What comes around will go around
What they said to me will the good times be all you regret
So here we are again we're right back where we started at
This assholes right up in my face
I guess that's how he likes to act
A broken bottle in his teeth
I think his smile's kind of sweet
He won't be fucking with me
So when I'm seen out at a show they step aside and let me go
It's such a joke
I'm really not that tough
There is no moral to my story
Hit him first and stole his glory which was worse
I guess that's just what worked for me
Feeling like my life keeps hanging from a sting
but there's no where I can turn to look for help
and everything I wanted to come clear
and every thing I used to fear
is just a memory of the past and it's not long ago
You walk alone, outside it's only you
when you wake up from the nightmares, its always you
The afternoon, the ghost's not there, the sun is blinding
and the same rain fell on my roof not on hers
and everything i would so did confess
and everything that smells unconscious
there is good luck spinning all around but it's not real
You walk alone, outside, its only you
when you wake up from the nightmares, its always you
now you find you're in a world that's without you
I can't believe I'd fight for you, for you
You walk alone, outside the streets, its only you
when you wake up from the nightmares, its always you
now you find you're in a world that's without you
I can't believe I'd fight for you, for you
You walk alone, outside, its only you
when you wake up from the nightmares, its always you
now you find you're in a world that's without you
I can't believe I'd fight for you, for you
let me take you to a place that no one's ever seen.
it's so far it's far away back in deep behind the trees.
i know that it won't fall
it's been there a hundred years,
trust the limbs are here one more time.
i'm telling you, walk where you won't fall.
follow me and i'll follow you,
i want to take you there.
to the place that no one's ever seen,
the moss grows on the north side of the trees,
for what it's worth, i've walked miles
and i've seen the sun go down.
played my share of dues,
yet you still want to put me down..
started on the bottom tell me
why i feel here again.
it was at my expense, now you're cashing in.
make way for the boys in your town today,
dig in your pockets, they've got alot to say.
look up on the wall,
they'll have some shirts for sale.
another week has passed
can you keep up with the brand new scene,
the music's changing
with the constant tapping of my feet.
play it faster, play it slower,
you still don't know,
the music's not so important to you,
it's what you're makin' off the show.
here again wish i was somewhere else what's worse than feeling by yourself? judgmental condescending thoughts go on still pretending barely by on what we have something for nothing how many days until i'm rested something for something drink from the glass like there's no tomorrow times they fly and then fashion dies played the cards and we tried to make it run seems like the answers were left i've always tried to remember when clothes you'd wear styles of your hair lasting impressions experienced my senses they'll function becoming aware smaller and smaller somewhere you'll find before it ends so suddenly take a look see what you thought you'd be modeled perfection photocopied call you or you call me everything's so incomplete played the cards and tried to make it run seems like the answers were left i'm still looking for the answer
hey you asshole! standing over there.
in the corner bringing all you cheer to me. so what,
you to try hard to make your friends insecurities,
it keeps you going on.
now you're in a class all alone.
you're the leader, and they follow like sheep,
they are and what, yeah,
keep on believing you.
make a difference a superman you're not.
scared inside i see you shaking.
Listen too, what we did in 82
Come along way so have you
Often think about, all the things that we have shared
The ups and downs
So thanks to all our friends,
Without you we'd be at home again
Goodbye its not the end,
Hope that we'll see you when we're here again
Goodbye to all our friends, goodbye.
here always looking in meet you from the outside that's just how it's been surreal existence isn't clear occupy your mind waste away the years a thousand miles connected by a line feeling helpless when we argue hang up all the time call you back know you're there talk to the machine pictures painted clearly still on the outside again brought down to my knees fought for resolution l.a. girl you quit forget conquered by my demons try to plant new seeds staring at the ocean believe me when i say that i'm sincere my dreams will take me where i want to go from here to you i bid a fond farewell strength to walk alone pictures painted clearly still on the outside
I guess I€™ll let you know just how the story goes
Give you everything you want to hear
Tell me something I already know
It€™s been long and hard
Weary from the road been traveled
Can I walk away with you?
I don€™t know why everything is always black and white
I don€™t know if anything will every get it right
Words that fill the space when I say how I feel
Tell me something I already know
This feeling comes again my stomach aches with pain
Somewhere in the dark I lay
This trip is long and overdue for me
All the years they pass
Stories grow to disbelief
Which one of you should I believe?
Alone I write
Alone I dwell
Alone I rot trapped in this shell
Too old to be young but I€™m not old
Loneliness I hear its call
Run behind but I still fall
Never happy
Sometimes I think I€™m in hell
Going down this road again
Finally agreed to pledge my allegiance here
I€™ve agreed to make a change
Swallow my pride enough to bow out on my own
They want to make you feel like you€™re the one to blame
Pick up the past and let it go
Writing you to tell you how to say I told you so
Now I know what it means to be wanted
Watch everything fall through
Just learned your name again
and I couldn€™t take that look away from you
Going back to see how it disappeared
Remember last year when we were here
Open mind when you needed me and my heart was open too
Writing you to tell you how to say I told you so
And I think I do and I€™m falling down
And you never say anything
Well that€™s just how you feel when you€™re falling down
And you never say anything at all
You don€™t know how it feels to be falling down like me
why can't you take on your own identity you only live by what other people see thoughts and views you cloned what are you gonna do when the world stands still and you're all alone with the emptiness you feel an empty stare with your past washed up i pity you and the life you made up you can't impress me i know what is real the mask is melting off your face melting away what are you gonna do when the world stands still and you're all alone with the emptiness you feel an empty stare with your past washed up i pity you and the life you made up every day there's a side of you hiding from a world that respects you lonely heart thinker on a long lost trip you're just a reflection of the people you're with
she spent her nights next to years of deception,
and he sees a girl to him fifty summers ago
and again his hands tearing apart.
sometimes i felt that when the grass was always greener
and the sadness in the sun can turn it blue.
take a swing up to the sky
and never watch it pass you by,
the carpets rolling out for you.
you hold the reins and i still have control
and i don't know what i would do without you.
another room, another face,
i smell the anger in this place.
and i'm not hanging to survive.
my chair sits high, the ceiling's low,
there's nowhere else for me to go.
conflict and jeopardy, i avoid confrontation,
i can't dream up the reasons
why you try to extrude my confidence.
i have no defense,
givin me no motive to stab me in the back,
i've only been your friend for years
and years to come. is it a joke,
cause i'm not laughing,
well i guess it is cause i'm still standing.
feel free to take hits on me
and don't worry about an apology
cause it makes you feel good to stand your ground.
when it comes to playing my game,
you know i'm outta my league.
tongue-tied battered and reversed,
i can't get up to speed,
if i make the rules, you break, feel .
we're hanging out you want to go the sink is full of yesterday's remains intelligence somewhat dim you had the key to life did you make it fit which way is up which way is down the person staring back at you always looks like he's somebody else overcome the greatest odds sacrifice is where the focus stems absolute the motion forward circumstance tells me i'll be back again which way is up which way is down pointing out the things you see grateful for what we have found you go by that i know everything that's enough for me wearing all the promises on you confidence comes with time gone by reach the top remember how to feel the glow silenced on the deaf ears responsible for everything it knows
don't tell me life can be unkind
how the goals you thought you could
reach you can never find cause it's
all work ain't nothing free to bad you
had to learn at the expense of me i'm
tired of the lies i hear why do you feel
the need to dismiss your act's of selfishness
why can't you own up to your own greed?
nothing to lose and nothing to gain your
still right where you've always been
nothing ever seems to change nothing to
prove or to be explained you get what you
deserve in the end it's really all the same
so much for my trust in you my once long
time friend you've done the damage that you
can do the waste of energy you expend i've
done nothing dishonest to you you lit the
flame that burned this bridge and from all
i see and hear the guilt is laying heavy on
your head. think of all the energy you've
wasted trying to get even nothing come from
bringing others down i'm all out of sympathy
you took what you could take from me
this is it, my one shot at the big time,
better make it count, stand up and be heard,
cause i know if the radio plays this song
all the kids will buy it and hate me a month from now
and i won't be cool anymore.
i've been doing this for the last twelve years,
through all the times when no one cared.
now everybody wants a piece of me,
sign on the dotted line,
make what's theirs is mine.
it'll make you rich you'll see
and there's a million more just like me.
i don't care what's cool anymore,
who am i to say?
if you can't make that decision on your own
then you're pretty fucking dumb anyway.
generation, no motivation,
intantaneous gratification,
remote controls and mtv,
in a generation that's hypnotized,
lulled by repetitious lies,
spoonfed all their corporate programming.
i'm not a one hit wonder looking to get rich.
i'm not trying to sell out my songs.
i was here before they exploited our scene
so you want to put everybody down,
you don't like the way that anybody sounds.
if you don't like it here then why you come around
if you've got nothing valid to say
and won't waste my time saying how long i've been here,
if you can't respect the dues i've paid,
your thinking isn't clear. it really shouldn't matter,
should be only what you hear,
but i don't think you're listening anymore.
spent two hundred thousand miles
with my shit packed in a van,
if the music made us friends,
then the love made us a band.
if you need an explanation then you'll never understand.
this music's just a part of me grew up with the outside opinion,
an outcast of the inside dominion lived
my whole life against the grain.
it always seemed i was one foot out of step.
never do anything that anyone would accept.
if that's someone's fault, i'll take the blame.
so now i got a question, where were you in '84?
i'm still touring in a van, sleeping on a strangers' floor.
what we do today is what we used to do before.
why you want anything more?
gotta prove you're punk so you rebel against the scene.
so elite admit defeat don't know what you really mean.
if the shows all disappear, is that what you want to see?
i don't want to hear another word
your over it it seems i don't think
you'll mind the end to much if it
justifies your means all this silence
once disturbed me there's nothing more
to say unless you speak what's on your
mind you can go your separate way.
wake me up when it's all over i've got
things to do i'd like to get on with my
life if it's with or without you and it
breaks my heart to see all that we've done
just thrown away an i don't wanna live like
this today for the last four years i've come
to but my head against this wall for all the
troubles i've found i've got nowhere at all i
try to speak but no one hears a single word i
say desperation seems to grow with every show
i play i may be down but i'm not out
there's a few rounds left to go been
around this circle enough time i ought
to know life is what you make of it and
i'm too tired to play i don't want to live
like this today i'm so tired of feeling
like i do from waiting to see if we will
change all that we thought we'd never be
is what we live today i don't want to
take me back to yesterday, tomorrow's almost near.
anticipation factors in decision everywhere.
anger fills the mood right now.
there's no more novelties.
hands on the clock moving i'm going nowhere
and the nights are nothing like the nights before.
these same four walls are painted white.
the carpets wearing thin all my friends have left to call.
the silence still disturbs me i'm alone.
pick my pen up it's dried out for sure.
the tv set is broke again.
it's 8:00 o'clock, i'm out the door.
fear myself i'm safe inside these walls.
close my mind nothing gets to me at all.
these days are shorter and he nights are really long.
another night of nothing, like the nothing before.
hands on the clock moving i'm going nowhere
and i wonder why you're still afraid of me.
everyone goes through a little pain
keep watching and follow me the guilt
that your going to give to me is never going
to leave something new and i don't relate
can't hang around for long a stone unturned
every missing word disillusioned i've become
this ain't the way it's supposed to be this
time i think i'll let it lay another day to
drown i'm tired and my patience thin keep
feeding off the bone some say that it's
impossible to stop and smell the rose going
out with a bang next time don't know what i'll
be next year a few hours south and the air is
green maybe something new is there it has to
work this time around or i'll trade it in for
sure everything for me myself and
apocalypse at my fingertips,
i can't distinguish what is real.
push the plunger in the warm rush begins.
i'm noddin' off at the wheel.
things haven't been the same since you said good-bye.
i've been doing things i thought i swore i'd never do,
just to stay alive.
if i had blinked, i would have never of met you.
could have lived my life content.
but now here i am fucked up again,
life can be silent torment.
i knew you'd never stay, right from the start.
that's what i get for diving in head first.
my life feels like it's falling apart.
i'm a loser, i'm a failure, i'm a fuck up to the core.
i've been falling down so much,
don't bother getting up anymore.
i can't explain the emptiness that i feel,
he was a silver tongue devil,
standing there waiting for a ride,
looking for a one way out of this town
and you know i couldn't let him down.
so i asked him 'how far?' he said 'as far as you'll go,'
i just couldn't say no.
it was a thursday in december or was it september,
the last thing i remember was the cloudless sky above.
he said he saw a good friend die,
i never thought to ask him why.
i could have sworn i heard him say he knew who did it.
we headed off into the dead air of the desert
to a place i've never known.
he looked into the sun that shone above us
then he smiled and spoke how good it was.
yet things change and they stay the same.
home sweet home,
there was a stillness as the light set behind us
the last thing i remember was the laughter in my ears,
fearless yet fearful i stared into his eyes
and he grabbed my hand, i started to fly.
ageless, timeless, as i gave him control,
i am tired and confused, i don't know what to do.
i can't stomach this pain any longer, life is at a crossroad.
which way do i go? i can't make a decision for the life of me.
losing my bout with this life, no doubt.
or am i really...just succeeding?
i'm a afraid of getting older,
i feel it getting colder just please don't give me eternity.
follow me on my wasted journey,
i got two ways i can bring you down.
one's for leaving, two's for staying, either way.
don't you ever learn from your own interpreter,
that a lifestyle is begging for mercy.
i can't understand when it's all in my hands.
i don't see it, i don't feel it. as long as i remember,
i will always treasure those times that i actually felt happy.
but for now i stand proud and never speak loud.
and hide all my insecure feelings.
falling prey to your own bad habit,
you realize it's time to get out, happy now, but not quite,
i'm just a little too tired right now.
falling prey, falling prey, don't follow me.
frozen feelings have always been your being.
but the guilt always finds a way in.
not a tear flows through, not a thought,
not a sound. and numbness overwhelms me solo
now i can only reach out for a stray flyer
on my high wire and from the ground to the air
it goes totally unnoticed,
i wake, it's empty, my nights are alone,
the cold sweats will stay here for hours and hours.
my mind it grows weak,
no rest that i'm getting. i can't sleep,
tomorrow's here. a new day is rising,
i've seen it before.
the sun won't make things any brighter no more.
i don't want, wanna keep going on like this,
like this is for sure. look through the window,
the clouds they look back,
reflections all pass by the moments i've lapsed.
i'm tied down to nothing and i still can't think,
there's another night to fear.
no sleep for days, no pills to take,
all the sheep that i've counted
and i'm still awake. close my eyes,
this time it's for sure, eyes open,
eyes open wide again.
what can i do when tomorrow is through,
i don't plan anything
i'm trying to come home thoughts of
you are always on my mind a runaway
from problems my excuse when i am there
you roll over once again i'm gone i'm old
it's plain to see a life of tragedy save
it for later that's what we always said what
will that do for us tried to paint a picture
of the time that we once shared you never
seemed to be so concerned story goes like
this you say i'm almost never there independent
is what you've always want an arm to hold on
someone to sleep next to in the night rolling
over once again i'm gone look through the
backlog and index of thoughts this time
a different pain when the axe falls on you
watching hurt from far away.
can only make us blue.
my life is only mine
and no one really cares if every day,
i hit that peel and stumble down the stairs.
you don't know you don't know the pain.
you can't feel the same.
many things i want,
that i will never get.
go through my life without even a little regret.
some things i need will never come to me
even if i kneel and pray and squeeze my rosary.
you don't know the pain.
you can't feel the same.
in this life you're always on your own.
nobody really hears a cry of pain
that sounds like it's alone,
four walls i know too well, silence is disturbing,
it reminds me i'm alone. procrastination,
gotta get my shit together,
gotta go out and get a life of my own.
i'll call my friends,
they all work too many hours in the day.
pick up my pen, i try to write
but i've got nothing to say.
i watch t.v. 'til it's the end of me,
is there anything more? come eight-o-clock
and i'm out that door just another night of nothing,
like the nothing before. the t.v.
set it occupies my wasted time,
until anxiety it finds me and it starts to get me down.
so i sit here and i sink a little deeper
i am crippled by security that keeps me safe and sound.
the t.v. set my only friend my artificial sun,
on for hours on end. my window on a world,
i just don't see my simulcast life of monotony
new generation futures in my hands,
infrared remotes obeying my command.
another night of nothing,
just like the nothing before.
i got no ties that'll bind still i can't make up my mind,
i've got no place to go,
that i can leave this place behind neurosis starts to breed
i can feel it eating me,
another visit from my old friend anxiety.
get up, walk away, then i'm reminded
while i stay. i got no place to go to end all this dismay,
the couch is like quicksand, the floor is like tar,
the tv sucks me in,
assures i won't get far.
hands on a clock and they're going backwards,
it's dark i see through the smoke we breathe it's loud i can't hear the songs we play play fast everything keeps going slow taken down to size i'm feeling feel the scars beneath my clothes covers what i want to show open mind my heart is open too take back everything you once said no more we're not going anywhere forget don't remember anything taken down to size i'm feeling so hard why's it hard to see realize how it's going to be holy wars alienate
call me stupid call me crazy call me what you will i don't write this music with intent to pay my bills another cardboard cutout brand we all sound the same guess i'm just a hypocrite for living out my dreams may not make a difference not trying to make you see may not make no sense to you but oh it does to me when it's all been said and done know that i had fun take it to the grave with me this music still lives on what can i say that i haven't said before not afraid to be mistaken not afraid to try not afraid to be uncertain not afraid to die when the words stop coming out the music finally stopped pound my head against the wall my bubble has been popped lost the vibe the fluid feel the ink dried up my pen picked apart there's nothing left will it come back again now it's all been said and done know that i had fun going to the grave with me this music still lives on to tell the tale of a broken man i just can't find the words my story goes unheard the tale of a broken man broken!
Stare at you and I can't believe a song inside your head
Words to remember
Where to begin, when will you find them?
Covered up those memories that run inside you head, the sound isn't better
Do you remember I will walk away from a disease, that's full of love and hate?
Time to time I write these rhymes, it takes me to a better place
Stop trying, never try again
Voices and melody the struggle starts within
Where will it take you, when will it end?
It always seems to cover up those memories that run inside your head
The sound isn't better, do you remember?
all these names i can't complain thoughts of you were everything all the fun is over now the smiles off my face the words are scratched it's hard to read the passions gone that's best for me every dog must have it's day believing in sincerity feeling numb she slammed the door left to think there's so much more out of sight now out of mind are you truly gone? goodbye corrections to the promises you break we finally found your honesty's a lie you lead your army till there's nothing left and no one to return now you're standing all alone who would think that we could show personality?
long nights...wide awake in the empty darkness.
dreading... the alarm that waits at the dawn of day.
i'm anxious... for all the things that i want from life.
i'm tired...now i push my thoughts away.
long day...tired and sore, abused my body,
troubled...i find no peace in what i'm paid.
distracted...the tv takes me from my worries.
absent...of any progress i have made.
i am nothing more than a dreamer, wasting my life.
consumed with my passion,
caught in a world of debts and decisions.
do i lose it forever or do i hold on i am no different,
just one of the masses.
caught up in the task of survival.
i am waiting on days without any worries.
self destruct, i want you to grow.
time and time again
just like a faucet dripping on what,
soaking into yesteryear.
every time you work you say it's a dream.
a thought you can't complete,
never ending, haunting.
why don't they stop?
don't walk through the door.
you crawl on the floors.
why can't you see?
Don't wait until it's too late
Everyone is gone
Everyone is here
I won't wake up to find myself alone
Lying on a bed of nails
And try to figure out what went wrong
So all my life destroy my mind
Give me all drugs you have
One more shot and I'll be dead
All this time and I'm still alive
Take one step in front of me
Don't look back or you will open up the world
That's rolling around inside your room
And let the monsters out
Open up the world that's rolling around inside your head
And let yourself out
I can't even try to change the past
Cause everywhere I walk they will follow me
Everything then seen inside of me is a piece of something
Something that they will never be
all the trees they line the yards
suburban homes all in a row screened in porches,
swimming pools deluxe electric garage doors
and trampolines, parkway where the grass grows,
solar panel lighted christmas trees.
i'm far away from where i wanna be
suddenly appreciates the inside foundations
cracked yeah that we know for sure
i'm far away from where i want to be.
what happens next to be
you'll know high rise in the city elevators
up to the hundredth floor doormen with their
whistle blow taxi lights they come and go go
like a fuse ready for fire spark me up and i mean simple seems to just a few i trust what i am saying every day can't believe all that's going on around me down the hall i see it everywhere i have to tell you something about me i wake up with this splitting difference doesn't leave anything for you give up that half my pockets they're empty where we're headed to the life through the fast lane wait a minute you've busted like a bone paid what price for a crime that spared and you walked off free voices call from in your head laughing and screaming
lets get it straight. don't wanna repeat. yeah i'm in this for me. if any fun. thats what i've done. thats how its gonna be. gotta kill the rock stars fast today. gotta save the world from any pain all that is said and done. i just wanna have fun i'm not gonna wash my ass today. even though it really stinks. i'm going to make the band smell bad. i don't care what anybody thinks. don't wanna save the whales when the system fails don't wanna feed the bums. i'm in this for me. i just wanna have fun
my cases sit right in front of me
waiting for someone to take my away alone
i sit my pills are kicking in you see
i'm a dog and i'm locked in my cage eyes
are red tongue is hanging out i'm thirsty
as shit and i'm still a dog fleas don't
itch i had a bath the other day before
this trip wonder where were going toys are
packed i see my bed is in my two bowls are
somewhere in reach i'll scratch with rage
until i find a way to get through this
cardboard that sits under me it's cold down
here bumpy ride and my seats not first class,
man's best friend i feel befriended this is a
dogs life ok were here things are ok again
a brand new lawn just to welcome me here
scratch my ears and i'll chase down your
ball looks like this new lace will be home
for know it won't take much to go back to
sleep after going through all this wake
up tomorrow and we'll do it again living a
this is a little story about a lazy old man.
it's been years and years
and years gone by without a solid plan.
digging deep for motivation,
why it seems so hard to find.
he's been living like this for oh so long,
this way of life stuck in his mind.
a good kick in the ass is what he needs,
no one hears his silent pleas.
although people around him would tend to agree,
a life of living this is a bad disease.
it's a bad disease.
it's a bad disease.
it's a bad disease.
a will for change is a thought desired,
to achieve his goals to take him higher.
in his thoughts he seems to care,
but this laziness lingers in the airs.
a fresh breath not polluted with this disease.
i can hear him screaming saying please...
please...please. help me now,
take me by the hand.
this rut i'm in, makes me so bland.
so used to sitting, sitting on the couch.
feeling like a fucking goddamn slouch,
great aspirations often fall too short to fly.
life alone can take us on its twisted path
as we wander down this road not all sure where to go.
sometimes the scenery can just bore you to death.
as i sit down to write, another day has passed me by,
they all seem the same anymore with so little time to live,
and so much time to kill, how's it
that i still find so much time to be bored?
am i wasting time, is my purpose being served,
am i part of a bigger master plan?
today is all i have, can't change yesterday.
strolling down this road again,
life has made me cynical, it's taught me about its pain.
is the little blue man using me for him?
i guess i know the answer already,
so does he, but when he goes he'll know if his sin was sin.
i guess for now the only answers
that i'll get will be the ones i can figure out myself.
listen closely friends we're coming to this story's end,
and i don't think that i have rid from any doubt.
Sitting in the backyard on a Sunday in the morning
Touched by you and all your curls that sucked me in
I can hear you when you're screaming
I hear you when you're talking to me
Laughing at the jokes, laughing at the jokes
I've said before it's only over when you've given up on me
You held it in for so long detaching yourself from everything I gave
Now you're on your own there's nobody else
So happy on the outside with your conscience coming home
Blindfold me a role, blindfold me a role you play so well
There's one thing left to say
Those words I said to you were never true
Justified everything I gave to you
I won't ever look at you the same
Step aside you always walk away
why every time when something hurts someone
always comes up and wants to make it worse?
i'll never make the cover of a rolling stone,
but at least i know my life's my own
on my back porch what it will mean.
on my notes tell me what they'll mean.
splitting up the difference between one and two
doesn't make a difference between me and you
what the signs they say the trucks are weaving back
and forth on any day but sunday at four o' clock
and the meter's running too late
now put your quarter in and you know you won't be found.
i know inside that your're afraid of me
i've become all the things
that i said i would be something more
than rehearsed the pain i feel contained,
Well I knew things started getting rough and this party had to stop
And all my friends were outside getting fucked with by the cops
The kegs have all been tapped out dry and the bottles thrown away
I gotta find someone I know to show me out of here
Wonder what happened to the girl I was talking to
She made a run for it
I saw her but I can€™t tell who is who
Maybe I€™ll find her when the smoke clears things are sure to settle down
Right now I need a ride home it€™s nowhere to be found
Why€™s it got to be this way it just turns into another lazy day?
One thing you can count on I€™m always ready lets go
Well the cops have left and the streets are bare
and she€™s nowhere in my sight
It€™s normal for me interruptions ruining my nights
I never get to score I€™m not a winner with the girls
Say it doesn€™t bother me €œbut I like you as a friend.€?
I can€™t believe all this because the band was playing loud
Another boring Friday night another neighbor on the prowl
And maybe next week when I go out it can happen all again
This is what I live for one day I will win
i can feel the pressure coming down
from all around so many deadlines to meet
life has gotten crazy again
so many people counting on me
i keep my nose pressed to the grindstone
i find comfort there i work for a living
and i get it done i don't have a moment to spare.
you think you've got me figured out
well there's not really to much more
i work for a living and i get it done
i'm just another working class whore.
i put in the over time on this corporate ladder
climb i'm respected inside these wall's
i make my journey home watch tv all alone
outside i'm nothing so many times
i wish i could make a difference in this world
but i work for a living and i get it done
i just do as i am told you think
you've got me figured out
well there's not really to much more
i work for a living and i get it done
i'm just another working class whore.
day in day out same old thing
i'm a slave to this grind for all the work i do
to keep myself ahead
i wonder what i leave behind.
rent, water, power, phone,
insurance to pay on health, life auto and home.
i wake up old and i won't fit the mold
i'll be out on my own.
did destiny choose you what will it take to move you inspiration won't come cheap it's your turn to take that leap and let your thoughts fall where they may when you choose your place to stay
i could never do enough for you
you took all i could give to leave
me outside in the cold am i supposed
to forgive? go your way and i'll go
mine there's nothing left to say i'm
better of without some one who would
treat a friend this way felling sorry
for yourself i don't feel sorry for you
search for answers find no answers
i don't feel sorry for you support your
cause i never will believe a thing you
say the taste of dirt inside your mouth
it's the dark side you can blame search
to find the answers that were once
intelligent now you find your self all
alone with your new friends the loss of
hope the forgotten dreams i'll get over
you some day you built this wall around
yourself and you pushed us all away
there's so many song's that glorify
this sickness that decay standing still
while your hanging on i'll get over you
so we trade our lives in for that fragile piece of mind
that tells us everything is gonna be ok.
we work our lives away and keep our savings saved,
and wait inside for a rainy day.
but all that time the sun is shining.
all those days are lost we convince ourselves
we need a purpose, and when it's not too clear
why all of us are here we follow the path that's made for us.
and we'll sit around
and wonder what has happened to our lives
when we realize that our purpose has no purpose,
that the lives we could have had we all left for dead
when we let our lives be lived for us.
i once knew a girl who wanted all the world
but she settled for the simple life instead,
after years of nine-to-five,
that yearning feeling died she joined the ranks of the living dead.
and all that time the sun was shining all her days were lost,
she'd convinced herself she'd need a purpose,
and when it wasn't clear,
the reason she was here she followed just like a lot of us.
she sat around and wondered what had happened to her life,
everything seemed to be in such a rush.
the dreams she could have had were not the ones she had,
here i am in the back again,
whispers something to a friend.
plays the songs like he knew his own,
walk away you're all alone.
separated it's hard for you,
wasting time like you only can.
there's much to say, here you are again.
whoevers' listening this time around,
seem to doubt about your sound.
what's at home, who's life you live?
someone asks and you never give.
what you have nobody wants.
no self esteem, it's your own fault.
in the back again, whispering to that same old friend.
plays the songs their his very own.
i don't care to much about anything anymore
there's no difference between wrong and right
I'm tired living life out of spite
i don't care to much about anything anymore
i've been here for to long it's this change
i can't go through your better off without me aren't you?
(aren't you?)
i've lost my faith in finding humanity
for every girl that ever broke my heart
for every fucked up friend that played that part
i have lost my faith in finding humanity
compassion isn't enough for all that I can do
you're better off with out me, aren't you?
i've been here too long to change
i can't go though you're better without me,
has the power and he's going nowhere,
what is left to ruin?
to the start of something, i'm not buying,
i expect the ruins. you can take my isolation,
also take the pain it brings.
can you move the walls the hold me?
tear them down from everything.
the reason for the grimaced face is what you've had to see.
the other day a story's told to me,
i don't think i listened.
without you things they wouldn't be this way,
can't you make me listen?
think for now i'll fly the seat i fly,
let my imagination grow.
people say i waste my life,
cross my bridges as the burn.
never look back with intentions,
looking back, with no concern.
there ain't shit on tv, i got no new pornography.
i got to find a reason to want to stay alive.
not a word is heard i said,
i might as well just stay in bed.
to find a better way, i doubt i'll even try,
just another boring story, about a teenage waste of glory.
trapped in a town, gonna drag you down, my life is such a mess,
i cannot help but feel depressed.
i doubt that anyone would miss me if i wasn't around,
i don't need to know about the things in life that i can't find.
i don't need to know about the things i left behind.
i'm just a lazy slob, i should go out and get a job.
but i won't cause i know that my rent is paid.
i'm a big procrastinator, i can always do it later.
my friends all tell me that i got it made,
it doesn't really matter. what i have to say,
no one's fucking listening anyway.
so until my days are done, or it's no longer any fun.
i'm gonna bore you to death. life is overrated,
i really want to be sedated.
but i change the channel, and i'm watching days of our lives.
it's so sophisticated, watching programs that i hated.
but i guess it's better than working 9-5.
the life that i'm living, it ain't really living.
but i guess i could be working., so i'm free and clear.
so my only friends tv will always keep my company,
wake up in the morning with that same sick feeling another day alone is another day with you don't know why i hand on don't know how to let go just feels like there's nowhere else to go why can't you take the pain away from me give me all the answers show me how to breathe wake up in the morning with a needle in my head you walk alone i'll set you free you won't ever have no one to call like me wasting all this time with my soul on the line letting go the freedom that's been held inside the more you get to know me the less that you know take a look around you see it's all a show wake up in the morning with a needle in my head
keep my memories of you in a drawer,
old letters you wrote me sentimental things.
i can't bear to look at (you) anymore,
i guess your life is better now.
finally have security and a man you plan to marry,
i guess you're not feeling you're without.
do you ever remember me,
all those things we planned to be,
those times i held you late at night?
now i am to you only a memory.
four years and counting that's all i am,
it's just wasted time gone by.
i can't explain the way i feel inside,
this loneliness grabs me and won't let me go
and i've got nowhere to hide.
i was twenty two years old
and didn't have many friends,
you'd taken everything from me.
i'm not afraid of being alone in this world
'cause i know one day your time's gonna come.
i think about you, no asylum in my sleep.
dreams of moments we have shared are painful things to keep.
time is the healer and i guess in time we'll see,
she had a dream that dated back to school in a time when things faded out so chased it with desire set the world on fire left all her friends and family behind pictures made her dirty movies far from clean did the things she thought she'd never do stepping-stones to glory spiral down to hell cover up the wounds they won't come clean electrified enough money buys too many bills it's time to kill lucky i resist all temptations revolving doors go round her appearance worse a need a scene that's hard to be noticed do everything to chase her dream living only to touch the moon but you never leave the ground they'll try to take away your will try to push you down purified not so qualified ever since the day that it changed your life terrified by the world outside they told me that i would never fit in next time i think i'll run away
walk away from the news i just heard
with fear born sweat running down my face
i never thought the day would come cast
aside another sick son what do i do bleeding
death inside fight for life fight for mine
why is this happening to me please take away
this fucking disease hey hey wash away the
pain i don't want to live for another day
hey hey no one hears me i'm all alone inside
this agony forget the faith i had before
gotta reach down for some thing more something
i deserve something i ignored i don't even
know what i'm fighting for lay me down put
me to sleep i can't feel the pain when i'm
Long, long time ago I saw this dick outside a punk rock show
He sized me up from head to toe
I think he wants to kill me
His girlfriend looked like some big piece of shit and started drooling
I think she wants to do me
So if at first you don't succeed you try and try again
I told her you're not my type
I'm just here to slam
I've seen Agression
Ill Repute just started playing the last song that they're playing
Cherokee people Cherokee nation
What comes around will go around
What they said to me will the good times be all you forget
What comes around will go around
What they said to me will the good times be all you regret
So here we are again we're right back where we started at
This assholes right up in my face
I guess that's how he likes to act
A broken bottle in his teeth
I think his smile's kind of sweet
He won't be fucking with me
So when I'm seen out at a show they step aside and let me go
It's such a joke
I'm really not that tough
There is no moral to my story
Hit him first and stole his glory which was worse
I guess that's just what worked for me
what the fuck is really going on with me?
i'm not a creature in a circus freak show.
really like to be.
don't feel sorry but there's always pity here.
don't feel sorry for you,
not asking myself to do anything, anything for me.
going places where i always dream to do,
waste my time with that. brighten up
this picture one day,
make me laugh. trying something
that has not been done before,
nothing left to do, not asking myself to do anything.
what if once i started building something up
just to watch it fall,
pick up again.
see the pieces right in front of me.
Lost again I try to find myself
Direction found unknown
Where else can I go
Sit me down and say to me
Tell it like it is
Desperation eats at me
I feel I need a change
Promises I€™ve made
So helpless and innocent
Hard to try and figure out just what it is I say
Still falling back behind again
Will I always chase you?
What€™s in it if I do?
My ideas that you sold me
Don€™t need to understand
What it is I am
Or who it is I am anymore
Helpless and incocent so hard to try and figure out just what it is I wanna say to you
Please help me understand
I reach my hands for someone there
Start the circle of where I€™ve been
Remember where I€™ve been
The walls that protected have all fallen down
And I don€™t know how much more I can take
I know their faces and I know there names
Been to the places and I remember
full of anger still out of control walking on these eggshells the peace my inner soul lying on the doorstep where i used to rest my head found another fortune back where i began i don't know if i'll be there for you anymore don't feel so lucky know that i am proud not giving you excuses not looking for going back to days of old in search for something new seeing through the eyes you give me all that we go through fit the pieces to this puzzle i've outgrown i don't know what you feel sorry for i see you on the back page secrets that you keep for you i find out on my own see you from the last page
Did it have to end this way?
Never hear your name again
Many things I€™d like to say
Didn€™t make any sense to me
Now you seem to be at peace
See what you have left behind
A trail of memories runs deep
Who thought we€™d ever run out of time
Everyday that you€™re away I miss another night with you
They signs they hang up on your face
I think you knew we understood
We were immune to what was you
We still held on to what we could
Words keep turning and the light keeps burning
Brighter than before
A trail of memories run deep
Who thought we€™d ever run out of time
As a child you gave to me what I see now
When I close my eyes think of you
Stepped aside always walked on by
forget the tears running down my face
everything so unimportant and you say
when we understand all our problems will
go away and i'm just trying to keep things
simple know what's it going to take for me
to say a few more hours i think we need a
change get back to all the reasons when
we've tried to turn the other way response
triggers an image i'm just trying to keep
it all together now what's it going to take
for me to say i built these walls around
my world so no one could get in selfish
that's the way i want to be sharing not
my thing and definitely won't give
I'm looking for a friend today
Another victim just like me
A lunatic a loser a freak
Another casualty from a fucked up society
I gave my all to the system
Half my life still in question
All about the money and power
All the greed they've devoured
You never gave any credibility for a vision given to the enemy
And on the faces of humanity
A stone's eye throw for a man
On a pedestal
You sold your soul to the man
Another deal a deal gone bad
Another seed that never gets planted
Corporate insects destroy our planet
Never going to let another day die
My friend you and I
Feel the heat from the fire outside
Burning hot still alive
I keep it bottled inside me
You keep it bottled inside you
See the sun drop colours of red
Broken bones for a mouth well fed
Bring back a real train of thought
Another tool for the melting pot
a row of mirrors before me and i can't see my reflection.
my life is so far is far from my expectations.
it's getting lonely in this parking lot of life.
i guess my punishment is my salvation,
i wish i could find a way to roam.
driving home always gives me the blues,
singing songs about what i feel like inside,
keeps me coming back for more.
it's getting lonely in this parking lot of life,
i guess my punishment is my salvation.
i tread the thin line,
you don't know who to follow home your life is so far,
is far from your expectations.
cast away the hopes of someone ever changing you but the thrill it takes to get there is something all brand new the reasons why i stay are always justified i never told you what that means i never told you anything step aside take a breath let it be don't look back it's gonna free your mind free your mind after everyone you walk on you turn your head away i know it burns you up inside but your walls run so high i've got something to tell you i know you know what it means i know it's something you see the pain that hides so deep inside will soon show its head the truth will surface as you lie awake and the dream will be dead
In the mirror I can see reflections staring back at me
I turn away and don't like what I am
The reasons why you can run and hide from answers
You would soon deny and tell me that I still don't understand
Now I always make believe I was modeled just like you
Followed in the footsteps finding everything I needed to
Walk like the dead never hear anything
The legend I've become inside of me
Boy at his youth one day finds out the truth
The years just pass him by
Never look back into the past your reality never seems to last
You fill the voids with shit and believe
Well I've made mistakes on my behalf
Paid the price can only laugh on how and why things really ought to be
Living on the edge of where my fear would touch the sky
Branded by the future scars that make me realize
I'm growing old and my story's been told, will it ever see the light of day
It's all about me this reflection I see as the years just pass on by
Figure out this anger as I watch the time go by
All these dreams and feeling without you ever on my mind
i'm not angry I'm through being mad,
i'm done feeling sorry after you hurt me so bad:
Don't try thinking about me cause i'm already gone.
not saying that I'm right just telling you you're wrong.
Keeping to myself or am i really locked away?
a childhood of scars i bear that make me fell this way.
don't relate to people that don't relate to me.
paste the point of anger,
when will you take me seriously?
people used to laugh don't want to be like them
people who i trust and used to call my friends.
things are so much easier now your agony is gone.
sometimes you just don't know you are right
because someone else is wrong.
It's not a matter of foolish pride that won't let me forgive you.
it's the hatred that i feel inside for trusting you.
someday i'm gonna break away.