Say no to the corporate takeover of food

Stand in solidarity with small-scale farmers

Make the UK a TTIP Free Zone

Fight TTIP at a local level - find out if your council has voted against TTIP


Greece stands humiliated at the hands of neoliberal fanatics

15 July 2015

No-one will be able to blame Alexis Tsipras for the destruction of the eurozone. Far from the militant leftist portrayed in the media, Tspiras has shown himself to be excessively cautious, making concession after concession in his desire to protect the Greek people from further impoverishment.

Why we shouldn’t let the fight against TTIP become a platform for UKIP

09 July 2015

After yesterday’s unfortunate vote in favour of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) in the European parliament, UKIP was quick to present itself as the forefront of the campaign against the dangerous EU-US trade deal.

Are the Koch brothers trying to influence TTIP negotiations?

09 July 2015

The latest release of lobbying data on the European Commission’s Transparency Register has raised concerns that the fossil-fuelled Kochs are trying to influence the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations.

Latest news

In response to the deal with Greece being reached over the debt crisis, Tim Jones, economist at the Jubilee Debt Campaign said:

Last night activists from Global Justice Now and Jubilee Debt Campaign projected “Cancel Greek Debt” in giant letters against the German embassy in West London, below a a mock-up of German Chancellor Angela Merkel  as the three wise monkeys (‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’). The series of projections also included a the slogan “OXI – no to Debt and Austerity.”

Campaigners have expressed dismay today that the European Parliament ignored the voice of millions of European citizens to express a positive opinion on TTIP (the US-EU trade deal). After angry scenes in Strasburg in which MEPs accused Parliamentary president Martin Schulz of “shredding the rules of procedure”, several much fought amendments were not voted on.


Brady Arts Centre, 192-196 Hanbury Street, London E1 5HU

Workshop at the Spark 2015. Join Fuel Poverty Aaction and Global Justice Now for an interactive workshop at this year's Spark Space 2015 exploring what an energy future that we control could look like.

University of East London, Stratford, London

A week-long summer school for London teenagers on activism and radical politics. This year’s course will be held at the University of East London in Stratford from 27th-31st July. All totally FREE, including transport and lunch.


Global Justice Now talks with the Haiti Support Group and a Scottish organic farmer about TTIP at the Edinburgh festival

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We need to regulate the banks not make #Greece's people pay the price - us in @TheScotsman thks @DaniGaravelli1 #oxi
8 hours 19 min ago
RT @FuelPovAction: Excited for our Energy Democracy workshop @SparkSpaceLdn w/@GlobalJusticeUK & @Comm_REinvest tomorrow @ 2pm! https://t.c…
10 hours 5 min ago
RT @ReclaimOurBard: @GlobalJusticeUK We occupied BritishMuseum in protest at BP sponsorship, stolen Indigenous art h…
14 hours 3 min ago
New Alliance + Public Money = Private Profit Our new briefing on impact on farmers in Africa
15 hours 51 min ago
@ShashiIoannides Welcome aboard!
16 hours 54 min ago
.@SparkSpaceLdn kicks off today Week of workshops, films/discussions/poetry/music/art & more Well worth checking out
17 hours 4 min ago