The First Baptists, The Last Gnostics: The Mandaeans
The First Baptists, The Last Gnostics: The Mandaeans
The First Baptists, The Last Gnostics: The Mandaeans
A lunchtime talk about the Mandaeans by Dr. James F. McGrath at Butler University. Part of the Faculty Brown Bag series. January 22nd, 2015.
Mandaeans: Finding Our Spiritual Home
Mandaeans: Finding Our Spiritual Home
Mandaeans: Finding Our Spiritual Home
Before the Iraq War there were thought to be between 60000 and 70000 Mandaeans worldwide, with almost all of them living in Iraq. Because of religious pers...
Ancient religion under threat - Sabian Mandaeans
Ancient religion under threat - Sabian Mandaeans
Ancient religion under threat - Sabian Mandaeans
Members of an ancient religious group living in the UK are warning their faith could soon disappear. The Sabian Mandaeans say they have nowhere to worship or...
Mandaeans tell their stories
Mandaeans tell their stories
Mandaeans tell their stories
Refugees from Iraqs minorities face insecurity and risk losing their religious and cultural identity as they try to seek refuge in neighbouring countries and...
History of Mystics, Part 1: The Mandaeans, a Living Gnostic Religion
History of Mystics, Part 1: The Mandaeans, a Living Gnostic Religion
History of Mystics, Part 1: The Mandaeans, a Living Gnostic Religion
The Mandaean tradition represents a living stream of the Gnostic tradition surviving from classical times up to the present. According to the Haran Gawaitha,...
Iraqi Mandaeans Celebrate Religious Holiday In Kurdistan
Iraqi Mandaeans Celebrate Religious Holiday In Kurdistan
Iraqi Mandaeans Celebrate Religious Holiday In Kurdistan
Members of Iraq's Mandaean minority, who practice a distinct and ancient monotheistic religion, this week observed one of their holiest rituals, known as the...
Mandaeans Of Iraq
Mandaeans Of Iraq
Mandaeans Of Iraq
this is a video that shows the religion of the Sabian Mandaean people in Iraq, Australia and all around the world!
Mandaeans on BBC
Mandaeans on BBC
Mandaeans on BBC
A BBC report on Mandaeans in Iraq.
Faces of Semite isolated groups (Samaritans & Mandaeans )
Faces of Semite isolated groups (Samaritans & Mandaeans )
Faces of Semite isolated groups (Samaritans & Mandaeans )
The Samaritans are an ethnoreligious group of the Levant, descended from ancient Semitic inhabitants of the region. The Samaritans are adherents of Samaritan...
A collection of old mandaean pictures taken by Lady Drower.
Sabian Mandaeans of Iran part 1Alarabiya(090630_2110).1.mp4
Sabian Mandaeans of Iran part 1Alarabiya(090630_2110).1.mp4
Sabian Mandaeans of Iran part 1Alarabiya(090630_2110).1.mp4
the forgotten people of iran the Sabian Mandaeans,
Mandaeans in The History الصابئة المندائيون في التاريخ
Mandaeans in The History الصابئة المندائيون في التاريخ
Mandaeans in The History الصابئة المندائيون في التاريخ
English follows يسعدني أن اضع هذا الفلم في متناول الجميع والذي تم تسجيله من احدى القنوات الفضائية العربية من قبل السيد عبد الجبار كاطع الخميسي-ابو ستار في كن...
Sabian Mandaeans: Ancient religious group under threat, BBC
Sabian Mandaeans: Ancient religious group under threat, BBC
Sabian Mandaeans: Ancient religious group under threat, BBC
BBC interview with Dr. Layla Roomi and Marwa Roomi. Oct 2008. Sabian Mandaeans: Ancient religious group under threat.
The Baptists of Mesopotamia: Origins and Beliefs of the Sabian Mandaeans
The Baptists of Mesopotamia: Origins and Beliefs of the Sabian Mandaeans
The Baptists of Mesopotamia: Origins and Beliefs of the Sabian Mandaeans
Haidar Reda Mohamad, an International Peacemaking Program student at Hartford Seminary, discusses the Sabian Mandaeans. These religious adherents, who live i...
Mandaeans in 1954 مؤسسة إحياء وحفظ الذاكرة المندائية
Mandaeans in 1954 مؤسسة إحياء وحفظ الذاكرة المندائية
Mandaeans in 1954 مؤسسة إحياء وحفظ الذاكرة المندائية
the Foundation for the Preservation and Riviving of Mandaean Memory FPRMM مؤسسة إحياء وحفظ الذاكرة المندائية تقدم الفلم الوثائقي الكبير أقدم فلم مصور عن المن...
Producer: Feras Saleem.
المندائيون في العراق والاردن ومعاناتهم هناك.
Mandeans, Mandaeans, Sabians, Or Saint John Christians
Mandeans, Mandaeans, Sabians, Or Saint John Christians
Mandeans, Mandaeans, Sabians, Or Saint John Christians
This video is about People. I try to bring to attention the reality of Persecution, Ethnic Cleansing, and Genocide.
Forgotten Parts of The History - Mandaean-Sabian - Part 1 مندائی - صابئین
Forgotten Parts of The History - Mandaean-Sabian - Part 1 مندائی - صابئین
Forgotten Parts of The History - Mandaean-Sabian - Part 1 مندائی - صابئین
Forgotten Parts of The History - Mandaean-Sabian - Part 1 مندائی - صابئین.
الصابئة المندائيون في السويد Mandaeans in Sweden
الصابئة المندائيون في السويد Mandaeans in Sweden
الصابئة المندائيون في السويد Mandaeans in Sweden
الصابئة المندائيون في السويد Sabian Mandaean in Sweden.
الصابئة المندائيون / Sabean Mandaeans
الصابئة المندائيون / Sabean Mandaeans
الصابئة المندائيون / Sabean Mandaeans
اخراج / الدكتور هيثم عبد الرزاق والدكتورة أقبال نعيم اشراف / الاستاذ نزار ياسر الحيدر.
BBC Radio 5 Sabian Mandaeans - Dr. Layla Alroomi
BBC Radio 5 Sabian Mandaeans - Dr. Layla Alroomi
BBC Radio 5 Sabian Mandaeans - Dr. Layla Alroomi
BBC Radio 5 Sabian Mandaeans - Interview with Dr. Layla Alroomi - 19 OCT 2008.
Mandaeans say Imam Ali Holy Shrine is a safe haven to all Iraqi sects
Mandaeans say Imam Ali Holy Shrine is a safe haven to all Iraqi sects
Mandaeans say Imam Ali Holy Shrine is a safe haven to all Iraqi sects
A Mandaean delegation from Iraq visited the Imam Ali Holy Shrine where they confirmed that the holy shrine is a safe haven to all Iraqi sects without discrimination.
The delegation said that the religious authority in Iraq played a great role in protecting all the Iraqis, adding that Iraqi is a country for all Iraqis and the Iraqis should be united to defeat the takfiri groups.
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