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In dieser Folge der Lurs-Akademie lehrt Lurs die Bedeutung der Selbstlaute. weitere Folgen der Lurs-Akademie unter
http// Die lustigen Lurs-Akademie-Filme: Lurs unterrichtet seine Lürslein in der Lurs-Akademie, damit sie alles über die Buchstaben wissen. Später sollen die Lürslein ihm helfen, den Kindern das Lesen und das Schreiben richtig schwer zu machen. Viele kostenlose Lernspiele findet ihr auf
Some fact for those lying Kurdish ultra nationalists who think everyone's Kurdish.
Perché en balcon au-dessus de la vallée de la Durance, le village jaillit d'une cascade d'oliviers, une des cinq plus belles oliveraies de Provence. Lurs s'é...
Die lustigen Lurs-Akademie-Filme Lurs unterrichtet seine Lürslein in der Lurs-Akademie, damit sie alles über die Buchstaben wissen. Später sollen die Lürslein ihm helfen, den Kindern das Lesen und das Schreiben richtig schwer zu machen. Viele kostenlose Lernspiele findet ihr auf Lurs, das Lese- und Rechtschreibmonster, zeigt in der Lurs-Akademie seinen Lürslein-Schülern den Aufbau und die Grundlagen der Schrif...
Lurs, das Lese- und Rechtschreibmonster, zeigt in der Lurs-Akademie seinen Lürslein-Schülern den Aufbau und die Grundlagen der Schriftsprache. Besonders geei...
Folge 7 der Lurs-Akademie beschäftigt sich mit Zungenbrechern. Warum sind sie so schwer? Wie funktionieren sie? Und wie lernt man sie beherrschen? Mit Hilfe des "Sprachakrobaten" Schlaulursi bringt Lurs den Kindern den bewussten Umgang mit Sprache auf humorvolle Weise näher. Wenn Ihnen die Lurs-Akademie gefällt (alle Folgen sind auch auf und zu sehen), bitten wir Sie, das Projekt anderen Eltern und Lehrkräften weiterzuempfehlen.
From "Fornnordiska Klanger". Played on Bronze Lurs dating back to the first millenium BCE! As close to Indo-European Music as you can get basically ;) Edit. Lurs, das Lese- und Rechtschreibmonster, zeigt in der Lurs-Akademie seinen Lürslein-Schülern den Aufbau und die Grundlagen der Schriftsprach... Lurs, das Lese- und Rechtschreibmonster, zeigt in der Lurs-Akademie seinen Lürslein-Schülern den Aufbau und die Grundlagen der Schriftsprach...
Die lustigen Lurs-Akademie-Filme Lurs unterrichtet seine Lürslein in der Lurs-Akademie, damit sie alles über die Buchstaben wissen. Später sollen die Lürslein ihm helfen, den Kindern das Lesen und das Schreiben richtig schwer zu machen. Viele kostenlose Lernspiele findet ihr auf
http// Die Schüler Lursschnurz und Schnurzlurs singen einen Rap für Lurs. Auf LegaKIds findet ihr viele Filme der Lurs-Akademie "Schritt für... Die lustigen Lurs-Akademie-Filme: Lurs, das Lese- und Rechtschreibmonster unterrichtet seine Lürslein in der Lurs-Akademie, damit sie alles über die Buchstaben wissen. Später sollen die Lürslein ihm helfen, den Kindern das Lesen und das Schreiben richtig schwer zu machen. Folge 10 der Lurs-Akademie erklärt den Sinn der Schrift und zeigt die richtige Führung des Stifts.
Lurs versucht seinen Lürslein anhand von zauberhaften Geschichten die Freude am Lesen zu erhöhen.
Die letzte Folge der Lurs Akademie. Lurs ist sehr traurig. Aber konnte er die Lürslein überzeugen, ihn bei der schweren Arbeit zu unterstützen? Bekanntlich ist das die Lebensaufgabe von Lurs: die Menschen vom Lesen abzuhalten. Inhaltlich geht es um Redewendungen. Die lustigen Lurs-Akademie-Filme: Lurs, das Lese- und Rechtschreibmonster unterrichtet seine Lürslein in der Lurs-Akademie, damit sie alles über die Buchstaben wissen. Später sollen die Lürslein ihm helfen, den Kindern das Lesen und das Schreiben richtig schwer zu machen Trailer des kostenlosen LegaKids-Abenteuerspiels "Vater verzweifelt gesucht" Der fiese Lurs hat Stenis Vater entführt -- der soll näm...
http// Lurs kämpft mit den Regeln zum Dehnungs-h, dennoch muss er diese seinen Lürslein vermittel. Schwierig, sehr schwierig.
Die beiden Lürsleinschüler Lurschnurz und Schnurzlurs haben einen Rap für Lurs geschrieben. :Ein kleiner Film für alle, die mit Lese- und Schreibproblemen, LRS, Legasthenie, Dyskalkulie etc. zu tun haben.
"Vater verzweifelt gesucht" ist der Titel des mit der GIGA Maus preisgekrönten Online Lernspiels von LegaKids.
فیلمی از نحوه کوچ طایفه بهاروند از فرانک هول استاد باستانشناس آمریکائی در سال 1352
Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, who play rival magicians in The Prestige, ask each other questions about the movie.
Alpes de haute Provence.
This is the long walk down the hallway to visit our little angel in the NICU and his NICU journey.
L'Affaire Dominici est un film français réalisé par Pierre Boutron, sorti à la télévision en 2003 en deux parties. 1952. Au matin du 5 août, non loin de la commune provençale de Lurs, les corps de trois touristes anglais, Sir Jack Drummond, son épouse Ann et leur fille Elisabeth âgée de 10 ans, sont retrouvés au bord de la Nationale 96, située près de la Durance, à proximité de la ferme de la famille Dominici. Chargé de l'enquête, le commissaire Edmond Sébeille soupçonne très vite les Dominici... Michel Serrault : Gaston Dominici Michel Blanc : Le commissaire Edmond Sébeille Thomas Jouannet : Lucas Fabre Bruno Slagmulder : Gustave Dominici Julie Delarme : Yvette Dominici Vincent Martin : Clovis Dominici Armelle Deutsch : Brigitte Jacques Spiesser : Le juge Roger Périès Reine Bartève : Marie Dominici Philippe Dormoy : Paul Maillet Damien Jouillerot: Zézé Perrin
Plus de Videos sur . Direction le petit village de Lurs, près de Forcalquier, où l'association Art et Musique a conté l'histoire du j...
Video taken from Unscripted(Moviefone channel) / Видео брались с youtube-канала Moviefone. Sources / Источники: 'Horton Hears a Who' Unscripted- Jim Carrey and Steve Carell - Moviefone - 'The Watch' Unscripted Full Interview- Stiller, Vaughn, & Hill - Moviefone - 'Inception' Unscripted- Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page - Moviefone - 'The Departed' Unscripted- Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon- Moviefone - Unscripted with 50 Cent and Joy Bryant - 'Yes Man' Unscripted- Jim Carrey and Zooey Deschanel - Moviefone - 'The Proposal' Unscripted- Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds - Moviefone - Unscripted with Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale - Unscripted with Daniel Craig and Martin Campbell - Unscripted with Jason Bateman and Mila Kunis - Unscripted with Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson - Unscripted with Julia Stiles and Jeremy Renner - 'Atonement' Unscripted- Keira Knightley and James McAvoy - Moviefone - Paul Walker, Jessica Alba 'Into The Blue' Unscripted - Moviefone - Unscripted with Patrick Dempsey and Amy Adams - Unscripted with Robert Downey Jr. And Val Kilmer - Unscripted with Jennifer Aniston and Jason Bateman - Ein Interview zum Thema "Studieren in Dänemark" mit dem Bildungsexperten Dr. Peter Stegelmann.
The B. Coming.
Ouverture Galerie Lounge TD Opening Maison du Festival Rio Tinto Alcan Montréal, QC (Canada) Entrevue avec / Interview Herman Leonard, photographe/photograph...
Bridgit Mendler, star of the Disney Channel show "Good Luck Charlie" performed some of her songs at the 2013 Disney D23 Expo in Anaheim Calif. She also met f...
Andersartiger Ansatz, Schülern und Erwachsenen mit Lese-Rechtschreibschwäche oder Rechenschwäche wirksam zu helfen! Sehr informatives Interview mit Dr. Karig aus Freiburg beim SüdbadenTalk, der darlegt wie einfach und in überschaubar kurzer Zeit Betroffenen geholfen werden kann, ohne ein Jahr und länger in Extra-Unterricht gehen zu müssen.
Interview Marina: Ein Interview des Bundesverbandes für Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie: Mehr Infos unter
Er ist Berliner, genauer gesagt Friedrichshagener, obwohl in seinem Pass als Geburtsort Quedlinburg vermerkt wurde. Als DDR-Bürger, Schauspieler und Regisseu...
Interview Angelika: Ein Interview des Bundesverbandes für Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie: Mehr Infos unter
Dyskalkulie:Interview mit einer betroffenen Person soll allen Zuhörern einen kleinen Einblick in die Geschichte einer jungen Erwachsenen verschaffen. Sie erz...
Dyskalkulie:Interview mit einer betroffenen Person soll allen Zuhörern einen kleinen Einblick in die Geschichte einer jungen Erwachsenen verschaffen. Sie erz...
Dyskalkulie:Interview mit einer betroffenen Person soll allen Zuhörern einen kleinen Einblick in die Geschichte einer jungen Erwachsenen verschaffen. Sie erz...
Interview Niklas: Ein Interview des Bundesverbandes für Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie: Mehr Infos unter Enjoy This
KÖR SAKTA BALCONYTV.DE 26/07/09 PRÄSENTIERT VON JOHANNA LEUSCHEN „Kör Sakta! ist schwedisch und bedeutet: Fahr vorsichtig wer schon einmal durch kleine schwedische Dörfer gefahren ist, hat dieses Zeichen sicherlich schon häufig erblickt. „Kör Sakta! ist auch der Name des Duos von Johanna M. Krasemann und Matthias F. Brasch aus Berlin, die heute bei uns auf dem Balkon zu Gast sind. Der Name "Kör Skata" (also "fahr vorsichtig") ist Programm: Die beiden Musiker widmen sich den Dingen im Leben, die einem nur auffallen, wenn man einmal auf die Bremse tritt, innehält, nach links und rechts schaut. Dann kann es auch passieren, dass sie einem so gut gefallen, dass man gar nicht mehr weiterfahren will. Wer mehr von den beiden sehen will: die Links stehen unten. An dieser Stelle noch einmal der Reminder an den BalconyTV und Players Live Gig Contest, für den Ihr Euch bewerben könnt. (Bewerbungsschluss 1.8.) Und noch ne ganz andere Sache: Haltet Euch den 29.8. schon mal frei! Da feiert BalconyTV mit einer fetten Party auf dem Spielbudenplatz (Daumen drücken für's Wetter) den 2jährigen Geburtstag!
Stephen Christian of Anberlin talks about the internet age of music in this exclusive interview with Real Feels. Check out Anberlin on the web.
(Source: ... FOR MEDICAL MEDIA ... GLO/LUR/2015-00038 ... GLO/LUR/2015-00038 ... GLO/LUR/2015-00038 ... - ... GLO/LUR/2015-00038 distributed by.
noodls 2015-04-01Det vil også være noen andre overraskelser på lur som er med å holde bilistene glade og fornøyde i ...
Norway Today 2015-03-23S u st a i n e d e x plo r a t io n f a i lur e ... K e y o p e r a t iona l o r developme n t f a i lur ...
noodls 2015-03-17Ronda Rousey (MMA bantamweight champion, can we say 14 seconds UFC!); Marina Lurs (Estonian strongwoman); Jennie Hodgers (U.
Huffington Post 2015-03-06His law partner, Steve Cuckler (KUHK'-lur), said Rinehart died Wednesday morning surrounded by family ... //bit.
Springfield News-Sun 2015-02-18*The heavy vehicles moving from Devanahalli moving towards the City should move on Kannamangala ...
Deccan Herald 2015-02-15Hunter Mastaler (mas-TAY'-lur) remains hospitalized Thursday following surgery and is expected to recover ... Police Capt.
The Miami Herald 2015-02-13... Germany and Switzerland, home of the parent company of Cary-based Bühler (BYUW-lur) Aeroglide Corp.
The Charlotte Observer 2015-02-11... ancient lur horns that still can be played, and mead drinking horns particularly interesting.
The Miami Herald 2015-02-06The demonstrations were staged by members of the Bakhtiari and Lur peoples in protest against a ...
noodls 2015-01-01The study authors linked the LUR model to a health risk-assessment model.
noodls 2014-12-18They then linked the LUR model to a health risk-assessment model.
PR Newswire 2014-12-17Both Groups are experienced in setting up JVs and see LUR as a model for further international growth.
noodls 2014-11-25Lurs (also Lors, Lori/Persian:لُر) are an Iranic people living mainly in south-western Iran. Their population is estimated at above four million. They occupy Lorestan, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, and Kuh-Gilu-Boir Ahmed provinces.
The Lur people mostly speak Lori, a Southwestern Iranian language, closely related to Persian. "Luri and Bakhtiari are much more closely related to Persian, than Kurdish."
Ethnologists classify the Lurs as aboriginal Persians.[citation needed] Their language forms a dialect of Persian and does not differ materially from Persian.[citation needed]
Lori dialects, which are divided into two main groups:
Lurs are a mixture of aboriginal Indo-Iranian tribes, originating from Central Asia.
"The Lurs are thought to be a division of the ancient Kurds, both tribes being considered true descendants of the Medes."
The area traditionally known as Luristan is divided into two regions. Greater Lur, and Lesser Lur.
Greater Lur includes ChaharMahal and Bakhtiari, Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad and parts of western Isfahan province, Fars province Mamasani County and Rostam and northwest of Khuzestan province. This region was in Middle Ages ruled by a group known as Hazaraspids.
My little way to keep us in the papers
We like to truck it out
It's our own gamble
I waste away
To Weak below the ankles
Know that we keep it clean
We never get our shots
I know we keep the piece
and what they offer
Do all the girls we knew
and we'll get Shot
I always wish for this option
You like the world with the melody
The real options are
And for the worse they know
They leave the color cool and black
And watch the devil world
And learn nothing in the end (x2)
I won't stay out tonight
Sorry bought that sir but you have to show your anger
I enlist a child to stand up for the honor roll
Father enlists a girl to care about the answer
I enlisted her to stand up for the honor roll
(We should start a fire)
Numbers falling into piles
Watching all the ones drip
Into the divide
All the even numbers falling into piles
Watching all the ones drip
Into the divide
What's the color? What's the time?
What's the number? What'd you find?
Every yellow object sorted into piles
Do you know what's best for me?
You do when we see
The moon eclipse the morning sun
You have a life to see
A way to be known
Fire, you should start a fire
We should start a fire
We should start a fire
You should start it first
Life possession could be fun
Counting victims one by one
Life possession could be fun
Counting victims one by one
We can count them one through eight
Skipping two, four, six and ten
Lose your conscience or your mind
Though we're not afraid to die
Make our fortune sailing seas
Be the breath blowing the breeze
Life possession could be fun
Counting victims one by one
Bring me breakfast after dinner
Don't forget I like my coat on
Tie me up in a red ribbon
Teach me how to be a person
Bring me breakfast after dinner
Keep the weekends for the people
Tie me down when I'm in seizure
Keep me home away from people
After all I'm not a riddle
Twice been caught, but never kept in
I refuse to wake up set in
I refuse to be a person
Take him out, take him out
When the weather isn't loud
Take him out, take him out, take him out
Take him out, take him out
So the air can clear him out
Take him out, take him out, take him out
They told me not to stay at home alone
So I don't know why its taken them so long
To turn a boat to God
Live without break your heart
I will fall
live in till .how much
you know how. you.
I thought, I'll live
I always thought you.
I want it all
I want it all
I knew it well
I knew you hell
Believe in.
there are.
they are real love
You believe in, you believe in you believe in .
You believe in, you believe in you believe in oh
You believe in, you believe in you believe in .
I used to call black fred
To call a dollar to the marigold
His name was I-Lo-Ho
He didn't mean to be so terrible
But he lay there on the floor with ways to end it all
And all the while counting down the breaths until he screamed
I've put myself, await the
I'm pushing off beyond life
I've put myself, await the
I'm pushing off beyond life
The spiral down, you're coming back the day
And again, and again and again and again
These friends of ours, they seem pretend
Again and again and again and again and again, yeah
I've put myself, await the
I'm pushing off beyond life
I've put myself, await the
I'm pushing off beyond life
It's cultural disease to see the life
So I want you out ...
Cause I want you, I want you, out
Cause I want you, I want you, out
Cause I want you, I want you, out
You re sick, you re wasteful
And refuse all my pain
You re wasteful, refuse all pain
Don t think, don t think
Don t think I ll wait
Don t think, don t think
Don t think I ll wait
You are so wasteful
And now I see you got it all
I m wishing long to chew these days
And I am long
Hollow life
Hollow life
Hollow life
Now I see it s not enough
I wish you were here with me
I can t alone just check it out
We re sure it ll not come back to me
Hollow life
Hollow life
Hollow life
You re wasteful
I bought a house with you
We settled down with cats
There wasn't much to do,
so we just sat and watched the TV
and smoked weed
We drove a bio-car
cuz we all love the earth
It didn't get us far
and always sounded like a walrus
We all search (?)
We snuffed out Malibu
so we could see the stars
and when the sun fell off
we drove back slowly listening to Japanther
The Cactus!
Then once we had enough
we gave up on our jobs
And bought back all our time
To spend it walking in the forest
The Forest
I bought a house with you
We settled down with cats
There wasn't much to do,
I found her
With my scissor
This heart fell
To the ground
I'm supposed to save you now
But my hands are freaking out
I'm a coward in a ----------
I leave this blood to dry
I leave this blood to dry
I dragged her body
To the parking lot
I tried to find her
A savior out there amongst the cars
Just then I
Began to quiver
When I saw her
Blinking eyes
She was alive
And she's breathing
shattered pieces on the stitches of our underfoot
you're impatient from the prophecies we undertook
our plan to sacrifice this drive
you say goodbye
we should wait until they arrive
to open the door on another life
we've been waiting for this all our lives
we should wait until they arrive
i wont be gone
i wont be gone
we've just begun
i wont be gone
do you think about the rubbish and intolerance?
are you sick of shiny sabre-tooth [?]
our sights are right between our eyes
we say goodbye
we should wait until they arrive
before we take these pills and end our lives
Last night you and I we gathered berries with a flashlight
Wide-eyed journeyed into scriptures giving me the insight
All of the persons to be breeded never had a skateboard
Or even a red light
We are needles in the karma greedy with the insight
Now we're hiding in your bedroom listening for dark spots
(Really really loud)
Little little crippled devil everybody makes of of him when he's in The stop light
Kool-aid you can stop pretending accidental washing always play
Your face to the right
fast tricks tripping down a kayak sequence into the fast night,
One more time,
Out of the bushes
A girl
It's getting cold
It's getting cold
I would drink the water
I would drink the water
I would drink the water
I would drink the water
I would drink the water
I would drink the water
We can break it down, witches!
We can break it down, witches!
That's what your father said
That's what your brother said
That's what your father said
That's what your brother said
That's what your father said
That's what your brother said
That's what your father said
That's what your brother said
Lay the cross
That's how we choose to wrap it up.
Time and grant approved,
Oh, what a move.
Took a sip -
The compass over rock and cliff.
Dead for years -
On devil's tears.
They disappear -
Fly away -
Spider web,
From my leg to my head.
Dragon's egg,
In the cubbord.
Saw the light,
In the quicksand.
Dark is cryin',
For the world.
Fly from peace.
I said you're gonna get it in a second
On my way from my pony
All the girls so you win it.
You'll never stop the world,
And you make it with a cow,
And they wanna understand it so they kill it.
In summer wont we want to be in school with everyone?
So we huddle all together,
'Till we get more damage done,
I say you're gonna get it in a second
On my way come and put it on the girls
And you win it
You never stop the word
Try to fake it with a cow
And they wanna undrestand it so they kill it.
In summer wont we want to be in school with everyone?
So now we're all together,
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
Past fumes will burn us in our bedrooms
I'll invite truth of lust and hair
The teachings never turned out right
Crash land down on a mission (now)
the teachings never turned out right
I will give you my eye
The teachings never turned out right
Well we, we come, down from...
Men from the boys, boys from the men
Men from the boys, boys from the men
Men from the boys, boys from the men
Men from the boys, boys from the men
Out of the factory
Out on a hospital bed
The city needs my friend
When you're done
Here they come
Burn your broom
Found your phone
There's a...
Every check a luckless right
Predators turn to blood before
They get home
Take your cauldron and get down
Evil run
Turn to done
Fly, fly, the devil's in your eye, shoot shoot
(We're doomed, we're doomed)
Kingdom come
You push a lot
You push a lot
You undid the wallpaper, made it so undressed
(In your head)
No attention (bad) (x4)
I'd rather be lost than found
I'll stick to reason, for chasing monsters
She's the mother of the ox and the devil
She's wonderful (just like you)
I'd rather be lost than found
Rather be heard than right
Rather be sick than dead
Rather be loved than not loved (again)
Leave your work at home put down your briefcase (x4)
Rather be cold than cruel
Rather be wrong than good
Rather be criss than cross
Rather loved than not loved (again)
I'd rather be lost than found
Rather be heard than right
Rather be sick than dead
Rather be loved than not loved (again)
Long legs,
We can go anywhere with small hands
Long legs,
We can go anywhere with small hands
Long, Long, Long (ooooh)
Long, Long, Long (ooooh)
Milky hair,
you talk of yourself
we're the ones who can't sleep at night
you talk of yourself
you talk of yourself
we're the ones who can't sleep at night
Mankind's frozen tears
Mankind's frozen tears
Mankind's frozen tears
Mankind's frozen tears
Just staring at
Just staring at
Just staring at
these are the days it must happen to you
these are the nights that you must live through
these are the days it must happen to you
these are the nights that you must live through
these are the days (these are the days)
Mankind's frozen tears
Mankind's frozen tears
Just staring at
Just staring at
Just staring at
you talk of yourself
we're the ones who can't sleep at night
you talk of yourself
you talk of yourself
It's nothing new but it's something I get used to
Mama I'm selling my blood (Welcome to hard times)
Daddy I can hear you breathing (I'll take care of you)
Mama I'm selling my blood (Welcome to hard times)
Daddy I can hear you breathing (I'll take care of you)
I'll take care of you
I'll take care of you
They're taking our children away
I'll take care of you
They're taking our children away
I'll take care of you
And why, I love
The end, you knew
Before, my love
Is deep, come through
Fathers, brothers
It's nothing new but it's something I get used to
Mama I'm selling my blood (Welcome to hard times)
Daddy I can hear you breathing (I'll take care of you)
Mama I'm selling my blood (Welcome to hard times)
Daddy I can hear you breathing (I'll take care of you)
I'll take care of you
I'll take care of you
They're taking our children away
I'll take care of you
They're taking our children away
I'll take care of you
And why, I love
The end, you knew
Before, my love
Is deep, come through
Fathers, brothers
Why'd you pass the bum on the street?
Why'd you pass the bum on the street?
Why'd you pass the bum on the street?
Why'd you pass the bum on the street?
Cos he bothered you!
Cos he bothered you!
Cos he bothered you!
Why'd you shoot the man with the gun?
Why'd you shoot the man with the gun?
Why'd you shoot the man with the gun?
Why'd you shoot the man with the gun?
Cos he bothered you!
Cos he bothered you!
Cos he bothered you!
We should take the creeps out at night
Drag them incomplete by their ears
We should nail their thoughts to the wall
Stand them in the street with a gun
How can they be saved from the way they live every day?
How can they be saved from the way they live every day?
How can they be saved from the way they live every day?
We've seen what's real
They fight to keep it all the same
So we should steal
Make sure we wake them up tonight
I heard the warning
But it's too late to pull the plug
We should be roaring
It's time we woke these dumbfucks up
So don't come back till you've been hurt by those who
And don't come back till you've been hurt by those who
Oh no no no
You won't choose reason
Oh no no no
You won't choose treason
Oh no no no
You need to tease them
I know there is a someone
I know there is a someone
I know there is a someone for me
I know there is a someone
I know there is a someone
I know there is a someone for me
And you’re not pure unevil and even if you wanted some
You’re not pure unevil and even if you wanted some
And You’re not pure unevil and even if you wanted some
You’re not pure unevil and even if you wanted some oh
In time the two of us set fire in the evening.
In the tombs there are walking corpses and I’m yellowing
Die together,let’s die together die together die together
In the tombs there are walking corpses and I’m yellowing
A sense of dread in our heart
And we wish the sense would fly away
In the night we're finding out
It will play
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
You should be careful
You should be careful
You should be careful
You should be careful
Our eyes can't tell how deep inside of the hundred
billion potholes you can step in without knowing that
you have
You should be careful
You should be careful
You should be careful
You should be careful
(Echoes and mumbling?)
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
Proud evolution, Proud evolution
You should be careful
You should be careful
You should be careful
Do you remember when we were
Going out for lifeguards
And snuck into the caves where
All the kids were smoking
And jeans were in our uniform
But not unless the calves were thin
And I will take a Polaroid
You will show me how to drink
Summertime, the hottest day
You remember, don’t you baby?
Paranoid, no prescription
You believed
I let you die
When you close your eyes
I don’t need protection
See those clouds arise
Wasn’t my intention
Lately I'm fucked up
But I don’t regret it
Feels like when we lay
Couldn't wear the crown
Darkness falls away
Then it's only golden
Where are we today?
Somewhere near our future
So it can be saved
At least it can be reckoned
Each time we come through
I wanna run away
I wanna run away
I wanna run away
I wanna run away
I wanna bring you too
I wanna bring you too
I wanna bring you too
I wanna bring you too
I wanna run in the mud
I wanna run in the mud
I wanna run in the mud
I wanna run in the mud
Because there's something to run(?)
Because there's something to run(?)
Because there's something to run(?)
Because there's something to run(?)
See someone doubting us(?)
Underneath you standing there(?)
See my surprise of death(?)
I think you'll never love(?)
I wanna run away
I wanna bring you too
I wanna run away
I wanna bring you too
I wanna run away
I wanna bring you too
I wanna run away
I wanna bring you too
I wanna run in the mud
I wanna run in the mud
I wanna run in the mud
I wanna run in the mud
You give me nothing to lose
You give me nothing to lose
You give me nothing to lose
You give me nothing to lose
We saved our lives forever
We saved our lives together
You say
let's ride
this wave
for the rest to say
let's leave today
let's ride
this wave
for the rest to say
let's leave today
let's ride
this wave
for the rest to say
let's leave today
let's ride
this wave
for the rest to say
Art formed in the shopper's eye
At heard by the clearest ear
In both here and now
Let's start up start up ... a test
Let's play right (x2 whispered)
in house from the whipping wind
inside with the vaccuum pyre
the outside dead
it's dead
Let's start up start up ... a test
underground i've heard the footsteps of a girl
those sounds were close to paradise
I tied up my ears and I borrowed some shades
to take a trip upstairs for the footstep girl
I want to make it up
I want to make my skin adapt to the sun
no barrier fun
underground i've heard the footsteps of a girl
those sounds were close to paradise
I tied up my ears and i borrowed some shades
to take a trip upstairs for the footstep girl
I want to make it up
I want to make my skin adapt to sun
Do the twist, twist for Ice-Cream
C'mon dance, Misdirection
You can take new nicks for Blue Jeans
But it's 3 if you're dead
We are trapped, make it violent
The most bright, I'm assuming
Love the smell of your bath
Mr. you're on fire Mr.
(No sir I'm okay)
By the seaside, near the seashore
That's where I got lost
We are trapped, make it violent
The most bright, I'm assuming
Love the smell of your bath
Mr. you're on fire Mr.
Everybody in his or her own life needs a hobby,
Fills the voids that working late create
Everybody in his or her own life needs a hobby,
Fills the voids that working late create
We can win
We can win
We can win
We can win
Can you hear us?
Can you hear us?
Can you hear us?
Can you hear us?
We've got our fingers on the pulse of America
We cross our hair in the town of America
Come in search for
Not too political enough to discover
Wake up
Wake up
You're a person on fire!
Not too political enough to discover
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
You're a person on fire!)
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
Wake up
At the paths we cross is the curse you speak
It all starts with a gunshot blowing up the streets
From the paths we cross is the curse you speak
It all starts with a gunshot blowing up the streets
Can you hear us? Not too political enough to discover
Can you hear us? Not too political enough to discover
Wake up
You're a person on fire
You're a person on fire
Freak out
You'll find the blackest heart arising
Freak out
You'll find there's nothing much behind it.
And I stoned the birds with broken wings
There's nothing to freak out about at all.
Freak out
You'll find that violence is not a cause.
Is not a cause, is not our cause,
Is not our cause is not our cause all.
My desire to make the (markets bleed?)
Is nothing to freak out about at all.
Freak Out
Out out
Freak Out
Out out
Freak Out
Out out
Freak Out
Out out
Freak Out
In your bloodstream
I am growing now
A foreign crystal
Never to be found
I am overjoyed
To be your disease
But don't ever hunt me down
Don't you ever shake me off
'Cos I'm all alone in here
'Cos I'm all alone
When will I awake
From this dormant sleep
To eat
To eat
So won't you let me in?
Won't you let me in?
why does this feel so appealing
i am overwhelmed
you tell me there's a reason for this feeling
you were drunk on 12
you tell me
fights were once appealin but without the thrill of
healin we've been forced to sit in dreamin of us
climbin up the hill
hey hey hey
when the sky was grey
and the water fell on top of us to wash us away
hey hey hey
dirty clouds are rough
and they're banging back and forth throwing lightning
at us
hey hey hey
if you wanna get struck
throw the metal in the water and come dancing with us
come save this
come save this
come save this
my heart
come savor it
come savor it
come savor it
my heart
I, I am the girl.
She, she is the girl.
He, he is the bear.
We, we, we want to be
Him(I), we(I), we(I) want to be a horse.
Wanna be a horse
Wanna be a horse
Wanna be a horse
Blood blood blood blood
Each time,
You smash the world
She'll kneel
She'll kneel
See see sunshine
And see sorrow
See see sunshine
And see sorrow
Found it in the castles
No one was approaching
This time
Your blood can tell you
All the others say
Arched waves of ceiling
Could stand outside the door
When the powers out and it's dark in the house
I will run
When the powers out and it's dark in the house
I will run
Your blood reveals it
Reveals it
Reveals it
Reveals it
All the others say
All the others say
Fortune like a moon
You I change a book
Under my table
Dare'll in it's chain
Marching to who's out
Terrorize a bee
Come and join the fleet
Our children are away
The fools they are selling
The fools they are selling
The stars in the heaven
The stars in the heaven
They were selling
They were selling
Selling our own (x5)
There are seven (x4)
The fools they were selling
The starways to heaven
They were selling
They were selling
They were selling
(repeat x4)
They were selling (x4)
Choke choke, the devil will evoke
Thirst thirst, suffer till you burst
Cry cry, fry up in your eye
Die die, knowing just as I
Choke choke
Thirst thirst
Cry cry
Well, the portions of heaven they gave to a few
So the lions and tigers they eat really well
But the desperate teenager's under a spell
Yeah, they'll sign up for treasure but leave with the girl
Yeah, they'll sign up for treasure but leave with the girl
Yeah, they'll sign up for treasure but leave with the girl
And the mountain that drew us together is lit
By the lightning that crackles and rivals the wind
Where the only expression of love is through tears
And the highest creation on earth is a bird
The most powerful symbol achieved, let it burn
Take him out the back
Throw him in the bin
Dump his grimy clothes
Wash your dirty hands
Fake you're-on-a-walk
Walk up Bellview creek
Find a secret spot
Check you're in the clear
Strip from head to toe
Fix yourself with cream
Drop into the stream
Fix yourself with cream
Drop into the stream
Steal a silver car
Drive up to the town
Meet my nephew's son
Show you to our lair
Then you drop the knife
Money's in the fridge
Use the secret phone
I'll be at the beach
I'll be on the beach
I'll be at the beach
Muster up the strength
Fight a fairy snake
Fill the sacred pub
Joust him in the teeth
Dress up like a man
Paint your golden face
Look down through the cracks
Break the perfect fence
Listen for the train
Ride it to? Park
Lather in the sea
Shark-infested seas
Swim up to the rocks
Find a sunken box
Tell a mermaid, 'oh'
Tie the whales down
Ride the raging fence
Turn it to the east
Turn it to the east
Turn it to the east
Here's a tiny screw
They will discover you
Drawing in the living room
Time won't have altered you
If they uncover you
Proving all your theories
It would not discredit you
Laws of all gravity
Dancing out in front of me
Time won't have altered me
Regrets a little more
With each step we take
Deep at the end of space
Further than the sun
Is a crowd of chairs
Way out on a crystal sea
Protecting you and me
Is a battleship
I had my eyebrow into a question
Who is this captain
And where do his friends live?
We were walking in the snow
Down the street from your front door
I jumped a neighbor's fence at dawn
Danced my way across your lawn
Used a diamond on the glass
Slithered slowly through the dark
Made my way up o'er your stairs
Crystals flying everywhere
We will drive you in the boot
Through the crooked past
To your resting place
We will leave you in the woods
Tell your friends you slipped
Down the lumen tree
If you're seen there
Blooming Inside
Each time I hope that
Talking improves
I will remember you, you
Follow lonely crowds as clouds will come
Follow lonely crowds as clouds
Follow lonely crowds as clouds will come
I won't run far
I won't run far
I won't run far
I can always be found
I can always be found
If you need me
If you need me
If you need me
I can always be found
I can always be found
If you want me to stay
If you want me to stay
If you want me to stay
I will stay by your side
I will stay by your side
I will stay by your side
I won't run far
I won't run far
I won't run far
I can always be found
I will stay by your side
And I want you to find me
So, I'll stay by your side
If you need me
If you need me
If you need me
I can always be found
I can always be found
I can always be found
I won't run far
I won't run far
I won't run far
I can always be found
I can always be found
Take a walk, look around
There's a stopper for the heartache
Where the rue, where the rust
There's no promise you can trust
That's the heartache
It goes bounce, bounce
It goes bounce, bounce
You're no better than you were
You're no better than you were
You're no better than you were when your heart fell apart
And it's broken
Still broken
You're broken
Because I do know why I feel so wed
All that you have left before is all that you will ever have and
All that you will ever have is all that you have left before
All that you have left before is all that you will ever know
Ouh, ouh,, ouh, ouh, ha...
On ne s'aimera plus jamais
Du même amour... oh, oh
Terminé les "si" et les "mais"
Fin de parcours... ouh, ouh, ah
On peut bien le tourner comme on
Toi et moi ça fait deux malheureux
On ne s'aimera plus jamais
Du même amour... ah baby
A vivre d'excuses en regrets... oh, ah
On tourne court... ouh, ouh, ouh, ouh, ha
A quoi bon la guerre et le silence
Embrassons-nous et bonne chance
Ouh, yeah...
La, la, la la, la...
La, la, la
If your love can make me feel right
Ouh... plus jamais
If your love can make me feel right
Ah... du même amour
Ouh, ouh, ouh, ouh, ha
Make it, make it right
On ne s'aimera plus jamais... oh yeah
If your love can make me feel right, oh jamais
If your love can make me feel right, du même
Ouh, ouh, alright
On n'a plus les gestes et les mots
Plus d'illusions... no, no, no, no
Et tous ces instants perdus... oh, ah
Et sans raison... aïe, aïe, aïe, aïe
Cet amour qui nous a fait si peur
N'aura jamais sa dernière heure...
Quand on a fini de se croire... oh
Y'a plus d'amour... no, no, no
Voila la fin de l'histoire
C'est fini, c'est fini, yeah ah, ha,
Ha, ha...
J'aurai bien voulu tout oublier
Je n'ai réussi quà te pardonner
On ne s'aimera plus jamais, no
No, no, no
If your love can make me feel right
Ah ah... du même amour
Ouh, ouh, baby baby ha ha
On ne s'aimera plus jamais... oh oh yeah
If your love can make me feel right, oh jamais
If your love can make me feel right, ho du
Même amour
'Mour, 'mour, 'mour...
J'avais gardé ton sourir
Nos plus beaux souvenirs
Je vais garder ton sourire, baby
Et je t'appartiens
On ne s'aimerait plus, oh jamais, jamais
Yeah, yeah, ho ha, hé namana mana ho yeah
Na na na na na
If your love can make me feel right
If your love can make me feel right, ho no
Ho yeah
On ne s'aimera plus jamais, oh yeah yeah
If your love can make me feel right, na na na
If your love can make me feel right
Ha c'est fini, ha fini yeah yeah yeah yeah
Tu oublieras
Tout ces jours, tout ce temps
Qui n'appartenait qu'à nous
Ce réveil, un matin
Tes bras autour de mon cou
Et l'amour que l'on faisait n'importe où
Tu oublieras
Tout le mal que tu as
En me regardant souffrir
Ces instants difficiles
Où tu ne sais plus quoi dire
Et qu'il faut simplement partir
Tu oublieras
Les sourires, les regards
Qui parlaient d'éternité
Tout ces mots que l'on jure
De ne jamais oublier
Tu oublieras, tu m'oublieras
You will forget x3
Tu oublieras
Ton attente impatiente
Accroché au téléphone
Le premier rendez-vous
Qu'un soir enfin je te donne
Cette nuit qui a changé toute ma vie
Tu oublieras
Si c'était en avril,
En septembre ou en juillet
S'il faisait du soleil
Ou si la pluie tombait
Tu oublieras
Tu oublieras
Le soleil que mes mains
Faisait naître dans les tiennes
Le bonheur délirant
Qui faisait brûler tes veines
Et ce cris vers le ciel
Qui fini dans un "Je t'aime"
Tu oublieras
Tout de nous
Quand ton souffle sera court
Quand ses yeux seront flous
Quand tu lui fera l'amour
Tu oublieras
Tu m'oublieras
{You will forget {x3} }
Tu oublieras
Comme un film
Passe sur un écran noir
Car l'amour, oh l'amour
Tu sais
Ah ah Yeah
N'a pas de mémoire
{You will forget {x2} }
I know you will
I know you will
You will forget
I know you will
I know you will
You will forget
Tu oublieras
I know you will
I know you will
You will forget
D'abord, j'ai eu peur,
Et puis je me suis habituée
Comment pourrais-je vivre encore sans toi à mes côtés ?
Depuis j'ai passé tant de nuits à me dire que t'avais tort à t'en vouloir
Et puis je me suis habituée
Et tu reviens, si sûr de toi
Avec ce regard qui se teint et des mots stupides et tristes
J'aurais dû changer la serrure ou juste reprendre la clé
Si j'avais pu imaginer que tu reviendrais me troubler
sors de ma vie
ne reviens plus
Car désormais tu le sais tu n'est plus le bienvenu
J'ai trop pleuré j'ai envie de vivre aujourd'hui de t'oublier
Et tant que je serai aimée
je survivrai
je survivrai
J'ai tellement sur terre de choses à faire que je préfère te dire
N'essaie pas de m'attendrir
Non n'essaie pas de revenir
je survivrai
je survivrai
Sans toi
I will survive (x 2)
Et ne cherche pas à tout prix à te justifier
Ni à recoller les morceaux, tu n'y arriverais pas
Je me suis souvent sentie seule et je suis une autre déjà
J'ai bien changé tu ne me reconnaîtrais pas
je ne suis plus comme autrefois
Je ne suis plus la fille autant amoureuse de toi
Tu crois sans doute qu'un seul soupir suffit pour que tu me reprenne
Mais je garde mon amour aujourd'hui pour celui qui m'aime
Sors de ma vie
ne reviens plus
Car désormais tu le sais tu n'est plus le bienvenu
J'ai trop pleuré j'ai envie de rire aujourd'hui de t'oublier
Et tant que je serai aimée
je survivrai
je survivrai
J'ai tellement sur terre de choses à faire que je préfère te dire
N'essaie pas de m'attendrir
Non n'essaie pas de revenir
je survivrai
I will survive
sors de ma vie
ne reviens plus
Car désormais tu le sais tu n'est plus le bienvenu
J'ai trop pleuré j'ai envie de rire aujourd'hui
de t'oublier
Et tant que je serai aimée
je survivrai
I will survive 2x
Ouh, ouh, ouh, ouh, ha...
On ne s'aimera plus jamais
Du même amour... oh, oh
Terminé les "si" et les "mais"
Fin de parcours... ouh, ouh, ah
On peut bien le tourner comme on
Toi et moi ça fait deux malheureux
On ne s'aimera plus jamais
Du même amour... ah baby
A vivre d'excuses en regrets... oh, ah
On tourne court... ouh, ouh, ouh, ouh, ha
A quoi bon la guerre et le silence
Embrassons-nous et bonne chance
Ouh, yeah...
La, la, la la, la...
La, la, la
If your love can make me feel right
Ouh... plus jamais
If your love can make me feel right
Ah... du même amour
Ouh, ouh, ouh, ouh, ha
Make it, make it right
On ne s'aimera plus jamais... oh yeah
If your love can make me feel right, oh jamais
If your love can make me feel right, du même
Ouh, ouh, alright
On n'a plus les gestes et les mots
Plus d'illusions... no, no, no, no
Et tous ces instants perdus... oh, ah
Et sans raison... aïe, aïe, aïe, aïe
Cet amour qui nous a fait si peur
N'aura jamais sa dernière heure...
Quand on a fini de se croire... oh
Y'a plus d'amour... no, no, no
Voila la fin de l'histoire
C'est fini, c'est fini, yeah ah, ha,
Ha, ha...
J'aurai bien voulu tout oublier
Je n'ai réussi quà te pardonner
On ne s'aimera plus jamais, no
No, no, no
If your love can make me feel right
Ah ah... du même amour
Ouh, ouh, baby baby ha ha
On ne s'aimera plus jamais... oh oh yeah
If your love can make me feel right, oh jamais
If your love can make me feel right, ho du
Même amour
'Mour, 'mour, 'mour...
J'avais gardé ton sourir
Nos plus beaux souvenirs
Je vais garder ton sourire, baby
Et je t'appartiens
On ne s'aimerait plus, oh jamais, jamais
Yeah, yeah, ho ha, hé namana mana ho yeah
Na na na na na
If your love can make me feel right
If your love can make me feel right, ho no
Ho yeah
On ne s'aimera plus jamais, oh yeah yeah
If your love can make me feel right, na na na
If your love can make me feel right
Ha c'est fini, ha fini yeah yeah yeah yeah
I met a boy his name was Jay he was so fine
I met a girl her name was Jane she wanted to be mine
I met a boy his name was Jay he was the one
I met a girl her name was Jane she wanted to have fun
He had a vision of things that I needed
She understood how a woman should be treated
I’ve got a decision which one should I choose
When it comes to Jay and Jane there's just no way to lose
I do both Jay & Jane, they make me feel the same
There's no shame to my game
I do both Jay & Jane
I do both Jay & Jane
They make me feel the same
There's no shame to my game
I do both Jay & Jane
I do both Jay & Jane
Jane is sweet like honey, the taste I'm teasing
She knows how to hit the spot, her touch is pleasing
Jay is strong like brandy, the strength I'm feeling
He knows how to make me hot, his heat is healing babe
He is a special man long, rough, and rugged
She is a diamond she shines like a nugget
I've got to have them both you just don't understand
Sometimes I call on Jane, sometimes I need a man
I do both Jay & Jane...(8x)
Jay , jane (like 30x)